Episode Notes: Riptide "Riptide, or Pier 56"

Sep 28, 2006 01:11

The pilot is such a fun episode and gives such a great overview of the show.

Except that I'm getting this disturbing vibe that Cody's way gayer than Nick is. Or at least that Cody's prepared to accept it and Nick's still trying to chase girls (badly) and trying to think of himself as straight. It's like he hasn't come out to himself yet. This could get turned into something sweetly tragic for Cody--wanting Nick but Nick's refusing to admit that he wants anything at all. (Abner's right, I do like angsting up my characters, don't I? :) )

I think part of why Cody's reading as so overwhelmingly gay is that they used too much eyeliner. I realize that most male characters on any show have on a touch--but he has on way more than a touch. It makes him look a little fey. And he's got that 1980's "You'll pry my blow-dryer out of my cold dead hands" thing going on occasionally. More's the pity, because he looks much better when he's naturally windblown.

Notes on: Riptide, or Pier 56

--That's an awfully damned pretty sailboat to be blowing up. Sigh!

--The snorkeler (Kimba Hall?) is lucky to have had the zodiac there, or she'd have been stranded on that little island.

--Love that Cody's so nice about the guy who just didn't quite break his nose. "His heart is broken..." Very understanding.

--Geeze they're pretty!

--The Barefoot Contessa's another *lovely* boat. Just gorgeous. I'm distinctly partial to sailboats. P-san could say for sure, but I think Mama Jo's just babbling here--I think they're good nautical sounding phrases, but probably not accurate. :)

--Kimba's awfully cute!

--Cody's worried about turning 30. I wonder what he's worried about. I guess he feels like it's time to get mature and responsible. Love that they're talking about Boz. :) But I really like that this is his attempt to grow up.

--They're such bums; the whole conversation about the girl's names was funny but very silly. They're acting like this is meaningful pondering on the state of the universe...they sound like they're stoned or something. No wonder Quinlan doesn't like them.

--God they're pretty! I mean, shit!

--Love the picture quality. These are so much nicer than my bootlegs! Gonna get some *great* screencaps!! Icons and wallpapers and squeeee!!

--Cody reads Fortune magazine?!!

--AAAhhh, I was in mid sentence and there's Nick's chest! Aaaaahh! God! *gibber* That just totally derailed me! And may I just say what a pleasure it is making these screencaps, because I get to watch scenes like this over and over again to make sure I get just the right moment. ;)

--Cody negotiating keeping Nick's helicopter ride sales pitch away from the hotel as a way of getting the job is very cute. And pretty smart too. :) Of course, included in this is negotiating that Nick won't be flirting with the waitresses anymore. Better and better for Cody--he gets a job *and* a reason for his would-be-boyfriend to stop flirting with the girls. "I've got some new collars and leashes for him." :) Then Cody's ass as he's walking away from the hotel guy. Jinkies!

--I can't believe that Nick is able to say with a straight face that the Mimi is beautifully appointed. :) Crystal and Mildred. :)

--Love the way Cody looks with this hair windblown and in the sun. So sweet!

--Oh, God, there's Quinlan being an absolute *ass*! I knew it was coming and I still wasn't fully prepared for the awfulness. Jeeze that man needs to be slugged. I swear, he's very close to intolerable. I wonder what other things that actor's been in and if he's always so intolerable.

--It's interesting how obviously worse the picture quality is on the stock footage of the Coast Guard chopper and plane.

--EEEeeee! I missed this the first time: "I do his laundry, sew on his buttons, and cook his eggs in the morning", "That's true he does". Ah! And I can so see it. I mean, we see Nick cooking other times and ... eeee!! That's so domestic. *squee* God, Nick's a cute sidekick.

--"Aren't we a couple of shining knights on donkeys?" And Nick's smiling again!

--Agreeing to make Kimba Hall neutral territory--sigh. And kind of funky, because I certainly haven't watched all the episodes, but I've never really seen them compete over a girl in any other episode, have I? So why are they assuming they're going to fight over this one? Okay, so if I slip the slash glasses on I can say that Cody's definitely fighting for Nick here, keeping him away from a pretty girl that Cody had no intention of going for. :)

--So what's this Marlon Brando-esque bad guy doing with his hand in his shirt??

--Girls from the Contessa sneaking onto the Riptide? Looks like they're after Nick and Cody, not the other way, round. And it sure seems like Nick and Cody were sound asleep and not expecting them. So much for the mighty hunters. :)

--Their only gun is a shark rifle--apparently a .22? Not a very big gun. And they've got it hidden away somewhere and don't know where it is. You can tell they're new to the detective business.

