Project: A Battle of Wits

May 25, 2014 11:24

So, if you've been reading my A Drabble A Day exercises (and thank you, if you have been!), you'll have noticed that one of those sort of blossomed into its own thread. Peter and Neal are engaged in a prank war, which is all kinds of fun to write, as I try each day to dream up something new for them to do to each other.

I'm not sure how long it'll ultimately end up being-in fact, it could stop tomorrow-but it seemed to be getting to the point that I ought to make a master post for it, rather than daisy-chaining them together. So, here we are:

A Battle of Wits
1 : Conspiracy to Commit
2 : No Hard Feelings
3 : Payback
4 : Crowning Disappointment
5 : Two for Tea
6 : Bold as Brass
7 : Siege Mentality
8 : The Unsinkable Peter Burke
9 : Breaking Point

project: a battle of wits, white collar

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