
Jan 27, 2012 10:45

Title: Dare
Author: dracoslovebunny
Pairing: DooSeob, mostly DooSeobWoon
Status: Oneshot
Genre: Romance
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Slash (not graphic)
Word count: 4,662
Summary: In which Yoseob wants a little something extra.
A/N: Written as part of my ongoing ALL-PAIRINGS 15-fic self-challenge. Each fic is a standalone (not part of the same storyline as the others). Fics are prompted by A Little Left of Logical. Title is the prompt. Sorry this one took me forever, guys!

Previous Installments:
Accident/KiWoon // Imitation of Life/JunWoon // Passing Flame/JunSeung // The Moment/KiSeob // Crave/DooKwang // Massage/DooWoon // Burn/KiSeung // Snack/DongSeob // Letters from Nowhere/2Jun // Lie to Me/JunKwang // A Little Curious/HyunWoon // After/JunSeob

It wasn't that activities between the sheets had grown boring for Doojoon and Yoseob. In the year they'd been dating, that apect of their relationship had, if anything, only improved with time. Any of their bandmates could attest to that, each having found many ways to avoid being in the dorm for extended lengths of time when they knew Doojoon and Yoseob would be there together. And it wasn't that Yoseob was a particularly explorative individual, though he was far from shy when it came to trying new things.

Yoseob and Doojoon had what most people considered to be a perfect relationship. They hardly ever fought. They did almost everything together. They still shared those special glances with each other from time to time, the kind that said, I love you, and I can't wait to get you alone to show you just how much. And from the inside of things, Yoseob and Doojoon would have to agree; though their relationship could be hard work at times, as with all relationships, they both knew it was worth it. Their love seemed to grow stronger every day.

Still, perhaps it had been the way Dongwoon sometimes looked at them. Maybe it was a wild side of Yoseob showing through. Possibly, Yoseob just wanted to try spicing things up a little bit more than usual. But whatever the cause, Doojoon had been very surprised when Yoseob had proposed to him the idea of a threesome, namely with Dongwoon.

Doojoon would be lying if he said he was all for the idea when Yoseob had first asked him. The idea of another man touching Yoseob the way only he had before didn't sit well with him. So his immediate response had been no. Yoseob had left it at that.

But the idea had been planted in his mind. Whenever he saw Dongwoon interact with Yoseob, it was all he could think about. For the first few weeks, he found himself building a resentment toward the oblivious maknae. When he realized what he'd been doing, he forced himself to put those feelings aside. Dongwoon didn't deserve them, having had nothing at all to do with what was going on inside the leader's head. Then, having shelved his anger, Doojoon was left in a position of seeing Yoseob and Dongwoon interact on a very personal level, but not viewing it through the green filter of envy he'd been using before. It took him another few weeks before he would admit to himself that when he discarded his jealously, the image he was left with of the pair was actually a fairly nice one to look at.

After awhile of self-debate, Doojoon finally shared his thoughts with Yoseob, telling him that perhaps he had been rash in his decision. And a few weeks after that, now observing his own interactions with the group's maknae more closely, Doojoon went to Yoseob to tell him that maybe a threesome wasn't such a terrible idea after all. It had taken him a very long time to come around, but Yoseob didn't seem to mind in the slightest as he let out a cheer and planted a messy kiss on his lover's lips in thanks.


Yoseob and Doojoon had come up with a plan to seduce and bed Dongwoon. Well, Yoseob had come up with a plan, initially, and most of it involved steps to take once they got Dongwoon to agree to sleep with them. Doojoon, being considerably more mature and less libido-driven than his other half, worked on ironing out the details that needed to come before bedding their bandmate. Yoseob questioned poutingly if they could just skip all that boring stuff. Doojoon smiled at him in that indulgent kind of way he found himself using on Yoseob too often, then promptly straightened his expression and told the shorter man to grow up.

So they let their plan begin. They started by having Dongwoon"accidentally" walk in on them making out. As the maknae stumbled back a step from the bedroom with an apology, the pair stopped kissing to apologize as well. Doojoon, however, let his hand continue to wander Yoseob's body. Yoseob pushed his hand away with a playful, "Stop."

"Oh, like Dongwoon cares," Doojoon insisted, snaking his hand up Yoseob's shirt.

Clearing his throat, Dongwoon proceeded to mutter out another, "Sorry." He kept his eyes on the pair as he came into the room to grab a shirt off his bed. His gaze lingered until he left the room.

