Episode Notes: Sentinel "Black Or White"

Feb 08, 2007 21:08

Okay, obfuscation, church burnings (*very* mid-90s), and lots of Joel Taggart. Cool!

I can tell I'm in a bit of a mood tonight though. So expect more than my usual level of snark. Sorry!

After watching notes: I forgot about the whole obfuscation/embellishment thing. Sigh. Not my favorite part of how they present Blair's character. Candace gets right up my nose, though at least there was no hint that either of them was romantically interested in her, so yay for that. And I find the skinhead/racism plot stressful to watch.

I do love Joel though, and Blair helping him get through his fear. And I love how Jim and Blair interact through the episode.

Overall grade: B

For good or ill, the plot was pissing me off, which means that I got a lot of screencaps of the pretty. :D

Notes on watching: Black Or White

--This is quite a cute little church. It's going to be sad to see it blown up. (Though I imagine they constructed it just for the purpose.)

--The German title of this episode translates as "Black or White, Life or Death". Huh. I wonder why it's different.

--I'd actually probably really enjoy singing hymns in a big damned storm. It would add to the whole worship-through-music experience for me. But then I'm a little strange that way.

--Okay, I am actually prepared to be amused by Blair accidentally double-booking (though, d'oh!!) and trying to get Jim to take one of the girls for him. :) Really, of course, I'd prefer it if TPTB didn't feel the need to bend over backwards to convince us that they're straight (STRAIGHT, dammit, did you hear us!?!) but that is kind of cute.

--Jim: "I know your type. She's got a Ph.D. in Asian Studies and-and-and a minor in some bizarre Malaysian death ritual." Blair: "So what's wrong with that?" Heee!!

--Jim: "Besides -- when that Jessie finds out what you're up to, she's probably going to want to make you her case study in some weird, ceremonial, body-piercing ritual."

--Oh, God they're so cute together. Ditch both of the girls and stay home, guys, you'll be much happier.

--Hee! Blair's so cute!

--Love Jim correctly identifying the special Czech C-4 they used. That's nice.

--I do love watching them work together.

--Simon's damning Jim with faint praise here--he wasn't just an Army Ranger, he was Special Forces. That's a lot more training and a lot harder to accomplish. On the other hand, Simon is trying to build a connection between Jim and Dirk, because Dirk's a marine. But he could have gotten his facts straight.

--Okay, so why is Candace rabble rousing here? I understand that she's speaking out against the AWC, that's perfectly comprehensible, of course. But why is she slanging the cops? Particularly since, as we'll find out, she was one. She worked with Jim and knows Simon and really ought to know that the cops aren't being racist and slighting the church bombing for racial reasons.

--Ooo! Blair's wearing the yummy blue sweater deal again, only he's got a t-shirt on under it which sort of messes the pretty a bit.

--So what made them check up on Dirk? I feel like I missed something. And the fact that he's downloading files from the AWC could just be careful investigation, couldn't it?

--Hugs Joel!! "I'm sorry, Simon, I just can't."

--Oooh a nice cap of Simon!

--Oh, I *love* Jim, despite Taggart talking openly and very self-disparagingly about being scared to death, denying everything to Blair when Blair asks if Joel has lost his nerve. That's so...protective. And he doesn't like it when Blair presses about it.

--Why doesn't Jim think Blair should talk to Taggart?


--Blair: "I've been in and out of therapy since I got out of Pampers. Anxiety and panic attacks are a normal state of being for me." Oh, there are so many things to ponder with that one little quote. Pampers?? Naomi had her kid in Pampers? That seems so very out of character, unless she's become more of a New Age hippie and was really a fairly normal mom in 1969 (did they even *have* Pampers in 1969?). Does Blair really seem like the sort of guy to have anxiety attacks and panic attacks? Maybe that's why he learned meditation, to control them, but he doesn't give a lot of sign of being all that anxious now. Or does he give off signs I'm missing?

--Oh, Blair's pretty! And he's being so sweet talking to Joel about the anthropological student on the bridge. On the other hand: "This is not about you." What the hell does that mean?? And how does that help you deal with a phobia? I'm not getting the message here. (Where's Fraser with an Inuit story when you need one? Oh, that's right, in a different TV series. Damn!)

--So I wonder what Jim's thinking when he watches Blair walk off with Joel. Sympathy, sure--he does seem to have a bit of "there but for the grace of God go I" thing about Joel and his crisis of nerves. But maybe something else too.

--So their case against Dirk is seriously based on the fact that he was born in Mississippi? Well, I suppose that's just one link in the flimsy chain of circumstantial evidence they're building.

--I suppose the writers needed to hasten their case against Dirk, on account of having a lot *more* plot to get through. Presumably in the background is a much more solid case. And, of course they're at least a little right about the creep.

