With the exception of two minutes of wincing horror I love this episode. Love it love it love it!! I love Jim's intensity as he's freaking out about Blair. I love Simon so solid in his knowledge of how much Blair means to Jim. I love Blair, providing a wonderful almost guiding presence to the other people in the elevator. Mucho swooning around on the slashy happy place fainting couch, which is a *good* thing.
All just wonderful!
I'm not going to say anything about the two minutes of wincing horror.
Lots of screencaps, because Jim and Blair are both *so* gorgeous here.
Notes on watching Dead Drop
--The little old lady stopping Blair from getting on th elevator is pretty funny. :D
--I guess the timing and the choreography of getting Caitlin and Rachins on the same elevator (with the brother watching) was all pretty carefully done. I bet, though, that they'd have preferred to be on a more crowded car. That would be much better for twisting Wilkinson's arm.
--Oh, and Blair's pretty right from the start! :D
--Okay, so Rachins is being a little strange and cryptic. Apparently getting off on the power of knowing something that other folks don't.
--I *love* that they're going out for Cuban food. That's so cool! Conservative eater my ass.
--Hey, Joel's being Mr. Exposition again, but at least the scene's not clunky this time. He's actually imparting information that's new to the listeners this time. Yay.
--Goodness Jim's pretty!! And he hasn't yet figured out that Sandburg's in danger.
--Oh, yes he has! I love that note. Nice!!
--Galileo: "What do we all want? Love, security, five million dollars wired to a numbered account in the bank of my choice." Well, I certainly wouldn't turn any of that *down* but I doubt I'd commit a crime to get it.
--So can Jim and Simon actually hear the screams from the people in the elevator car? Or is that just a matter of the way the scene is cut? It's effective, but it would definitely be a clue as to where Galileo is and how he's hooked in to the elevator's systemes if they were.
--OMG I love and love and love Blair making sure folks are okay and kind of being a leader here, without even thinking about it. ::hugs Blair::
--Jim's disappointed face. I probably shouldn't find that cute. :D But I do.
--Blair seems almost apologetic calling Jim. "Hey, Jim. Ah, it doesn't look like I'm gonna make it for lunch."
--Oh, I love stressed out Jim realizing his lover buddy is in danger. And advising Blair to do stress relieving breathing exercises. :D
--I also love Blair! "I assume that you're on top of this. You're, ah, on top of this, right Jim?"
--I *love* that Joel is working this case despite being off duty because Blair is in danger!! ::hugs big teddy bear Joel::
--Pretty as Jim taking responsibility for the danger to Blair is ("Before he started hanging out with me, the worst that could happen to him at the university was a papercut"), it's really not appropriate here. Because Blair was here in Wilkenson Towers on University business. Not anything to do with the cops.
--Jim: "Hey, Simon, is it me, or is Cascade the most dangerous city in America?" Not just you, Jim. Not just you. :D
--He's only giving them 45 minutes to get $5 million? That's a little harsh. Even someone with that much money would probably not have it completely liquid and readily available that quickly. Hell, for that much money arrangements have to be made with the bank and so on.
--Wilkenson won't negotiate with terrorists. This is definitely a noble ethical position. But, like so many ethical principles, it can kind of fall apart when held to without any flexibility at all.
--Oh, oh, oh!! Jim's in a kind of cop-ish environment here--these guys are security for a *huge* building, way beyond rent-a-cops, and he's still calling Blair his partner. ::swoons::
--And now everyone else on the car is wondering why Caitlin gets special treatment? She looks so *uncomfortable* about it. And with cause, as we find out.
--Blair's so wonderful trying to point out the good side of that and keep everyone calm.
--Hey, Henri!! Good to see him. And I'm uber-glad that they're evacuating the building.
--OMG So pretty!!
--So they've gone up to the elevator control level, which is good thinking. But that was a damned cursory search wasn't it? I do wonder why they didn't send Jim, who would have heard a heartbeat if there was anyone up there. (Though there was a lot of masking white noise of all the machines up there, so maybe not, actually.)
--Love Jim in the ear-thing being calm and comforting. :D
--And they're all looking to Blair for answers and reassurance again. Nice!!
--Why is Maintenance Guy asking why the police are involved? Blair knows that the elevator's being held for ransom and he was talking about it fairly openly with Jim on the phone. Are the other folks on the elevator still thinking mechanical failure?
--I wonder if Blair really *did* minor in Psych or if that's some BS to get Caitlin to talk to him.
--Just over Jim's shoulder is the monitor of the folks in the elevator, and they're all laying down? Why? Are they bracing for the drop? Have they even been warned about the five story drops every 10 minutes?
--I don't think Wilkenson is supposed to come off as *completely* unsympathetic here. I think he's supposed to come off as taking a tough but moral position, right?? It doesn't work.
--::swoons in the slashy happy place:: Jim doesn't give a rat's ass about anyone *else* on the elevator, at least not at first. "Blair, are you all right?"
--How did the lady in green break her ankle from that? I must have missed something.
--Eeee!! Love Blair getting right up into the camera and shouting at Wilkenson!
--Eeeee!! I *adore* Jim threatening Wilkenson with bad publicity!! That's the way to hit a big-wig like that where he lives!! Eeee!!
--Wilkenson: "What the hell is the matter with him?" Simon: "Well, Mr. Wilkenson, I'll tell you. That's his friend in there, and if you cared half as much for your daughter, maybe this whole thing would be over." ::squeaks with slashy joy::
--So is this fishing pole rig with the camera part of the normal equipment in a high-rise?