--EEEEeeeeee! Nick and Cody in their BVDs!! You know, I'm definitely a boxers kind of gal, but they make the tighty-whities look good! And bare chests!! Eeeeee!

--"Come on let's get outta here. We look like the underwear section of a Spiegel Catalog." Cody's got an awfully damned nice package, BTW. :D So then does mostly naked Kimba ride back to the harbor on the lap of mostly naked Cody?? :) Oh, to be Kimba Hall.

--I *really* love Cody in the loose grey shirt. *Seriously*! (But what's with the ugly mug with, apparently, a clown dog on it.)

--Hey, Mama Jo has heard of Boz. :) And what the Hell's a forward bollard? :) Anyway, it's beginning to tarnish.

--Mildred is showing tremendous good sense in refusing to get in the Mimi. Crystal's way hot in her slinky green dress shaking her fanny for Nick as she walks away. :)

--Apparently Murray's a video-game designer. So he's almost certainly making big arcade video games.

--I'm very amused by the fact that Nick has a roll of electrical tape in the Mimi. Realistically it's probably for repairs, but it's quite handy to use for changing the chopper's call letters. :)

--I *love* Murray violently defending the integrity of his creations. He's obviously not enjoying breaking up his mainframes though, even though he built them and doesn't want to see them misused. And his corduroy jacket, love his jacket. It even makes an appearance in my story. :)

--Murray's so happy to see them and that they are going to rescue him. So cute! But he's got to take his boxes and boxes of stuff. Including his artificial intelligence conversion console. :) "I always wanted one of those." And I especially love how careful he is to leave the stuff that doesn't belong to him. :)

--The cops actually took a shot at unarmed men guilty only of a crime against property?? Woah! Santa Barbara cops are touchy.

--"Please Lord bless this helicopter, especially the pistons. Amen!" The quick and dirty version of the Pilot's Prayer.

--Murray's tough to screencap because he's always in motion. But here's a nice one. "It's how I make a fist." :)

--Murray has a computerized mood ring. :) He says biofeedback, I say it's a mood ring. Potato/Potahto. I wonder what happens to it after this episode.

--So why are they flying with the Mimi's door open?? They almost always do, but I think I'd be *very* nervous with the big sliding door open like that.

--Oh, yeah, it's the cute waitresses at Straightaway's in their bikinis and sarongs. Yummy!

--Murray's ring could just about go on two of Kimba's fingers. :) Not nice using the lie detector on their client, but definitely handy.

--Jeeze Murray's cute!! And I love him just moving right on into the forward stateroom. I wonder whose room he took. I could go back to the underwear scene and check...hmm...:) :P If I remember the layout of the salon right, it was Nick who got displaced by Murray. :) So why was Nick in the larger forward cabin, not Cody? Cody's wooing Nick, being extra nice to the man he's trying to win? Or I'm remembering the layout of the salon wrong. You decide. ;) Anyway, here's beautiful moving-in Murray.

--And another one because OMG he's cute!!

--Aagh! Murray being so geeky about the girls on the Barefoot Contessa. And Nick and Cody so obviously want to muzzle him.

--I mentioned this last night with Arouette and Catyah--I *love* that Murray has no detective instincts at the beginning of the show. He's cheerfully describing the "voice-activated transmitter" that's making the roboz act squirrely and Nick and Cody are clueing in to the fact that it's a bug. Murray just doesn't get it. Nick and Cody at least have the experience of being MPs, so they have something of a clue.

--And I rather like Nick and Cody figuring out that at least the roboz is going to be handy. I don't think they've quite figured out how useful *Murray's* going to be yet, though. Or that he's going to be the other love of their lives.

--Nick's planning to have the roboz going out, picking up girls, and bringing them back for pina coladas and "sheet wrassling tournaments". Good lord!! I could see why Cody's be so upset about this idea--I mean his would-be boyfriend's there blithering about sheet wrassling with stupid bimbos. But why's *Murray* so upset?? Aside from the word "wrassling" being an offense against nature.

--Love the girls on the Contessa thinking Murray's so cute!!

--Okay, so ordered randomly to talk, Cody's first idea is, "So how were things at the office, Dear?" And Nick's response, "I don't know how I'm going to get along with Mr. Tilden. He takes such terrible advantage of me." :)

--Oh dear. Poor Murray, so excited to live with them and be part of the agency and Cody and Nick so...unenthusiastic. Ook. "Don't you want me here?" *Pets poor Murray.*

--Why is Nick feeling up the roboz?

