Episode Notes: Riptide "The Princess and the Pirate"

Aug 14, 2006 09:52

I watched an episode of Riptide today, which was a ton of fun. It was the second one with Cesar Romero--yes The Joker plays a good guy on two episodes of Riptide. :)

Notes on watching: The Pirate and The Princess

--I'm just an old curmudgeon, because aside from chuckling shirtless!Cody, I don't like the third season credits as much as the earlier ones. Sigh. Each of them is kissing some stupid bimbo. Ook!! On the other hand chuckling shirtless!Cody is awesome, so maybe it's not so bad.

--Ooh, a pretty tall ship!! WIth the men in the rigging. And they're dressed like Pirates. That's sweet! Cody as Pirate! Yummy!! Oh, I like the long hair and the beard, that's *nice*!

--Oh and he's being charming. And on his honor. Oh, it's all the romantic cliches of pirate-dom right here. Sweet!!

--Is that the same girl playing the Joker's Daughter as in Arrivederci, Baby? Yeah, I guess it is.

--Dude, the officials don't seem all that happy to see them, do they. I guess the fact that they have the paperwork cheats the official out of a bribe.

--Oh, so the official's getting his bribe from someone else. Unfortunate.

--Murray's interested in supernatural phenomena? Since when? He's a scientist...oh, but he's also a romantic. Ghosts and negative energy? Sigh. He's being awfully cute though. "I intend to look the inexplicable squarely in the eye until it blinks." I know he got real spooked in the other case that seemed like it might have a ghost--maybe he's not as much of a scientist as he thinks. On the other hand, he is awfully cute though. :)

--The Joker's back!!! Yay!

--Now why does Nick think Cody's out of his league against the photographer guy who's filming the Arrivederci's expedition with Giovanna--I'd take Cody any day.

--It's sweet that the Joker doesn't want them to wreck their vacation by working for him, but honestly, I'd be *all over* working for Jacques Cousteau if I had the opportunity. And how could you turn this face down?

--Ahh, hopefully we'll get a good shot of Cody in the wetsuit. *fingers crossed*

--Yay! for Nick having spotted the Skeezy Watching Guy in the other boat.

--Oh the Little Sea Horse is just a tiny little thing. I was thinking a much larger submersible.

--Eew, who's geting attacked by the moray eel? Those things are so gross. Please, please, please let it be Cody--I wants my hurt/comfort. Please please!! *fingers crossed* Poop! It was the other guy!! Darn it!! This show never takes the obvious opportunity for juicy hurt/comfort, darn them! But here, just for a sec you can see that Nick and Murray are both worried that the filthy thing's attacking Cody. So that's okay.

--Boy the Joker's daughter knows how to manipulate him like an expert. This is *so* the daughter in the family of boys. :)

--So Murray's gotten beyond thinking about evil spirits and gotten to thinking about evil people. Good. Though I wish I knew what changed his mind.

--Boy do I love Caribbean accents.

--So Nick and Cody just walk right onto the Skeezy Watching Guy's boat? I guess since everyone and her sister is tromping around on the Riptide at all hours of the day, they didn't feel it was at all unusual. :)

--Captain Skeezer wants to meet The Joker?? Hrm...and he's found some of the treasure. If he's
living hand to mouth why hasn't he sold the goblets? Maybe he's doing pretty well running charters. If so why does he look so skeezy?

--Ooh, love Nick and Cody leaning over the sofa that Murray's sitting on. Sweet!

--Oh dear, the Joker's shaking the hand of Captain Skeezer and trusting him. Icky! But I bet it'll work out.

--Oh, Cody on a boat again. Super sweet!!

--Once again it is the Joker's financial backers who are causing the problems for him. You'd think he'd get better about choosing who finances his expeditions. Of course, I suppose that beggars can't be choosers. And scientists are always very genteel and dignified beggars when it comes to research funding.

--Love slightly wound Murray explaining about The Joker's computer speaking Italian. Murray's sounding very stressed. But what's with the cheezy Italian accent and why doesn't Tony deck him for it?

