Here's an example of alignment using Numbers. I always say that if you're going to do Psychic Predictions, use number becaues they're accurate:
- I said 1/28/2006 how "My Best Friend's Wedding" is dedicated to Adult Film Star Jessica Jaymes
- I said 1/29/2006 that Jessica's Dog is mentioned in the film
- I said 1/25/2006 about the Subconscious Minds of Adult Film Stars:
- Time Stamp: 1:20 am., meaning 1/20 Father(Am/Non-Ma)
- I said 1/23/2006 about Jessica's Dad being born 1/20 and dying 1/26
- 1 hour and 20 minutes (1:20) into the movie, Kimmy hops into the Car:
- 1:20 = 1/20 when the dad was born
- The License Plate in the background says J 26 694
- J 26 = I 26 in Old Hebrew = 1 26 in Roman Numerals = 1/26 when Jessica's Dad died
56 minutes and 16 seconds
We don't even have a song. Kimmy and I, we don't even have a song. Do you think that's a bad Sign?
S on G = Superman(S) on God(G).
1 hour 5 minutes 26 seconds:
Room 703:
- I checked out of curiousity to see what happened 7/3
- Gaylord Nelson died 7/3:
- I said 1/28/2006 that Rupert Everett is born 5/29
- I said 10/7/2005 that all the Letters in CHRIST add up to 77, which is IR on the Periodic Table
- That's how you get a Gaylord Focker. I said 1/27/2006 about Alanna calling in for "Legally Blonde" like Alanna in both that movie and "Meet the Fockers" with Ben Stilleras Gaylord
- GA-y/Lord = Gemini(GA/Non-OR/Non-V/2 in Digital) Male(Y) Lord(Christ)
- Constance Cummings got married that day. I said 11/29/2005 about Constance Cummings.
1 hour 13 minutes
JULIANNE: I only minored in Psych you understand. Maybe Michael couldn't commit to this marriage so he...created a unconscious psychosomatic manifestation of...of...
Kimmy listens intently.
JULIANNE: I'm better with food.
Kimmy nods.
JULIANNE: Okay... You're Michael. You're in a fancy French Restaurant. You order...Creme Broulee for dessert. It's beautiful. It's sweet. It's irritatingly perfect. Suddenly, he realizes he doesn't want Creme Broulee. He wants something else.
KIMMY: What does he want...? :(
JULIANNE: (nodding) Jell-O.
KIMMY: (shocked) Jell-O??? Why does he want Jell-O?
JULIANNE: (getting defensive) Because he comfortable with Jell-O! Jell-O...makes him comfortable. I realize compared to Creme Broulee it's Jell-O, but maybe that's what he needs.
KIMMY: (hopefully) I could be Jell-O...
JULIANNE: No! Creme Broulee can never be Jell-O. YOU can never be Jell-O
KIMMY: (sobbing) I have to be Jell-O...
JULIANNE: You're never gonna e Jell-O.
KIMMY: Please tell him that it's my fault, and that I love him. You're the only one I trust.
Two years ago, Subconscious Charlie was in charge of the Letter J. I said I had designated the Letter J to the Blue Department. It seemed to make sense since you've got "Blue Jays." So I figured that Letter would be the color Blue.
You see how Julia Roberts is trying to cheat and keep those two from getting together by changing the story. That's referring to what was going on in the background before I took over the Department and fired Subconscious Charlie and do clean-up.
So what you see is a Good Julia Roberts doing bad things.
I said 1/26/2006 that I "foreclosed" on Subconscious Charlie's estate and took over. It meant assuming responsibility for all the bad CRAP that he was doing behind the scenes.
So you see all this bad stuff that points at me even though that I wasn't the one who did it. It was already there. It's like buying a car and not realizing that it's a Lemon with a lot of problems in it.
1 hour 16 minutes, 45 seconds
1:16 = A:P = AP = Non-Pa = Ma = Mother = Virgin Mary
You hear Scott's two friends sniffing HELIUM break out into song in high-pitched falsetto voices
"You Fill Up My Senses" by John Denver Helium = 2 on the Periodic Table = Gemini.
