Граф на картинке из 2013 изображает идеологов неореакции (так называемого «темного Просвещения»). В основном это маргинальные персонажи, выпихнутые на обочины публичного пространства. Но их совокупное политическое влияние оказалось выше, чем можно было бы ожидать в 2013 - цепочка через alt-right и “двух Стивов“ (Стива Бэннона и Стивена Миллера) протянулась до Трампа 2016-2020.
В недавние годы ключевые идеи неореакции отмываются через деятелей так называемого IDW (Intellectual Dark Web) и вдохновленного неореакцией миллиардера
Питер Тиля, который продолжает делать крупные ставки в политической игре по скатыванию Америки в авторитаризм - если не через второе пришествие Трампа, то с помощью его
идеологических преемников.
Аббревиатура HBD в центре облака связей относится к “human bio-diversity”. Термин был украден у антрополога Джонатана Маркса и не просто перевран, а вывернут наизнанку - подобно тому, что Трамп проделал с термином “fake news”. Изначальный смысл термина относился к нетривиальному разнообразию человека, как биологического вида. Идеологи Протемнения используют его, чтобы выкопать из могилы
псевдонаучный расизм и свести человеческое разнообразие к различиям между расами и врожденному превосходству отдельных рас над другими.
For me, it increasingly seems as though my lasting contribution will be to have coined the phrase “human biodiversity” in my 1994 book of that name. Unfortunately it has come to mean the opposite of what I meant, due to the distortions of internet racists. In fact, they have even abbreviated “human biodiversity” as a meme for the semi-literate, HBD. Journalist Angela Saini describes the appropriation of the phrase in her recent book, “Superior: The Return of Race Science.”
I was proud of the coinage a quarter-century ago, because I intended it to encapsulate the major discovery of the science of biological anthropology over the course of the 20th century. That century began with the scientific assumption that the human species came naturally divisible into a fairly small number of fairly discrete and homogeneous pseudo-taxonomic groups. We called them “races”. By century’s end, however, a great deal of empirical research had shown that our species does not in fact come structured that way.
“Human biodiversity” was intended to label our newer understanding of the patterns by which people actually differ from one another, as an alternative to the earlier “race”.
“Race” and “human biodiversity” are quite simply different things, two sets of patterns that map very poorly onto one another - and it took the better part of the 20th century to demonstrate it. The subtitle of my book was “Genes, Race, and History” - to suggest that genes demonstrated that the proper place for race in science lay in its history, along with phlogiston, pangenesis, and creationism.
Race exists, of course, but its reality is not primarily biological. The reality of race is in the domain of the symbolic. Race is most real in the sense that, as is well-known, Thomas Jefferson fathered children with his black slave, Sally Hemings. Yet according to the only extant descriptions of her, Sally Hemings had light skin and long, straight dark hair. Why? Because only one of her four grandparents was African. She was a slave because of her symbolic ancestry, not because of her biological ancestry or her appearance.
Race is thus now recognized to be very real, as a system of human classification, as lived experience in a society of inequality. While it sometimes correlates with biology, the proper study of race lies in the study of law, discrimination, sociology, and political economy; the primary exception being in how social prejudice can affect the body itself.
“Human biodiversity” was intended as an alternative way of talking about human variation without the overarching assumption that our species sorts out into fairly discrete, fairly homogeneous races - as was assumed by scientists a century ago. But in the late 1990s, racists began to coopt the phrase as a more genteel and sciencey way to simply say “race”. In other words, they began to synonymize what should be antonyms.
http://anthropomics2.blogspot.com/2019/12/i-coined-phrase-human-biodiversity.html Популяризатором термина HBD в его номов значении и душой общества HBD-расистов выступил Стив Сейлер, создавший в конце 1990ых Интернет-рассылку для единомышленников. Во время избирательной кампании Трампа статьи Сейлера с расистского анти-иммигрантского сайта VDARE
пересылались Стивеном Миллером в Breitbart Стива Бэннона.
Steve Sailer wrote many of VDARE’s posts referring to “The Camp of the Saints,” a review of the tag shows. Sailer authored a VDARE post Miller shared with Breitbart on Oct. 23, 2015, about temporary protected status for refugees, according to Hatewatch’s reporting.
Sailer also did a VDARE piece titled “Non-White Immigration Madness Predicted in French Novel ‘Camp of the Saints’ ” in July 2014, which ran on the neo-Nazi website Daily Stormer as well.
He wrote a post on VDARE about Pope Francis’ willingness to shelter two refugee families at the Vatican under the “Camp of the Saints” tag on the same day that Miller recommended the story citing the pope to Breitbart. VDARE had published a similar post called “Vatican Catholics Tell Italians to Pipe Down about Illegal Alien Invasion” under the same tag less than a month before Miller sent his email to Breitbart.
https://www.splcenter.org/hatewatch/2019/11/12/miller-pushed-racist-camp-saints-beloved-far-right После провала на президентских выборах 2012 республиканцы работали над
стратегией привлечения расовых меньшинств. Над этим планом нависала предложенная Сейлером альтернатива обеспечивать выигрыш за счёт небольшого повышения голосов белых избирателей.
