Episode Notes: Sentinel "Love and Guns"

Nov 04, 2006 01:10

This is such a *wonderful* episode, in some ways. For one thing Jim and Blair are just freaking gorgeous again (which means *loads* of screencaps). I love how jealous Jim is about Blair and Maya (well, it's obvious to me anyway). They look *gorgeous*. The beginning with them riding along in Blair's Corvair and the whole bank heist is just *wonderful*. The tag is very sweet and caring.

On the other hand, my slasher heart is pained by Blair falling for Maya (I mean, how many *days* did they know each other anyway). And the Woman From Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms is just an intolerable, incompetent bitch. *shudder*

On the whole, though, it's a definite thumbs up. I mean just on the basis of the pretty alone, it'd be a winner!

And now, onto the notes....

Notes on watching: Love and Guns:

--Heeee! I love this opening scene with Jim and Blair in his car. Love Blair dissing Jim's food choices: Pizza "the pie of death" and Mexican "why don't you just shoot the lard straight into your veins". :)

--"Night work only, run by insomniac road crews. That's the only solution."

--And God they're pretty in the car. Blair's just gorgeous and and Jim looks so amused and tolerant of him.

--"Get me some backup and get your butt off the street." "It may not be in that order."

--Eeee! God I'm such a boy--I love these fight scenes. And Jim's being all heroic and that's so cool. Makes me happy!

--Love Blair smashing the glass over the fire hose with his elbow.

--Blair's horror at the state of his car is also very cute, though it's definitely pretty abused.

--"Nice hose job" :)

--Randomly pretty Jim pic

--Hey, I love Jim trying to comfort Blair. "Shock is your body's way of protecting itself." And Blair's so cute about being wound up and charged. And Jim seems almost freaked out by it, like he doesn't even really know how to deal with that reaction from Blair. "I'll drive Conan."

--Eeeee!! Jim in the shoulder holster again! God that's nice!! And look at that *arm*!! *swoon*!

--Hector Carasco has a sealed federal file. Which makes me wonder. I mean why would the feds be supporting this guy, or protecting him? Oh, they say later. Got it!

--I don't think most orchids have a scent, but I love Jim sniffing at the orchids and at the soil. Man alive Jim's pretty in the greenhouse.

--Oh, so nice! Here's another scene with mucho of the pretty. First Blair's running and his hair's moving wonderfully. Which just makes me *happy*!

--Blair's so excited to be saked to help on a case. It's very cute. And then so bummed to be asked to chat up the daughter. "You can't waste my amps interviewing some clueless little exchange student." Okay, so I went a little nuts with the screencapping here. Sorry. Sort of.

--And Jim is so incredibly non-plussed at Blair's sudden enthusiasm to hang with the beautiful clueless coed.

--Why is Jim acting surprised about the ATF being called in on this case. That's pretty much a no-brainer.

--Ah Jim and the vending machine is kind of cute. And denying his name to the mystery woman. But he's *so* busted by Simon!

--What precisly kind of professional dress is a short black leather skirt, a black leather jacket, and go-go boots. :)

--Ah, Blair in the dim and dusty lighting of his office is so pretty. Just gorgeous. I mean what on earth can she object to working for Blair? Damn, he's just so gorgeous.

--OMG this is a pretty picture of Blair. It's got the eyes and the lips and the hair and the earrings. It's probably just as well he's not wearing his glasses, because I'd spontaneously combust!

--I really, really hate this ATF woman. She's got a chip on her shoulder that's like a fucking *log*! The Pink Lawyer in "Night Train" was less annoying.

--Blair talking so glowingly about living with the tree people in Irian Jaya is *so* cute!! So very, very cute! And so freaking pretty! So one more totally gratuitous pretty Blair cap. Sorry, I'll try to control myself in future.

--Hey it's H!!

--ATF woman's being a raging bitch all over again. And then taking over with JIm's informant. What a fucking bitch, and with no sense of professional boundaries! I very much admire Jim's patience in dealing with her. Because I'd be seriously on the edge of physical violence.

--So why is Maya taking her new boss home to meet her father? I mean, I don't understand that at all.

--Love Blair gushing over the art though, that's very nice! Very interesting that he knows so much about South American art, but Peruvian food gives him indigestion (he said that in "Rogue").

--Is this a different Yakuza kingpin than the one in "Payback" or the same one? Furukawa's this guy's name. I need to check.

--Yay for Jim yelling at the stupid ATF lady and making her feel bad. Someone freakin' needed to!

--Man Blair moves fast, he's here kissing his undergraduate TA *already*. Dude!! She's your employee, and undergrad, potentially your student! This is wrong in *so many* ways!

--And I love the really unimpressed look on Jim's face when he's watching from the waterfront.

