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Aug 20, 2011 16:36

[Spock hadn't experienced something like this since his kahs-wan on Vulcan. The test had been a survival test, for a pre-teen Vulcan to survive on his own for ten days without food, water or weapons with him or her within the Vulcan Forge.

But this...this was different. He hadn't experienced such vegetation like this on any planet he and the ( Read more... )

!event, c: marluxia, c: james t. kirk, c: vietnam, spock, c: lukas, c: vexen

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captainkicksass August 21 2011, 05:56:31 UTC
[This being Jim's first experience with the city changing to their captors whims, he had to admit he was pretty damn impressed. He just wished he'd been better armed before this had happened. He'd managed to find a few blunt instruments to carry around, but... Well, at least this was a setting appropriate for a caveman-like approach to defending yourself. He was currently stalking through the lower vegetation as quietly as he possibly could, trying to find either people or somewhere to set up a good shelter.]


vulcancommander August 21 2011, 16:52:16 UTC
[Spock listened for any changes in the brush around him, wiping his hands off on his uniform trousers - he'd have to see to a store about getting more articles of clothing to wear - when he did hear something moving. He kept low to the ground, trying to keep with the tall grass around him as best as he could wearing his science blues shirt. The Vulcan wished he had a weapon of some sort and just as he was thinking about moving to the side to try and find a fall branch to fashion into a spear, a familiar blonde walked into view. Just the captain. Spock straightened up and called out to get Jim's attention.]

Captain, I did not expect to see you here.


captainkicksass August 22 2011, 01:25:50 UTC
[He spun around as Spock straightened up, ready to defend himself if need be. But, seeing as how he was obviously not about to be attacked, he visibly relaxed.]

I'm glad to see you here. I was beginning to think I was the only person out here.


vulcancommander August 22 2011, 04:28:55 UTC
It is a comfort to see you as well, Captain. [The vegetation crunches underfoot as Spock walks over to Jim.] It is good to know there is someone else I am familiar with here.

I believe those persons that rule over the dimension of Ruby City are responsible for this Jurassic-type vegetation as the other time I had visited the park it was nothing like this.


captainkicksass August 22 2011, 04:52:29 UTC
If I didn't believe the tales of the city being changed at their whim, I sure to now. [He pauses at a thud off in the distance.]


vulcancommander August 22 2011, 18:59:33 UTC
I had been skeptical of it as well, but now that I am presented with evidence, I have no choice but to believe it. [He turns his head towards the direction where the thud came from] I believe it would be best to not stay in the open, Captain.


captainkicksass August 22 2011, 22:15:46 UTC
I agree. Let's get the hell out of here. [He'll just... Start walking quickly away from that noise now.]


vulcancommander August 23 2011, 05:17:07 UTC
[Spock follows Jim easily through the brush that's lining the riverbank, keeping on high alert for anything that might be following them.]

May I inquire as to how long you have been trapped in this wilderness that the other residents have called the park?


captainkicksass August 23 2011, 05:33:40 UTC
A few days now. How long have you been out here?


vulcancommander August 23 2011, 06:31:43 UTC
I have only arrived this morning, as I had been interested in taking a morning walk after my breakfast tea in the library. [A twig snaps as some sort of herbivore - he's guessing herbivore since it didn't come towards Jim and Kirk and seemed happy munching on greens - pulled up some vegetation from the ground.]

I suggest we find or make some sort of weapons or shelter.


captainkicksass August 23 2011, 06:36:21 UTC
So you entered the park, and ended up here instead?

Shelter I've got covered. I found a small cave that's easily to defend, and has a couple hidden exits should we need to run from something that gets in.


vulcancommander August 23 2011, 06:48:05 UTC
Yes, that is what I stated, Captain. Shall we go to the cavern to discuss further strategies on survival until we are released from this ancient prison?


captainkicksass August 23 2011, 06:53:05 UTC
Sounds good to me. It's not too much further.


vulcancommander August 24 2011, 07:33:17 UTC
Please lead the way, Captain. [Is surveying the area around them, judging what would fashion into sturdy spears or other such tools]


captainkicksass August 25 2011, 05:47:25 UTC
[He continues to lead them along, eventually bringing them to what seems to be a large rock covered in ivy. He disappears into some of the vegetation for a moment, popping his head back out.]

It's all clear. Come on.


vulcancommander August 26 2011, 05:03:23 UTC
[As soon as Kirk disappears from Spock's sight, the Vulcan starts gathering up some sticks and slim rocks that may prove suitable for carving at the limbs to fashion weapons. The moment Kirk comes back, Spock is following like a good First Officer]

I have selected these branches and stones in an attempt to craft spears for defense and hunting, if it comes to that.


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