“In summary: the GOP could win more elections by raising its fraction of the white vote minimally than by somehow grabbing vastly higher fractions of the minority vote.”
https://vdare.com/articles/gop-future-depends-on-winning-larger-share-of-the-white-vote "Стратегии Сейлера" подразумевала раздувание расистских настроений с обещанием урезания иммиграции и “America First” изоляционизмом во внешней политике. Он оказался
Sailer’s brief career at National Review ended in 1997, when William F. Buckley, Jr. eased out the magazine’s then-editor, the immigration hawk John O’Sullivan, in favor of Rich Lowry - part of a larger shift in the conservative world away from paleoconservatives and immigration skeptics near the turn of the millennium. Since then, he has largely been confined to smaller and less mainstream conservative outlets. But after Trump won last November by getting blue-collar, Midwestern whites to vote like a minority bloc, as Sailer had so memorably recommended in 2000, a number of Sailer’s establishment critics, such as Michael Barone, were forced to acknowledge that Sailer had been vindicated.
On foreign policy, too, Sailer has been a pervasive if subtle presence on the right. During the mid-2000s, he popularized the phrase “Invade the World, Invite the World” to parody the apparent bipartisan foreign policy consensus of the last two decades around large-scale military intervention abroad and large-scale immigration at home. It took some time, but by the summer of 2016, the mood of the country had caught up with Sailer. Breitbart began using “Invade the World, Invite the World” to describe the ideology of John McCain and Hillary Clinton, and Donald Trump’s stated hostility to elites’ perceived “globalist” overreach proved to be a major asset in his campaign.
As Michael Brendan Dougherty of The Week has observed, Sailer has exerted “a kind of subliminal influence across much of the right … even in the places where his controversial writing on race was decidedly unwelcome.” Sometimes that influence has not even been subliminal - David Brooks has cited Sailer in The New York Times on the correlation between white fertility rates and voting patterns, Times columnist Ross Douthat has referenced Sailer’s analogy between Breitbart-style conservatism and punk rock, and the economist Tyler Cowen has described him as “the most significant neo-reaction thinker today.” Meanwhile, Sailer’s ideas and catchphrases - including “the coalition of the fringes,” to describe the Obama coalition, and “elect a new people,” a paraphrase of Bertolt Brecht describing an alleged liberal plot to re-engineer the country’s demographics - have spread across the right-wing Internet like wildfire.
Perhaps the Sailerist idea most closely echoed by the Trump movement is “citizenism,” which he describes as the philosophy that a nation should give overwhelming preference to the interests of its current citizens over foreigners, in the same way as a corporation prioritizes the interests of its current shareholders over everyone else. Effectuating this philosophy - putting “Americans First,” as he put it in 2006-would, according to Sailer, require a draconian reduction in immigration levels.
https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2017/04/steve-sailer-invented-identity-politics-for-the-alt-right.html Одним из участников кружка Сейлера был чудаковатый миллионер Рон Унц.
Унц вырос в бедности и был воспитан одинокой матерью, которая познакомилась с его отцом на самолете в Израиль. Будучи вундеркиндом, он закончил Гарвард, а после разбогател в Силиконовой долине на программном обеспечении для финансовой индустрии. В процессе подсел на консервативную политику и в 1994 выставлялся на выборах в губернаторы Калифорнии, но проиграл на республиканских праймериз Питу Уилсону.
Ronald Keeva Unz was born out of wedlock in Los Angeles's San Fernando Valley in 1961. Apart from passing on an aptitude for science, his father, now a professor of applied physics and electrical engineering at the University of Kansas, never became part of Unz's life, seeing him only twice as a boy and then at his Harvard graduation in 1983. Politics was a common topic at home. Unz's mother, a onetime English teacher who, her sister says, passed on to Ron the family's "hereditary sloppiness," was active in antiwar protests. She and Ron lived with his grandmother; they subsisted on welfare throughout his childhood. Unz, reticent on these matters, offers only that being fatherless and on the dole were sources of "embarrassment and discomfort" growing up in North Hollywood.
Affirmation came at school. In second grade, Unz was tested as having a 214 IQ at a time when, as one of his former teachers recalls, the Guinness Book of World Records listed 200 as the highest on record. Programs for gifted kids followed. Unz eschewed girls, cars, and sports in favor of math and debate competitions. At 17, he won the prestigious national Westinghouse Science Talent Search for a paper on black holes.
