I still hate this place

Mar 07, 2008 22:16

I've spent the past day trying to get those birds out of my engines. Unfortunately it seems the heat generated from my flying around has baked their last remains to the insides and I can't get that slag out by myself.

While I was doing that I took the liberty to investigate the internet a little more thoroughly, and found myself a new alternate form that, while still not nearly as awe-inspiring as what I held back on Cybertron, looks better than the F-15, so now I can at least look nice when I go kick that Predacon bitch's aft into the Pit. The downside is that changing alternate modes while having unmentionable organic bits stuck to unmentionable places is a horrific experience. This must be dealt with as soon as possible (after slagging said Predacon, of course). I'd rather not ask Hook, because the last time I asked him for anything was a day I'd rather forget. Maybe I'll get Dirge to do it. At least he won't damage anything on purpose (you'd better not, or I'll unorganize all your CDs, for starters).
I did of course test its ramming capabilities. Alt mode shifting hasn't worn down my armor any, you'll be happy to know.

Also, Skywarp? Next time I see you, you're getting a pounding for the cooties thing.

skywarp, dirge, crashing into things, divebomb, in need of a cleaning

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