--He's living on a houseboat?? That's kind of cool! Isn't he just staying in town temporarily though. I didn't know you could rent places like that.

--This isn't a very good cap, but look at this. There's a whole, heavily armed SWAT-type team here assembled to smoke Dirk out of his boat. Jim's in kevlar. Simon's in kevlar. The nameless, faceless guys behind are in kevlar. Blair's in his blue sweater and a leather coat. Did no one think he might be a squish safer with some kevlar of his own?? Or think to tell him to stay way the fuck back, like at the station?

--Of course, this is clearly not a social call what with Jim there in a kevlar vest. I wouldn't mind having him knock on my door all kitted out like that though.

--Dirk told Jim to trust him. But it's not that simple. He hasn't been around all that long, he hasn't earned any trust yet.

--So ol' Dirk set himself up an escape route.


--Usually, Jim's all about taking on all sorts of blame and responsibility. But here he is pretty much directly responsible for them losing Dirk. (After all, if they'd followed Simon's plan they'd almost certainly have caught the guy.) And, yet, he's not beating himself up over it. "Simon, I did the best I could." But the best he could was a cock-up and now there's been another church destroyed. He does seem a bit defensive about it, maybe, but he also seems surprised that Simon's even mentioning it.

--Of course Simon's got the extra pressure of Candace being a rabble-rouser and heaping blame on him. And they're *Black* churches, so it's probably hitting him extra-close to home.

--Jim does handle Candace fairly well, I suppose. Though her attitude is just pissing me off this evening.

--Jim: "We were on patrol together for a year. And now you're acting like some kind of..." Candace: "Agitator?" Well, no, honey, the word I was thinking was bitch.

--Jim being on patrol with Candace for a year messes up his timeline something fierce. He got out of the army approximately 5 years before the series started. He was new in Major Crimes (after having been a "hotshot" in Vice) four years before Deep Water (which was probably less than a year after Switchman, but I'm willing to stretch that as long as I can.) So that leaves him with two years to leave the army, go through the police academy, do a year long stint in uniform, be fast-tracked into a detective position (way, way fast-tracked) and then be a hotshot before getting into Major Crimes. It's really not terribly plausible at all.

--I'm finding myself completely unmoved by Candace's story about Rev. Green here. Maybe I'm just mean or something.

--Okay, so she's talking about how ineffective the police are in fighting the church bombings, but her Alliance isn't having any great effect either, excepte to stir up racial tensions.

--And it occurs to me that she's almost exactly wrong about the case because she's blithering about it not being a local case, but in this instance it is, isn't it? Well, I'm just mean enough that the fact that she's wrong about it and Jim and Simon are right is making me happy.

--Oh, that's pretty!!

--Heee!! H offering to help Blair with his double-booking problem. :D

--Oh, Jim has such a beautiful smile!

--Gorgeous!! Just, just *so* gorgeous!!

--Jim doesn't seem old enough to remember the Ed Sullivan show to me. I mean, even if we go with him having been born in 1959 (preferable to me for mostly aesthetic reasons, but less well supported by canon than 1962), wouldn't he still be pretty young to remember Ed Sullivan? When did that show go off the air anyway? (Answer: It went off the air in 1971. So he realy could remember it. Never mind.)

--Eee! And Jim's little Ed Sullivan lecture is so obviously Jim saying "Stop juggling those women Chief and stick with me." Heee!

--Oh, god, oh, god!! The plot may be pissing me off here, but damn, how can I dislike an episode that offers me this?

--Heee! And there's Jim reaching *past* Blair to answer the telephone again!

--So why is Taggart being sent out on this? He said he can't do it. Isn't there anyone else on the bomb squad in this town?

--Oooo! I love Blair wanting to go in with Taggart to help him. And I love Jim wanting him to stay safe and outside.

--Blair stays out because Jim told him to. Nice!

--I kind of like that headset thing on Jim. That's really quite attractive.

--Why isn't Candace leaving?? Stupid stupid stupid!

--"Fear kills."

--Oh, that's nice! Jim recognizing the radio control reciever under the desk and spotting the guy! I can't wait for official DVDs of Season 2, because even a little fuzzy his eyes are gorgeous here!

--I love Jim advising Joel to use the maneuver with Brackett's bomb that saved his life. Code for "run away". Nice! I wonder if it helps Joel see that thing with Brackett's bomb a little differently.

--Why is Jim taking potshots at the rear door of the van? What's that going to accomplish? Why doesn't he shoot at the tire, for God's sake?

--So pretty though!

--Simon: "I can't take the chance of this showing up on the evening news." Candace: "What do you want me to do? Apologize?" Well yeah, that'd be a start, sweetie. That'd be a start.