At Harvard (which he attended thanks to scholarships and aid), Unz double-majored in theoretical physics and ancient history while indulging his growing interest in policy over dinner debates with friends. Though as a kid he'd gone door-to-door for George McGovern at his mother's behest, Unz couldn't stand Jimmy Carter and became one of the countless collegians drawn to the GOP by the Reagan magic. After a fellowship year at Cambridge, Unz was off to Stanford to pursue his Ph.D., a prelude to the academic career that his teachers and friends, not to mention Unz himself, assumed was his destiny.
Two things happened at Stanford to change that. First, Unz tried in his spare time to establish a special honors high school in Los Angeles to expand the junior high program he'd attended. His failure persuaded him that "the next time I try something like that, I'm going to at least have enough money that people will take me seriously, or I'll have flexibility so I can spend time on it."
At the same time, some of Unz's Harvard buddies had gone to Wall Street, where the Bonfire of the Vanities era was in full swing. At their urging, Unz looked for a summer job and caught First Boston's eye in part by noting his IQ on his resume. What Unz thought would be a brief summer hitch in 1987 turned into six years in New York, the abandonment of his Ph.D., and the conviction that he could earn and save enough to pursue his policy passions independently.
As with his subsequent political innovations, Unz's success in the financial markets came from seeing early how new technologies could create valuable approaches that hadn't been possible before. A self-taught programmer, Unz, then 26, wrote software that allowed cash flows from large pools of mortgages to be sliced up and profitably recast into new securities. These were the early days not only of such mortgage "securitization" but of desktop PCs powerful enough to permit such work to be done easily. Unz's bosses at First Boston were thrilled. For Unz, the lightbulb went on: he could probably get rich if he perfected and sold such software on his own.
Unz left Manhattan for cheaper digs in Jackson Heights, Queens, founded Wall Street Analytics, and holed up to write code 16 hours a day. Despite a series of crises-including a clash with and buyout of his original partner and two years when the company tottered near failure after the mortgage market collapsed-Unz made the firm a success. In 1992, with his New York-banking customer base well established, he moved the company back to sunny Palo Alto.
Unz's time in New York solidified his growing, if eclectic, conservatism. The city's crime, chaos, and inept Dinkins administration soured Unz for good on welfare and identity politics. An early fan of Charles Murray's anti-welfare book, Losing Ground, Unz now imbibed Thomas Sowell's critiques of affirmative action and Mickey Kaus's attacks on old-style welfare. Upon discovering Commentary, Unz was so intellectually smitten he ordered 15 years of back issues.
Life in Jackson Heights, a classic melting pot of Latinos, Asians, and Eastern European immigrants, also had an impact. "It was almost like stepping into a newsreel," Unz recalls, "... [with] the elevated train, all these peddlers on the street." Unz admired their energy and how safe the neighborhood remained despite its relative poverty. He also sensed a looming backlash against immigrants, thanks to what he called "ethnic separatist" policies such as affirmative action and bilingual education.
https://www.mattmilleronline.com/articles/7-99-man-controls-california.php В 2013 центральным политическим проектом Унца стал сайт The Unz Review, привлекший комментаторов, которых не брали в другие издания - включая столпов движения Протемнения. Если VDARE концентрируется на борьбе с иммиграцией, то Unz Review охватывает любые темы. Его одиозные авторы выборочно поддерживаются Унцем через его благотворительный фонд The Unz Foundation.
Со временем сайт превратился в паноптикум антисемитского мусора - от ультраправых нацистов вроде
Эндрю Элгина до ультралевых борцов за освобождение Палестины от израильской оккупации. Унц подключился и сам, двумя руками поддерживав антисемитизм в полном комплекте, от отрицания Холокоста до «протоколов Сионских мудрецов» и «крови христианских младенцев».
Unz’s foundation supported Philip Giraldi, executive director of the Council for the National Interest, an anti-Israel foreign policy advocacy group founded by the late ex-Rep. Paul Findley (R-IL), a man who described himself as “[Palestine Liberation Organization terrorist Yasser] Arafat’s best friend in Congress.” (Last year, the left-of-center nuclear disarmament funder and Obama Iran deal “echo chamber” funder Ploughshares Fund forced a board member to resign for sharing a conspiratorial piece by Giraldi with the headline “America’s Jews Are Driving America’s Wars,” published at Unz’s website.) The Foundation also funded Paul Craig Roberts and his Institute for Political Economy; the former Reagan administration economist has since endorsed Holocaust denial and 9/11 “Truther” conspiracy theories.
The Unz Foundation supports extremsts on the far-left beyond Mondoweiss. For instance, the Unz Foundation gave $185,000 to CounterPunch, a magazine and website founded by Marxist (and, naturally, anti-Israel) journalist Alexander Cockburn, between 2007 and 2015. (CounterPunch has published Paul Craig Roberts’ writing.) The Unz Foundation also gave $10,000 to If Americans Knew, an anti-Israel group which praised Unz and falsely accused Zionists of collaborating with Nazis.
