Summer 2011 Wishlist Masterlist

Sep 06, 2011 11:11

Whew! You all are amazing, because this round, you produced fifty-two gifts for the thirty-six wishlists posted. Well done! Thank you so much to those of you who participated, and those of you who made sure that everyone was able to receive at least one gift.

Beneath the cut is the masterlist, and if you notice any errors, please let us know!

absolutelybatty (wishlist)
The Same Mistake Pandora Made by red_b_rackham (James/Bellatrix, PG-13)

alley_skywalker (wishlist)
Between Two Lungs by leigh_adams (Ron/Gabrielle, PG-13)

allie_meril (wishlist)
The Elasticity of Love by briony_tallis (Ted/Andromeda, PG)

bitchet (wishlist)
Lady Luck by a_gypsys_dance (Ginny/Asteria, PG)

blackestfaery (wishlist)
Blame It On The Changes by leigh_adams (Sirius/Lily, PG)

briony_tallis (wishlist)
By the Light of the Moon by deathlydragon (Louis/Teddy, PG-13)
Two Lives by kerplankia (Peter/Regulus, PG-13)

cakeordeath44 (wishlist)
Mending by peskywhistpaw (Hannah/Neville, G)

carmela_largo (wishlist)
Proof by a_gypsys_dance (Minerva/Sybill, PG-13)
The Hunter and the Hunted by briony_tallis (Fenrir/Scabior, R)

condwiramurs (wishlist)
Endgame by dexstarr (Bellatrix/Hermione, PG-13)
lessons in cartography by verdeckt (Severus/Arthur, R)
One Plus One Equals Three by alley_skywalker (Regulus/Severus, PG)

deathlydragon (wishlist)
Encounter with a Thief by briony_tallis (Lily/Narcissa, PG)
Fetch by briony_tallis (Sirius/Draco, PG)

deft_keystrokes (wishlist)
Stepping Stones by 7types (Tom/Luna, PG-13)

downjune (wishlist)
Life Lessons by a_gypsys_dance (Draco/Luna, PG)

drcjsnider (wishlist)
Better Company by a_gypsys_dance (Rose/Cormac, PG)
Sisyphean by fiery_flamingo (George/Angelina, R)

elle_blessing (wishlist)
Sweet Dreams by the_woods_ (Scabior/Hermione, R)

hamimifk (wishlist)
Breathe by alley_skywalker (Scorpius/Hugo, PG)
Your Smooth Skin by bendleshnitz1 (Molly II/Roxanne, light R)

igrockspock (wishlist)
If We Could Each Do One Thing by downjune (Draco/Luna, PG-13)

isabet (wishlist)
Do I Need to Paint You a Picture? by downjune (Harry/George, R)

katzpajamas (wishlist)
All These Broken Pieces by lauryne78 (Neville/Hannah, PG)
Trust by alcoholicberry (Audrey/Percy, Percy/Oliver, PG)

kellychambliss (wishlist)
A Month is Nothing by dexstarr (Minerva/Severus, PG-13)
You Were Gorgeous by downjune (Minerva/Severus, PG)

kerplankia (wishlist)
After the First Death by 7types (Severus/Tonks, G)

lauryne78 (wishlist)
Please Just Take These Photos From My Hands by briony_tallis (George/Luna, PG)

leigh_adams (wishlist)
Perfect by bendleshnitz1 (Michael/Padma, PG)
Some Enchanted Evening by lauryne78 (Seamus/Pansy, PG-13)

maidenjedi (wishlist)
The Necessity of Lies and Risks by deathlydragon (Remus/Lily, PG)
Together by reynardo (Frank/Alice, G)

mblfree (wishlist)
Missing Scream by deathlydragon (Draco/Marcus, PG-13)
Playing Messenger by verdeckt (Severus/Petunia, R)

mop_cat (wishlist)
Captured Forever by deathlydragon (Louis/Scorpius, R)

mugglechump (wishlist)
Five Stories Astoria Greengrass Did Not Write About by slumber (Zacharias/Astoria, PG)

peskywhistpaw (wishlist)
Just Try by kerplankia (Pansy/Luna, G)

phil_urich (wishlist)
Love, Luna by a_gypsys_dance (Luna/Dudley, PG-13)

sehlat_charmer (wishlist)
A Conversation, at Night by 7types (Severus/Emmeline, G)

sortabutnot (wishlist)
Dreaming in the Waking World by peskywhistpaw (Pansy/Luna, G)

squibstress (wishlist)
A Ministering Angel Thou by therealsnape (Minerva/Poppy, R/NC-17)
Tight Squeeze by albalark (Hagrid/Pomfrey, PG-13)

thedreamisreal (wishlist)
Fragments by lauryne78 (George/Luna, PG)
Sweet and Spew by deathlydragon (Cormac/Hermione, PG)

the_woods_ (wishlist)
Common Ground by a_gypsys_dance (Ron/Pansy, G)
The Last Time by red_b_rackham (Harry/Pansy, PG-13)
You May Be a Sinner (But Your Innocence Is Mine) by elle_blessing (Scabior/Hermione, PG-13)

vaysh11 (wishlist)
Not Right by deathlydragon (Draco/Theodore, PG-13)

verdekt (wishlist)
Pleasurable Shame by deathlydragon (James/Severus, R)

withdrawnred (wishlist)
To Say Goodbye by briony_tallis (Dean/Luna, G)

We'll see you in a couple of months for the fic exchange!

pairing: luna/dudley, pairing: ted/andromeda, .round-up, pairing: rose/cormac, user: downjune, pairing: ginny/astoria, pairing: poppy/minerva, pairing: neville/hannah, user: the_woods_, user: slumber, .wishlists: summer 2011, user: alcoholicberry, pairing: harry/pansy, pairing: james/severus, pairing: hermione/bellatrix, user: a_gypsys_dance, pairing: severus/petunia, user: bendleshnitz1, user: reynardo, pairing: narcissa/lily, pairing: pansy/luna, *het, user: verdeckt, pairing: percy/audrey, pairing: seamus/pansy, pairing: michael/padma, pairing: draco/marcus, user: deathlydragon, pairing: draco/luna, pairing: severus/regulus, pairing: zacharias/astoria, user: kerplankia, pairing: scabior/hermione, pairing: severus/emmeline, pairing: sirius/draco, pairing: percy/oliver, !mod announcement, user: lauryne78, *slash, user: dexstarr, pairing: cormac/hermione, pairing: scorpius/louis, pairing: hagrid/pomfrey, user: red_b_rackham, user: therealsnape, user: peskywhistpaw, pairing: sirius/lily, pairing: george/angelina, pairing: fenrir/scabior, pairing: george/luna, pairing: ron/pansy, pairing: louis/teddy, pairing: tom/luna, user: albalark, pairing: scorpius/hugo, pairing: severus/arthur, user: bluemermaid, pairing: frank/alice, *femslash, pairing: draco/theodore, pairing: harry/george, user: 7types, pairing: james/bellatrix, user: leigh_adams, pairing: minerva/sybill, pairing: ron/gabrielle, user: alley_skywalker, pairing: dean/luna, user: fiery_flamingo, pairing: minerva/severus, pairing: remus/lily, pairing: severus/tonks, pairing: molly ii/roxanne, pairing: peter/regulus

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