JD = Cross-Eyed(J/10/X) Leo Female = Aquarian Male
You Fill Up My Senses
John Denver
You fill up my senses
Like a night in the forest
Like the mountains in springtime
Like a walk in the rain
Like a storm in the desert
Like a sleepy blue ocean
You fill up my senses
Come fill me again
Come let me love you
Let me give my life to you
Let me drown in your laughter
Let me die in your arms
Let me lay down beside you
Let me always be with you
Come let me love you
Come love me again
Let me give my life to you
Come let me love you
Come love me again
You fill up my senses
Like a night in the forest
Like the mountains in springtime
Like a walk in the rain
Like a storm in the desert
Like a sleepy blue ocean
You fill up my senses
Come fill me again
Chapter 22 (V = 22nd Letter). 1 hour 21 minutes. 1:21 = 11 x 11
JULIANNE: (driving a bread truck calling George on her cell phone) It is NOT going well. This is what comes from telling the Truth!!!
GEORGE: Where are you?
JULIANNE: I've stolen a bread van and am chasing Michael down Michigan Avenue!!!
[B-Re/Ad Van = Gemini(B) Rabbit(Re-75/Periodic) Promo IR(Van-They Go/Spanish)]
JULIANNE: George, this is all your fault! I -I told him the Truth!!! I said that I loved him and then I kissed him and this is what happened!
GEORGE: Jules, a question. When you kissed Michael did he chis you back?
JULIANNE: What do you mean??? We were Lip to Lip!!!
GEORGE: I mean was there anything on the other side of that kiss that leads you to believe that this chase will end happily
JULIANNE: (flustered) That's beside the point. We were interrupted.
GEORGE: Who interrupted you?
JULIANNE: Kimmy! She ruined everything! And Michael started chasing her before he could answer me!
GEORGE: Michael's chasing Kimmy...
JULIANNE: (impatiently) Yes!
GEORGE: You're chasing Michael...
GEORGE: Who's chasing you? Nobody! Get it?? There's your answer: Kimmy
GEORGE: Yes!!! Jules!!! You are not the one!!! Now for God's sake! The Wedding is at 6 pm. You have a small but distinct window of opportunity to do the right thing
George hangs up disgusted. He turns around and sees the entire poetry reading group staring at him.
That scene represents variations of what was going on in the Psychic Realm two years ago. I was chasing Isabella trying to explain Psychic Phenomenon. Kimmy is a variation of me who loves Michael. Michael is a variation of the male Isabella and a variation of me trying to prove to Isabella I wasn't delusional. Julianne is Subconscious Isabella.
You get all these poeple chasing each other that are combination of personalities thrown together. I said 1/8/2006 that "American Wedding" is the Union of Bliss and Isabella who joined forces:
- They're happy with each other.
- They both agree that Rod's a Psychotic Stalker
- They're both happy with each other on their Friends List with Rod kicked out
- Alyson Hannigan has the name Alison, which I said is Isabella's Subconscious
- Jason Biggs is JA/Son meaning the Old I o'WA and Bliss is Christine
- Steve Stifler (SS/Gemini Superman) is the asshole prick that they try to bar from knowing or going to the Wedding
I said that in the version of the "American Wedding" story arc, Steve Stifler is supposed to be Bliss and Isabella's interpretation of how I'm a total jerk.
As I said, they didn't believe my story about observed Psychic Phenomenon. So all the times I was sending them repeated notices, E-mails, and (unwanted) postings, that was the Julianne chasing Michael story line in "American Wedding."
That's what's so DUMB about all of this. All my calculations are right. It means that if I was correct about the Psychic Readings then they got mad at me for no reason.
I said 12/31/2005 that Bliss told me to get out of her life and move on. So I respected her wishes and removed her from my Friends List. I even removed Isabella.
- I said 12/31/2005 that Bliss' mother tried to kill herself
- I said 12/16/2005 that I shifted her out of the role and title she was given. She just kept on fighting on me on this issue even though Bliss was more than qualified to make judicial decisions
- I said 1/23/2006 that Jessica wanted to know why her dad shot himself
- I said 1/28/2006 that it's becauseof what Bliss did and the choices she made
That's why the hints you're seeing in "Legally Blonde," "Smallville," and "My Best Friend's Wedding" are all explaining to Jessica what's happening.
Unfortunately, I've been kind of omiting some things I send in the notices to her. I kind of feel bad about it, but I don't want to hurt her feelings. I post my stuff, but I leave it open-ended where I don't talk about this specific stuff.