Unz’s foundation provided six-figure funding to the American Ideas Institute, the parent of the Bush-era dissident-conservative American Conservative magazine co-founded by Pat Buchanan, and Unz himself was the magazine’s publisher until he left in 2013 after a spat with then-editor Daniel McCarthy. While Unz funded extremists for some time before then, he maintained public distance from their writings: During a failed 2016 campaign for the Harvard Board of Overseers he told the Harvard Crimson: “A lot of these people I financially support are those on the ideological fringe, and many of them say all sorts of outrageous things I don’t necessarily agree with.”
That distance, if it were ever real, no longer appears to exist with respect to openly anti-Jewish sentiments. Throughout 2018, Unz wrote a series of anti-Semitic and Holocaust denial articles on the Unz Review. In July 2018, Unz wrote “Oddities of the Jewish Religion,” an article about anti-Semitism that made a number of assertions about Judaism and Jewish religious practices, such as a claim that “religious Jews apparently pray to Satan almost as readily as they pray to God.” In the same piece, Unz appeared to embrace the medieval anti-Semitic blood libel-the lie that Jews use Christian blood to make matzos. He wrote, “It appears that a considerable number of Ashkenazi Jews traditionally regarded Christian blood as having powerful magical properties and considered it a very valuable component of certain important ritual observances at particular religious holidays.” In August 2018, Unz wrote, “I think it far more likely than not that the standard Holocaust narrative is at least substantially false, and quite possibly, almost entirely so.” The Anti-Defamation League noted further incidents of anti-Semitic writings by Unz.
https://capitalresearch.org/article/the-far-lefts-alt-right-friend/ norman finkelstein, son of holocaust survivors, exposes israeli propaganda about "hamas rockets" that the entire western media is repeating. not only are they symbolic, but palestinians have both the moral and legal right to defend themselves against the israeli apartheid state
pic.twitter.com/rKVPSmlarw- ☀️👀 (@zei_squirrel)
May 14, 2021 Один из левых авторов, которых подкармливает Унц -
Норман Финкельштейн, потерявший в свое время профессорскую работу из-за нападок на Израиль и его защитников.
Характерно, что в Израиле вырос спасшийся от Гитлера отец Унца, который жил с другой семьей в другом штате (Канзасе) и не принимал участия в воспитании Рона.
He was born August 15, 1929, in Darmstadt, Germany, the son of Moshe and Rivka Unz.
He moved to Haifa, Israel, with his family in 1932, and graduated from the Reali High School, Haifa, in 1947.
Dr. Unz served in the Israeli Defense Forces during the Israel war of Independence (1947-1949).
He received his B.S. (Electronics) degree in 1953, from the Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa. He received his M.S. degree in 1954 and his Ph.D. degree in 1957, both from the Electrical Engineering Department, University of California-Berkeley.
He moved to Lawrence, Kansas, in 1957. Since that year, Dr. Unz has been on the staff of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, University of Kansas, Lawrence, first as an Assistant Professor, and since 1962 as a full Professor of Electrical Engineering. He retired after forty years in 1997.
http://rumsey-yost.com/2011/08/dr-hillel-unz/ "Conservatives should embrace evolutionary biology to be more racist and sexist but call it 'science'"
pic.twitter.com/b1sWBH4C56- Kevin Bird (@thebirdmaniac)
May 14, 2019 Стив Сейлер стал вторым постоянным блоггером, которого Рон Унц нанял для своего сайта. Первым был Разиб Хан. Иммигрант из Бангладеша со смуглой кожей, Хан выделяется среди других HBD-расистов еще и тем, что единственный из них обучался генетике (с финансовой поддержкой Унза). Благодаря этому он может писать на тему генетического различия рас со знанием научной терминологии, выполняя таким образом
функцию прометея.
В 2015 Разиба Хана неосмотрительно наняли писать комментарии в New York Times, но сразу же уволили после того, как вскрылись его связи с расистами. До этого он регулярно писал для расистского издания Taki’s Magazine, куда был приглашён его редактором
Ричардом Спенсером.
Khan went on the payroll of Ron Unz, a libertarian who ran for governor of California in 1994. Unz, who made a fortune in software development, offered Khan something that Unz describes as “a sort of fellowship or junior fellowship” to further his scientific career. Both Khan and Unz are vague about the reasons for the fellowship, but the gift was contingent on Khan leaving his job in software to focus on a scientific career. It was a big part of why he got on a graduate school track and ended up at UC Davis.
Unz’s grants reflect the diversity of his interests, which include Israel, non-interventionist foreign policy, and human evolution. In 2009, for example, according to Unz Foundation tax documents, Unz gave $24,000 to Sailer; $500,000 to the University of Utah evolutionary anthropologist Gregory Cochran, known for his controversial research on recent human evolution and Ashkenazi Jewish intelligence; and $108,000 to Khan, to be paid out over three years.
