Episode Notes: due South "You Must Remember This"

Feb 11, 2007 13:41

I appear to have watched more of season 1 due South than I remembered, because I've seen most of the episodes on this DVD (except The Wild Bunch). I make no claims about *remembering* them. But I've seen them.

After watching notes: There are all kinds of prefigurements here for Victoria's Secret, but if possible, I'd rather save the discussion of those for when we get to VS. I haven't seen VS in ages and the details are beyond fuzzy.

I'm a little bummed by this episode. They were pretty, I love the snarky side Fraser's showing, I actually liked the BOTW for herself. But OMG, I *hated* Ray being *such* an idiot about her. And the pre-figuring of VS was just stressing me out.

spikedluv has posted quotes from "You Must Remember This" over at her LJ. Go read them, she got the very best of the dialogue.

I think part of it was my mood--I really needed something super-slashy today (I'm a little stressed) and I didn't get it. So take my comments with a big grain of salt.

Notes on watching: You Must Remember This

--It gets off to a nice start with them in the car. Obviously having been playing basketball together. And Fraser in a hoodie which is making me quite a lot of happy (though he's got too much on under it :) ).

--Heee! Fraser's making Ray stop the car so he can deal with a person parked in a fire lane. I wish we could get someone like him in our neighborhood. People do that all the time around here, despite my best efforts to convince them not to.

--On the other hand, the high-water sweat pants are not his most succesful look. Sigh. I'm not generally fond of sweatpants on guys visually, though I love the comfort personally (and the easy access is nice as a writer. :D)

--Guy: "You do know what you can do with your fire hoses." Fraser: "Ah, well, yes. If I was unable to circumvent your vehicle, I'd pull up that sign and drive it through the side windows and run my hoses in between. But that's just me." Oh, god that's hot!! Perfectly polite and yet so forceful.

--Dude just slapped Fraser's hands away, and now Ray's getting involved. Eeee!!

--Oooh, nice pic of Ray!! But I hate him almost getting run over!

--The sweatpants look a lot better with Fraser running.

--Oook, don't like this woman giving Ray mouth to mouth. Or the doopy way he's looking at her. On the other hand, she's got a nice voice.

--So did Fraser get the man in the car?

--Oh, Fraser's not happy when Ray says the Mystery Woman kissed him. Not happy at all. That was a little flare of jealousy. :)


--Ray: "She saved my life." Fraser: "Well, yes she did. After she hit you."

--OOh, well that's a bunch of guns in the back of Bodine's car. I feel the threat of the Feds (specifically ATF which is going to make me squee if it happens) coming in on their case.

--Fraser bought a lamp?? Does that mean no more oil lamp. Poop! And he's sleeping on the bed? He's getting soft in the big city!

--Wow, Elaine's not being at all subtle about her grilling of Fraser here. Asking what he does at night, and if he reads alone. I thought y'all said she'd given up her fruitless pursuit after Chinatown. Fraser's a little unhinged by her questions though.

--(He's seriously reading a book on currency watermarks? There's a page turner.)

--Poor Ray is bruised!! Maybe his head injury is why he was so goopy over the MysteryWoman.

--Ray: "What about the woman?" Elaine: "You know, funny thing, I'm having a hard time matching the word exquisite to a lot of mug shots."

--Welsh: "Do you ever feed this wolf?"

--So when did Dief start following Fraser around all the time? Because in the first few eps--Free Willie and Dief's Day off and Manhunt for example--he's got his own agenda and is being left at Fraser's apartment during the day.

--On seeing Dief begging, Welsh: "If I give him some will he stop?" Fraser: "Not a chance, sir." And then he gives it to him anyway! Eee! Love Welsh. Love Fraser and Welsh interacting. Heee!

--Oh, skipppie, is Fraser going to be on this stakeout in his jeans and leather coat. Nice!! That's happier than happy.

--That camera sticking out the window isn't all that subtle.

--Eeee!! Fraser's doing a headstand!!

--This song could hardly be more different from "Henry Martin" last week, but I like it too. I need to look up what it is.

--Did I just hear Gardino say "Hi" to Dief? That'd be damned cool if I did.

--Oh, no--they're planning on taking advantage of Fraser's inexperience at a poker game??

--They're talking about women. :) Fraser: "Love is a very disorienting emotion." No kidding.

--Fraser listening to Ray talking about his mom eating cheesecake with a knife and fork. He looks a little at sea to me.

--Gardino: "I don't see why we don't play for real money. I mean we're cops. What're we gonna do, arrest ourselves?" Ray: "No, but he will." Fraser: "I'm sorry, I would feel honor bound."