Smirking, Doojoon pulled Yoseob to himself for another kiss.


Fresh out of the shower, hair damp and wearing just a pair of sweatpants hung low on his hips, Doojoon wandered the dorm until he found Dongwoon, who was in the bedroom chatting with Yoseob. He leaned on the doorframe, watching their interaction. Yoseob, who had seen Doojoon arrive but hadn't alerted Dongwoon to the other man's presence, laughed openly at whatever Dongwoon had been saying just before Doojoon entered and reached out a hand to gently rub Dongwoon's arm in a gesture that could be mistaken for friendly but was certainly intended otherwise.

"All your working out lately is really staring to show, Son Dongwoon," Yoseob commented.

"Gotta look good for the fans," Dongwoon returned with a smile.

"I'm sure all the fans will just be drooling over you the next time they get a chance to see these muscles," Yoseob flirted shamelessly.

An awkward smile made its way onto Dongwoon's face, along with a little bit of a blush. "Yeah, sure."

"I should post a picture of you shirtless on my Twitter like I did with Hyunseung and see if they can guess which member it is."

"Hey," Doojoon finally made his presence known to Dongwoon, walking forward as he spoke, "if they would think those are impressive, just imagine what they'd think of mine." He laughed and flexed playfully as he approached the pair. "So what are you two doing in here?" Leaning a little closer to Yoseob, he asked, "Trying to make me jealous?"

"Of course not, yeobo, but you can't blame me for wanting to flirt a little when we have someone so gorgeous living with us." Doojoon and Yoseob laughed, and Dongwoon let out a dry chuckle, his embarrassment clearly growing.

Doojoon brought his lips to Yoseob's briefly. "Well, as long as you keep it PG-13," he commented, making Yoseob laugh again.

"I'll get out of your hair," Dongwoon commented, turning to leave.

"Oh, you don't have to go," Yoseob told him, "Doojoon is just playing around." Dongwoon turned back just in time to see Doojoon wrap his arms around Yoseob from behind and bring his lips to his boyfriend's neck. "Knock it off," Yoseob practically moaned, not making any physical movements to stop Doojoon, his head tilting to the side and his eyes falling shut.

Dongwoon let out a small sound that might have been taken as disgust if not for the way his eyes seemed tranfixed on Yoseob's facial expression. From the way he stared, it was obvious that the sound was of pleasure. Then he realized what he was doing and quickly left the room.


"Truth or Dare..." Dongwoon looked uneasily from Yoseob to Doojoon.

Yoseob sat next to Doojoon and held his hand. "Come on, it'll be fun!"

"What about the other guys? Should we wait for them?"

Doojoon shook his head. "They had stuff to do at the dance studio tonight. They're not going to be back for hours."

"Yeah, I'm bored and Junhyung's not around for me to harass. Let's just play."

Dongwoon sighed. "Alright, fine." Looking at Doojoon, Dongwoon wondered aloud to him, "How do you keep a kid like this entertained all the time? I don't envy you."

Yoseob clapped his hands, ignoring the comment. "Great! I'll go first. Dongwoon, truth or dare?"

Dongwoon laid out on his side, supporting his head with his hand. "Truth."

Yoseob tapped his chin and looked upward, pondering to himself, then asked, "If you were a girl for a day, what would you do?"

With a laugh, Dongwoon said, "I'd go to the bathhouse!"

Doojoon and Yoseob laughed with him. "Perv," Yoseob accused.

"Alright," Dongwoon turned his head, "Doojoon, truth or dare?"


"Okay, what made you choose Yoseob out of everyone in the world you could have had?"

Smiling, Doojoon looked at Yoseob and squeezed his hand. "You know, it was a lot of things. He kind of balances me out if I get too serious about something. He helps me get pumped up about stuff even if I'm not really looking forward to it. And, of course, I love him."

"Yeobo," Yoseob said cutely, then pecked Doojoon on the lips. "That was too nice."

"Yeah, well, don't get used to it." Grinning, he asked his boyfriend, "Truth or dare?"

"Well, it's been truth all around so far, so dare."

Doojoon looked around the room briefly for inspiration, then got up and grabbed a stuffed animal off Yoseob's bed. He held it out to Yoseob and said, "Perform a romantic kissing scene with this as your love interest."