Unz was not Khan’s only link to the emerging alt-right fringe. In 2009, Khan spent a year blogging for Taki’s Magazine, a white-supremacist site, at the invitation of Richard Spencer. There, Khan wrote posts about everything from genes to Freud to Jewish intelligence. In one back-and-forth, he and Spencer analyzed the resemblance between Jews and the Vulcans in Star Trek. <…>
When Unz started his own site in 2013, Khan signed on as his first writer.
https://undark.org/2017/02/28/race-science-razib-khan-racism/ Псевдонаучный подход Хана иллюстрируется следующим эпизодом.
Картинка выше взята из научной статьи
Need, A.C., Kasperavičiūtė, D., Cirulli, E.T. and Goldstein, D.B., 2009.
A genome-wide genetic signature of Jewish ancestry perfectly separates individuals with and without full Jewish ancestry in a large random sample of European Americans. Genome biology, 10(1), pp.1-7.
Авторы пытались классифицировать генетический код американцев с разным числом еврейских предков, разбивая его на кластеры методом PCA (Principal Component Analysis).
Разиб Хан воспроизводит эту картинку в своем блоге, но меняет обозначения. Он переводит число еврейских предков в термины «полные евреи», «почти евреи», «полукровки», «четвертькровки» (quadroon - слово из
расистского лексикона)
Видоизменённая картинка широко разбрелась по антисемитским сайтам.
It should come as no surprise that this modified figure is featured on virulently anti-Semitic white supremacist websites, including National Vanguard, Stormfront, and David Duke’s personal site.
https://www.jedidiahcarlson.com/post/need-pca/ Третьим нанятым Унцом постоянным блоггером стал проживающий в Москве Анатолий Карлин (на снимке слева, рядом с Ричардом Спенсером).
“I am honored to join Steve Sailer and Razib Khan as The Unz Review’s third permanent blogger.”
https://akarlin.com/2015/01/blogging-at-unz-review/ In a way, Trumpism--as the last gasp of "Americanism"--has to fail for the
#AltRight to fully emerge.
@akarlin88- Richard 🌞 Spencer (@RichardBSpencer)
December 29, 2016 Карлин не делает особого секрета из своих взглядов.
“I am quite happy that few Blacks associate with Russia, considering the type of violence-ridden underclasses they tend to create in countries that open their doors to them. Not to mention the extreme chutzpah and aggressive sense of racial grievance they tend to act out towards their host countries.
So yes, I'm racist and very happy with that.”
https://archive.is/HHip3#selection-613.0-617.43 Но особенно внятно суть идеологии Протемнения раскрывается в опубликованном им в переводе на русский язык сочинении анонимного блоггера с кличкой Spandrell про «Биоленинизм»:
https://spandrell.com/2017/11/14/biological-leninism/ В идеологии расизма трудно придумать что-либо новое - все возвращается на те же круги, что были у
Джорджа Линкольна Рокуэлла в 1960ых. Теория биоленинизма перекликается с теориями заговора
культурного марксизма и
белого геноцида, но находит особо элегантный способ связать их в одну цепочку.
Теория рассказывает, как ленинцы-большевики в 1917 опрокинули высокий статус прежней аристократии (российского дворянства) и по формуле «кто был ничем, тот станет всем» повысили вместо этого статус отбросов общества - крестьян, рабочих, евреев, украинцев и т.д. Это переворачивание статуса привело заговорщиков к власти. Нынешние тайные враги - биоленинисты собираются проделать ту же операцию, только в качестве аристократии ныне выступают генетически продвинутые белые мужчины, а в качестве их будущих угнетателей - генетический мусор в виде сексуальных меньшинств, расовых меньшинств, инвалидов, некрасивых женщин и т.д. Поскольку жизнь человека сводится, как известно, к борьбе за статус (игре с нулевой суммой), необходимо положить все возможные усилия, чтобы не уступить отбросам своего статуса. В этом поможет только отказ от демократии, переход к диктатуре с правильным распределением статуса и зачистка системы образования, откуда ныне ползёт биоленинская зараза. Особенно когда эта зараза начинает угрожать самым передовым странам на планете - России и Китаю.
“Поэтому теперь США проводит агитационные кампании по всему миру, пытаясь подорвать китайское и российское влияние. Я неплохо знаком с Китаем, для меня очевидно, что там делает США. Они обращаются к женщинам и геям, вдохновляя их стать пятой колонной. И это работает. Каждая статья о том, что Китай должен стать более прогрессивным (т.е. более американским) написана либо женщиной, либо геем.
Это статья просто приводит в ярость. Она об ускорителе частиц, который строит Китай. Китайско-американский журналист интервьюирует одного из руководящих ученых. Все, что та делает - критикует проект, рассказывая, что китайская цензура обрекает его на провал. Интервьюер этого не понимает. Что ты делаешь, разве ты не китайский гражданин?
