Episode Notes: Sentinel "Private Eyes"

Apr 21, 2007 22:13

Apologies for no notes last week, and late notes this week. I've been busy and very distracted by the Magnificent Seven fandom that's got me obsessed right now.

And, my recollection is that this episode is *really* annoying. Except the kid. I remember that she was pretty cool!

Which makes it tough to whomp up a whole lot of enthusiasm for watching it.

After-watching note: Well, it was rather more enjoyable than I remembered it being. I mean Naomi's in full on incense-huffing dingbat mode, which I find exasperating. And Charlie Spring is a repugnant ass.

But somehow the episode manages to be pretty watchable anyway. A B-, perhaps a C+.

Notes on watching Private Eyes:

--What is this bust that they're one? I actually appreciate that this is clearly a huge operation. So we know that they have rich and full lives off-screen.

--Why the hell is Blair talking to Naomi right now? Why didn't they just tell her to call back later. Hell, why did Jim even answer the phone? This is not a good time to be talking on the cell phone.

--And why is Blair trying to deny that they're in some kind of danger? Or, alternatively, does he really believe Naomi is that stupid that she's going to buy this?

--Love love Jim grabbing Blair and dragging him out of danger!!


--Hey, maybe it was a joint operation with the ATF, they wound out confiscating arms and ammo! O, happy squeeful thought! :D

--Jim and Simon both look so thoroughly non-plussed to see Naomi here. Like they're fighting to be polite. Or maybe I'm projecting.

--Okay, Charlie Spring is a repugnant little toad. Not physically (though that too) but his voice, his smugness, his whole "As good as I say", all just *ugh*. I get the sense that he and Naomi haven't known each other all that long--she just says they "rode up together from Big Sur" but it's not clear how far their, erm, connection goes back.

--Hey, Henri!!

--Jim's clearly got the same reaction to Charlie Spring that I do.

--Yay for Jim liking a logical explanation for things!!

--Heee! And Jim's response to the "gift" of Charlie's book! Jim: "Just what I need."

--Yay, and I love Charlie's psychic knowledge making Simon suspicious!

--Nice house!!

--I'm actually rather amazed that Mrs. Angeloni is laying out a Tarot reading with the cops and all there. It was always a very *private* thing for me, not something to do with a heap of strangers around.

--Jim's taking his skepticism a little far. No call to be rude to the lady who's got the kidnapped daughter.

--Nice moment of tension for both of them.

--These kidnappers are just dumb as dust aren't they? I can't believe they don't have a *plan* for getting the money. It all seems so spur of the moment.

--Gwen: "I don't like it here. These people are stupid." From the mouths of babes... :D

--Sigh, poor kid. I know her mum was just encouraging her not to piss the kidnappers off, but she did name the poor kid feel like she'd done something wrong.

--Heee!! Love her kicking the stupid kidnapper guy in the nuts!! Heeee!!

--I'm not sure about the psychology of these parents. I know that people pull together in times of stress. I definitely get that. But, they've gone from spitting and snarling to clinging to each other awfully fast. And don't I remember that they sort out their differences and have a reconciliation going at the end of the episode. It's sweet, but not very *believable*, IMO.

--Jim's pretty confident about the difficulty of locating them in Cascade National Forest being *planned*. These kidnappers don't seem that smart. My money's on it being a happy accident for them.

--I can understand how frantic Mrs. Angeloni is, I mean her kid's been kidnapped. But...without anything to work with they don't have a lot of options.

--Why wasn't the FBI instantly called in on this case? I thought they handled all child kidnappings? Or is my memory bad.


--Sweet of Blair to give her the book. It's not like either he or Jim are ever likely to read it. :D

--Yay for Blair helping Jim try to find more data from the tape of the conversation!! And I love Jim being convinced so easily to try!

--Damn Blair's pretty!!

--Oh, god, there they are again. Naomi: "And honey, it looks like you and I are going to be working on another case together. Talk about good karma." Jeeze, she's in total dingbat mode right now. My reaction is pretty much with Jim on this.

--Okay, so, reluctantly I admit that Charlie isn't *all* full of shit. Though, seriously, the first time I watched this ep I suspected him of being involved in the kidnapping. He's still a repugnant little troll.

--So why did these idiots think this was going to be easy?? Kidnapping is not a route to easy money. ::shakes head::

--The Boy Moron really is *incredibly* stupid!! He left the passports in his apartment??? These folks are just unbelievable.

--Mmmm, that's nice!!

--So they're having Jim (and the "kid") make the money drop...okay, but don't they think that the kidnappers might possibly recognize that it's *not* Mr. Angeloni doing so and get suspicious?

--Poor annoyed Jim!!

--A black car and a dog. Okay. Unfortunately as with so much psychic stuff, it's really not all that useful as a guide. Unless they're going to drive around town looking for every black car with a pooch in the back seat.

--Oh, poor Simon having to be polite and yet still brush Charlie off. :D

--Why is Charlie suddenly tired of skepticism? Surely a psychic should be *used* to that. What does he just surround himself with toadies and yes men so that he never hears a rational different perspective?

--Heeee!! Love Jim and Simon both rejecting the idea of taking Charlie along. Though Blair does have a little bit of a point. :D

--Oh, Blair, I do love you. And I love that you're a voice of balance here. Not as dim-witted, sorry, enthusiastic, as Naomi and yet not as closed-off as Jim.

--When he plays the "Primitive people also believed in the powers of their sentinels" card they have to agree with him. Hee!

--God Charlie's a smug toad! Eew!

--EeeeE!! This scene makes me *so* happy just because of the out-take from here. Eeee!!

--Apparently the Boy Moron is in trouble. Won't be sorry to see him go!