Yoseob chuckled with Dongwoon as he grabbed the bear. Doojoon took a seat, and Yoseob stood, holding the doll at arm's length. "Oh Beary," he began in an impassioned voice. "Beary, can't you see how I feel?" Bringing the stuffed bear closer to himself, he put its hand on his chest and said, "In here... in my heart... there's only you." Dongwoon and Doojoon laughed lightly at the display, then laughed harder as Yoseob adopted an aegyo voice and continued on as the bear, "Oh, Yoseobah, I've always felt the same!" With that, he kissed the bear passionately, applause filling the room. Laughing at himself, he tossed the stuffed animal back onto his bed and sat back down.

"That was ridiculous," Yoseob said through a grin, then turned to Dongwoon. "Alright, truth or dare?"

"Truth, I'm not making out with stuffed animals today."

Yoseob tapped his bottom lip, then looked over at Doojoon and back to Dongwoon. "Who do you think is the most attractive member of Beast?"

Dongwoon nudged Yoseob with his foot. "Hey, that's weird, I'm not answering it."

"Well, you can do two dares in exchange, then," Yoseob offered.

Heaving a sigh, Dongwoon looked away from the pair and said, "Fine. It's Doojoon."

Yoseob whooped and clapped, while Doojoon chuckled. "I thought he would have said you," Doojoon told Yoseob.

"Why, do I seem like I'm attracted to Yoseob?" Dongwoon asked.

"Nobody said 'attracted to,'" Doojoon commented, "just 'attractive.' Hold on, are you saying you're attracted to me?"

Dongwoon shook his head, stating, "I already answered my question." But his growing blush gave him away anyway. "Now, Doojoon, truth or dare?"

"Dare," he replied automatically.

"Alright, sit in Yoseob's lap, and you have to stay there for the next full round no matter what he has to do."

Smiling, Doojoon slid into Yoseob's lap, feeling a pair of arms wrap around his waist. "Shouldn't be too hard," he commented. "Seobah, truth or dare?"

"Dare!" Yoseob responded excitedly, getting really into the game.

Doojoon smirked. He cut his eyes over to Dongwoon briefly. "I dare you... to kiss Dongwoon."

"Woah, hey!" Dongwoon protested immediately. "This isn't my dare! Why am I involved?"

Yoseob was biting his lip. Doojoon told the maknae, "Come on, it's just a game."

Dongwoon sat up, his eyes wide. Yoseob scooted toward Dongwoon, bringing Doojoon with him, then pulled Dongwoon's arm to bring him closer. When Dongwoon had risen to his knees, Doojoon put an arm around him to pull their chests together. He leaned to the side so Yoseob and Dongwoon would be face to face. Yoseob took the maknae by the back of his neck and brought their lips together firmly, not giving him any time to consider backing out. When Dongwoon didn't try to pull away, Yoseob tilted his head and parted his lips a bit, deepening their kiss. Then Dongwoon pulled back suddenly, his face plainly showing his shock.

"How was it?" Doojoon asked Yoseob.

"Good," he replied, smiling broadly. He could see that Dongwoon still hadn't recovered as he asked him, "Truth or dare?"

"If this is how you guys do dares, I'm going with truth." He didn't seem to want to look either of them in the eye.

"Did you like the kiss?" Yoseob grazed his lips across the back of Doojoon's neck.

"God," Dongwoon buried his face in his hands. "Your boyfriend is right there; what am I supposed to say?"

Yoseob chuckled. "My boyfriend's the one who told us to kiss in the first place. I don't think he'll mind no matter your opinion."

With his face still hidden, Dongwoon answered, "Yeah. It was good. You're a good kisser. Do we have to keep playing?"

Doojoon returned, "If it was good, then why do you want to stop playing?"

Dongwoon sighed. Lifting his head, he asked Doojoon, "Truth or dare?"


"Why did you have him kiss me?"

Doojoon shrugged. "Mostly just to see if you'd do it." He slid from Yoseob's lap, having completed his dare from earlier. "Yeobo, truth or dare?"

Yoseob was smirking. Their plan was fully underway. "Truth."

"Would you ever have a threesome?"

Yoseob pretended to think as Dongwoon made a sound of surprise. "Yeah," he finally answered. "Truth or dare?" he asked back to Doojoon.


"Same question."

Smirking now as well, Doojoon replied, "Definitely. Truth or dare?"

Yoseob wanted to laugh aloud at the situation, but he held it together. "Truth."

"Who would you have a threesome with?"