I just give her the short messages that say, "Here's an example of alignment" so that the one message she comes away with is that she can still talk to her dad on the other side, he's okay, it wasn't her fault, and he was assigned to a task that he had to carry out.
If she does every come across the full readings I'm giving, fine. It's all there as Public Record. However, I really don't have the heart to tell Jessica directly that her dad's life had to be sacrificed all because of the triviality selfishness of two complete strangers.
That's why
I said 1/28/2006 that both Bliss and Isabella got punished early in Life for what they did in the last two years Chapter 24: 1 hour 24 minutes 24 seconds
JULIANNE: I'm the bad guy.
This was specifically timed to land right on the exact second.
X = 24th Letter
1:24:24 = God:X:X. It shows Cross-Eyed in Chapter 24/X
People will make up all kinds of stories of what they think happened. Isabella and Bliss are still adamant that they have their own version. However, numbesr don't lie. That's why all these Popular Movies were set up to where you can find specific passages on the DVDs with Time Stamps pointing to things.
MICHAEL: Jules, are you crazy? Are you completely insane?
People keep thinking I'm nutty talking about Psychic Phenomenon.
JULIANNE: I've done nothing but underhanded, diespicable, not even terribly imaginable things since I got here. I was...Michael, I was just trying to win you. To win you back.
I said 10/25/2005 that Bliss isn't as clean as she makes herself out to be. The one thing I didn't like about Bliss throwing her support behind Isabella fortifying her claim that I'm a Psychotic Stalker is that she omited the parts in her story where she proposed marriage to me online, tried to win me back after I'd separated from her to be with Valerie, and was going behind my back with an alternative sex alias June 2001.
She was just as guilty and contributed to that. Even in this scene where Julia says she was trying to win Michael back, Bliss got down on her knees and begged me to drop Valerie and come back to her. I left September 2001 because I was miserable having to be 2nd Fiddle to her "wonderful love with her Lesbian girlfriend Ravenshade."
I keep saying that it's UNFAIR for her to go around telling everyone what a crazy obsessive stalker I am when she had an opportunity to be rid of me September 2001. Instead, she got jealous and tried to have me come back.
I don't think it's fair for a woman to go around getting everyone and all her friends pissed at me when she had the opportunity to be rid of me completely when I opted to go and she pulled me back.
The same goes for Isabella who is just as guilty. She's going around talking about how I'm staking her, but she opened that can of worms where I had left her alone and was not talking to her at all until she reached and contacted me April 2004. She invited me to call her.
People think I make a big deal out of a simple online altercation, but Bliss was important to me as a friend. Maybe in light of all this she wasn't as much of a friend as I thought she was and wasn't worth it, but at the time, she was important to me and I fought hard to rescue her and show her that I did indeed observe Psychic Phenomenon and our friendship shouldn't have been destroyed because of it.
I especially didn't like the way
SensualSky wrote those mean letters sent directly to my two best friends Bliss and Scott embarrassing me.
If you're going to embarrass me and make accusations, FINE. However, if I come up with proof that can be submitted as evidence proving otherwise and that I am indeed witnessing Psychic Phenomenon that is traceable, I EXPECT AN APOLOGY.
People go to court over this crap because it's
Defamationof Character. When people go around SHITTING ON YOUR NAME and who you are as a person, and it's based off of untrue information, you can sue people for that. You can go as far as sue people for Emotional Damages.
All I ever asked for was to have my name cleared, but I never got it.
JULIANNE: I'm pond scum. Well... Lower.I'm actually the fungus that feeds on pond scum.
MICHAEL: Lower. The pus that infects the mucus that infects the fungus that feeds on the pond scum. On the other hand... Thank you. For loving me that much.
That last line reflects how much I loved Scott and Bliss and even to some degree Isabella whom I never really knew that well but knew deep down she was a good person. The reason why I fought so hard for them was because I knew they didn't understand the mechanics of Psychic Phenomenon and Subconscious Minds.
Bear in mind that the bad Julianne (female) translates to a good male. It's an inversion.
MICHAEL: In that way, it's pretty flattering.
JULIANNE: Except it makes me fungus :(.
