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Aug 20, 2011 16:36

[Spock hadn't experienced something like this since his kahs-wan on Vulcan. The test had been a survival test, for a pre-teen Vulcan to survive on his own for ten days without food, water or weapons with him or her within the Vulcan Forge.

But this...this was different. He hadn't experienced such vegetation like this on any planet he and the ( Read more... )

!event, c: marluxia, c: james t. kirk, c: vietnam, spock, c: lukas, c: vexen

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:B Spock! Had to tag you, my logic bro. glacialis_nemo August 22 2011, 02:53:05 UTC
[ Vexen had decided to keep travel via portal at a minimum. Doing so could accidentally land him in the middle of a hunting party or a group of nesting mothers. He had, however, memorized the location of a few particular solitary nests and sources of water ( ... )


Careful, Spock's player is not so logical and a bit of a Vexen fangirl. XD vulcancommander August 22 2011, 05:42:03 UTC
[Spock stretched a little bit while he looked around before spotting something moving. Someone with blonde hair, a black cloak. He was apparently washing something as well, though it wasn't a body part of some sort, but what looked like...eggs, perhaps. It was hard to tell with this dimension. The stranger didn't seem to be a threat of some sort, as he didn't come at Spock but continued to wash the objects after giving a nod. A peaceful greeting in numerous societies. Curiosity got the better of the Vulcan, who walked along the riverbank over close to where Vexen.]

Greetings, [He started out.] May I inquire as to what you are washing?


:D I'm a Spock fangirl, so let's see where this goes. Also I edited this because I failed. glacialis_nemo August 22 2011, 05:57:22 UTC
[ Having been seen, Vexen was fine to go back to his business, leaning to give them a final, quick rinse before tucking them back into the crook of an arm. Said eggs, being the rich sources of protein and other essential nutrients they were, were nestled underneath the spikes of one of the only four shields he could summon in this world, his Aegis. Curious or not, he wasn't going to risk allowing his eggs to be stolen or damaged when this man drew close enough. ]

I've found eggs from a Titan Bird's nest some ways into the forest. The previous two I stole from the same nest were fertilized, but hadn't yet developed into a fetus, so I memorized the location for later meals. [ This man was pleasant and respectful in his demeanor, ergo there was no reason for Vexen to grow defensive or try to assert superiority yet. And oh, look. Those ears and the odd shape of hair growth on the brow bone. ....And the tint of his skin. ] You're not quite human, are you?


No worries about edits. :> vulcancommander August 22 2011, 19:09:44 UTC
[Spock kept his distance, observing Vexen from what he deemed as a safe distance. After all, this stranger would not know that the Vulcans were a pacifist race, and worked based on logic. Taking something that did not belong to one's self was not only illogical, but a crime as well. Spock hadn't been the top student nor the First Officer of the Federation's flagship by becoming a petty thief. He listened to Vexen's explanation of the eggs, nodding in acknowledgement.] That is a logical thing to do.

[He was about to ask if Vexen had any knowledge of the vegetation in the area and what would be suitable to eat when he was asked a question.] I am only half Human. The other, distinctive part of me is Vulcan, an alien race that resides on a planet 16 light years away from Earth.


:3c glacialis_nemo August 23 2011, 03:32:23 UTC
[ Logical or not, you would be surprised how much idiocy and childish behavior Vexen is used to. Add to that how some people can get desperate if they don't know how to maintain composure and make clear plans of action, and things get dangerous. Despite how sane this man looked, Vexen wasn't taking chances. ] Yes. I personally loathe being the one sent out to such inhospitable environments, but unlike a few imbeciles, I have made the most out of this forced excursion. [ Someone sounded annoyed. And arrogant. ...Just a little. ][ Raises a brow. That was...surprisingly close, considering. ] I assume it's within the Milky Way Galaxy in that case. Does the star your planet orbits have a name?


Re: :3c vulcancommander August 23 2011, 05:17:12 UTC
[Spock can somewhat feel that same sort of pain of experience, especially after having to deal with Jim Kirk at the Academy. Cheat on Spock's test and get away with it? Not on his watch, that much was for certain.]

In comparison to other planets I have experienced, including places on where my own once orbited, this current environment is hospitable. [Definitely compared to the inhospitable and harsh environment that had been found in the Vulcan's Forge.]

Earth and Vulcan are in the same galaxy, but the galaxy is split up into different quadrants for the ease of map making and navigation. Vulcan is in the Beta quadrant by our charts, the lower right portion of the galaxy. The quadrants house an array of various planets and species. Vulcan inhabits the Vulcanis System - sometimes referred to as the 40 Eridani System, which is a trinary system as the planets within our system have three distinct stars that serve as our suns.


