Episode Notes: Sentinel "Blind Man's Bluff"

Feb 16, 2007 00:22

Okay, just a heads up before I start watching, I'm feeling inexplicably out of sorts this week. None of my normally happy-making activities are appealing to me, I've got a headache, I'm tired and I'm stressed even though I have no reason to be.

I'm hoping that watching this episode, one of the most slashy and delightful of all, will help yank me out of my funk.

::fingers crossed::

After-watching notes:: Eeeee!! OMG! That was *absolutely* what the doctor ordered. I'll have to remember that BMB is *totally* the cure for the common headache! ::bounces:: I think I died and went to heaven the slashy happy place.

I mean it has plot issues, I know, and the whole Margaret thing is yucky. But still it's gorgeous and ohsoveryslashy and just ::swoons::!!

Overall Grade: A (not quite at the level of The Rig, but so *very* close)

(One additional little procedural note: I'm going to have uncertain internet connectivity starting Friday afternoon and running through Sunday afternoon. So if you comment (and please do) and don't hear from me right away, that's why.)

Notes on watching: Blind Man's Bluff

--Okay, so how much do I love it that Jim considers liking Thai food a point in favor of a woman he's considering asking out? That's cool!! And he's looking for intellectual compatibility ("we read the same books").

--On the other hand, this whole thing with Margaret...::sigh:: Maybe I've got too much of a headache to go there. ::nods:: I think I do.

--Why is Blair playing with a laser pointer? I've seen this episode a bunch of times and I don't *remember* the laser pointer ever being important. But it's got such a Chekhov's Gun feel about it because it's so random.

--Okay, this is either RB's or GM's dog, and I should be able to remember, since we just saw the other one a couple of weeks ago...but no. Pretty pooch though.

--Mmmmm!! Love that look on Jim's face. :)

--::sticks fingers in ears:: lalala I'm still ignoring the Margaret conversation.

--Okay, I'm going to stop ignoring it for just one minute here because I really do love Jim through all of this. Blair's...well, either you look at this slashy and he's being jealous (and consequently cute) or you don't and he's being a shallow schmuck. But Jim...ah...I love Jim's lack of focus on her appearance, his quest for intellectual compatibility and the fact that he likes her voice. :)

--So cute!

--Whacked Out On Golden Girl is actually kind of cute. Physically, I mean. Sorry.

--So's Jim. And it's nice to see him handling the tripping person so well...(speaking of Chekhov's Gun :D).

--Oh, poor Jim!! He did his best to save her...but she was really determined to get to that bridge.

--Love Blair having heard about the new street drug from his college contacts.

--Like that red on Jim!!

--Oh, I forgot this was the episode with Sneaks in it! Skippie!

--Oooo! A pretty moment of random pausing.

--Blair looks *so* befuddled by Sneaks. :)

--Blair's wearing some damned nice shoes!! Is this why Jim brought him along? Because it sure seems like they wouldn't have gotten any info from Sneaks at all if *someone* didn't have on good shoes.

--Size 8 1/2? Wow, Blair's got little bitty feet. (Or maybe my perceptions are warped by my hubby's size 13s, but still. Little bitty feet.)

--Blair's a little out of his depth here so he's doing what he always does--looking to Jim for reassurance. So nice!!

--OMG, they're so flirting!! Blair: "Tongue is great." While he's still looking at Jim. And then, OMG, look at Jim's face!!

--And now Sneaks is giving some solid information about where to go for Golden, and Jim's not looking at him, he's still looking at Blair! Eeee!

--So freakin' cute!!

--Heee!! Love Blair thwapping Jim for not warning about his sneakers going to Sneaks. Heee! Not screencappable because it's a thwap, but ::loves::

--Love also Jim chuckling at Blair ranting about losing his favorite argyle socks.

--Love everything about this--the hominess, the fire, Blair sitting on the back of the sofa to put on his shoes. Just everything.

--Why is Jim putting a small handful of loose bullets into his pocket (after loading his gun)? Why not load a second clip and carry that rather than just four or five bullets?

--Okay, I sort of miss the shoulder holster, but I do love the butt holster on Jim.

--::loves:: Jim's getting Blair's coat!! So happy!

--I would not have pictured these cars as drag racing cars.

--Oh, yeah, they're both *so* pretty in this scene!! Mmmm!!

--Oh, yeah, they're *totally* straight!! They keep *looking* at each other like there's just no one else in the universe. ::mmmmm!::

--Okay, Jim's flicking the little baggie of golden and getting the stuff all over his hands. I know lots of folks complain about this part of the episode. Helll, I even mostly agree with them that this is really dumb. But, sometimes, the fingers get into a rhythm without the brain really thinking about it. Like pen tapping or something. And maybe that's the explanation. Sort of.

--Oh, Jim, honey, that was dumb!! Blair just told you you had the stuff on your fingers and now you're rubbing your nose. Though that's pretty human, particularly for someone with allergies (which I believe one of these episodes tells us Jim has). But still...dumb!!