Fun G u S = Enjoyable(Fun) God(G) in Union with(U) Superman(S). I'm a Fun G u S :).
1 hour 28 minutes
MANDY: (answering the phone) Wallace at Regis Residence, Mandy speaking.
JULIANNE: Hi, it's Jules. You haven't gotten a call from Kimmy, have you?
MANDY: No, she slipped out the little monkey during the commotion
JULIANNE: Commotion
MANDY: Well... My sister was lickin' an ice sculpture and her tongue froze right to it.
JULIANNE: (puzzled) And that's a commotion?
MANDY: It's a Sculpture of the David
- I said my business associate is Davis
- I said that I'm Fe-Male
- The sister is named Samantha
- Samantha was played by Elizabeth Montgomery on "Bewitched"
- Isabel = Elizabeth in Spanish
- My name is Isabelo
- I said Davi(S) = Davi(D)
- I said 1/21/2006 that Communication is Sex
- Every time Davis calls me and tells me something that I choose to believe, that's like being "impregnated" with an idea planted there
Samantha trying to unlatch her tongue off of the Penis of "David" is ME (ROD) trying to separate from Davis and when he tries to feed me information and borrow money from me.
That's the dark, perverted humor showing the CRAP I've had to put up with. When people feed you information that's crap and you buy into it, that's the equivalent of having an idea seeded in your mind. You SEED ideas into people. That's the same as SWALLOWING whatever someone tells you.
That's just a perverted way of making fun of Davis who would be in denial about the entire thing claiming that I acted of my own volition and that I'm at fault for my own mistakes.
Davis always tries to persuade me during our phone conversations that "I've always had control of the money and the business accounts." As I said, Davis would be persuasive in the way he'd say things.
I said 1/28/2006 that he tried to borrow $25.00 from me again tonight. He's always asking me for money and he'll couch it in terms of a business expense. He did this for two years where he'd always ask for money and make it sound like it was for something important or business related. So two years ago, I wanted to be the supportive business partner, and I wouldn't put any checks and balances.
Before he screwed up with that
$15,000 Loan where he flat out lied about having given the money to Dave Summers, borrowed another $350 from me on behalf of Dave for the January 2005 monthly minimum (claiming he was surprised why Dave hadn't gone through with the refinancing yet), and even made Dave Summers think that my mom and I hadn't come up with the money, he used to give me guilt trips all the time.
This was when I was undergoing "study" of the Psychic Realm and busy. I was in complete shutdown and learning. However, I understood that he didn't realize that. He'd continually tell me, "Well, if we don't pay these debts, they're just going to keep on accumulating." He'd always stress how we had to get out of this mess. Since he felt he was making all the phone calls and making the connections that he felt entitled to asking me to borrow money from my family.
At the time I didn't realize that it was my Psychic Abilities that were pulling people to us. This just goes to show you can be working and not realize that it's you who's the one who's doing it. That's why in "Aladdin" you see how the Blue Genie is the one who got HIMSELF out of the Cave with no one's help. I said I'm the Blue G.E./N-IE. It's just stating that it wasn't without Davis' help.
The Blue Genie says that Aladdin now has 2 wishes left.
ALADDIN: Now about my three wishes.
BLUE GENIE: (making a buzzer sound) You're down to TWO
ALADDIN: Ahhhh, I didn't wish to get out of the cave. You did that on your own.
BLUE GENIE: (opening his mouth to object) Why you little...? Okay, fine.
I said 1/7/2006 that Davis is born Year of the Rat and SNEAKY. If you're not careful with Davis, that's how he'll wheedle out of things. That passage was just a lesson to show what happens when you try to play games.
That's why I let Davis take as much of the profits and whatever he closes on only giving me chump change of what he doesn't think he earned. Just as he closes on his own deals and makes his phone calls, that's the same thing where I'm the one doing all the work and making the connections.
However, I can guarantee you that MY network is a lot stronger than Davis' networ because my network plugging into the Electromagnetic Field encompasses the entire Planet and crosses over into people who don't speak English.
If Davis wants to be that way, that's fine by me. The Planet dangled a carrot for Davis to chase after to where he shortchanged himself. He shortchanged himself a couple months ago where he got a lead from one person and had agreed to cut the profits in half, but he decided not tell that person about the lead and the money he was making and he doesn't feel entitled to upholding the orginal bargain he struck with that guy who found him that lead.