Biting his lip top keep from laughing but playing it off like he was just thinking really hard, Yoseob rolled his eyes toward Dongwoon, then lightly gestured toward him.

"Dongwoon?" Doojoon asked as though he was surprised.

"What!?" Dongwoon asked.

Yoseob nodded, then had to release a giggle or he felt like he might burst.

"What?" Dongwoon demanded again. "Why are we even talking about this?"

"Dongwoonah, truth or dare?" Yoseob asked.

"I don't wanna play anymore," the tall man shook his head and made as though he would stand. Yoseob's hand on his leg stopped him.

"Come on, play another round."

Dongwoon looked from Yoseob to Doojoon and then back again before finally giving in. "One last round." He set his face into a serious expression and said, "Truth."

"Would you ever have a threesome?"

"I'm not answering that," Dongwoon shook his head.

Yoseob shrugged. "Well the alternative is taking two dares."

"Fine, whatever. I'll take the dares."

"Are you sure? You can't change your mind after."

Dongwoon waved his hand dismissively. "Yeah, give me the dares."

Yoseob shared a look with Doojoon. "Alright. First dare is to kiss Doojoon." Dongwoon's eyes went wide and met with Doojoon's. Doojoon looked back at him with a grin. "Second is to kiss me. And... go!"

Dongwoon didn't move. "You guys are kidding, right?"

"You don't mind, do you?" Doojoon asked. "You said yourself earlier that I'm the most attractive, and that Yoseob is a good kisser." Realizing that Dongwoon wasn't about to make the first move, he slid closer to the maknae and rested a hand on his knee. On the other side, Yoseob had moved closer as well. Placing a hand on the back of Dongwoon's neck, he brought their faces close together and said, "It's just a kiss."

He could see in Dongwoon's expression that he was really battling with himself. Then, finally, Dongwoon pressed foward, closing the space between them. He tried to pull back immediately, but Doojoon kept him in place using his grip on the back of Dongwoon's neck. He kissed Dongwoon aggressively, his teeth scraping past Dongwoon's lips. When he let go and Dongwoon pulled away, the maknae wasn't even given a break before Yoseob, who had moved to kneel in front of Dongwoon, pulled him in for another kiss, this one much softer than Doojoon's had been.

Doojoon sat himself behind Dongwoon, wrapping his arms around the man's waist and cautiously kissing the back of his neck. Yoseob broke their kiss, and Dongwoon said breathlessly, "There, I'm done playing now."

"We can be done with Truth or Dare," Yoseob replied, "but we're far from done playing with you." He leaned in and kissed Dongwoon again, and both Doojoon and Yoseob made note of the fact that Dongwoon offered no resistance. Doojoon moved his lips to the side of Dongwoon's neck. He sank his teeth into Dongwoon's neck gently, and Dongwoon let out a small sound into Yoseob's mouth that might have been pain or pleasure. Doojoon swiped his tongue over the slightly reddened bite mark he'd left, running his hands gently over Dongwoon's chest.

Breaking their kiss, Yoseob moved his mouth to the front of Dongwoon's throat, and Doojoon tilted Dongwoon's head back to kiss him quickly. Pulling away to look Dongwoon in the eye, he told him with a serious but comforting voice, "Tell us to stop if you want us to, and we will. We don't want this if you don't want it."

Dongwoon looked a little confused about the entire situation, but far from upset. "I'll let you know," he responded. Doojoon smiled and kissed him again, seeking out Dongwoon's lower lip to bite it softly. The sound Dongwoon made was definitely of pleasure this time, so Doojoon bit just a little bit harder before sucking on his lip to soothe the pain. Yoseob pulled Doojoon's face away from Dongwoon's, then kissed his boyfriend thoroughly over Dongwoon's shoulder.

Doojoon's hands skimmed over Dongwoon's chest again, this time beneath his shirt, and he broke away from Yoseob to tug the garment off the maknae's body. Yoseob climbed into Dongwoon's lap and rocked their lower bodies together slowly. Showing a bit of initiative, Dongwoon tugged at Doojoon's arm to bring him to his side, then brought their lips together fiercely. Doojoon responded eagerly, one hand still exploring Dongwoon's torso as he deepened their kiss.

Yoseob pulled his shirt off and tossed it aside, then reached out to help Doojoon out of his own. Both shirtless, they turned back to Dongwoon to see that he was still looking fairly uncertain. "Is this alright?" Yoseob asked softly, concern in his voice.

