Drabble: Two for Tea (ADAD #25)

May 25, 2014 11:23

Title: Two for Tea
Author: QWERTYfaced
Fandom: White Collar
Wordcount: 200
Rating: G
Characters: Peter Burke, Neal Caffrey
Genre: Drabble, gen, humor
Notes: For my A Drabble A Day personal challenge, and whitecollar100's Challenge 35 - Tea. Thanks, reve_silencieux!
Summary: It's a crisis at the FBI: the coffee machine is broken, and Peter is desperate for a caffeine fix. (Part 5 of A Battle of Wits.)
Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction. All characters and settings belong to their respective copyright holders, not me. Which is why I don't have a pancake-making lackey yet.

Peter rubbed a hand wearily over his face. What with all the pranks, he was running a bit behind schedule. It was four-thirty, and he still had a couple of hours' worth of work on his desk. Time for some coffee.

Neal was lounging in the break area, a cup and saucer in front of him.

"The coffee machine's broken again," he volunteered, "but Carol made a pot of tea."

Peter grunted. At this point, caffeine was caffeine. He poured himself a mug of herb-fragrant tea and dove into it, taking a large mouthful.

Neal watched with an air of benevolent interest as Peter turned several colors in quick succession, then staggered to the sink and spat.

"She makes it with oil of oregano," he said, as Peter frantically swished his mouth out. "It's supposed to be extremely good for you. Now, personally, I think it tastes like particularly bad turpentine, so I opted for Earl Grey."

Peter swiveled around to glare, water dripping from his chin. "You couldn't have said something before I tried it?" he demanded.

Neal smiled sweetly, raising his cup to Peter and taking a dainty sip, pinky extended.

"The Countess wishes you very good health."

rating: g, white collar, genre: humor, genre: genfic, exercise: a drabble a day, character: neal caffrey, project: a battle of wits, genre: drabble, character: peter burke

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