I knew exactly what his Subconscious was angling him toward because it runs parallel to me.
I said 11/2/2005 that the Planet also came up with a back-up Clause to quell any other arguments. Davis won't contest it, but there would be others who would think that I just outsmarted Davis and that Davis is entitled to some share.
However, that's why that specific passage in "Legally Blonde" talks about how Davis has no claim because he willingly gave up any right when he voluntarily chose not to listen to me and chose to disbelieve my claims that there's Psychic Theory. He made it clear that he doesn't believe in my Psychic Powers. If you don't believe in something, why should you come sniffing around later trying to get credit for it?
1 hour 29 minutes
KIMMY: Who the Hell do you think you are?
WOMAN: Cat fight!
KIMMY: You came here pretending to be my friend, and I made you my Ma-Id of Honor
I said 12/31/2005 that I had assigned Isabella the Title of Goddess Danu where she was Mother of All. She was the Ma-Id (Mother Self). She was the center. And she had the "Honorable" Title
JULIANNE: Who asked you to do that? You knew me what? 8 minutes?
I said I'd assigned people on the Color Wheel and they were strangers I didn't know and have never met in Real Life. However, two years ago, I thought you couldn't change them and it had to be those people. Plus, they were the original ones who helped me uncover the Psychic Realm using their information. That's why I reserved their Titles. However, their Conscious Minds ignored my notices and thought I was just babbling nonsense.
I said that they had Winning Lottery Tickets and failed to cash them in.
KIMMY: Michael trusted you. So I trusted.
- I was Kimmy
- Isabella Valentine was Michael because she's Scorpio (M)
- Charlie of Bay City Blues, the former co-partner, was Julianne because he was the original Blue and in control of Letter J
I told Charlie in a letter the same thing. Since Isabella trusted Charlie as a partner, I trusted in him. I handed over all my contact information and even submitted all my ideas. That's why that VIP Program he uses is derved from me, which you can trace because it's from the Vector Marketing Program. He took the idea and claimed it for himself thinking it's his.
So not only did he succeed in turning Isabella against me, but he added insult to injury by taking my ideas. That's why I said that Charlie was threatened by me because I was a younger, single, and smarter version of him. That's why before Bliss got corrupted she warned me by Charlie's behavior that stating that he owns her and that Isabella is his property back on 4/3/2004.
I didn't think of it that way because I told Bliss that Charlie was a married man. Bliss said it didn't matter. Isabella was his property, and her analysis was correct. That's why I believe that's why Isabella cashed out of Bay City Blues two weeks after spending Thanksgiving with Charlie. I personally think she got that creepy vibe or felt he was trying to control her.
If things were going well, they would've still been in business. I tried to warn Isabella about Charlie, but she wouldn't listen to me. Instead, I got branded as the bad guy.
JULIANNE: You wanted to keep my close.You didn't trust me for a second
KIMMY: I was right!
That's kind of muddled. I said that I had absorbed Charlie's powers and he was both the original K for Kimmy and J for Julianne. So when I took over his Department, all of his powers that came to me included whatever dark or black marks were associated with those personalities.
As I said, it's like a Mixture of Kool-Aid. You can't just extract Kool-Aid Crystals that have already mixed into the Pitcher of Water. You just keep on adding other flavors. However, if you add Orange and Grape Kool-Aid to a mixture of Hawaiian Punch, the Water in the Pitcher's going to turn murky. That's what happened when I relinquished Subconscious Charlie's powers.
So in the Dialogue, you'll see some statements made, but some of those things were because of previously set behavior modifications of the original owner.
JULIANNE: Of course you were right! But that's not my fault!
KIMMY: You kissed him!!! At my Parent's house!!! On my Wedding Day!!!
WOMAN 1: Bitch
WOMAN 2: Tramp
Julianne opens her mouth to say something
KIMMY: Shut up!
Julianne is surprised.
KIMMY: (pointing her finger at Julianne) Now I love this man and there's no way that I'm going to give him up to some Two-Faced, Big-Haired FOOD CRITIC
All the women start clapping.
That scene right there is Kimmy representing me and when I got pissed off at how they took my friend Scott from me. You see Kimmy all throughout the movie all happy, bouncy, and bubbly, which is my personality.