--This conversation is great. I think *now* I might be getting to like Huey and Gardino. Finally! I mean, hell, after Louis talked about getting a sign from Janice's lawyer, in the mail...damn, I actually wanted to hug him.

--Ray: "Fraser, nobody who's prudent has any business being in love."

--Huey's trying so hard to keep the poker game focused and on track. Playing poker with himself. He's the only one not talking about romance.

--Oh, Fraser! ::hugs:: It's our first hint of Victoria. ::whimper:: Meeple! "It ended...badly." Oh, Fraser, honey, you don't know how badly it's going to end yet. And Ray fell asleep??? ::hugs Fraser again:: Hard enough to tlak about that stuff when you're talking to a friend, to find out you're talking to yourself...so much worse.

--Fraser cutting Dief off from junk food! Eee!

--So nice!!

--Okay, so apparently the woman of Ray's dreams is associated with a gun runner.

--Ray driving is nice, though he's too distracted to be safe.

--Love Fraser noticing that MysteryWoman's leading them away, not being pursued!!

--Fraser's trying to figure out what's important about the apartment, looking for clues, gathering information. Hate Ray sitting and trying to justify that MysteryWoman's not really dating Bodine. Ray, please!

--National Guard, good figuring Fraser!

--So Bodine's using his former connection with the National Guard (and his uniform) to get access to Army weapons? Smart. And he's bribing the, I guess that would be the quartermaster, maybe.

--Oh, man, so what, Ray's decided that he needs to find the woman of his dreams, just *after* Fraser's figured out that he's in love with Ray. And they're just not talking because they're guys and they don't do that. Ray thinks he doesn't have a chance and now, what, Fraser's going to decide he doesn't have one either. Ooooook!

--Shortie pajamas!?

--Ray: "Go figure." Fraser: "Go figure what?" Ray: "It's an American expression, Fraser. Don't you think it's about time you picked up the lingo?"

--Oh, poor Ray, being shot at by his MysteryWoman. He looks so stricken when she's aiming at him. ::hugs Ray, even if he is being all lovestruck about the wrong person this episode::

--Eee! Fraser's there to save his ass!!

--OMG!! It's Hugo again!! Eeee!! That makes me feel better about things. If Fraser's feelings are hurt he can go spend a nice evening with Hugo. :D

--God, particularly when Ray starts going off about how she didn't shoot him because of what they feel for each other and blah, blah, blah. Gag!!

--Fraser: "Now, Ray, you've only known this woman for a few seconds, while you had a concussion." Listen to Fraser and stop being an idiot, Ray!!!

--Oh, man and now he's letting his fantasies about his MysteryWoman affect his interpretation of the case. ::gag::

--Fraser's really working hard to try and get his mind off of this. For the sake of the case, I'm getting the impression--but it seems to be just making him uncomfortable.

--Ray: "How many times in a lifetime does this type of thing happen? I mean, has it ever happened to you?" Fraser: "Well...I, I, uh..." Ray: "Of course not, you're a Mountie. What does a Mountie know about women?" ::shakes Ray:: You're not normally so insensitive--and I realize hormones and lust make one rather selfish, but that was really beyond the pale!

--And then while Fraser's trying to figure out what to say to that, Ray proves that his brain fell out onto the street when MysteryWoman hit him. Ray: "I think I'm in love with her, Fraser."

--Like the purple door on the yellow house. That's a cute color combo.

--Bodine: "These Mounties, they catch you sooner or later. I hate that." Heee!

--Well, it's pretty obvious that MysteryWoman and Bodine are not lovers. That's a modicum of something anyway. Well, he seems to think they are, but she doesn't.

--I'm not sure how I feel about this olive green on Fraser. Opinions?

--God, the MysteryWoman's doing a terrible job of playing dumb broad.

--Ray: "Elaine, we are attempting to track criminals as though they were furbearing animals. What news could be bad?"

--Exasperated Ray! :D

--Ray: "If I find her, I gotta arrest her too. End of story." Okay, that's a little sad for poor Ray.

--Pretty! That's nice. They seem to be sort of in synch here.

--Oh, I see the green blinky light on the front of the phone, so Bodine must not have turned it off. That's good. I was afraid he'd messed up their triangulation.

--They're being a little umm *freaking obvious* in approaching the house of a suspected gun runner and a woman who's already taken a shot at Ray and hit him with a car. Perhaps greater subtlety would have been in order.

--Ooo! I like this music as well.

--This pic is, for some reason, hitting my buttons pretty hard tonight.

--So's this one!

--And this one...

--Oh, Ray!! Don't lower your gun!! ::wince:: And he's getting all soft and goopy looking again. And then she knocked him out. Well, he's lucky she didn't shoot him while his guard was completely fucking down.