Dongwoon nodded, his eyes trained on Yoseob's chest, then he looked up at Yoseob. "It's just... sudden."

Leaning back a bit, Yoseob told him, "We can stop, if you want."

"No," Dongwoon assured him with a shake of his head. He wrapped a hand around the back of Yoseob's neck and pulled him in for a brief kiss as though to prove his interest, then added, "But can we just, you know, take this slow? I've never... well, especially not with two people at once, but..."

Doojoon chuckled. "Yeah, that's fine. Look, how about we just keep this above the belt?"

Dongwoon swallowed heavily and said, "Yeah, I think that would be good."

With a reassuring smile, Yoseob touched the side of Dongwoon's face gently and said, "You don't have to be nervous. I don't bite, and Doojoon only bites in the best ways."


"I think I'm falling for him."

Yoseob closed his eyes as he confessed his feelings to his lover. Doojoon was seated behind him, arms wrapped around him tightly. It had been over a week since their game of Truth or Dare, and on several occasions Yoseob and Doojoon, together or alone, had shared brief moments with Dongwoon, casual touches, quick kisses, and even an occasional makeout session. Each time, Dongwoon had seemed more relaxed and willing, with more desire to explore further with the pair. It had been, as far as Yoseob was concerned, a purely physical venture. Yet now he found himself thinking of Dongwoon much differently than before. He found himself wanting to seek out the younger man to share not only their lips and hands and bodies, but their time and their hearts as well. Part of him felt like feeling that way was emotionally cheating on Doojoon.

Doojoon kissed Yoseob's bare shoulder, then trailed kisses softly to his neck. Lips still grazing the smoothe skin there, he admitted, "I think I am, too."


Doojoon walked into the bedroom to find Dongwoon and Yoseob curled up on his bed. He climbed up to them and received two smiles in the way of greeting. "You guys are gonna kill me with jealousy," he complained jokingly, then received a peck from Yoseob.

Dongwoon sat up and pulled Doojoon comfortably to himself, arms around his shoulders. "Like we were doing anything anyway," he protested. "Yoseob wore himself out having fun with Junhyung earlier and just wanted to cuddle."

"You mean the impossible has occurred?" Doojoon asked with mock surprise. "Yoseob is out of energy?" Dongwoon laughed while Yoseob pouted. Doojoon turned his head to land a kiss on Dongwoon's cheek. "Enjoy it while it lasts." He led Yoseob into his lap. Yoseob, facing Doojoon, leaned over his boyfriend's shoulder to steal a quick kiss from Dongwoon, then leaned his head against Doojoon's chest and sank into his embrace.

With his arms around Yoseob and Dongwoon's arms around him, the heat of the two bodies surrounding him, Doojoon thought he had never been so comfortable. His heart felt so full he thought it might burst. Still, he found himself growing nervous, because Dongwoon had been a willing participant on the physical level, but Doojoon was afraid he might never return their mutual feelings for him, or else he wouldn't be open to a romantic relationship with two people at once. He wondered to himself how he had managed to wriggle his way into such a predicament, then settled on pushing the thoughts out of his mind in favor of simply enjoying being with Yoseob and Dongwoon in that moment.


Dongwoon took off his shoes as he stepped into the living room of the dorm, and his wrists were immediately grabbed by Doojoon and Yoseob, who pulled him further into the room, revealing a fully sprawled picnic set up on the floor.

"What's all this?" he asked with a laugh, then took a moment to really look around at everything. Clearly, the pair had put in a lot of work; on the blanket laid out across the floor he saw bread with meats and cheese, fruits with whipped cream, chocolates, and wine, as well as a vase of flowers and a few throw pillows. The lights in the dorm were dimmed, but a number of candles were lit around the living room, adding a glow and a warm scent to the room. Music was playing, Dongwoon didn't know from where, but it was something soft and set low.

"Come on," Doojoon urged, leading Dongwoon onto the blanket. The trio sat down together, Dongwoon still looking thoroughly confused.

"This is really... romantic," he commented, looking from Doojoon to Yoseob, waiting for an explanation. "I didn't, like, walk in on your date or something, did I?"

"Well, yes and no," Yoseob replied, picking up a piece of bread with prosciutto and holding it out for Dongwoon. The younger man accepted the bite.

Doojoon continued, "We set up a date. But not for just me and Yoseob; it's a date for all three of us."