--So Captain Skeezer isn't really the Bad Guy. This show always does that. ;)

--Giovanna's petting the shoulder of her photographer guy. It's sort of sweet.

--First officer Nick and Helmsman Murray--sweet. Boy does Thom Bray do a terrible pirate accent. It's even worse than the Italian one. On the other hand, Pirate Murray looks like hell and I'm not gonna screencap him unless specifically requested. :)

--Boy do they have nice teeth for pirates. :)

--Yay for Murray (and Tony) finding the treasure ship with the computers!

--Cody's in the wetsuit again--maybe we'll get a good shot of him this time...*holding breath* We'll see about that, but I did get Underwater!Cody just because it's kind of cool. :)

--So Pirate Captain Cody sunk a fake treasure ship along with the map to the real treasure. That's kind of fun.

--God Nick's got a *gorgeous* smile! I realize I cap his smile every time, but that's only because it's so pretty.

--So why is the Bad Guy Financier trying to interfere with The Joker's expedition? I mean what's he getting out of it? How are they interfering with the Bad Guy's plan, whatever it is? I suppose it will all eventually become clear.

--Well, we get Cody's arms in the wetsuit again, yum, but I want him shirtless damn it!

--Captain Skeezer is kind of a pain in the ass... But he's calling Murray Chief which I think is cute.

--Oh fuck, Cody in the wetsuit is sweet. And intense and brooding Nick is pretty sweet too!

--Murray's smiling so sweetly when everyone's congratulating him for having figured out where the treasure's likely to be.

--Wait, though. Captain Skeezer needed The Joker and the Arrivederci to help him find the treasure because the water around Martigua had trenches and stuff and was very deep. But now the water around Martigua is too shallow for a ship to have gone there and they had to take the treasure over on a launch or even a dingy. I mean, if the treasure's that close to shore and there isn't that much space between where he found the goblets and the island, why hasn't Captain Skeezer found it already? Maybe he's hitting the rum too hard or soemthing.

--So are they in an underwater cave?? Hee it really is every pirate cliche ever.

--When did Nick learn to dive...in Arrivederci, Baby he said he was more of an air man. Now there's a cool little story bunny. :) Somebody write me Cody teaching Nick to dive--and if you happen to include silicon lube and underwater sex...yes, yes, yes....I'll be a happy girl.

--So the bad guy has some sort of gun smuggling deal. Well, okay.

--Okay, they just found a bomb with Captain Skeezer, but he's not the bad guy is he? Yep, there goes Guido. :)

--Scared!Murray is damned cute!

--Ooh, too pretty, pretty men in tight neoprene tied up and, almost, writing around with each other. And with their cute geeky buddy in the background. What's not to love about this? :)

--Captain Skeezer saves the day?!!? How odd is that? :)

--so Nick and Cody stop the bomb just in time. Yay!! And their plan is not to go to the authorities. Not to confront Bad Financier Guy them--selves--but to strap the bomb to the submersible (bye bye submersible) and blow up the evidence against the drug runners? Well, I suppose they didn't really have all that much of a case--but if they'd led the authorities to the cache of weapons they'd have taken over the investigation themselves.

--Giovanna's hartbroken about Guido, poor thing. :) And The Joker's comforting her--that's so nice. I wish my dad'd ever been like that, even once!

--Oh I like the three of them on the deck of the Arrivederci and talking about the pirate and the princess. Sweet!

--And to end on a nice note I have the completely gratuitous shot of Nick and Cody from the engineroom scene.

I did make a pretty spiffy icon from one of the screencaps I took today. I'm actually *really* happy with it! I futzed with the image for about two hours (and about a million layers) but there were no instructions I was following or anything. I did it all myself.

This icon's from a screencap I made a while ago from "Boz Busters"--the nice three-hug at the end. I followed this tutorial by michygeary almost to the letter, because I've been wanting to figure out how to make these icons with lots of little bits. I'm actually quite happy with it, though it doesn't quite look like one of *my* icons. But I can see using the basic technique a *ton*.

icons, episode notes, riptide

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