--Okay, this is so pretty it almost makes me feel better about Ray being an idiot.

--Man, Bodine's a crap shot isn't he? Or is he just shooting wildly to keep Fraser down? That makes sense.

--Yay for Dief in the back of the truck!!

--Ray: "She kissed me." Fraser: "After she hit you?" Ray: "I'm gonna see her in jail, Fraser, if it's the last thing I do."

--Okay, so Fraser pats Ray on the back and Ray gives him such a look--a look that makes Fraser back off hands raised. OMG, it looks like something bad happened between them, like maybe one or the other made a move and it was a rebuffed and they've taken about 10 steps back romantically and now Ray's all stupid about MysteryWoman and keeping walls between them. ::whimpers and cries in a very unhappy place::

--Does Bodine really think that this truck is going to be able to outrun the Riv? He seems like he's several explosions short of a fireworks display.

--Ah, Fraser looks so pretty in the woods. Though, is it just the light or did they dye his hair black?? What's with that??

--Oh, I forsee bad things happening to the Riv.

--Oh, hey, the MysteryWoman just drove the truck off the road rather than hit Fraser and Ray. That's nice. Though she doesn't get too many points for it because she was startled by Dief.

--Fraser (to Dief): "Oh, there you are. Out of donuts are we?" heee!!

--God, every time Ray sees this woman his brains fall out *all over again*. Because, Ray, honey, that woman just got thrown from a truck going *fast* down a hill and you're rolling her around like spinal injuries don't really exist in your universe. What a way to treat someone you claim to love. ::grumble::

--So wait, what, Ray's letting her go??? See prior note about Ray's brain falling out. Because, when he's not in her immediate presence he's smart enough to know he's got to put her away, to want to see her in jail, etc. But she's in front of him so he's LETTING HER GO! ::smacks Ray::

--Okay, squee for her being part of the ATF, because she's actually been quite a lot of cool in this episode. Tough, gritty, playing her role, but obviously keeping her own identity as well. And she'd do great in a story with the Magnificent 7 guys, and OMG watching her and Buck--because he'd be trying to charm her and she'd be uncharmable. Nice! So squee!! ATF!! I warned you it was coming.

--Now Ray's *extremely* lucky that he doesn't wind out with an IA investigation out of this. Idiot! Because her being ATF doesn't make his fucking boneheaded thing about letting her go any smarter.

--Okay, if he's going to look that pretty, I can forgive a great deal.

--So Ray's been on the force for 9 years. Nice to know. Is he younger than Fraser or did he go into police work when he was older?

--At least Ray realizes that he deserves to lose his shield over this. That's *something*!

--And now that he *really* realizes what an idiot he was (and now that she's not right there making his brains into fucking tapioca again) he's letting Fraser put his arm across his shoulder and pat his back again. Ray: "I'm stupid."

--Gardino: "That is the trouble with signs. You get the right sign from the wrong woman, you end up paying for it for the rest of your life." Hee!!

--So I wonder what happened between Chicago Holiday and this episode to make Huey and Gardino so incredibly tolerable. They're being sympathetic and actually quite a lot of cool. Until they see Ray. Maybe the teasing as Ray goes into Welsh's office is a guy thing.

--Oh, Ray's here looking pretty subdued and waiting for Welsh to drop the bomb from MysteryWoman's report.

--And he realizes that there's not going to be a bomb.

--Oh, man. Fraser just sent Ray off to the hotel to meet his MysteryWoman. ::hugs Fraser::

--Oh, man, he's making such an idiot of himself. ::wince::

--But him turning around and marching back to her and kissing her like that. That's kind of hot. If only he'd do that with Fraser. I tried to get a screencap but the hot part's not really screencappable (and I refuse to cap him kissing her, even if I do think she's pretty cool (and she's with the ATF!).

--And then afterwards he almost looks like he doesn't know what to make of what he did. That's kind of cute.

--So why is he walking away and leaving his car just outside the hotel?

--Eeee!! Fraser feet!

--Well, there's a pretty place to end!

--That's not Melina Kankaredes in that photograph, unless she's done some serious work with a hair iron. But I'm not talking about Victoria this time...it can hold for a little bit longer.

All screencaps are my own, feel free to use them however you like. Unless you like to use screencaps by hotlinking. That's not nice, so please don't do that.

due South Episode Notes

Free Willie
Diefenbaker's Day Off
They Eat Horses, Don't They?
Pizza and Promises
Chicago Holiday, part 1
Chicago Holiday, part 2
A Cop, A Mountie and A Baby
The Gift of the Wheel Man

due south, screencaps, episode notes

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