Episode Notes: Sentinel "The Rig"

Jan 19, 2007 11:15

Oooh! I didn't realize I was already up to The Rig!! Sweet! I love this episode for about a *million* reasons!

There truly are a near infinite number of reasons to love this episode--sound plot, bare Jim, hurt/comfort in both directions, rescuing, danger, excitement, gorgeous guys, more slashiness than I can stand, and just...yeah! One of the very best eps in the series, IMO!

Overall Grade: A+(with some extra-credit for the wetsuit)

Notes on watching The Rig:

--Heee! These DVDs I've got (waves to betagoddess) have the previews in German. That's funny! "Der Sentinel".

--Ah, our first encouter with Cyclops Oil. Corporate evil! :)

--Okay, seriously the hyperbaric chamber is a whole lot of yuck! And I've seen enough shows where things went horribly awry in these things, that I'd *never* get into one without someone backing me up, from outside.

--Poor bastard.

--Blair has kind of trashed the loft a bit hasn't he? I understand, I'm a pretty naturally untidy person myself--there are a million and one interesting things to do with my time and cleaning is not on that list. And it does kind of indicate that he's pretty comfortable living with Jim. I mean as a *guest* I'm neat, just at home I'm kind of untidy.

--Jim let the sandwich sit around for 3 weeks before complaining about it? That's pretty tolerant.

--Oh that's nice, Blair protecting the rare devil mask. :)

--"You've got your own bedroom back there, Chief. Muse it up all you want."

--It actually takes a fair amount of brass (and security) for Blair to ask Jim: "Don't you think you're getting a little territorial?" It's *his* loft, Blair!

--Love that profile!

--And how much do I *love* that Jim doesn't actually remind Blair that it's his house??!! That's so *wonderful*!

--Now the "no music that Jim can hear in the living room" rule, while it makes sense for peaceful cohabitation, is kind of harsh since Jim is a *Sentinel* and could hear music even if Blair was listening on super-good headphones.

--I love Jim's little dominance games with the phone...Once again he grabbed it out from under Blair's hand. :)

--So why isn't this the Coast Guard's jurisdiction? I mean they have their own investigators, I'm sure, and the Captain (of what? The nearest Coast Guard vessel or the oil rig?) being a buddy of Simon's doesn't give them any actual official standing.

--I bet this is why Simon's sending in Jim as opposed to, say, Henri. Jim may not have any legal standing, but he's got enough command presence and force of personality to get people accepting his authority even when he doesn't really have any.

--Just, damn!! Those eyes! That mouth!! The lighting! Just...::woof::

--Oooh! Pretty here too! God both of the guys in this show are just way too gorgeous!

--I must be remembering wrong that Cyclops Oil as a corporation is somehow the bad guy in this episode, because otherwise why would a company chopper be taking Jim and Blair out to the rig?

--Really, one of these eps I'm going to be able to shake off the spell of the pretty just for a while. :)

--Blair: "Would you look at that ocean? So raw. So primal." Jim: "So deep." ::hugs Jim::

--Blair's so funny-all excited about the adventure they're going on!

--Pretty! Love the way the light's catching his eyes!

--Maggie: "So strap in that tight little butt of yours, Lambchop." She noticed the tight little butt, eh? Heee!! And Jim's look at Blair when she says that! Love it!!

--Heee! Jim was all willing to make fun of "Lambchop", but he's *not* happy about "Beefstick". Hee! (And those blue eyes! So beautiful!)

--The sky looks mighty blue and clear and pretty for them to be being chased by a storm.

--Okay, so Maggie's encouraging them to wrap up their business fast so they can get out before the storm. But that's not really feasible. I'd be assuming that they were *planning* to stay until after the storm had passed.

--Personal space?? Who needs it!

--Oh, yeah!

--So, I see why the sick guy didn't get to work with the rest of the guys. But what about the other guy? (And the sick guy looks like he's got way more than just a chill.)

--God, I love that face! And I love the way he looks at Jim. (Not in this cap, but that's who he's looking at.)

--Wait, wait--the Dead Guy was killed by a sudden reduction in pressure...okay, though it sure looked like a sudden increase in pressure to me when we were watching it.

--Man, I'm *easy* sometimes. :)

--There are only 12 or 13 men on the rig. That's a lighter crew than I thought there would be.

--They actually have a morgue locker on an oil rig?? I guess it's dangerous work.

--Poor Blair! That must have been *disgusting*!!

--Yay!! I *love* Jim immediately picking up on the fact that there's *something* on the handle to the hyperbaric chamber. :)

--And I love him trying to see if Blair could feel it. No. And getting Blair to open the door for him.

