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Aug 20, 2011 16:36

[Spock hadn't experienced something like this since his kahs-wan on Vulcan. The test had been a survival test, for a pre-teen Vulcan to survive on his own for ten days without food, water or weapons with him or her within the Vulcan Forge.

But this...this was different. He hadn't experienced such vegetation like this on any planet he and the ( Read more... )

!event, c: marluxia, c: james t. kirk, c: vietnam, spock, c: lukas, c: vexen

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dawnlotus August 21 2011, 02:35:25 UTC
[One must eat, and so Vietnam decided it was best to got get some fish. However, she was still wondering how they catch fish here, and if it was going to be just as big. In which she was sure that one spear may not be enough. So why not scout out their food? However, before she could start, she spots another by the river, and he didn't look human. Actually he wasn't even a familiar face]

How big are the fish?


vulcancommander August 21 2011, 04:16:10 UTC
[Had he been fully Human, or at least had Human hearing capabilities, Spock probably would've been startled by her approach. But he had the ears of a Vulcan, and heard her plenty of distance behind him. He had finished rinsing off his face and gotten to his feet to see her looking over at him. She didn't look hostile and didn't seem to be carrying any weapons of any sort. Either way, Spock knew better to assume as such, and kept his guard up for the most part, especially since he was weaponless.]

I have no paid attention to the aquatic life in this river, so I am unable to answer your question at this time.


dawnlotus August 21 2011, 04:29:03 UTC
[Even if he couldn't answer her question, she had to give it to him, he was taking this whole situation very well.]

Ah, it's fine, I was just curious since you were here first, I'll figure a way to find out.

[She starts to roll up her sleeves.] Oh, I'm sorry for the lack of introduction. My name is Vietnam, what do they call you?


vulcancommander August 21 2011, 16:49:24 UTC
[Spock looked back to the water he had just been using to clean off his face, listening to her despite the lack of eye contact, and looked back at her. The water was fresh, the river large enough, so there was a high probability that there were fish in the river, but since Spock was a vegetarian, he hadn't been looking. He turned back to her, brow raising. Her name was a country?]

Vietnam is the easternmost country on the Indochina Peninsula in Southeast Asia. [He had heard a variety of what would be considered 'odd' names from Humans, but to use the name of a country for that of a person? Fascinating.]


dawnlotus August 21 2011, 17:04:09 UTC
Goodness, I suppose I could just--[She was slightly distracted, studying the river in order to find the best way to see how to find fish (sure, she may have her oar, and she could probably use it, but she sure wished she had her boat with her), but what he just said then...well, she stops everything, and just stared for a moment, awed.]

That...had to be the most accurate anyone ever described me. But yes, even down to the penisula!

[There was something that confused her, however, and that he wasn't human, and that she did not know of the future to be able to determine that non-humans would soon know Earth. Someone really needed to watch more sci-fi.] How did you know? You don't look like someone from Earth, I apologise if you are from Earth, just my world we only have humans...so far.


vulcancommander August 22 2011, 03:57:46 UTC
I believe I am confused. You are a person, yet you take the description of a country as your own. [Sensing that she wasn't meaning any harm, Spock relaxed a little from where he stood on the riverbank, the water reflecting the afternoon's light onto his face.]

Your question is legitimate, so there is nothing to apologize for. I am not from Earth, I am from the planet Vulcan. However, I have done studies on various areas of your planet during my stay in the city of San Fransisco. The year of the dimension I am from is the later part of the year 2255. However, I am being rude in not giving you my name after you have given me yours. My name is Spock.


dawnlotus August 22 2011, 04:07:24 UTC
This is...wow, I don't know what to say. The year 2255, the world...no, the universe, certainly goes a long way in the future. I'm from 2011, so it's going to be a while for me.

[Now with everything a little more clearer (just a little, there's still a lot she wants to learn!), she bows her head slightly] No no, it's not a problem, we both were confused. And it's nice to meet you, Spock. I hope Earth was good to you too!

As for me, I'm not human either. I look like one, but I am the embodiment of the country of Vietnam, each nation has one.


vulcancommander August 22 2011, 18:56:04 UTC
You will not have long to wait, as the Human-Vulcan first contact is to be in 2063 and it will help join the Humans all together as a race, rather than keep lines of discrimination throughout the planet. [Or at least erase most of them. Spock still had to deal with minor bits of discrimination here and there at the Academy.]

Your explanation helps resolve my confusion. I have not come into contact with any other...'embodiments' of the various Earth countries. I hope you do not find it offensive when I state it as overall 'fascinating'.


dawnlotus August 23 2011, 16:46:43 UTC
Oh! [Vietnam straightens up, both curiously and hopefully. Even though the countries do have their own disagreements, it is something they all aspire, real world peace. In a way.] That really is not long to wait at all, and such good news! It is definitely something to look forward to.

[She shakes her head and gives him a small smile] It is fine, it isn't something commonly known either. There are people who do know and accept it, but it's not like we go out of our way to make it known. There are a few here in Ruby City, though, so you may meet some more.


vulcancommander August 24 2011, 07:33:14 UTC
[Spock nods in agreement. He knows that his family lineage is traced back to the ship that was in what is known as First Contact - the first contact Vulcans made with Humans. Then again, Spock came from a line of high-ranking people within the Vulcan society - his great-grandfather translated the Teachings of Surak into English!]

I am uncertain of where the First Contact will be during that year - the details have been lost over the numerous years and now that... [His sentence dies off as he thinks of everything that had been lost with Vulcan's destruction. So many lives, so much knowledge... He allows his mind to get lost in that memory, that memory of losing his mother who'd been so close that he didn't even hear her talking about the other country embodiments that inhabited the city.]


dawnlotus August 24 2011, 07:49:20 UTC
[Wow, she'd actually read that if she got her hands onto it!]

It'll be alright, having a small element of surprise will make it interesting. [She then noticed that while she was speaking, his expression looked distant. Was he distressed?]

Are you okay?


vulcancommander August 26 2011, 05:03:20 UTC
[There were probably very few copies of The Teachings of Surak now available to the universe with Vulcan's destruction, and now Spock had no way of reading it since being dropped in this miserable dimension.

He was feeling quite homesick along with longing for his mother she asked how he was. Spock looked up at the river, drawn out of the thoughts he'd been sinking into.] I am partially emotionally compromised. Three months and eight days before being brought to this dimension I lost something and I am still feeling mental distress from it.


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