--While I totally understand Jim not wanting to talk to Charlie, the whole reason they brought him along was in case he was helpful. So give him a chance!!

--Oh, the Boy Moron really *is* in trouble. And I can't believe he's telling the loan shark that he only took a *fraction* of the cash Mr. Angeloni had available.

--Heee! Blair's little "look out below" when he drops the money!!

--Or is this the wonderful scene that the sweet outtake kiss is from?

--So ummm...umm...why didn't the Loan Shark take the $100K? I mean, it was free money, practically *right* under their noses. Why would they leave it behind?

--Charlie: "Sometimes I even shock myself." Gag!!

--I *love* that Jim asked Simon for a report on Charlie!!

--Ooo! I love this shot of Blair through the window!

--Oh, man! Just what they need! A media circus. I *love* Jim not letting Charlie talk to the reporters!

--And Jim's so *cute*!! I'd find him *very* reassuring!!

--Charlie Spring is just a repugnant little *troll*!!

--Oooo!! That's *lovely*!

--Blair's making it sound like there's some sort of psychic Code Against Certainty, some mystic reason that keeps them from it. I've never heard of it being a *Code* per se. It's just *really, really* stupid! Because if you're *wrong* you have a whole henhouse full of eggs on your face.


--I like that they're having Blair drive the van away from the house--no one's going to recognize him or give him a second look. Though why didn't the reporters follow him just on general principles?

--Blair (to Charlie): "Are you sure?" Charlie: "Hey, is the sky blue?" Jim: "Not today." Heeeee!! God I love Jim!

--Okay, I realize that there's a kid in danger and things are going badly for our heroes, and I shouldn't gloat because Charlie's wrong. But still..."Neeener!!"

--Oooo!! OMG So *attractive*!

--Eeee!! And Jim's hearing the news trucks arriving! "Neeeeener!"

--*So* pretty!!

--Oh, there's the answer to my question earlier...she's known the guy a month! And she looks so *offended* that Blair's even raising that as a point about their relationship. Like he should *know* that's irrelevant. Dingbat!!

--Umm, just an aside here. I'm seriously having trouble picturing Charlie with Naomi. I find it hard to imagine that they're *not* sleeping together (though perhaps her easy attitude to sex is more fanon than canon) but just trying to picture it...::makes yuk face::

--And here she is in Jim's turf being rude to him. Again. Seriously, I realize that learning how to live with the mother-in-law is an important part of having a happy relationship, but she's basically impossible.

--God he's managing to be repugnant even when he's being all humble and apologetic. How's he pulling *that* off??

--And now Naomi's sounding all hurt, and Blair looks mad. Like he's got extra anger because Charlie *hurt* Naomi! Even though she was stupid to have put so much trust in him on so short an acquaintance.

--It looks like Jim's praying for patience in dealing with all this crap. :D

--Yay for Gwen running to a car and telling the person inside that she's been kidnapped. Very spunky. Boo for her running to the loan shark. Very bad timing.

--And now Gwen's in much more competent, but less basically decent-natured hands. I like both that Stevie's trying to comfort her and that Gwen won't let her.

--Yay for Jim watching Mr. Angeloni through the window of the bus station. Yay for Sentinel vision!

--Okay, I should probably be kinder about Naomi than I am, because clearly Blair thinks the world of her!

--Is this the first we see of Blair's french doors??

--Yay, Blair!! "I got a real problem with people who hurt my mom!"

--He really is pretty when he's mad!

--And Jim's really pretty when he's concentrating. :D

--And just in general!

--Well, that must have been a disturbing scene for the other folks waiting on that bus! Big old fist fight and Jim didn't identify himself as a cop or anything. Kind of freaky.

--Ooops, you jogged his memory too hard, Jim, he can't answer the questions if he's passed out.

--I can't *believe* that Simon's resorting to calling Charlie Spring. that's true desperation!

--Oh, man, I'm not sure I like the narrative structure of the episode, with Jim having to resort to asking Charlie's help. Because he's such a skeezer!! And Blair looks awfully surprised about it too.

--I do like that Jim and Blair have sort of reversed positions on Charlie here--that Jim's (tentatively) accepting him and Blair's being more scornful.

--Won't screencap, but I love watching Jim jog across the parking lot to the camper that Gwen and Stevie were being held in. He just moves *so* well!

--MmmM!! I love how close they are!

--Why won't they shut up and let him think? They keep "encouraging" him and I just want to *hit* them! And I don't even *like* Charlie!


--I love them leaving Charlie behind on the pier when they take off in the speed boat! And I love that Blair knows how to drive one!! (Not that it's all that hard. It's not all that difficult to steer and avoid hitting the shore.

--Yay for little Gwen!! Yay!! Good girl!

--And Yay for The Loan Shark's henchman having the good sense to pull up when he's clearly playing a losing hand.

--Heee! Poor Jim having to talk down an armed and scared little girl!

--Oh, he's so sweet with her!

--Blair (to Naomi): "It's not too often that parents stay together. Especially these days." He doesn't seem to be intending it as a dig to her, and she's not taking it as one. So obviously the fact that she didn't every try and make things work with Blair's dad isn't still a sore point for either of them.

--Heeee!! Jim having to put up with being hugged by Charlie!! HEeee!!

All screencaps are my own, so feel free to use them however you like. Unless you like to use screencaps by hotlinking. That's not nice, so please don't do that.

Sentinel Episode Notes

The Debt
Night Train
Love and Guns
Vow of Silence
Out of the Past
Deep Water
True Crime
The Rig
Spare Parts
Second Chance
Black Or White
Blind Man's Bluff
Hear No Evil
Light My Fire
Dead Drop
Red Dust
Smart Alec

screencaps, sentinel, episode notes

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