--Blair trying to help him and support him is sweet though. :D

--So now, the next day, presumably *hours* after the Golden is supposed to have worn off, Jim's still effectively blind. Why? Hypersensitive sentinel, I guess.

--Oh, poor Jim, he's missing seeing how pretty and concerned Blair is!!

--Why is Jim so stressed about losing his sight permanently?? He's not one of nature's optimists, I don't think, but he's got no reason to think that the effect won't go away when the drugs wear off completely. Does he?

--Of course, the Doctor's being awfully useless. And awfully gloomy.

--Love Jim immediately calling for Blair's help leaving the Doctor's office. Jim's tough and independent, except when it comes to Blair. :D ::mmmm!! I'm basking in the slashy happy place where I belong!::

--Jim lost the sample?? What's up with that? He put it in his coat pocket when he saw the mystery man in the trench coat. He may not want to touch it again, but they could pick it up in a baggie or something.

--Oh, God ::swoons:: How much do I adore Jim rubbing the hurt out of Blair's head after he clonks him with the door?? ::swoons:: *SO* much!

--Jim in the sunglasses is pretty damned cute!

--Simon's right to want to send Jim to the hospital...but *really* Jim's got a good point. If he can pull off pretending not to be blind (and he's the best person around for doing that), then he should. Because otherwise they will lose the Golden guys.

--Jim keeps missing pretty Blair!

--Now Simon's being all gloomy about Jim's sight not coming back too...huh. I must have missed *something* indicating that this is a very real concern.

--Simon: "Jim, it is over. One fumble and I lose you..." Oh, I love Simon so much!

--Love that Jim's completely successful in navigating the bullpen with his other senses.

--Okay, this just needs to be said once. Margaret is definitely cute ... but she's really not Jim's type is she? I mean Laura McCarthy in "Attraction" was elegant, beautiful, fine boned, willowy, and upper-class looking. Carolyn is fine boned, classic, expensive clothes, etc. Margaret's got a perfectly adorable girl-next-door thing going on, but she's not elegant or high-class looking, is she? Maybe that's what Blair's blithering about when he's concerned Jim won't find her attractive.

--Oh, Jim's smile's so cute.

--Blair's damned cute too!

--Jim's looking rather more tense now than he was in "True Crime"--not so stretched out on the sofa. ::pets Jim:: He is really worried about not getting his sight back. (Though I still don't get why.)

--OMG!! I love love love Jim turning to Blair for help. "What's going to happen if my vision doesn't come back?" Also love Blair being reassuring--so certain that it will, even though the doctor isn't being that certain. ::loves::

--Oh, poor freaked out, Jim. He let Blair answer the telephone!! ::pets Jim:: Blair seems pretty freaked out by that as well actually. Look how worried he is looking at Jim.

--Love Blair helping Jim when he stmbles!!

--Oh, so pretty!

--Oh, Blair's so worried. He was all in favor of Jim trying to keep on with the case when they were safe in Simon's office, but now that Jim's actually going into an encounter with the Golden Guys he's not happy.

--And now Jim's more certain than Blair is that it will work. A little strange based on the relative levels of certainty in the previous scene. But I've notice that with my hubby too--when I'm freaking out about something he's strong, and vice versa.

--Why do they need a two way radio for Blair to be able to talk to Jim. Jim could hear him if he just talked normally. Though maybe he's got so much to focus on with his hearing and the echolocation thing and building the sound profile of a space and all that jazz, it's easier just to have Blair talking in his ear. And it gives Blair a chance to hear as well.

--Why did Jim want gloves? I guess so he doesn't accidentally touch the stuff again.

--Love this shot!

--So pretty!

--So why is the Head Golden Guy calling in the muscle after they've negotiated their deal. At this point "Cyrus's man" is as implicated in what's going on as he is (money and drugs have changed hands), so he's got no reason *now* to think there's a bust going on, does he?

--Love Jim fighting! Even when he's blind he's graceful!


--Jesus, Jim's Alpha!! I mean he just totally dominated those guys while he's *blind*!! Eeee!

--Love love love Blair's quick thinking. I was right that the laser pointer's a Chekhov's Gun. And such *quick* thinking on Blair's part!! Nice! And I adore and squee about the fact that Blair's giving Jim this bizarrely random advice through the radio "Tell the guy with the gun to look at his chest" with absolutely no explanation and Jim does it without hesitation because he trusts Blair that much!!! ::explodes with love::

--Oh, GOD, I love Jim following Blair's instructions and *trying* to see. He looks a little strange waving the salt and pepper shakers around but that's what he's doing and the fact that he's following Blair's advice (again) is making me collapse with the love. And the fact that he's freaking gorgeous while he's doing so only makes that better. :)

--Blair: "Maybe you're trying too hard." Jim: "Maybe I'm not trying hard enough."

--Okay, so Margaret just randomly showed up uninvited at their house? And with a bottle of wine? That's a little...erm...pushy, isn't it?