Yoseob leaned against Doojoon's back with a chin on his shoulder, smiling at Dongwoon through his nervousness as he added, "Dongwoon... we want to ask you to be with us, romantically, not just physically. We want to date you."

Dongwoon looked a little flustered as he swallowed his bite of food. He scratched his head, an awkward and shy smile on his face. "Well, this is definitely the sweetest way I've ever been asked out," he told them. "I thought you guys were only interested in working on my resistance until I finally slept with you."

With a chuckle, Yoseob fed Doojoon a bite of bread and cheese and confessed, "That was how it started, yeah. But, I don't know, something changed somewhere along the way."

Around his mouthful, Doojoon told him, "Try the brie, it's delicious." He held out a bit of the cheese on some bread to the maknae, who took the opportunity to move closer to the pair as he took the bite.

Dongwoon took his time chewing while the other two waited. Finally, he leaned against Yoseob's side, resting his head on his shoulder, and said, "I don't want to come between you or anything."

"I don't think that will happen," Yoseob assured him, taking his hand and linking their fingers.

Doojoon pulled away from Yoseob and crawled away from the pair to collect the wine glasses and pour them each a glassful. He handed them their glasses before making his way back over, settling himself in front of Dongwoon. "If we thought you would, we wouldn't be asking you. We're not supplementing each other with you or using you to fix something broken. We want to add something beautiful to something that's already great." The statement earned him an approving noise and a kiss from Yoseob.

Dongwoon seemed intent on studying his wine for a long moment before looking at the leader and saying, "Wouldn't it be weird? You know, dating two people? I mean, you guys won't get jealous our anything?"

Yoseob shook his head. "I told Doojoon what I'd been starting to feel about you, thinking he'd be so upset. But he was feeling it, too. And knowing that, I thought, well, what if I could have both? What if Doojoon could have both of us, and if you could be fulfilled by having me and Doojoon? I thought, maybe Doojoon would be jealous of you and me, or maybe you would feel jealous about the closeness Doojoon and I already have. But I don't think it would work like that, since I know I wouldn't be jealous seeing you and Doojoon together. It makes me smile when I see that. It makes me want to jump in and be a part of that, too, to be a part of something that warms my heart that much." He took a sip of his wine, then pulled Doojoon toward himself. "Do you get jealous when you see me and Doojoon together?"

"Well, kind of," the mankae replied. "I used to a lot, before. I thought, how nice would it be to be that close with someone? But now, I see you and instead of wondering what it would be like to have someone to be that way about, I just want to grab you both up." He was smiling as he drank slowly from his glass. "I guess I was just thinking that it was me wanting to kiss you or make out or something. I didn't really consider that it might be that exact same closeness I saw you two showing each other."

Doojoon placed his empty wine glass aside. "I'll be honest, I hated the idea of you with Yoseob when he first suggested it to me. It took me a long time to come around. But when I did, and I saw you two together, even before that game of Truth or Dare, when it was just friendly, I liked what I saw. I like that you and Yoseob have always been such close friends. I like that I can trust you with him completely and know that you're not going to hurt him, or me. I like the way you kiss." He chuckled and pulled Dongwoon to himself for a kiss. When they separated, Dongwoon was grinning. Doojoon moved away from Yoseob to give Dongwoon room to settle between them. "And I'd like for you to be our boyfriend."

Yoseob climbed into Dongwoon's lap, his arms sliding around Dongwoon's neck. "You have to say yes," he told Dongwoon in no uncertain terms.

"Oh, I have to?" Dongwoon laughed, pulling back a little to look at Yoseob. "Or else what?"

"Or else... You don't get any of the strawberries I set up tonight."

Dongwoon couldn't keep the grin off his face. He kissed Yoseob, feeling Doojoon's hand slide into his own. When he pulled away, he said, "I was going to say yes whether you had strawberries to blackmail me with or not."

Yoseob's face broke into a wide grin, and Doojoon's smile lit up his features. Grabbing Dongwoon, Yoseob pressed his lips almost urgently against Dongwoon's, then broke the kiss so Doojoon could do the same. When Dongwoon released a small chuckle, Yoseob and Doojoon were quick to follow, and then the trio couldn't keep their lips and hands to themselves, celebrating their new romantic development with passion and energy.


pairing: dooseob, rating: pg-13, paring: dooseobwoon, author: dracoslovebunny, fandom: beast

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