*Why no, Ramjet's not pissy. That would be unheard-of. There's no particular reason he took off from the base at a rather quick pace, heading northwest. None at all. He just needs to get away for a while, stretch his wings a bit. Attempts to reach him on his comm line are either ignored or not received. A quiet flight sounds good to him right now,
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Slag this. I can't take another moment of sitting here waiting for Primus-knows-what, stuck between an fragging Autobot city and an Autobot base. I'm not some organic dog that can be told to sit and stay and expected to obey and love every second of it
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They need to figure out this rust thing already so I can go back to the base without having to worry about being infected and get some energon and a proper recharge. Or maybe high-grade and some femmes. Whichever I come across first.
*Not that he'd admit it to anyone, but this rust outbreak has him scared, hence him staying as far away from the base as he can without running into the barrier
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I've spent the past day trying to get those birds out of my engines. Unfortunately it seems the heat generated from my flying around has baked their last remains to the insides and I can't get that slag out by myself
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I've been here all of what, two hours? I hate this place already. Everything's small. Earth jets are ugly (ugh, Primus help me, I need to find a better alt mode before I hurt something). There are FLYING THINGS that keep getting sucked into my fragging intakes. The only potentially redeeming quality about this miserable planet is that there are so
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