Title: Crowning Disappointment
Author: QWERTYfaced
Fandom: White Collar
Wordcount: 100
Rating: G
Characters: Peter Burke, Neal Caffrey, Clinton Jones
Genre: Drabble, gen, humor
Notes: For my A Drabble A Day personal challenge, and
whitecollar100's Challenge 46 - Rumor. Thanks,
Summary: Peter's next move in the prank war. (Part 4 of
A Battle of Wits.)
Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction. All characters and settings belong to their respective copyright holders, not me. Which is why I still eat instant ramen.
That afternoon, Peter lurked by the coffee machine, eavesdropping on murmured conversations and enjoying the speculative looks directed at Neal. The CI sat placidly reading case files, seemingly oblivious.
Eventually, the rumors reached Jones, on whose directness Peter was counting. He wasn't disappointed. Jones strode across the floor to Neal's desk.
"Hey, is it true you once posed as a Princess of Liechtenstein?"
Neal scarcely glanced up from his work.
"Nope. I was a Luxembourgian Countess."
Peter groaned and headed back to his office. He'd have to think of something else.
And Neal still hadn't given him back his wallet.