--Okay, now they've *both* gone and gotten in the hyperbaric chamber. Hello! NO! I've seen this episode bunchteen times and I *know* nothing bad happens here and I still get a creeping sense of doom at this scene.

--Like Blair framed by the door here!

--Eeee! I am *such* a patsy for the zooming in on the eyes thing!

--This woman who plays Maggie shows up in a bunch of monster films. (One of my favorite movie genres.)

--I love Jim and Blair helping Maggie tie down her chopper! Making themselves useful. I love that.

--Poor Jim. But at least Blair's getting his Hemingway-esque adventure. And he's pretty!

--Okay, much as I appreciate Jim and Blair helping with the chopper, I *adore* Blair immediately dropping everything to go make sure Jim's okay when he gets rattled by the stormy ocean water. That's just so *caring*!

--Ah, God! This episode just kills me! Here's Jim admitting a *weakness* a *fear* to Blair. One that he's never admitted to anyone. There's no *way* that Carolyn knew about this. Absolutely none. Probably none of his superiors in the Army either. Just Blair. Because he trusts Blair!! ::swoons in the happy place::

--And Blair's so concerned and so sweet! ::hugs Blair::

--And I love Jim's distinction that his phobia is about *deep* water, water that he can't see the end of. And with his eyesight that means a lot. His view of land is being limited by the curvature of the earth here, and that's got to be freaky. He's got this incredibly intense vision and all he can see is churning ocean in every direction. ::hugs Jim::

--Why does Maggie have her own operations room? She's just the chopper pilot. She does read some good books, or at least some high class books. That's pretty cool!

--Durn! I want one!

--So does Maggie obviously, since she's flirting. ::hiss, spit::

--Eeee! I love Jim smelling smoke and going after it!

--Okay so how did the Bad Guys know to torch the ready room? Jim was just talking about wanting to search it, but the words were *barely* out of his mouth when he started smelling smoke. Unless the Bad Guys can teleport they wouldn't have had time to get down there, set the fire and have the smoke diffuse back up to Maggie's room.

--Oh, pretty! Still love that profile! And the jaw. (And that blue on Jim is awfully sweet too!)

--Okay, so I suppose it's part of cop training that they suspect ex-cons. And really there is reason for it. But honestly, Jim's kind of being an ass with poor Brower here.

--I wonder why Simon was calling them?

--Surely taking out the radio antenna to generate an accident to take out the troublesome detectives is pretty much a toe-shot, right?

--Okay, the screencap's for shit, but I *love* how gentle and tender Jim is taking care of Blair here. ::back to the happy place::

--Ah, pretty Jim!

--Oh, okay, they took out the antenna to stop the call to Simon, not to take out the troublesome investigators. That makes more sense. Okay.

--Ah, poor Jim. Even his implied authority only goes so far, I guess!

--Okay, I sure hope Jim's getting suspicious of Crilly after that little dick-swinging display.


--Ah, Blair in his second best accessory--butterfly bandages. :) (Best accessory--the glasses.)

--OMG, I love Jim having Blair rest in Maggie's operations room because "You took a nasty blow to the head, Chief." ::collapses in a squeeful faint:: That's just so...ah!!

--Why is Jim sneaking around? Oh, because he hears someone. Okay.

--Man, this blue lighting is *neat*!

--So Jim's turned his radio off, okay, that makes some sense, I guess, but kind of misses the point of having a radio.

--One of these days I swear I won't cap one of these scenes. But today's not the day. Sorry!

--Okay, so the Bad Guy has hid a nasty dead body in a storage room? Why??!?! There's a whole huge ocean out there he could tip the nasty scabby thing into.

--What the hell good are these radios if they can't even transmit through the entire rig??

--So why don't I feel a need to cap when they zoom in on Jim's ears? I guess his ears aren't nearly as hot as his eyes. :D

--Yay! Love Jim calling to Sandburg for help!

--That's not oil, Jim's in. More like oily water. It's too thin looking for oil, isn't it?

--EEe! Love this whole thing. Blair's freaking out and trying to save Jim and just!! OMG! So much love here! So much love! ::explodes:: Oh, god and Blair's just *screaming* for him.

--Good for Jim to think of using the hook thingy. Blair was too freaked out and too concentrating on keeping Jim's head out from under the oily water to actually look around for other possibilities.

--Okay, so I know some folks don't like Blair's "Just, ah, don't touch me" after he pulls Jim out of the Oil. And God knows I'd really love a huge hug long about now too. But, really, this is just about perfect for these guys.

--Okay, sorry! I already have a ton of 'caps here and I'm about to have a ton more because OMG EEEE!! We get some beautiful frantic worrying and rescuing and stuff followed immediately by Jim taking a shower with Blair right there!!! ::joygasm::

--And Blair's totally not peeking. But he wants to. :)

--Oh, God, I love Blair! "That's why you need me to back you up." So certain!! ::hugs::

--And Blair gives up on his pretense of not peeking. :)

--There are about fifty places I want to lick on Jim in this picture. Just this picture. Bet Blair does too. But you know what, I think that proportionately, Blair maybe has the broader shoulders.