--Heee! Blair getting Jim back with the Ed Sullivan show story!!

--Jim: "Don't you have some exams to grade or something." Heee!

--So is Blair working on the case? What's he reading? It's a thick book, but I can't imagine that if he were studying he'd be in Simon's office doing so.

--Eeee!! Glasses! Lips!! Hair!! Red shirt!!

--Okay so Dirk's not *really* a bad guy, I take it? Just one with highly questionable associates and methods? Or what? He's not a bad guy, he's just a not a good *cop* (not dirty as far as I can tell, just not very skilled). Got it. But then he's not really a cop is he--he's a bomb expert from the Marines, not trained in investigation.

--Okay who's this Randy character? And why does a guy who was born in Mississippi and who works in LA have so many associates in Cascade?

--Oh, they're explaining the Randy guy. Good!

--Blair: "Well, there's a good job for you. If you were in Hell." Oh, jobs get much, much worse than that, Blair. Seriously.


--Eeeee!! Jim just introduced Blair to Randy as his partner!! Eeeee!! ::bounces::

--Mmmm again!

--So how'd a key from the first church explosion wind out fused to a brick. That church was clapboard, I *looked*.

--Love watching Jim figuring things out!! That's nice!! Can see the thoughts forming in his head.

--Oh, I really really love Simon distracing Joel so that Jim can work his deal with the waterlogged paper without Joel noticing. Running interference!! Protecting the Sentinel. Mmm!

--And then Blair immediately stepping in to guide him. "Use your fingers." ::swoons::

--Normally suspenders over a bare chest would be pretty hot to me (one of my more solid kinks). But this guy Axel's *such* a skinhead psycho so, obviously, nevermind.

--Why hasn't anyone caught onto Randy's scam here, because damn it, this isn't even *subtle*!?!

--I love Simon getting the information about the last demolition contract that Jim couldn't get in a completely different way. Yay Simon!

--Eeeee!! ATF!! Though these guys don't seem either terribly competent or terribly concerned. Bet Chris Larabee would rip strips out of them if they worked in his office. :D

--Why would Candace think that the ATF guy would call her personally and pick her up personally? That's not even remotely plausible.

--Oh, that's so nice! And I love Jim's Jags cap!

--I love that Joel knows the location of the AME church but that Blair's the one who remembered about the Gospel meeting.

--Jim's telling Blair to stay back, and Blair's not arguing. :) "Sandburg, hold those and stay here."

--So who was that cop that got stunned in his cruiser? Maybe the one who was staking out the church.


--Why isn't Jim hearing Candace's heart going completely nuts? OH, now he is. Okay

--I'm obviously in *such* a Jim mood tonight!

--I love the effect of the stained glass on the color of the walls. So nice!! And Jim's skin. Mmm!

--Oh, I love Blair helping Joel from outside the building!!

--Why is it that some men look so fucking good holding a gun?

--Oooh! Simon and Jim working in tandem!!

--Smug, satisfied Jim! Nice!! And he calls the racist asshole "Boy", which is so perfect!!

--Sigh!! Axel was a psycho, but it would have been nice if he'd survived to actually go to jail and face trial for his crimes. Having the suspect dead does save the cops from making an airtight case against him, but it's sort of cheating, isn't it?

--Joel and Blair together is so sweet!!

--Ah, Blair not wanting to go up on the roof.

--The obfuscation/lying/fast talking thing is my least favorite aspect of Blair's character. There are elements of it in canon, like this. But elsewhere canon tells us that Blair is a man of his word. Anthropology as a field depends on people being known as honest. I'm glad that canon is somewhat equivocal about this, because it's *really* hard for me to like people who can't be trusted.

--Of course, it's entirely possible that he did manage to get across that rope bridge and he did it by realizing that it's not all about him. But it's not a crisis right now and there's no reason why he *should* go up on that roof.

--I really, really hate the whole gradations he has of lying--lies hurt, embellishments help, romantic obfuscations (presumably those get him laid more often), BS as male bonding. Blah blah.

--Just keep being cute, Blair. I'll get through this.

--Obviously there are layers to this conversation. Jim think Blair's joking, obviously, and I don't see him being willing to put up with someone he couldn't trust to tell him the truth. So maybe I don't have to take this all that seriously.

All screencaps are my own. Feel free to use them however you like. Unless, of course, you like to use screencaps by hotlinking. That's not nice, so please don't do that, 'kay?

Sentinel Episode Notes

The Debt
Night Train
Love and Guns
Vow of Silence
Out of the Past
Deep Water
True Crime
The Rig
Spare Parts
Second Chance

screencaps, sentinel, episode notes

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