Episode Notes: Riptide "Diamonds Are For Never"

Nov 01, 2006 23:50

This is such a *freakin'* awesome episode!! For one thing it's a total Murray episode, he's gorgeous, he's clever and resourceful, and he saves the girl. Wonderful. The BOTW is pretty with it, she's not especially interested in any of the guys, and she's awfully cute. And Cody and Nick are as beautiful as always. And they pay Murray $70 to go away so they can be alone...with girls. :D

Great stuff and lots of pictures!! Mostly of Murray this time because he's just so awesome this episode!

Notes on: Diamonds are For Never:

--Love the credits and the happy music! Mmmmm Shirtless Cody! Sweet!

--There's a dude in this episode called J. Rickley Dumm. Bummer of a name, dude. I'll have to look for him/her on IMdB. Oh, he was the producer. He also produced a bunch of Magnum, P.I. episodes. Go figure.

--Hmm--I wonder if she's supposed to look like a stewardess. Maybe it's just that horrible little early-mid 80s floppy bow tie deal she's wearing. Oh, wait, she is a stewardess! So she is supposed to look like one. Yay, go me! And the awful color coordination--red and navy.

--So Artie's involved in something...I wonder what...I guess I'm supposed to think Artie's a good guy because Connie's nice and he's her friend. That's where my money lies anyway. On the other hand, he's about to leave town. That's not a good sign.

--The bad guy must be pretty lame if he can't catch up with a woman running in high heels.

--Wait, wait, Nick's looking forward to being alone with Bambi and Cody's looking forward to be alone with Tammy. But they're planning on being alone with these girls *together*. Heeeee!!!! They're putting four glasses on the table. (Crystal and candles though, that's rather nice.) God, they're just playing to the slashers and not even thinking about it. :)

--Ooh, Nick's tummy and his chest!! *swoon* So tempting! With just a beautiful amount of fur on it. And OMG he's stroking his chest and just, OMG!! Lord. It doesn't screencap well, but I have enjoyed watching it over and over and over and over in order to try.

--Love Cody and Nick finishing getting dressed while talking to Murray. Just on account of the OMG pretty and ... erm ... just look at the pretty picture of Cody's muscles. :)

--They sent Murray out for pizza because they want to be alone "...with girls."

--Murray lecturing them on the ethics of getting those girls to violate the honor system by coming over. Murray's being awesome here--he's not even trying to and he's making them feel guilty.

--So they give Murray $70 and the keys to the 'vette and send him off to have a good night--and he goes to see Cinderella or Bambi?? And his smile when he sees what the theater's showing is so freakin' cute!

--Boy does he have an *armful* of munchies. Some of which he just spilled into the lady in purple's drink. They must be at Bambi if he's saying that he always cries--Cinderella isn't all that sad.

--Oh, Murray's so *sweet*!! He's going after that nice lady so he can help her. He's so very very nice! And he's got a good eye for the cute chicks. And once again the woman crying just rattles him.

--He's leaving a trail of popcorn like he's Hansel trying to get back out of the woods.

--Hey someone else who recognizes Murray from having been on the cover of a couple of magazines. And how could you forget that gorgeous face?

--And he dumps the rest of his huge thing of popcorn! Lord that thing must have weighed more than he did.

--So Murray's been working for the agency for how long? Long enough to know that they need to *investigate* before assuming people are murderers. Oh wait, they're private investigators. Standards of proof--that's a problem for the cops.

--Wait, Murray's chasing the guy because he's a murderer. Wouldn't it make more sense for him to take the girl to safety, since this guys' been pursuing her *all day* and he's finally going away. His hands sure look pretty on the steering wheel though.

--"Not me, not me, I'm chasing murderers." :)

--Does Nick get his car back in one piece?? I hope so. Well at least it's going to be banged up. No wait, Murray ran into all those signs and boxes and the newsstand and he still didn't scratch the paint. That's some damned good paint! Go, Boz!!

--I love roboz trying to get Nick to answer the phone. And then Cody. (Though how does the Roboz get down the stairs to Cody and Nick's cabin? He's on wheels.)

--Oh, god, Nick's so wonderful! Immediately worried about Murray as soon as he hears Murray's name, like Bambi is suddenly totally forgotten. Eeeee! That's so sweet. And Cody's so pretty. (Just ignore the stupid bimbo.)

--He does look bummed about having to let Bambi go though when he goes to bail Murray out.

--Murray in jail is just so *horribly* wrong!! It's not a bad scene, but just the thought is so *icky*!

--The pimp trying to market his goods on the street. :) And Murray totally believes that he's an encyclopedia salesman. Sigh. Sweet naive Murray!

--Just a randomly nice shot of Cody and Nick. :)

--So Connie's shuttling stuff from LA to Lima. Is she stupid enough not to realize that this is kind of suspicious? Well, I guess she has checked the packages, just not thoroughly enough. Okay. Not a total moron then.

--Murray looks at Cody's lips on a regular basis? And he knows Nick's regular gestures. Love it!!

--"Well, your lips *are* pursed Cody..."

--I wonder who's got the bug on Artie's place. Surprise, surprise it's the Bad Guy who offed him.

--There's a database of archaeologists? :) And Murray can access it. Handy that. :)

--Umm, okay, they're getting called out to meet at Fisherman's Island by a mysterious call. And they don't immediately think it's a setup?? They're obviously new at this. Connie's asking the good questions, though, about how the caller knew where they were and that they'd be interested. She's not brainless at all. How cool is that?

--Murray feels just like a spy. Hee!! His enthusiasm is so cute!!