Нет. Она уродливая тридцатилетняя женщина. Я хорошо знаю Китай: уродливые тридцатилетние женщины имеют не слишком высокий статус в сегодняшнем Китае. В отличии от Запада, где они выполняют роль добровольной полиции мыслей - вы даже не имеете права на них взглянуть. Так что, конечно же, любая китайская, российская, саудовская или индонезийская уродливая тридцатилетняя женщина, подверженная американской пропаганде, войдет в пятую колонну, подрывая независимость своей страны.”
https://akarlin.ru/2019/04/bioleninism/ Сплав антисемитизма и синофилии - характерный мотив для протемнителей. В размещённой на Unz Review статье “Continued Black and Jew Attacks on Asians Show That Asians Are the Natural Allies of Whites” нацист Эндрю Элгин призывает к китайско-американской дружбе на основе тайного пакта о разделе мира на сферы влиняния:
“It would be very easy for Whites and Asians (Americans and Chinese) to build a nice future for the world, based on mutual respect and clear dealings. We can also ensure that in the deal, Asian countries like Japan, Korea and Vietnam, which are afraid of Chinese influence, have a good deal and can maintain independence, while also respecting that China is the Big Boss country in Asia. That is: we can use our own power to make good deals with China that make sure everyone in the world is happy.
The only party that will not be happy are the Jews and the weird globalist groups that want to build a single global government and mix all of the races together.
The only real problem facing the world right now is that these Jews and other globalists control the Western world, and they are on a maniac mission to bring down China and Russia in order to make these countries join the globalist system, which is not based on family and good trade relations, but on anal sex, race-mixing and oppression of the people.”
Рон Унц лично тоже не отстаёт и льёт воду на мельницу китайской пропаганды в виде диких теорий заговора в стиле
активных мероприятий КГБ СССР.
Existential evidence suggested the possibility of a
#coronavirus biowarfare attack launched by Washington more than the lab-leak theory, said Ron Unz in a review article published on the Unz Review website. More:
https://t.co/hPhONXSfAc pic.twitter.com/xAmw4lOsJy- China Xinhua News (@XHNews)
July 9, 2021Если вылезти из этой помойки и начать приглядываться к более респектабельным владельцам дум из IDW, трудно не заметить, как через призму теории биоленинизма их творчество становится намного понятней.
Джордан Питерсон ссылается на Стива Сейлора, чтобы критиковать разнообразие (diversity):
The original article adds that immigration and diversity are beneficial in the long run. Peterson’s choice to cite a more “critical” secondary source by a white supremacist is very telling.
pic.twitter.com/DJ2dqYrAjR- Beneamata (@Beneamata86)
July 5, 2018 В отличие от псевдонаучного расистского мусора, многочисленные научные исследования показывают пользу разнообразия для успеха общества, руководящих организаций и творческих коллективов.
Человеческим разнообразием неразрывно связано с успехом Америки и других иммигрантских стран (
Канады и Австралии). Но если приписывать эти успехи генетическому превосходству белого большинства, то движение за повышение разнообразия в разных организациях начинает вызывает
нездоровые страхи грядущего биоленинизма.
Принятый в Калифорнии закон о необходимости включения хотя бы одной женщины в совет директоров публичных компаний ссылается на многочисленные исспедования о коммерческом успехе таких компаний: "Numerous independent studies have concluded that publicly held companies perform better when women serve on their boards of directors"
https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=201720180SB826 Глава финансовой компании Голдман Сакс объясняет решении требовать, чтобы в советах директоров компаний, которым они помогают стать публичными, была хотя бы одна женщина: "This decision is rooted first and foremost in our conviction that companies with diverse leadership perform better. Consider this: since 2016, US companies that have gone public with at least one female board director outperformed companies that do not, one year post-IPO."
https://www.goldmansachs.com/our-commitments/diversity-and-inclusion/launch-with-gs/pages/commitment-to-diversity.html Citing its own data, Goldman said companies with greater diversity performed better in the markets.
Those with at least one diverse board member saw a 44% jump in their average share price within a year of going public, versus 13% at companies with no diverse board members.
https://www.reuters.com/article/us-goldman-sachs-ipo-diversity/goldman-sachs-to-companies-hire-at-least-one-woman-director-if-you-want-to-go-public-idINKBN1ZM2MK Подобные исследования проводились и в передовых странах.
Using multiple identification approaches, alternative measures of gender diversity, and several performance indicators, we find some evidence that companies with gender-diverse boards have higher market values and better profitability. These effects are particularly pronounced when firms appoint several women directors, which is consistent with the critical mass theory. The effects appear to be stronger in bad economic times or for firms experiencing economic difficulties. Overall, the Russian data lend some support to "the business case" for more women on corporate boards.
https://www.iza.org/publications/dp/12357/the-gender-composition-of-corporate-boards-and-firm-performance-evidence-from-russia Социолог Скотт Пейдж прославился теоремой "diversity trumps ability" ("разнообразие важнее способностей"), впервые опубликованной в статье
Hong, L. and Page, S.E., 2004.
