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Aug 20, 2011 16:36

[Spock hadn't experienced something like this since his kahs-wan on Vulcan. The test had been a survival test, for a pre-teen Vulcan to survive on his own for ten days without food, water or weapons with him or her within the Vulcan Forge.

But this...this was different. He hadn't experienced such vegetation like this on any planet he and the ( Read more... )

!event, c: marluxia, c: james t. kirk, c: vietnam, spock, c: lukas, c: vexen

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Comments 130

petalsofdeath August 21 2011, 00:34:11 UTC
[While the last two people he encountered in the wilderness had been unpleasant, Marluxia hadn't seen another person in over a day. He was at least curious to meet another new unwilling jungle-dweller.
He had been on his way to rinse himself off on the banks of the river, knowing better than to wade into water he couldn't see through, when he had encountered this newcomer, too clean to have been in the jungle for long.]


[He raised his bare hand in welcome, having left his gloves back at the camp to keep them from getting too soiled in the jungle heat and dirt. He stood back cautiously, on the balls of his feet slightly in order to spring back in case this newcomer decided to respond to his politeness with violence.]

Do you require water? I have been cultivating fresh water by my camp...

[He wasn't worried about divulging his secret, at least not this particular one, as he could either defend or flee at a moments notice, jumping and swinging from treetop to treetop.]


vulcancommander August 21 2011, 03:56:43 UTC
[Spock had only been in the jungle for the duration of the morning really. With the sun in its current position, it was just after high noon, so he'd been in the jungle for...six hours approximately. He straightened up as soon as he heard the crunching of vegetation behind him, and then twirled to see a man with an odd shade of color hair standing back from him with hands raised. The Vulcan watched him carefully, attempting to judge what he could by eye since he had no type of scanners with him. Spock held up his own hands to show he was unarmed as well, before lowering one and spreading the fingers of his still-raised hand in the Vulcan customary salute.]

Greetings as well. [Still stiff and proper even in this situation.] I do require water and I was attempting to devise some way of filtering and storing it, but if you have already found the means to do so and are willing to share...


petalsofdeath August 21 2011, 04:10:45 UTC
By all means...

[he walks back towards his camp, looking over his shoulder in invitation]


vulcancommander August 21 2011, 04:17:24 UTC
[Spock doesn't need to be told twice as he hurries up from the riverbank behind Marluxia, listening to the sounds of the jungle in which they walked.] I was under the impression that this was the park. Has it changed within the night or was I misinformed of how the growth in this particular area was?


dawnlotus August 21 2011, 02:35:25 UTC
[One must eat, and so Vietnam decided it was best to got get some fish. However, she was still wondering how they catch fish here, and if it was going to be just as big. In which she was sure that one spear may not be enough. So why not scout out their food? However, before she could start, she spots another by the river, and he didn't look human. Actually he wasn't even a familiar face]

How big are the fish?


vulcancommander August 21 2011, 04:16:10 UTC
[Had he been fully Human, or at least had Human hearing capabilities, Spock probably would've been startled by her approach. But he had the ears of a Vulcan, and heard her plenty of distance behind him. He had finished rinsing off his face and gotten to his feet to see her looking over at him. She didn't look hostile and didn't seem to be carrying any weapons of any sort. Either way, Spock knew better to assume as such, and kept his guard up for the most part, especially since he was weaponless.]

I have no paid attention to the aquatic life in this river, so I am unable to answer your question at this time.


dawnlotus August 21 2011, 04:29:03 UTC
[Even if he couldn't answer her question, she had to give it to him, he was taking this whole situation very well.]

Ah, it's fine, I was just curious since you were here first, I'll figure a way to find out.

[She starts to roll up her sleeves.] Oh, I'm sorry for the lack of introduction. My name is Vietnam, what do they call you?


vulcancommander August 21 2011, 16:49:24 UTC
[Spock looked back to the water he had just been using to clean off his face, listening to her despite the lack of eye contact, and looked back at her. The water was fresh, the river large enough, so there was a high probability that there were fish in the river, but since Spock was a vegetarian, he hadn't been looking. He turned back to her, brow raising. Her name was a country?]

Vietnam is the easternmost country on the Indochina Peninsula in Southeast Asia. [He had heard a variety of what would be considered 'odd' names from Humans, but to use the name of a country for that of a person? Fascinating.]


captainkicksass August 21 2011, 05:56:31 UTC
[This being Jim's first experience with the city changing to their captors whims, he had to admit he was pretty damn impressed. He just wished he'd been better armed before this had happened. He'd managed to find a few blunt instruments to carry around, but... Well, at least this was a setting appropriate for a caveman-like approach to defending yourself. He was currently stalking through the lower vegetation as quietly as he possibly could, trying to find either people or somewhere to set up a good shelter.]


vulcancommander August 21 2011, 16:52:16 UTC
[Spock listened for any changes in the brush around him, wiping his hands off on his uniform trousers - he'd have to see to a store about getting more articles of clothing to wear - when he did hear something moving. He kept low to the ground, trying to keep with the tall grass around him as best as he could wearing his science blues shirt. The Vulcan wished he had a weapon of some sort and just as he was thinking about moving to the side to try and find a fall branch to fashion into a spear, a familiar blonde walked into view. Just the captain. Spock straightened up and called out to get Jim's attention.]

