Title: Gasoline Rating: NC17 Summary: A teenaged pyromancer is desperately in love with his father, who is a vampire. Alone at home, Edaniel decides to get high. Dis/claimer: The song Gasoline is property of Britney Spears, and I take no claim to it at all. Otherwise, this is my story :) ( The boy has plans! )
Anders knew that he should have refused to follow Hawke into the deep roads the moment the charming rouge had insisted he come. But for whatever reason he didn't, and now they were trapped in the blighted deep roads with hardly enough supplies to last them another week. If he was going to place fault in someone it should rightly be Bartrand, but he
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TITLE: The Consolation Prize FANDOM:Dragon Age CHARACTERS:Anders and Karl SUMMARY: With the failing of escape attempt number five, Anders needs something to brighten his day... RATING: R/NC17 NOTES: Currently unbeta-ed.
Hello tumble weeds and the few people reading this among them. After my spectacular failure at this (the year before?) last Christmas, I have decided to try this again! Yay for me! How does this work? I have 25 spaces, one for each day in December leading up to (and including) Christmas. You post a request (from the fandoms listed below) and a
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A little early yeah, but I wanted something happy to do :) Been a long tiring day...
* An Elliptical * A beta * Chocolate * a poncho (or ponchos) * slippers * Friends on DVD * Disney snow globes * Warm Pajamas * Furoticon deck/cards/stuff