--Synchronizing their watches. Nick: "Okay. 11:15. Murray, what've you got?" Murray: "11:08 and 16 seconds." Cody: "Well, I don't know. It's around eleven, I guess, the minute hand's broken". Murray, after the others have left: "Wait a minute, I don't think we did that right." :) :) Love that scene!! Heeee!

--Umm, Cody's probably going too fast in the harbor. They usually have pretty strict speed limits to keep the boats from getting damaged by wakes.

--Fisherman's Island--the only island they ever go to. With apparently only one good place to land a helicopter. :)

--Oop, as soon as Connie mentioned that she was diabetic I figured that some sort of sugar crisis would be coming. But isn't the loopy-headedness caused by too little sugar, not too much (the insulin gets rid of excess sugar, right?).

--Hee, I love them realizing that they've been lead away on a wild goose chase. Windblown!Cody on the Ebbtide waiting is awfully pretty too!

--"Nick, I can't believe we've been so stupid!" I was kind of surprised by it too, Cody. Sorry.

--Eeeee! And them running onto the boat screaming for Murray!! Eee!

--Then Nick's just flopping on the settee and looking so cutely frustrated!! (And what is it with guys and white socks. ;) )

--God, Nick's so...."Have we invested in diamonds recently", like they're a financial unit and make decisions together rather than independently. That's more than just buddies and roommates. They're not just doing it--they consider themselves a unit, and, it sounds like they consider themselves a permanent unit. Love it!!!!! (Okay, five exclamation points might be a touch excessive.) Nah!

--Does insulin have a taste? And, even if it does, why does Cody recognize it?

--Hee, Murray defending Connie so fiercely. And then looking so incredibly cute. Geez he's adorable. And I love him in that tan blazer of his. :)

--Cody with the bug-finding thing is so cute. "Sometimes Cody, good old-fashioned investigating works best. And so does turning on the detector." :) I guess it's just a hand held metal detector, not specifically for electronics or anything.

--Who's at the door? Walt?? Huh. Well, I didn't expect that. Ooh, but Nick and Cody are so gorgeous answering the door.

--Aaahhh, God, Murray's hands on the keyboard!! So fucking sexy! But he's a two-finger typist? Really! And I love Murray's SOS going to *everyone*. So smart!! That's our genius!! Squeee!! ::hugs Murray:: He looks so intense. And his hands on the keyboard are just making me *drool*!!

--"Let's think like Murray, let's use Occam's Razor." "Oh, I hate that, Cody."

--Murray's so calm as he's stalling for time. Yay, Murray!!! Calm and gorgeous!

--Okay, I'm thinking it was not a good idea for them to leave Walter behind--either he's a bad guy and going to do bad things, or he's going to get nabbed.

--And Murray's getting the bad guys' driver's licence. So clever of him! Obviously we have a trez stupid baddie here because he just handed it over. (Though how does Murray log into a "National Security Computer"?? Maybe he still has some sort of access from his Army days? Nah, that doesn't make any sense.)

--Sigh, I'm getting convinced about the lack of wisdom in leaving Walt behind. Oops, yep, and he just shot the stupid bad guy. Who's not really a bad guy, he's a stupid CIA dude. Who shot Artie and hid the body. What a maroon!

--Walt's an assassin named the Lynx?? He looks too scatter-brained. I suppose that's good cover for an assassin though.

--"This is like walking into the last 15 minute of an Alfred Hitchcock movie." :) But they're pretty with their hands up like that.

--So why does Walt think that killing Nick and Cody and leaving Connie and Murray to burn is less kind that killing all four of them the same way?? I'm not quite sure I understand the assassin logic here.

--Why isn't someone actually giving Connie the chocolate since they went to the effort of saving it for her? I realize the key impression becomes important later but....

--So now why is Cody telling Nick to get the dumb CIA dude while he gets the cute stewardess. Maybe he doesn't want Nick carrying, or rescuing, the pretty chick. :)

--So why did he lock them in--oh he's burning the warehouse down. That's not good. Yay for the roboz!!

--Who's that butt over Nick's shoulder? Oh the stupid CIA dude. Got it.

--Why is Walter being so freakin methodical about picking up the diamonds. One by one by one, each one individually. You're in a hurry dude and you want them *all* just grab them!

--It didn't look like that big a bundle of Diamonds in the deposit box, but it does now that he's carrying them around in some sort of box or something.

--Artie was sending Walter a book about Bobbitt's pursuit of the Lynx. That would have been fun reading for the pursued to read about the pursuer. And Murray's reading from it, quite delightfully. :)

--And randomly cute Murray. :)

--Ah, I was afraid I was going to have two episodes in a row without a cap of Nick's smile and my life was going to seem so dull. But he came through for me at the very end.

--A final pretty picture with Nick and Cody and their dismay at finding Mama Jo and her elderly aunt instead of Tammy and Bambi as their dinner dates.

All screencaps mine, feel free to use them however you like. If you are, I'd *love* to know about it.

Relationship status check: Well, they're obviously both dating girls in this episode, though that doesn't really prove anything. They're very quick to drop them when Murray needs help and not even terribly regretful the next day when Tammy tells them that it's their last chance. Tammy and Bambi could just be beards. On the other hand, Nick certainly appears to be considering them a permanent financial unit. :D :D :D But Cody doesn't want him carrying the pretty, helpless girl. Hard to call. They could have hooked up by now, or Nick could be giving Cody mixed signals. If they're not both wildly in love with Murray after this ep I shall thwap them both.

screencaps, episode notes, riptide

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