However, last year, the one thing I woudn't stand for is a bunch of strangers like RobynZ beating up on me, embarrassing me, and jeering about my claims of having Psychic Powers all the while enjoying the fact that Scott had removed me from his Friends List and added both Bliss and RobynZ as well as RobynZ and Bliss both enjoying being on Isabella's Friends List while I got kicked off of everyone else's List.
I got furious because I told the Truth, and I don't have to sit here and take SHIT from people who don't a fucking clue about the Psychic Realm and where they're too fucking LAZY and TOO DUMB to make sense of the Math Fomrulas and evidence I've been writing consistently for over a year.
I don't have to put up with this BULLSHIT when I can prove it every day pulling from any News Article ANYWHERE that the Pattern and Method of Divination can be duplicated and even used by anyone else besides me.
That's why you see Kimmy flare up. That's after I took back control and kicked Subconscious Charlie out firing his pathetic ass.
All those women clapping represent all the Subconscious Minds in the Psychic Realm. It's like one huge bathroom where all 7 billion Subconscious Minds on the Planet are grouped together in one room. That's why everyone knows what everyone's doing and is eavesdropping on what everyone else says and does.
JULIANNE: Alright alright alright! I kissed him. I tried to steal him. I lost. He doesn't love me. He loves you. Kimmy, I haven't done much that I'm proud of over the last three days. I'd like to take you to the church so you can walk down that aisle and marry the man of our dreams. Cuz he sure wants to marry you.
Ma/RR-y = Mother Sagittarius/Higher learning(Gemini Gemini/RR) Male(Y)
1 hour 33 minutes
1:33 = God(1) Clark Kent(333x11/CxK). I said that Bliss and Isabella got married and you see this variation of where I'm the Ma-ID of Honor. I was trying to keep them from getting married because they both joined in union under the belief that "Rod is a Stalker." That's the marriage they were cultivating that I was trying to stop. You just see a dramatic version of it.
That's why it's business it's called a BUSINESS MARRIAGE. Davis is my BUSINESS SPOUSE. In businesses, the contract with guidelines is similar to that of Marriage Vows. That's why the irony is that when you see business partners that are both male, that's a MARRIAGE.
That's why it's funny that you have all these people with issues about Gay/Lesbian Marriages when you've got Business People of the Same Sex that are in business marriages. As everyone agrees, marriage isn't about sex. You see business partners getting together and they aren't having sex.
However, if you really want to mess things up and open up a debate, I can really mess with your head:
- I said 1/21/2006 that Communication is Sex.
- People in businesss communicate
- Business partners of the same sex are in "gay" business marrages
If Business partners of the same sex having Communication Sex can get together and have a Business License, why can't Gay People have a Marriage License that follows on the same principles? :P
JULIANNE: I had the strangest dream. I dreamt that some Psychopath was trying to break the two of you up. Luckily, I woke up, and I see that the world is just as it should be.
I had to come to the same realization. The world is as it should be. Bliss and Isabella deserve each other in their own twisted way. Bliss didn't realize that Isabella is merely a female version of me. She wanted wanted a woman and she got it.
JULIANNE: For my best friend has won the best woman. I didn't get you a gift. However, this one is on loan, until you two find your song.
That is referring to how both Bliss and Isabella don't have a "song" (S on G = Superman on God). They don't have a "S on G" so you see how Julianne (Rod) lent both of them his Song. As I siad I always cared for both of them, but I let them go. And I let them borrow my Song.
Someday when I'm awfully low
When the world is cold
I will feel a glow
Just thinking of you
And the way you look tonight
O but you're lovely
With your smile so warm
And your cheeks so soft
There is nothing for me to love you
Just the way you look tonight
With each word, your tenderness grows
Tearing my fear apart
And that laugh that wrinkles your nose
Touches my foolish heart
Lovely never never change
Keep that breathless change
Won't you please arrange it
Cause I, I love you
Just the way you look tonight
Just the way you look tonight
1 hour 37 minutes
You see them ride off in a White Rolls Royce (RR).
Ro/LL-S Ro-Y/C-E = Gemini(Ro) Good(LL/7) Superman(S) Gemini(Ro) Male(Y) Dominant(C) Sun(E)
Scott is my best friend. I said that I'm the Virgin Mary. Scott is a Pisces. My stepdad's a Pisces. When my parents got married, that was another variation of the Female Rod marrying another variation of Scott.