Captain, I did not expect to see you here.


captainkicksass August 22 2011, 01:25:50 UTC
[He spun around as Spock straightened up, ready to defend himself if need be. But, seeing as how he was obviously not about to be attacked, he visibly relaxed.]

I'm glad to see you here. I was beginning to think I was the only person out here.


vulcancommander August 22 2011, 04:28:55 UTC
It is a comfort to see you as well, Captain. [The vegetation crunches underfoot as Spock walks over to Jim.] It is good to know there is someone else I am familiar with here.

I believe those persons that rule over the dimension of Ruby City are responsible for this Jurassic-type vegetation as the other time I had visited the park it was nothing like this.


badatmyjob August 22 2011, 02:17:07 UTC
[Suddenly, a few feet away, from out of the brush, a tall figure appears! This demon is disheveled, dirty, tired, but looks *thrilled* to see that river.]

YES! YES YES! WATER! Oh, finally, oh thank you thank you! [Running right over now]


vulcancommander August 22 2011, 04:36:56 UTC
[Spock's ears twitch and his eyes go wide at the loud sounds of someone moving through the brush and then yelling at the sight of water, apparently. He straightens up a bit to see who it is and immediately raised his brow. What a fascinating looking person. But he was running right for the water...]

Wait, you should not just rush into the water. [He holds up his hands, moving a little towards the path that the other person would undoubtedly take. He was uncertain as to what was in the water, so to jump headfirst - so to speak - into the water had a high probability of being fatal in this dimension.]


badatmyjob August 22 2011, 19:04:26 UTC
[Lukas skids to a halt - he hadn't noticed another person nearby. But he immediately looks depressed. He's a bit more wound up than usual, making his speech slur even more than normal.]

Oh no! There's not snakes or something in there, right?! I'm so thirsty! And I reek! And where did you come from? I don't think I've ever seen you here before!


vulcancommander August 22 2011, 19:14:59 UTC
[He wondered just what type of character this person was going to be, especially with his fast-paced speech.] Please remain calm.

I have not encountered anything in the water, but I have stayed on the bank, gathering the water I need from there. Going into the water may provoke larger aquatic life, or snakes. [He pauses for a moment before going on.] My name is Spock... I am a resident of Ruby City. Perhaps not as long as some of the other residents I have met though....


:B Spock! Had to tag you, my logic bro. glacialis_nemo August 22 2011, 02:53:05 UTC
[ Vexen had decided to keep travel via portal at a minimum. Doing so could accidentally land him in the middle of a hunting party or a group of nesting mothers. He had, however, memorized the location of a few particular solitary nests and sources of water ( ... )


Careful, Spock's player is not so logical and a bit of a Vexen fangirl. XD vulcancommander August 22 2011, 05:42:03 UTC
[Spock stretched a little bit while he looked around before spotting something moving. Someone with blonde hair, a black cloak. He was apparently washing something as well, though it wasn't a body part of some sort, but what looked like...eggs, perhaps. It was hard to tell with this dimension. The stranger didn't seem to be a threat of some sort, as he didn't come at Spock but continued to wash the objects after giving a nod. A peaceful greeting in numerous societies. Curiosity got the better of the Vulcan, who walked along the riverbank over close to where Vexen.]

Greetings, [He started out.] May I inquire as to what you are washing?


:D I'm a Spock fangirl, so let's see where this goes. Also I edited this because I failed. glacialis_nemo August 22 2011, 05:57:22 UTC
[ Having been seen, Vexen was fine to go back to his business, leaning to give them a final, quick rinse before tucking them back into the crook of an arm. Said eggs, being the rich sources of protein and other essential nutrients they were, were nestled underneath the spikes of one of the only four shields he could summon in this world, his Aegis. Curious or not, he wasn't going to risk allowing his eggs to be stolen or damaged when this man drew close enough. ]

I've found eggs from a Titan Bird's nest some ways into the forest. The previous two I stole from the same nest were fertilized, but hadn't yet developed into a fetus, so I memorized the location for later meals. [ This man was pleasant and respectful in his demeanor, ergo there was no reason for Vexen to grow defensive or try to assert superiority yet. And oh, look. Those ears and the odd shape of hair growth on the brow bone. ....And the tint of his skin. ] You're not quite human, are you?


No worries about edits. :> vulcancommander August 22 2011, 19:09:44 UTC
[Spock kept his distance, observing Vexen from what he deemed as a safe distance. After all, this stranger would not know that the Vulcans were a pacifist race, and worked based on logic. Taking something that did not belong to one's self was not only illogical, but a crime as well. Spock hadn't been the top student nor the First Officer of the Federation's flagship by becoming a petty thief. He listened to Vexen's explanation of the eggs, nodding in acknowledgement.] That is a logical thing to do.

[He was about to ask if Vexen had any knowledge of the vegetation in the area and what would be suitable to eat when he was asked a question.] I am only half Human. The other, distinctive part of me is Vulcan, an alien race that resides on a planet 16 light years away from Earth.


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