Episode Notes: Riptide "Somebody's Killing the Great Geeks of America"

Oct 11, 2006 21:38

Well, I'm having an *extremely* out of sorts day today, exciting news about Cirque du Soleil notwithstanding. So I tried to perk myself up by watching an episode of Riptide. With some success, I'll admit.

This is a fun episode and gives us a little bit of insight into Nick, though it kind of raises more questions than it answers in some ways. I did take screencaps, though not as many as for previous epsiodes. (No one takes their shirt off...bummer...) Anyway, it's got a smart female client. (Yeah, no kidding, a smart chick, almost unheard of in 1980s TV.) It's got Nick and Cody worried about Murray. It's got Determined!Murray unwilling to be left out of things. On the whole a good episode.

--Okay, I don't know who this blonde woman is yet, but she's pretty with it--honking the horn like that to get the security guard's attention. And she's fairly cute. But OMG those *huge* glasses. And she looks like she totally went for the mix of Dress fOr Success and Color Me Beautiful that was supposedly the path to success for women at that time.

--This episode was written by a chick named "Babs"? Huh. I didn't know people actually had that name.

--Cody fixing Murray's tie. So sweet.

--Sigh, so why's Nick so insecure about socializing with the smart people? I don't believe that Nick's stupid, but he's got some sort of jock-like resistance to appearing smart or having anything to do with smart people. I'm now *really* curious about Nick's backstory. I could see him coming from a blue-collar Italian family, maybe miners from Central PA or something. Some environment where being too smart was seen as being too effete. Maybe he got in trouble for wanting to join the chess club or something. Intellectually he's gotten over a lot of this, he's obviously fond of Murray, a helicopter is a hard aircraft to learn to fly, etc. But it seems like he still emotionally reacts to the discomfort of looking like he's "trying to be so smart". I can just hear some big, loutish father with a beer belly an a wife-beater saying that to Nick if he was reading a book or something.

--On the other hand, Cody looks like he's planning on having a *ball*. I am almost convinced of the idea that Cody has a geek fetish. ;)

--So where, and why, did they come up with a sequined maid outfit for the roboz. That's so wrong.

--I love the multi-culturalism of the High-Q party, there's an Asian guy and a black guy and a really hot black chick.

--Murray talking about how wonderful Cody and Nick are--so sweet. And being so tongue-tied about them all living together. "Two of the best friends a guy could have."

--So Murray, anxious to make a good impression with his party, just abandons all of his guests on the Riptide so they can take Natalie to Straightaway's and talk to her in privacy.

--Man, poor Nick's taking a sort of emotional beating from this whole thing--what with Natalie being so harsh about him having cheated off her test. And him feeling so out of place with the High-Q party. And Natalie's being such a bitch to him.

--She's sleeping in Murray's room?? Okay, so where did Murray sleep? *wink wink* And apparently they moved one his computers up to the salon.

--Why would a company keep someone on staff if their in house personality test showed that they were a sociopath?

--Lord that woman is a bitch. I mean, what business of hers is it how the Riptide Detective Agency divides up their labor?

--So when did Cody get rid of the old woody and get the Jimmy. The woody's awfully cute--sort of a surfer-mobile--but they don't need two rattly old junk heaps, the Mimi is plenty.

--Oh, Nick has such a nice ass. And I love how slim Cody looks in the white sweater. I've always had a serious *thing* for slender guys.

--Love Murray's determination to go in and help as soon as he hears the gunshot. And it's another reason to not like Natalie that she won't let him. So much for women's lib--when the bullets are flying she wants a protector. Grumble grumble.

--Oh, Cody, Cody. Don't charge the bad guy just because his gun's jammed. Who knows how long it will stay jammed and you're leaving perfectly satisfactory cover there.

--Ooh, love Murray worried about Cody being hurt. And Nick immediately running when Cody calls for him. Nice!

--Okay, the surfer-mobile getting passed by a VW Bug is just embarrassing.