--Love Jim getting the idea to weld the car in place!! Even if it ultimately doesn't work, it's a very cool idea!
--I'm finding Caitlin remarkably unsympathetic here, and that's not only because I know that she's really part of the plot, sort of. She's just being very stubborn and recalcitrant about talking to her dad. Lady in Green and Maintenance Guy are both right, there's no harm in trying to talk to him, even if she doesn't think it's going to work.
--Can Galileo detect that elevator 3 is moving or no? Apparently not. But he can see what Blair and the other elevator people are doing. Okay.
--Okay, I love Jim telling Blair to make some noise and trusting that he'll be able to come up with *something* on the fly. Nice level of trust there.
--On the other hand, what Blair comes up with (the elevator Macarena) is just...lalalala I can't hear or see this. ::puts fingers in ears::
--Love Jim listening for the sound of Galileo's power drill. :D
--Galileo has this all very thoroughly planned doesn't he? Where did he get the money to get this all set up? This is not a cheap operation in terms of explosives or computer and electronic equipment.
--Poor Blair!! They just found the briefcase full of C-4 in the elevator with them!
--Poor Jim, getting dropped with everyone else on the elevator!!
--Yay!! Bad Bluescreen!! Now I know I'm watching The Sentinel.
--Lady in Green seems to be *quite* a wimp doesn't she?
--Hey, Henri, you really need to *bend* and look below eye level to do a thorough search. ::shakes head::
--The elevator's on level 15 now, apparently. So it really seems like Galileo doesn't have any more scare drops left--if he wants to have a really powerful threat he needs to have another substantial drop. Though, I suppose even a 10 story drop might be enough to kill them, right? Anyone know about this?
--Oooo!! Fortuitously pretty place to pause!
--Jim just heard something and took off, leaving Simon to cover for him with the others. eeee!!
--Neat shot!! Wish I could get it clearer.
--It would have been nice of them to warn the folks in the elevator about cutting power, wouldn't it. And it would only have taken a second or two for them to do it.
--And Blair bursts their bubble of relief by reminding the other passengers that they're in a small elevator car with a briefcase full of C-4. Necessary...but maybe a little harsh.
--Poor Jim having to walk up all those stairs. :D
--So where was Galileo's brother hiding out from the cops when they cleared the building?
--Oh, I love Simon being *so* unsympathetic to Wilkenson and his fathering style. And this light is *really* nice on him!
--Is it really possible to break into a big serious vault like that with just a drill?? Maybe if he has diamond tips on the bits I guess.
--Oh, Galileo's Brother is kind of stupid but sweet, isn't he? He's so worried about Caitlin, but he got involved in this whole stupid plan. Not very bright.
--And now Ronnie's realizing that his brother's a freaking psycho!
--That's a pretty shot for no good reason.
--Why does he think that he's better off taking Galileo alone and without backup? I'm not sure I get that.
--Love Blair trying to describe the bomb to Joel. He's clearly getting a little frazzled now. He was good until they found that bomb in the car, angry at Wilkenson but putting on a good show of calm. But now his voice is very ragged. ::hugs Blair::
--oooo!! So pretty!!
--Oh, Blair's not being subtle about questioning Caitlin at all. Not at all. And I like it!
--Why is everyone else there looking like they can hear what Wilkenson's saying to Caitlin when they couldn't hear what Jim was saying to Blair?
--What the heck is a Bullion Exchange?? I gather they have a lot of money, actually probably gold, there. But beyond that...
--Such a cute rant from Blair while he's cutting the carpet.
--I *do* love that Blair's taking over the cutting with the blowtorch, and I totally believe him that he spent two summers at a sheet metal plant. Though it's a kind of strange job for him. But I like it anyway.
--Eeeee!! It's the Hero Music! Love the Hero Music! And Jim's on the line outside the building! So wonderful!!
--Eeeee!! He's so keenly aware of the passage of time. I get the feeling he's expecting to hear that elevator bomb blow any *second* now.
--I *so* wish I could have screencapped Jim kicking the gun out of Galileo's hand, because that's like wicked cool. But it just looks like a blur. Sorry. I did get the shot just before. "Wasn't Galileo known for dropping the ball?"
--And yet another bad guy for Jim to fight who appears to have advanced combat training. Why does this seem to always be the case?
--For the OMG so hot flying kick, I'm willing to put up with a blurry 'cap!
--Oh God Oh God, love Jim's convulsive little swallow there as he realizes that Galileo still holds Blair's life in his hands. Eeeee!!
--::swoons:: Look at that face as Jim's trying to get to the detonator!! Eeee!!
--And there when Galileo sets the bomb off! ::eeee:: Look at that face!
--I *really* wish Jim could have been there to pull Blair off the elevator rather than Joel!! Not that I don't love Joel, because I do (he's such a teddy), but Blair really needs to be comforted and cuddled and loved on and held by Jim. And Jim needs to do all of that comforting and cuddling and loving.
--So pretty!!
--At least they get to walk out of the building together, but darn it, Jim puts his arm around Blair's shoulders in almost every other situation. Why not this one?? ::pouts::
All screencaps are my own so feel free to use them however you like. Unless you like to use screencaps by hotlinking. That's not nice, so please don't do that.
Sentinel Episode Notes
Switchman Siege Killers The Debt Cypher Night Train Rogue Love and Guns Attraction Vow of Silence Flight Out of the Past Deep Water Reunion Payback True Crime Iceman The Rig Spare Parts Second Chance Black Or White Blind Man's Bluff Hear No Evil Light My Fire Secret