Groups of diverse problem solvers can outperform groups of high-ability problem solvers. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 101(46), pp.16385-16389.
(на сегодняшний день около 1500 ссылок в научной литературе). В упрощенной математической модели теорема показывает, каким образом группа менее способных, но более разнообразных людей может принимать лучшие решения, чем однородная группа из более способных.
10 лет спустя математик Абигейл Томпсон попыталась опровергнуть эту теорему, отыскивая контрпримеры и заодно обвиняя социологов в небрежном отношении к математике. Получилось неуклюже.
"Not everyone understands the role of mathematical claims in the social sciences. Some nonmathematicians have stated that Lu and I "proved mathematically that diverse groups of people always outperform groups of the best." Obviously, such a proof would be impossible. Instead, Lu and I have used mathematics to identify sufficient conditions for a result to hold, a technique widely used by social scientists. Implicit in our derivation is that there also exist conditions under which diversity won’t trump ability. The practice of social science often involves carving up the space of possibilities in this way. Doing so helps us to understand when intuitions hold and when they don’t."
https://www.ams.org/journals/notices/201501/rnoti-p9.pdf "The Hong-Page theorem holds that a group of low-ability, cognitively diverse problem solvers can outperform a more uniform group of high-ability problem solvers. Abigail Thompson’s recent mathematical criticisms of the theorem are incorrect, misleading, or irrelevant to the validity of the theorem."
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/08913811.2017.1288455 В 2019 Абигейл Томпсон выступила с новыми нападками на идею кадрового разнообразия. Университет Калифорнии в Дэвисе, где она работает, обязал кандидатов на новые профессорские позиции присылать в своих заявках "diversity statement" вместе с более стандартными "research statement" и "teaching statement". Предполагается, что в своих "diversity statement" кандидаты объяснят, каким образом они планирует способствовать усилиям университета по расширению кадрового разнообразия.
Статья Томпсон напоминает статью
Анны Крыловой. "Появление неуместных страшилок и упрощение сложных вопросов до бинарного выбора - симптом перехода процесса мышления в амигдалу."
https://puppet-djt.livejournal.com/172208.html?thread=672944#t672944 Неуместная страшилка в ее случае - сравнение с маккартизмом, а бинарный выбор - преставление о том, что "diversity statement" не могут использоваться ни для чего кроме предварительного отсеивания неугодных кандидатов.
"The professed purpose is to identify candidates who have the skills and experience to advance institutional diversity and equity goals. In reality it’s a political test, and it’s a political test with teeth."
https://www.ams.org/journals/notices/201911/rnoti-p1778.pdf Статья вызвала множество откликов среди математиков, от резко отрицательных до положительных
https://www.ams.org/journals/notices/202001/rnoti-o1.pdf Как известно, математика - одна из областей, где отсутствие разнообразия, в частности превалирование мужчин над женщинами, выражено особенно заметно. Почему это происходит?
Различное соотношение мужчин и женщин в разных научных специальностях принято связывать с различием точных и гуманитарных наук, но в некоторых точных специальностях (например, биологии) процент женщин оказывается значительно выше, чем в некоторых гуманитарных (например, философии).
Авторы статьи
Leslie, S.J., Cimpian, A., Meyer, M. and Freeland, E., 2015.
Expectations of brilliance underlie gender distributions across academic disciplines. Science, 347(6219), pp.262-265.
(на сегодняшний день - больше 1000 ссылок в научной литературе) нашли другое объяснение. Выяснилось, что различие связано с тем, что в разных специальностях принято придавать разное значение врожденным способностям. Там, где верят в то, что успех определяется в первую очередь врожденными способностями, белые мужчины с трудом уступают свое исходное доминирование. Математика - аномальная в этом отношении область, поскольку вера в существование заложенных от природы математических способностей особенно распространена.
Если верить, что все дело в генетически заложенных способностях, то становится очевидным, что подавляющее преобладание мужчин-профессоров на факультетах математики обусловлено ничем иным, как только этими способностями, а попытки повысить число женщин могут быть продиктованы единственно коварным биоленинизмом.
В 2005
Ларри Саммерс оскандалился, когда на посту президента Гарварда публично высказал предположение, что недостаток женщин в науке объясняется их недостаточными способностями.
The president of Harvard University, Lawrence H. Summers, sparked an uproar at an academic conference Friday when he said that innate differences between men and women might be one reason fewer women succeed in science and math careers. Summers also questioned how much of a role discrimination plays in the dearth of female professors in science and engineering at elite universities.
Nancy Hopkins, a biologist at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, walked out on Summers' talk, saying later that if she hadn't left, ''I would've either blacked out or thrown up." Five other participants reached by the Globe, including Denice D. Denton, chancellor designate of the University of California, Santa Cruz, also said they were deeply offended, while four other attendees said they were not.