--Quinlan is funny when he's babbling about making sure the Senator knows who me is. But what a jerk he is. Love Natalie's look at him while he's babbling.

--Oh, Murray's totally talking about the computer to the wrong guy. But I love Murray pointing out to Quinlan that unplugging the computer means all the data is lost. (That's so 80s!) And then the reaction of the cop who just lost a day's worth of work because Quinlan's an ass.

--So why are they taking the Mimi to the Bitch's office? I mean later I understand why they need to have it. But for now there's no reason for it at all.

--Hey, now even Cody's making fun of poor Nick. Though he's at least smiling and making it clear that he's doing it affectionately.

--So did Cody deliberately have Nick working with the Bitch or was it that he doesn't like her either. :)

--Apparently, she's a bitch because she had a crush on Nick in high school. Sigh! I suppose all sorts of wounds can continue to rankle even years later. But sigh!

--Nick's such a sweetheart! And he's adorable. And who wouldn't have had a crush on him as a teenager. That was actually a sweet scene of resolution between them. And she's really rather cute. when she's not being a bitch.

--"You were gawking at a man?" :)

--Why are they taking the roboz over to the other building with them? Why why why? What good can he possibly be and they could always go back to the other building to get him if they need him.

--I think Thom Bray is much taller than Murray is, which sounds stupid, but I really do. He tends to slouch as Murray and I think he's taking at least a copule of inches off his height.

--Love Cody helping Nick up. And, okay, this screencap pretty much wound out happening but accident. I don't know that I need to say what it looks like to me. ;)

--"If Boz runs into this guy he'll break in half."

--SQUEE!!! Nick and Cody being worried about Murray running into the martial artist and helping him up and holding onto him *way* longer than they actually needed to. Squee!!

--It's the grimmest parade in the history of television. Miserable looking people and creepy clowns. Oy!

--Knew this was going to happen, but it's still sweet to see Nick figuring things out and getting the right answer about the diagram that Murray can't figure out. I also like that Natalie was completely, absolutely wrong about everything about the case. It had nothing to do with the brain trust, the bad guy didn't work for BetaTech, and her sociopath coworker was just another victim.

--God Murray's cute in that whole scene in the hotel room. Just adorable. I like him in that hoodie thing. But where did he get the laptop computer.

--Once she stops being a bitch I rather like Natalie.

--So Cody and Nick want Murray to cover the bad guy's exits from the building. But how is Murray supposed to do this. For one thing he's just one guy, how can he cover *exits*?? For another he's already proven to be completely unequal to the task of stopping the martial artist. On the other hand, I love how determined he is to try!

--OKay, it's just a little bit embarrassing to be saying this, but Quinlan fills out a pair of jeans quite nicely actually. I'm not gonna cap it though. :)

--OMG--okay there was an episode of CSI: Miami that had a sniper threatening the people of Miami. And when they figured out which square in the city he was going to be at they sent in a helicopter to mess up the wind patterns and stuff. Just like Nick's doing with the Mimi. Sweet!

--I guess it's stock shots of the Mimi taking off, but I don't undstand why Nick's flying away from the building at all. I mean he just needs to take off, move 50 feet or so and hover over the street to do the job. Of course him flying away a bit gives him a chance to swoop in like a protecting angel, which is sweet and dramatic.

--Ooh, I like Natalie's little smile when she feels the wind from the chopper. She knows what Nick's doing.

--Hey, I like Nick and Cody working together to take the bad guy! Sweet!

--Okay the beach bunnies in high-heels are just a little bit too much. ;) That's hysterical.

--Oooh, I *really* like Cody's suggestion that at the next High-Q party they sit around and try to figure out a case. That could be a fun story to write. :)

--Okay, the little waitress at the end at Straightaway's is just adorable. She's on screen for about 2 seconds, is cute as a bug, and I like her tummy.

screencaps, episode notes, riptide

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