--The Mimi's battery "used to be in the rear"? From Nick? Surely he knows where the battery goes in his own helicopter!

--Murray's referring to the Riptide as "our" boat? I wonder what Nick, and especially Cody think about that.

--What the *hell* is "auto-gyroing down"?? Must google on this someday.

--Why are Cody and Murray rolling around on a mattress in the back of the Mimi. I mean the rolling's obviously because they're crashing--but why is there a mattress back there? :)

--Love Murray dissing the technology of the bad guys. To their faces. Love Nick's: "We could get you brochures."

--Once again, Nick and Cody wish they could muzzle Murray. "Tell this guy we don't work for crooks." "This is not a hard and fast rule." Murray's brave and feisty, if not terribly diplomatic.

--"If you do not accept this generous offer..." I will make you listen to more of my bad Marlon Brando imitation. :)

--Murray's so morally offended by the fact that they're working for a crook! Love that!

--Nick and Cody realizing that Murray's a geek. :) (And Nick's realizing that if Murray's sleeping in the forward stateroom, he has to sleep in the rear. And he's still too closeted to be comfy with that. But he'll get better. ;) )

--So Cody's miffed at living with Murray, 'cause he's a geek, but the roboz is a find. Nick, I think, is understanding that with one you get the other. And he doesn't appear to be thrilled. Ook!! *pets poor Murray*

--Murray's so cute being *such* a gentleman trying to avoid touching Kimba Hall in any way--when she's sitting on his *lap*!! And she's clearly pretty fascinated with him. So sweet! I could absolutely see Abner doing exactly the same thing. (As a little side note here, Murray's got the sexiest hands on the planet!)

--Sigh, the mid-length, slightly flirty version of the Pilot's Prayer, "Bless this aircraft, make it fly straight and true through the perils of our journey. Amen"

--Oh, Nick's so going to Hell for spinning such a line of bull about Cody. OMG! Such a line of bull! Infectious hepatitis!

--Love Cody in his straw hat! (And Dex in his blue shirt with the white stitching isn't bad either.) This is like the direct ancestor of Gil Grissom's SHMAG (Straw Hat of Middle-Aged Gayness). :)

--Hey, so Cody knows the guy in the chopper enough to wave at him, but then doesn't recognize that it's Dex?? Hell, I recognize the freaking t-shirt.

--What good's a .22 versus a shark?

--The poor Riptide's getting all shot up! And Murray's objecting to sending the roboz out. Okay, if he wants to protect his AI, he needs to have a better plan. Dex obviously isn't very bright if he can't tell the roboz from Cody.

--What is that on Cody's belt?

--Eeeeeee!! Shirtless Cody and all the yummy little ripply muscles!!

--There they are landing on the only island they ever land on. ;) Next to the eternal puddle.

--Oh, god from infectious hepatitis to a drug habit to seizures. You've got to know when to leave well enough alone, man!

--Eeeee!! Shirtless Cody!

--And then the *very* flirty version of the Pilot's Prayer: "Dear Lord bless this aircraft and Kimba Hall who is warming my life. Amen." Followed by Nick's stunning smile!

--I think the pistons need the Lord's help more than Kimba does. ;)

--Okay so why are they running *away* from the only cover they have (the Mimi)? At least the first time. After they get back and grab the scuba tank it's really very smart of them to get into the water (though Kimba's little collapse on the beach is dumb as hell. Water's good protection from bullets, so that was clever thinking on Nick's part.

--I'm completely in denial that Nick has the slightest idea what to do with a scuba tank!! (I wants me my underwater sex story from Catyah!)

--Nick's practically got his hand on Kimba's tit. Ook!

--Love how entranced Kimba looks as Murray's explaining Occam's Razor. It looks like she's using every lonely little brain cell she posesses to understand. :)

--Ah, Cody's awfully pretty up there in the wheelhouse of the boat! So nice!

--Nick's so *busted*!! I really love that Cody's not doing anything to wreck Nick's line with Kimba--but he's going to make him pay later. :) And here's Cody plotting revenge. :)

--"Why didn't you just give me a venereal disease?" "I didn't think of that."

--Gosh Murray's cute! I mean look at that smile! (And could Kimba be sitting any closer?? Girl's got taste anyway.)

--Oh, and it's the sweet scene with Murray and Kimba on the fantail. Murray's so cute explaining why the ocean is still at night. I love that Cody and Nick can totally hear what's going on on the deck.

--Nick's drinking beer in bed? So's Cody apparently. I don't know why that's striking me so funny. :)

--Here's our canonical evidence that Nick and Cody share a room. Eeeeeee! And look at how sweet Cody looks as he's listening to Kimba and Murray: "You really love them don't you." "Yeah, Nick and Cody are wonderful." Sigh!!

