Episode Notes: Riptide "Catch of the Day"

Nov 09, 2006 23:39

These notes are out of order, this is a second season episode and I've been working through the first season.

Taking screencaps from one of my bootlegs DVDs of the later seasons is making me so *happy* for the official DVDs of the first season. I *hope* that season 2 comes out soon. I took a bunch of screencaps, cause the guys look so fabulous, but they're kind of blurry and...erm...blue. Sigh.

Aside from the DVD quality, this is a fantastic episode. Nick, Cody and Murray are kind and good to a mentally disabled man. The BOTW is a raging bitch and *none* of them are even remotely interested in her. (Which always a benefit.) And it has a mermaid. :)

Notes on: Catch of the Day

--From the credits: Tighty whities!! Despite the evidence of canon I'm writing Cody as a boxers man. :) He just seems like more of a boxers guy.

--Well that's a curious start. Granting permission to come aboard doesn't usually imply permission to slaughter everyone. And who was the chick in the water??

--Murray on a rant--so cute!! And I love Cody holding his hands to try and calm him down. :)

--Oops, Cody just said that Murray doesn't bring in clients. Not the right thing to say when Murray's already all wound up.

--Randomly pretty Cody.

--Randomly pretty windblown Cody! Damn that man looks good like that!

--They're leaving Murray on the dinghy? But obviously eventually they got him off. ( :) NO double entendre intended :) Unless you want there to be one.) Because they've got him in the next scene.

--This Tawny chick is a bitch.

--Okay, this is just pretty. Murray and Cody at the Harbor Patrol (or whatever they're called). That's just a nice shot.

--I like how they're all accepting of Arnie and his learning deficiencies. So sweet of them. And defending him to the Bitch.

--I love Murray's homemade lie detector. And Arnie seems so excited about being hooked up to it. And Murray's so cute as he's blithering about how it works. Doo wah ditty! :)

--"Do you believe the woman you saw was a mermaid?" Cody and Nick look so *intent* on the answer to the question! So cute!

--And Cody has the best line ever... "Why do you find it so hard to believe that we believe that Arnie believes what he believes he saw?" Tawny:"I don't believe this." And he looks so pretty when he's saying it!

--I love Murray's look of absolute disgust when the Bitch puts her hand on his shoulder. Like there's a spider on his shoulder or something. Hate her calling him Boz. Ook!

--Well now, who the heck are they being followed by?

--The next great move of the brain trust is to kick Tawny Bitch to the curb....sigh, no. Oh well.

--Man, Cody and Nick are *so* pretty!

--Now we know that the two guys harassing Nick are Bad Guys, but not very important ones. Just a little bit of a distraction. Got it.

--DOn't much like Nick threatening to drown the guy, but I guess we can trust that he wouldn't have actually hurt the guy.

--"Murray come on, he's bigger than you.""Oh, yeah."

--Oh, I bet she's going to be thrilled about them wrecking her car. That'll be a nice addition to her story. But I keep missing the transition that winds out with them flipping there. And where were they hiding out. On the other hand, the Bitch looking big-eyed and scared is rather fetching.

--Oh, sweet of Arnie to pay them. And sweet of them to take the money. And I seriously *love* Nick explaining the whole situation to the Bitch!!

--They're singing the Gilligan's Island song as they get underway, and this isn't occuring to any of them as possibly being inauspicious? :) Hee!!

--I actually feel a little sympathy for the Bitch and her seasickness here. Not that I generally get seasick, but just that Murray's sort of teasing her and making her feel worse.

--So Arnie's mermaid was a glass bottom boat mermaid. Sweet!

--Murray appears rather stunned by the Mermaid's cleavage, which is indeed mighty! And this was in the pre-Wonder Bra era. Gracious. She could put your eye out. Nick seems distinctly non-plussed by it. Perhaps by this time he's realized that he only wants Cody and Murray. Cody'd not very impressed either.

--Do we see Arnie in any other episodes? He's a sweetie!

--I think this is the best version of Nick's smile I'm going to get this episode. :) Plus it's got free, bonus Murray in his cute hat.

--Oh dear, bad guys waiting for them at the mermaids house. Another typical Complicated Bad Guys situation?

--OMG, I love the way Nick moves!! Not, alas, something I can screencap, but...

--Wait, one bad guy just shot another?? Was he aiming for Cody and missed or what?

--Love Murray trying to take out the big bad guy with the gun. He basically bounces off, but he tries. That's so cute!!

--Sigh and injured dude in need of an ambulance will mean Quinlan. That's a major drag. At least we don't have to see him in this episode. Obviously he makes an impression on the Bitch though, because she rants about him later.

--Okay, I actually like them not saying anything to the Bitch as she figues out that she's treating them the exact same way Quinlan's treating her. They just let her figure it out. They're not actually *saying* anything. Then Cody and Nick look at each other and it's so cute!!

--East of Neptune's Trident is still a great deal of the ocean--though not an infinite amount because East will bring them back toward the coast.

--Oh, never mind, Cody just found the Morning Rose. Good. And he's being smart enough to pull out one of the bullets for comparison with the bullet in the dead guy.

--I bet at some point Cody or someone is going to need to use the air bottles that the mermaids have stashed down in there.

--So what is Cody doing with the back of the boat? Attaching a transponder maybe? And finding the dead guys. Yucky! May explain why the sharks are hovering around all interested.

--Is Cody, back on the Riptide after his dive, seriously in nothing but a bathrobe and a pair of white socks?? Heee!

--Nick's hands aren't the marvel of sexiness that Murray's hands are, but honestly they're not bad either.

--One of the bad guys is one of the maritime patrol people. Sigh. Bad cops. Not so much good. But it explains why people at the maritime patrol were so suspicious and difficult.

--This time it's Murray to the rescue! Sweet!! Yay for Murray on the Riptide! And yay for Murray figuring things out and going and rescuing them!

--Nick and Cody at sea is awfully pretty. I'm just gong to ignore the fact that they're tied up.

--Hey, Bad Guys are shooting at the Riptide! Ook, that's going to necessitate some costly repairs.

--Murray jumped straight over the boat! Whoops. :)

--Oh, yeah, the bomb. That's not so good. I'd forgotten about the bomb. How about everyone else? Certainly the bad guys had as well. Sweet!

--I like Arnie a lot, so while I'm not crazy about any one else interfering with the three of them in the tag, Arnie was okay. And sweet! And Cody was staring at Nick's mouth again. That's always nice! :D

--Wait, no one used the air bottles. This show keeps confouding my expectations in that regard. And they never found the missing mermaid, did they? I guess she's just presumed dead.

All screencaps are my own. Feel free to use them however you like.

Riptide Episode Notes

Pier 56, or Pilot
Conflict of Interest
Somebody's Killing the Great Geeks of America
Hatchet Job
The Mean Green Love Machine
Diamonds Are For Never
Arrivederci, Baby (Pictures only, little commentary)
The Pirate and the Princess
Dead Men Don't Floss

screencaps, episode notes, riptide

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