--Oh, yeah!!

--Okay, that's getting out of hand. I'll try to control myself.

--Aaah! Maybe just one more!

--Maggie: "I gotta get off this rig and get me a boyfriend."

--Okay, back to the plot. I'm obviously not cut out for a life of crime, because if I found a supply of lost chemical weapons I would not immediately think about selling them to a third-world country. And even if I *did* have that thought I wouldn't have the first idea how to actually go about doing it. How does one make contact with the right people? What kind of associates does one have to have to be in the right social circles for that?

--So Crilly's planning on shooting them?? Surely not. That's not very subtle at all.

--That jumpsuit's rather nice on Jim. Actually, honestly it's not, but every time I see him in it I remember that Maggie didn't toss him underwear, so he's going commando in it. And that makes me happier than I should admit to in polite company.

--Oh, I see, Brower is the one who thwarts the plan to kill them. Good boy!! So Crilly really was planning to shoot them in the engine room. Silly bastard.

--Why is Crilly separating Jim and Blair form the rest of the crew?

--That's some awfully long chains on those handcuffs. Did they have them specially made just for chaining people to pipes in their rig??

--He is awfully cute!

--Does Maggie *really* think that they're going to leave Jim and Blair there to be rescued? Oh, no she doesn't. Good. I've accepted the fact that she's evil, but she's shown no sign of being stupid so far and I'd hate for her to start now. :)

--So it's Blair who has the idea of using the oil to get out of the handcuffs! Sweet! But at least Jim can dial the pain down, Blair can't.


--Love Blair suggesting that Jim use a controlled zone to help Jim deal with his phobia!! Love that he even has the idea! ::hugs Brilliant Guide Blair::

--So wait, if the antenna's down, how is Blair using the radio. I guess it was just the *big* antenna that lets them get in touch with the mainland that's out.

--So did the producers actually rent an oil rig and a big ship for sets for this. :) Boys with toys!!

--*Love, love* Jim getting to the radio room to warn Blair about the bomb. Love love him taking out the radio guy (and if that wasn't a neck-breaking move I don't know what it was) so he could do so!!

--Eee! Blair!! Refusing to leave because he's got to rescue the guys!!

--Eee! And now Jim's in danger because he was trying to save Blair!! And he had to know that he was risking that! ::hugs Jim::

--Alpha!Jim!! God I love the fight sequences!! Eeee!

--Love Blair finding the bomb just in time, of course. But then how does he know how to disarm it. I guess when you've only got one second, finesse doesn't matter. And making your best guess is all you can do.

--Jim thinks Blair's going to blow up.

--Jim realizes Blair's okay! ::help me, I've collapsed in the happy place and I can't get up:

--Love Blair collapsing in relief as well. :)

--Okay maybe I do like *some* of the shots where they zoom in on Jim's ears. :)

--Okay, these guys sound Russian. I thought Crilly said third world. Maybe they're selling to the Russians who are then brokering their own deal with the ultimate buyers.

--Eeeee! Wetsuit!Jim wih the big phallic gun!! And I *adore* him taking command of the ship!

--Yay! And the Coast Guard arrives in the nick of time (because Jim was going to have a really hard time maintaining that command of the ship thing when if he steps away from that deck gun he's borscht). Looks like Jim knows it too. :)


--Now I would love to to see a hug between Jim and Blair. Now it would be perfect!! But no. This is too macho a show for that. But this is nice!

--So what's up with Blair? He just saved about 13 guys he didn't even have much reason to *like* from a bomb, when he could have saved himself without guilt (hell that's what Jim was *telling* him to do) and he's talking to Jim about feeling good about conquering his fear of open water. Blair's seriously deflecting attention here. Bet he's freaking out on the inside. ;)

--Jim's obviously pretty freaked too. I mean the whole water thing was totally not on his mind. And this whole housebreaking thing and the house rules. I'm not entirely sure what to make of it. Obviously Jim's asserting some sort of dominance here, but why. Maybe because Blair didn't follow his orders?

--It almost feels like the bickering is just to give them both back something like normality.

--And because this episode has so *much* of the pretty, I'll end with something extra nice! :)

All screencaps are my own, feel free to use them however you like. Unless you like to use screencaps by hotlinking. That's not nice, so please don't do that.

Sentinel Episode Notes

The Debt
Night Train
Love and Guns
Vow of Silence
Out of the Past
Deep Water
True Crime

screencaps, sentinel, episode notes

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