O.o What the world happened to my last tag? There's no more breaks, and it's missing peices... odd. glacialis_nemo August 23 2011, 05:44:06 UTC
[ Oh, Spock. You're an oasis of knowledge and common sense in the endless sea of antagonizing, ungrateful children. It's refreshing, and a pleasant smirk crosses his lips as he listens to the explanation.

Finally. He didn't have to pry for information, but someone was competent enough to give it to him. In a properly structured manner, even. Vexen was about to become a maelstrom of curiosity, devouring information as a hurricane swallows shorelines. ] What quadrant would the Earth's solar system be placed within, and how many known planets harbor life that have established contact? Also, based on the tint of your skin, what conditions tempered your species, and what advantages or disadvantages do you have in comparison to the human race, and what measures have been taken to protect various species against cross-contamination of foreign pathogens capable of surviving and mutating in different hosts and environments ( ... )


I hate when LJ nibbles my posts. >:C Stupid goat. vulcancommander August 23 2011, 06:25:35 UTC
[Spock listens to each question, filing it in his mind in an order he can easily answer in and takes his time to do so - he wants to make sure he's informing this person correctly, after all.]The quadrant Earth and its solar system are in is known to the Federation as the Delta quadrant ( ... )


...gdit, lj. glacialis_nemo August 23 2011, 07:00:04 UTC
[ He maintains his posture, straight and proper as he listens, letting the smirk fade as he absorbed and processed that information as well. ] I'm assuming the other species are not yet advanced enough to safely contact without disrupting the progression of their culture? If technology has advanced far enough to allow interstellar travel, I doubt something as petty as the environment and atmosphere would hinder exploration.

However, that brings to mind a few other questions... If your planet lacks any sources of fresh water, can you only drink salt water without any negative side effects?

[ The lack of medical information was disappointing, but it could easily be overlooked for now since he has the chance to get a better insight of this individual's health and physiology. ] There's also the problem of hyperoxia. I've found massive millipedes, creatures that can only exist in oxygen-rich atmospheres which, if your body is acclimated to a thinner atmosphere than what's found on Earth, might pose a problem. I personally haven't ( ... )


*beats the goat* vulcancommander August 24 2011, 07:33:23 UTC
[These questions would test his patience, that was for certain. He would go along with it, for now.]

I have not made researches on the technological advancements of races besides Vulcans and Humans, though they were on my list of things to do before I was whisked away into this dimension. Hopefully I will be returned just as swiftly so that I may return to my work.

I was insinuating any natural sources of fresh water, but there are none of them on Vulcan. All of the water is filtered through a filtration system for each city and buildings within in. Many of the high ranking Families within the cities have gardens with fountains and ponds that have personal filtration systems that are linked to the main one.

[Spock had a seat by the eggs, taking a curious look at the shield before moving onto the next set of questions.] I have not experienced any such aliments. I stated earlier that I was half Vulcan, the other half Human, which have proved to be adaptable creatures. Due to that fact, I presume that some of the symptoms you have ( ... )


;w; thank you. glacialis_nemo August 24 2011, 08:02:44 UTC
From what I've been told, not only is one's return guaranteed, but one's stay is usually prolonged. The only option is to make the best of the situation and attempt to pick up from where one left off to the best of our abilities, though I've observed that a number of people seem to squander their time. [ Snobbish Vexen was snobbish, lips curling up in a sneer of displeasure at the waste. ]

I see. In that case, I suggest remaining aware of your present state of health. I've found tracks that suggest larger predators are present. [ Surely, Spock would follow where Vexen was going with that train of thought. But! He noticed the interest Spock briefly took in his shield. ]

Ah, yes...my Aegis. What concepts of light and darkness does your realm have? [ Vexen remained standing, his gaze alert as it was curious. With the introduction, he was giving this Vulcan an opportunity to satiate any curiosity he might hold on various universes and concepts therein. ]

[[ ooc: Then I've definitely gotta give it a watch! Nemoy turned Spock into such ( ... )


*beats the goat a lot* >:D vulcancommander August 26 2011, 05:03:30 UTC
Making the best of the situation is the logical idea of any given situation. And though to you or maybe even myself, some of the other residents of the city may be 'squandering their time', they may not have things to do that reflect their skills or interests here. I myself wandered for a couple of days in search of something to occupy my time with. I find exploring the city and reading in the library so far is a good use of my skills, as I am accustomed to technology far advanced as to what I have to my use here.

[Spock looked up from the interestingly shaped shield back to Vexen.] I am uncertain as to what you mean - Vulcan has day and night cycles my like Earth. Unless you are talking of the sense of right and wrong within the Human mind. Things do not work on Vulcan as they do on Earth. Vulcans live by controlling and repressing all emotion in favor of an ethical system devised by an important figure in Vulcan history, Surak, that was based purely on logical principles. As such, we base decisions on logic, and the moral code ( ... )


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