--Love how devoted Murray is to Nick and Cody! Sweet!! Adore how cute he is!!

--Love how calm Nick and Cody are about the fact that Murray's telling Kimba about the lie detector/mood ring. Quietly accepting that they're busted. Nice!

--Synchronized turning off the light and going to bed. God they're married!

--I'm still in denial that Nick knows anything about scuba diving! He was just snorkeling. Yeah, that's it!

--Cody in the awesome blue hoodie!! I obviously like guys in partially unzipped hoodies, that's all there is to it!

--So if they're taking the Ebbtide back to town, that means they're just leaving the Riptide, their *home* there. Unattended? That would feel really strange to me.

--"I hope she doesn't catch his infectious hepatitis". :)

--I must admit that I'm rather partial to Nick's tight white shorts. :) Don't much like the Hawaiian shirt, but the shorts are distinctly nice.

--Jed's Flying Service must really be *bad* if Nick, with his one *appalling* helicopter, can call it "two-bit". :)

--Cody's so gay and gay and gay. He's describing Dex as "Good looking. Tan. Blond. Saltwater blue eyes." I can believe a straight guy saying all of that--except the "saltwater blue eyes"!! (Okay, most straight guys I know wouldn't notice, or at least wouldn't comment on, another guy being good looking either.)

--Love Murray solving the case!! Love it love it love it! Love that Cody and Nick both know he's solving the case.

--"Don't whine, it's not becoming." :)

--Cody gets a scene to look incredibly pretty! Yay! And to be all tough and "You're not going to get away with this" and *sigh*! And to wear his blue hoodie!

--Ah! Cody's kidnapped and Nick's worried about losing "the best friend I ever had". I wish this show were better with the hurt/comfort.

--Love Murray absolutely refusing to be left behind when Nick's planning on trying to rescue kidnapped Cody. "If I stay here, you guys will never treat me the same way again." He's right too.

--"You only go around once in life so you should grab all the gusto you can." :) I love Nick, even if he does seem distressingly straight to me. Or...really, like he *wants* to be straight and he's clinging desperately to the illusion.

--Murray saves the day by turning on the roboz to distract the bad guys--after all his whining earlier about not getting roboz shot, he did it himself this time. :) Murray's apparently got a hell of a punch because he absolutely decked that guy, even if he did hurt his hand. "Because that's how he makes a fist."

--When did Nick change?? He was wearing the white shorts and Hawaiian shirt and then, after a ride in the Ebbtide, which presumably doesn't have clothes on board what with it being just a speedboat and all, is now in a blue shirt and khakis. At least Cody had the good sense to leave on the hoodie and shorts. :)

--No one in this show has the slightest idea how to hold a gun. :)

--I didn't realize how very, very lucky Cody is not to have gotten shot by Santana. I've seen this episode twice before and missed it both times. That might make an interesting plot bunny!

--Like hell either of these guys have ever had their perfect straight noses broken. Honestly!

--Poor, poor Cody having to shoot the Ebbtide! He saved six years to buy that boat! Obviously they get it fixed. Love Murray taking charge of shooting up the Ebbtide. :) And doing it with apparent gusto. :)

--Ooh, Nick's really worried, he just referred to the Mimi as an antique. :)

--Ah, love Nick accepting Murray--the tacky mats, the Occam nonsense (which was actually helpful), "the whole buffet." And Murray's smile's so sweet!

--So how do Nick, Cody and Murray get off that island? Presumably they radioed someone.

--"Brains are sexy....In a few years a big, good-looking moron like you won't have a chance." Hrm...once again Cody's noticing, and commenting on, good-looking guys. Gay and gay and gay!

--Oh, to be Kimba Hall!

--Murray's so cute!

--Celebrating their new partnership! Sweet!!

--What the heck is Nick smoking? Do we ever see him smoking again? It doesn't look like a cigarette. Maybe one of those skinny little cigars, but still. *yuck face*

--Because I like to end these on a high note, and because I took a screencap and didn't make a note of where it goes in the narrative, I'll end with more delicious windblown Cody!

So after all of that, my read on the pilot is that Cody's gay and knows it, but really only wants Nick. Nick's gay but deeply in denial; he probably doesn't realize that Cody wants him and would be *horrified* if he did know. Murray's still getting his feet under him, so he hasn't yet figured out that he wants both of them, but he has figured out that he doesn't like even a hint of dissension between them.

screencaps, episode notes, riptide

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