
Mar 12, 2012 16:16

Title: Gasoline
Rating: NC17
Summary: A teenaged pyromancer is desperately in love with his father, who is a vampire. Alone at home, Edaniel decides to get high.
Dis/claimer: The song Gasoline is property of Britney Spears, and I take no claim to it at all. Otherwise, this is my story :)

Edaniel always has plans for his rare moments of solitude; when Taki is whorning, Orian is primping (or pimping), and when Daddy dearest is directing delicacies at work (or plainly sleeping), Edaniel Forrest always had a plan.

The first thing to do is get high. Not corner store high either. Fucking high.

Step two is get naked. Three is to grab his laptop, and plant himself on the delicious leather couch in the living room. The most important step is four: get the song. Youtube is like a fucking gift from god.  It brings the music, and the music is everything.

The plush of the leather caries him through the first sexual inflections of the tune, a prelude to the emotional roallercoaster he rides through the rest of the music. He’s done this before, and he doubts he’ll ever tire of it.

You’re so bright, like a dream.

You burn up everything

Images of white milk skin sear into his head, dominating and consuming any frail hesitation. He thinks of nothing other than the serene perfect paleness of it, and how much he aches to drag it across his body if only for the fucking friction.

We might make a scene

Ignite gasoline

Edaniel rolls his hips to the idea that one day soon, he might not be able to control his horrifying urges. He was very likely going to break down and throw himself at the object of his twisted desires, and nothing else would matter. They could be in public; people could be watching. When the moment came, nothing else would exist.

The next part is fire porn; just blue white flames dancing across his consciousness and making his skin tingle above the leather.

When the music goes and the sun goes down

Lightning strikes and I’m on the ground

The only one I want around is you

A roaring sunset tosses the fire around in his head and summons the idea of NIGHT TIME, when he’s awake and when he feeds.  Edaniel suddenly aches to be on his back with his legs slack apart. All he wants is his Daddy.

Spark and it's like gasoline
I start, but I’m like a machine

This is the moment Edaniel realizes his dick is stiff enough to be pressed to the bottom of his laptop. His hips twitch and scrape for friction, any friction, even if it is only the bottom of his machine. He comes plummeting back to his earlier realization that soon, he was going to be the one to jump Luka. He was going to start it. He tried to blame his teenage hormones instead of considering that perhaps something was fundamentally wrong with him for considering having sex with his father.

My heart only runs on supreme
So hot, give me your gasoline

Jesus Christ, he was obsessed with Luka; Edaniel would drink his bathwater. The next part is shameless; just Luka’s dick bursting wet on his baby’s open eager mouth. Edaniel’s tongue slides across the roof of his mouth.

You set me on fire

This part rolls into itself over and over, and Edaniel imagines he’s covered in a skin of white flame. It doesn’t burn anything (dear god not the leather, says Lukas voice) in his mind’s eye, but it plays across his skin like the gentle teasing of grass on a summer wind. This time, gentle fire porn.

Heat wave
On the floor
Escape, exit door

And all at once it’s too much. Edaniel feels like he’s trapped under something dangerously heavy and panic starts to race the arousal through his rattled nerves. He imagines kicking out from a father intent to rape him in his bed and runs away, in his mind and from the thoughts, and tries to catch his breath.

Your touch, burning me
It's too much, gasoline

He feels so dirty, like he could never be clean again. He hates himself. He can’t stop imagining the taste of Luka’s seed in his mouth no matter how much he wishes he could. He imagines the feeling of chocking on it, and feeling it flood out of the corners of his mouth and dribble out of his nose.

When the music goes up
And the sun goes down
Lightning strikes
And I'm on the ground
Only one that I want around
Is you

As Edaniel breaks from is fantasy he realizes how deep the ache had settled into his balls. He’s suddenly paranoid that he should take this event to his room, but the high is slowly fading and he’s out of weed, and he really wants to finish the song. He tries to ignore his paranoia just long enough to get off.  He doesn’t have time to play coy with himself, and slides a hand between his legs (somehow the laptop is on the table, and he has no idea when that happened) and grabs his cock.

Spark and it's like gasoline
I start burning like a machine
My heart only runs on supreme
So hot, give me your gasoline

It feels too good for him to worry about anything anymore. His hips roll to the beat and his hands slides along in time, creating a gritty but satisfying rhythm. His mouth starts moving around the words and his head lolls against the plush leather couch. His breathing loses depth, and his heartbeat speeds. He shamelessly imagines begging his father to make a mess of his face with anything that would leak from his dick.

You set me on fire

Damn boy, what you do to me?
You set me on fire!

Edaniel is suddenly so thankful that he is high enough to take the edge off of how disgusted he is with himself. If the weed was warring off any faster, he knew he’d fall back into dark the self-loathing and abandon his aching dick. The weed staved off his self-disgust long enough for him to get off a few times, if he was lucky.

Oh oh oh oh oh...

Edaniel rides the music back to healthy shameless arousal.

Spark and its like gasoline
I start burning like a machine
My heart only runs on supreme
So hot, give me your gasoline

Edaniel’s pushing himself to a wicked release, brutal with his self-restraint. He imagines Luka, standing at the mouth of the living room, and watching him. He imagines the shock widen his mossy eyes, and the moments he would spend starring helplessly. He imagines jacking off, naked on the leather couch in front of his daddy. He imagines the shock on Luka’s face melt into arousal, and then sexual hunger, and then hunger hunger. He imagines Luka rushing him and sinking his fangs ruthlessly into his throat, but Luka does not. Luka stands there, licking the point of a fang.

You set me on fire

Edaniel is suddenly blindsided with the brutal truth; he was much higher than he thought, because he was not imagining Luka, but Luka was standing there watching him.

It’s hot in here


Edaniel starts to sweat.

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