I said that if I had been born a Female, Scott would've been my perfect mate and I would've fallen in love with him as a woman or if he was a woman. That's why in the inverted story line you have Scott Summers (SS/Gemini Superman) as Cyclops with the one "I" or Eye and Jean Grey as the Psychic (Female Rod). In the Psychic/Subconscious Realm, the true gender is where I'm Female and Scott would've been my perfect mate.
In this Reality, I'm a male, and I have no interest in being involved with another male. Technically, I'm GA-y because I'm really a Fe-Male who loves Women. So that would make ma Lesbian, which is Gay.
So it's a true statement if people claim I'm Gay. It's because I'm a Woman attracted to other Women.
I'm sure that Philosophers will talk about that for decades or even centuries to come. However, it begs the question on just what exactly is Love? Just because I'm not interested in Scott sexually and have the wrong equipment doesn't mean I can't still love him as a brother.
1 hour 37 minutes 17 seconds
Julianne picks up her cell phone.
JULIANNE: Hello, George.
GEORGE: Hey, gorgeous, are you having a good time?
JULIANNE: Not particularly, but I did what I came to do.
GEORGE: What? You split them up?
JULIANNE: No, I said good bye.
GEORGE: Good girl. I'm proud of you. I'd be prouder still if you were dancing
JULIANNE: Hmph. I have big plans for dancing. Just give me 30...35 years.
GEORGE: Oh, the misery. The exquisite tragedy. The Susan Hayward of it all. I can just picture you there sitting alone at your table. Your lavender gown.
JULIANNE: Did I tell you my gown was Lavender?
GEORGE: Hair swept up. You haven't touched your cake. Probably drumming your fingernails on the white linen table cloth the way you do when you're feeling really down. Perhaps you looking at your nails. saying, "God, I should've stopped in all my evil plotting to have that manicure, but it's too late now."
JULIANNE: George, I didn't tell you my gown was lavender.
GEORGE: Suddenly, a familiar song...
SINGER: (singing) The moment I wake up...
GEORGE: Then, you're off your chair in one exquisite movement, wondering...searching...splitting the wind like a dappled deer... Has God heard your little prayer? Will Cinderella dance again? And then suddenly, the crowds part. And there he is. Sleek. stylish, rrradiant with charisma. Bizarrely, he's on the telephone. But then... So are you. And he comes toward you. The moves of a Jungle Cat [JC-Jesus Christ] and although you quite correctly sense that he's...GAY...Like most devastatingly handsome single men of his age are, you think, "What the Hell? Life goes on." Maybe there won't be marriage.
George kisses the back of Julianne's hand.
JULIANNE: Maybe there won't be sex.
George gives a dreaded look. Julianne laughs.
GEORGE: But by GOD, there'll be dancing!
George and Julianne move on the dancefloor and George pulls up to her.
GEORGE: Bond. Jane Bond.
If Rupert Everett is born the same day and his initials are RE, which is 75 on the Periodic Table and like 1975 when I was born, I'd be like Jane Bond :).
I said 1/4/2006 that I was issued a James Bond Number ;). I said I have a Spy Network. As a Gemini, I'd be a Double Agent. That's how you'd get Double "O" 7 :).
O = Circle
C (IR) C LE = C (IR + Le), meaning Dominant (IR + Definite-The/French).
You have Jessica Jaymes. Ja(Y)mes = James with "Y" (Male) in it.
If I'm Female I'd be just plain James with No "Y"
Y = Jesus Christ
Ja(Y)mes = James with Jesus Christ in it. I said 10/7/2005 that all the Letters in CHRIST add up to
77, which is IR on the Periodic Table :).
- JE/S u S = Dead Rodney Dangerfield(10-5/JE) Superman(S) in Union with Superman(S)
- C-H/RI-St. = Dominant(C/Non-U/Non-Ewe) Superman(H/Pisces/Fe-ET/Iron Alien/Man of Steel) 5/29(Rhode Island/RI) Saint
- C-HR is T = Dominant(C) Superman(H) GeminiR/18/2x9/2xI/II) is Female(T/20/XX)