Summers said he was only putting forward hypotheses based on the scholarly work assembled for the conference, not expressing his own judgments -- in fact, he said, more research needs to be done on these issues. The organizer of the conference at the National Bureau of Economic Research said Summers was asked to be provocative, and that he was invited as a top economist, not as a Harvard official.
However, the problem of women in academia is one that Summers is confronting in his role as university president. The percentage of tenured job offers made to women by the university's Faculty of Arts and Sciences has dropped dramatically since Summers took office, prompting vigorous complaints from many of Harvard's senior female professors.
http://archive.boston.com/news/education/higher/articles/2005/01/17/summers_remarks_on_women_draw_fire/ В защиту Саммерса выступил тогда знаменитый профессор Гарварда, психолог и лингвист Стивен Пинкер. Организация Edge, которая, как позже выяснилось,
служила в это время посредником между Джефри Эпштейном и гарвардскими профессорами вроде Пинкера, организовала дебаты между Пинкером и его коллегой Элизабет Спелке
https://www.edge.org/3rd_culture/debate05/debate05_index.html Психолог Элизабет Спелке изучает развитие мышления в маленьких детях, в том числе появление у них первых математических способностей. В таких исследованиях не обнаруживается видимого различия между полами.
When Lawrence H. Summers, then president of Harvard, notoriously suggested in 2005 that the shortage of women in the physical sciences might be partly due to possible innate shortcomings in math, Dr. Spelke zestily entered the fray. She combed through results from her lab and elsewhere on basic number skills, seeking evidence of early differences between girls and boys. She found none.
“My position is that the null hypothesis is correct,” she said. “There is no cognitive difference and nothing to say about it.”
Dr. Spelke laid out her case in an acclaimed debate with her old friend Dr. Pinker, who defended the Summers camp.
“I have enormous respect for Steve, and I think he’s great,” Dr. Spelke said. “But when he argues that it makes sense that so many women are going into biology and medicine because those are the ‘helping’ professions, well, I remember when being a doctor was considered far too full of blood and gore for women and their uncontrollable emotions to handle.”
https://www.nytimes.com/2012/05/01/science/insights-in-human-knowledge-from-the-minds-of-babes.html Хотя Стивен Пинкер известен защитой
Просвещения, движению Протемнения он тоже не чужд. Пинкер был одним из изначальных членов кружка Стива Сейлера и неоднократно пересекался с ним и другими деятелями HBD-расизма в дальнейшем. Пинкер обоснованно отвергает идею "чистой доски" об отсутствии каких-либо врожденных способностей, но одновременно открывает дорогу для скатывания в другой полюс, где идея врожденных способностей используется для обоснования необходимости высокого статуса белых мужчин в их неравной борьбе с наступающим биоленинизмом.
Стив Сейлер про Пинкера в 2002:
"Reading The Blank Slate is particularly enjoyable to me because Pinker and I are so much on the same wavelength. We even have similar expansive concepts of evidence, relying not just on refereed journals but also on Tom Wolfe, Dave Barry, and the great Calvin and Hobbes comic strip.
Further, Pinker is an enthusiastic subscriber to my iSteve mailing list. And arguments that I've made over the years pop up throughout The Blank Slate.
For example, according to Pinker, his section on IQ on pp. 149-150 embellishes upon various of my articles. My VDARE series on how to help the left half of the bell curve was apparently a particularly fruitful source. Here's an excerpt from The Blank Slate with links to my supporting articles:
"I find it truly surreal to read academics denying the existence of intelligence. Academics are obsessed with intelligence. They discuss it endlessly in considering student admissions, in hiring faculty and staff, and especially in their gossip about one another. Nor can citizens or policymakers ignore the concept, regardless of their politics. People who say that IQ is meaningless will quickly invoke it when the discussion turns to executing a murderer with an IQ of 64, removing lead paint that lowers a child's IQ by five points, or the Presidential qualifications of George W. Bush."
Several readers have complained that while The Blank Slate is excellent on sex and individual differences, it wimps out on racial differences. My response: "Thank God." Pinker is not only a major scientist, while I'm merely a journalist, but he's also much more articulate. If he had written a book about race, there would be nothing for me to say."
https://vdare.com/articles/pinker-s-progress Стив Сейлер про Пинкера в 2018:
"How does Pinker avoid getting in trouble like DNA researcher James D. Watson or Pinker’s friend Larry Summers, former president of Harvard until he gave a Pinkerian talk on sex differences in IQ? I’m not sure, exactly. Perhaps it’s that the lithe, long-haired, soft-spoken Pinker seems like the archetype of the liberal college professor."
https://www.takimag.com/article/negotiating-the-curve/ За архетипом либерального профессора проступает образ несгибаемого Прометея, несущего факел "Протемнения завтра" через "Просвещение сегодня" ,
The alt-right clearly appreciates Pinker's endorsement.
pic.twitter.com/QtLNvJhfsv- saeen (@ConceptualBIG)
January 10, 2018