--Blair's so reluctant to accept that Maya might be involved.

--Oh, how much do I love Jim going to the effort to make sure that Blair's warned about Maya and her father. "I just don't want to see you in any danger." Eeeeee!! I love this so much. And God he's pretty.

--Maya's romantic little office-picnic is really sweet and really pretty. But my ass this chick's a virgin. And she made her family's courting pastry, and arranging for them to be feeding each other. Not subtle, at all.

--Blair. Blair, sweetie. You met her just a couple of days ago. This isn't love, honey, this is hormones. That's all.

--Love the look on Blair's face when she tells him he'd be her first. That clearly rattles him. So it's not at all cool of him to bolt, but it's *way* cooler than it would have been if he'd actually done something with her.

--So is Jim checking out this warehouse without a warrant? He should have figured that even the stupid ATF Woman was smart enough to figure things out and get there though.

--Jesus ATF Woman is dumb as a box of rocks!! Why on earth are the ATF putting her on a case like this? I mean Jesus!! What a freakin' *moron*. I so *hate* this woman. I mean, Maya's annoying and it's irksome to my slasher heart that Blair's attracted to her. But ATF Woman is *impossible*! I cannot believe she's trying to bluff her way past the army of well armed *arms* smugglers. And then getting mad when Jim doesn't let her get shot! God!

--Simon: "Drennan's a good cop." By what freaking standard, Simon?? She's a fucking *moron*!

--Maya, for all that I think she's a rather manipulative little twit, is smarter than the ATF Woman. She sees Jim' on TV and immediately figures out that Blair is/was courting her because of him. I doubt ATF Woman would have figured that out.

--Okay, I love this conversation with Jim and Blair on the phone, post-breakup. "I"m falling in love with her Jim", and Jim's fidgeting with the paperweight stops dead. And he looks so quietly upset.

--I really can't decide how I feel about Maya. Just judging her on this episode, not the later one she's in, she's a little ambiguous. I mean is she a selfish, manipulative little twit or is she really honest with Blair and her father about how she's feeling?

--I think Carasco's Big Bruiser is *way* out of line here threatening Maya! I mean that's pretty much giving the game away about him being an honest trader.

--Why is Blair running around the Carasco estate? After he got turned away, he should just go home. Bad Blair. But OMG so pretty.

--And then he gets knocked out by the Big Bruiser. And is so pretty, all tied up. Rather pretty indeed. I feel guilty saying that, but OMG look at those blue eyes.

--Oh, great its ATF Woman again. And why is Jim being nice to her? I mean I understand she was wounded by her partner dying, but that's not really an excuse for her to be an incompetent boob and a bitch.

--On the other hand, Jim in the shoudler holster! Eeeeee!! Again!!

--I wonder if this thing with Jim and Delgado, when his partner got killed is why Jim was so aggro and attitudinal when he was in Vice and new in Major Crimes.

--OMG Sympathetic Jim is Pretty. Those blue eyes!!

--And Jim gives Maya very specific instructions to go to her room, lock the door and stay there. And she very specifically doesn't follow them and goes to the greenhouse. Okay, she is pretty stupid.

--Yay!! I love how worried Jim is that they not do anything that would get Sandburg killed!! Eeee!

--Why does JIm trust the ATF idiot? They had their little moment tbut that doesn't make her any more competent than she was at the warehouse.

--Love the killer maid!!!

--Poor Blair is being even more of a damsel in distress than the actual damsel. Of course, I think that's because he's unconscious, which makes it hard to be a hero. But still.

--So how precisely did the Big Bruiser shoot himself in this situation? His gun has a long silencer on it so there's no way to turn it around and get it at himself.

--So Hector Carasco is really planning on stealing a shipment of arms from the Army with a group of men he doens't know well enough to know they're not cops?? What a maroon.

--ATF Woman cleans up nice.

--OMG Pretty distressed Blair. I like Maya coming to say good bye, though I *hate* her saying that she hates him. She didn't have to say that. Blair's promising to wait for her. Sigh!! I understand that he's upset, but dude!! You've known her, what, three days. And she's your employee. Poor Blair, though, he's got a nasty bruise and a cut at the side of his mouth.

--And then Jim with the noodles!! That's so nice, him leaning against the door. That's nice! And love him trying to be comforting and offering Blair noodles and just taking *care*!! So sweet! He was jealous, but he's still taking care of his buddy.

--And it ends on poor Blair crying. Which is kind of sad and a little sweet. But, all you fanfic writers, don't let any critic tell you Blair won't cry over a broken heart--you have your evidence here.

All screencaps are my own. Feel free, even invited, to use them however you wish.

I have episode notes, with screencaps, on other Sentinel episodes as well:
The Debt
Night Train

screencaps, sentinel, episode notes

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