--And then she bulls her way in even when Jim has a migraine. I'm *trying* to like this woman. But she's not making it easy.

--Margaret, honey, you don't have a prayer. They're walking away with their arms around each other. And OMG the "Back off, he's mine" look from Blair"! ::swoons:: Give up and go home, Margaret.

--I think Jim's sending Blair off to the movies because he's getting a kick out of the jealousy. And because having nervous worried Blair fretting around him is getting a little draining.

--Why is Jim so determined not to tell Margaret he can't see? I mean he could tie it in with his migraine, couldn't he?

--Oh, it so looks like they're setting up for a romantic evening with the two of them, with the wine glasses and the hands on the shoulders and the soft voices.

--Jim going on about the glazed buttermilk donuts is just a hoot. Jim: "It starts right at the tip and works all its way back. ... It's an explosion. Just an explosion." He's *so* mellow this morning. :)

--*Love* Jealous!Blair grilling Jim about his date with Margaret!! I really don't see how one could explain this whole Margaret thing if one wasn't wearing the slash glasses. It's quite a mystery.

--Damn Jim's fine looking!

--Hee, I love Blind Jim totally ignoring Simon's orders to hold his position.

--Okay, so Mr. Hughes is an *idiot*. I understand that he's upset, I do understand. But honestly, what was he *thinking*!!

--Oh, Jim's not happy about being reminded about the girl and the dam. Her father thinks of Jim as the one who tried to save her. Jim's obviously thinking of himself as having *failed* to save her. So uncomfortable with Mr. Hughes' praise. So Jim!

--And *now* the Golden Guys are thinking to check on their "contact" with Cyrus. Isn't that a little late?

--The little scientist seems to be the only one of the bad guys with an actual brain. He knows they've got to go.

--So Golden must be *damned* expensive if most of the ingredients are legally controlled substances and the rest are just rare. I mean in order to make a profit they'd have to charge a fortune.

--Hee!! Love Blair watching Jim walking away. :D

--This pizza guy's pretty funny. I'm pretty amused by him checking the papers on someone's desk.

--Oh, I *love* that Jim can smell the Golden on the pizzas!

--Jim's so worried about Blair!! Love that!

--::hugs Blair:: He really did have a *fuck* of a bad trip here. I posted some comments about Blair's bad trip on Senad a few years ago and I reposted them over here in case anyone wants to look at them. I still think it's an interesting analysis.

--Jim's asking Simon to tell him what's going on when, if he could see, it would be bloody obvious. So he's *totally* blowing his cover about being blind because Blair's in danger!! So nice!!

--Oh, I love Jim going to save Blair!!

--Oh, Blair!! Damn!! He's so scared and he's trying to save folks from the golden fire people anyway and I just *love* Blair here!

--Jim is doing his best to help Blair, and he really does have a good approach. But he's clearly pulling this out of his *ass* here. The Bat Echo Trick?? Even Blair, flying high, doesn't see how *that* will help in this situation.

--Jim's so desperate, and he's calling for Blair to trust him. And Blair *does*!! ::collapses in the happy place::

--I'm just going to stay collapsed in the happy place for just a bit. Because OMG Jim is *rocking* him!! I never noticed the rocking before!! ::swoons again::

--Okay, so why *is* Blind!Jim holding a magazine while he's sitting next to Blair's bed in the hospital?

--OMG, so gorgeous!!

--Why for did Chaz's truck just blow up??

--Man, the head Golden Guy is quite the schmuck, and short sighted. He just left his scientist to get busted. He needs that guy.

--Okay, there is mucho criticism of Blind!Jim chasing the Golden Guy in the car. But I don't have too much trouble with this. For one thing he's not totally blind; he's only sort of blind. And for another, it's not like they're out on the street, they're driving around a sort of empty lot. So it's not like he can hurt any innocent by-standers. And Jim's not the sort to sit idly by and let the guy who almost killed his lover buddy get away because all the other cops are tied up elsewhere.

--He does seem to be really *willing* his sight to work again. Re-making those neural connections by concentration and willpower alone.

--Love the afternoon sunlight on his skin here! So yummy!


--So wait?? Blair's up and around and, apparently, fine and Jim's eyes are still giving him a golden glow?? And Jim got a smaller dose of the stuff too. He must be *hyper* sensitive to it. No wonder he didn't want to risk touching it again.

--And now that Blair's not jealously trying to keep Jim and Margaret apart, Jim's not nearly so enthusiastic about the prospect of seeing her. Pardon me for finding that *hysterical*!! :D

--Now that's a *nice* shot to end on!!

As always, all screencaps are my own, so please feel free to use them however you like. Unless you like to hotlink, in which case, please don't.

Sentinel Episode Notes

The Debt
Night Train
Love and Guns
Vow of Silence
Out of the Past
Deep Water
True Crime
The Rig
Spare Parts
Second Chance
Black Or White

screencaps, sentinel, episode notes

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