Drabble: Payback (ADAD #23)

May 23, 2014 10:57

Title: Payback
Author: QWERTYfaced
Fandom: White Collar
Wordcount: 100
Rating: G
Characters: Peter Burke, Neal Caffrey
Genre: Drabble, gen, humor
Notes: For my A Drabble A Day personal challenge, and whitecollar100's Challenge 116 - Dream. Thanks, reve_silencieux!
Summary: Neal opened a desk drawer occupied by a snake, but Peter's opened a can of worms. (Part 3 of A Battle of Wits.)
Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction. All characters and settings belong to their respective copyright holders, not me. Which is why I don't have a boyfriend-walker yet.

At noon, Peter was still occasionally daydreaming about Neal's initial reaction to the snake in his desk. That first startled yelp, mingled with the crash of Neal's chair shooting backwards-priceless.

Feeling quite pleased with himself, he had decided to treat himself to a solitary victory lunch. (Neal rather tersely declined his invitation.) The waitress gave him a peculiar look when he pulled his wallet out.

He looked down. His cards and cash were there, all correct. And yet...

Peter shoved his new wallet hastily beneath the table, his ears turning pink as the sequined Hello Kitty character on it.

rating: g, white collar, genre: humor, genre: genfic, exercise: a drabble a day, character: neal caffrey, project: a battle of wits, genre: drabble, character: peter burke

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