Небольшой эпизод из избирательной кампании 2016.
11 октября 2016 Викиликс вывалили очередную порцию емайлов из взломанной почты Джона Подесты. Среди них был емайл 2011 года, в котором Дженифер Палмиери (Director of Communicationsв в кампании Хиллари Клинтон) обменивалась мнением с Джоном Халпиным, другим демократом и католиком, в то время когда они вместе с Подестой работали в Center for American Progress.
Халпин обсуждал статью про
Руперта Мердока, в которой рассказывалось, как Мердок выращивает детей в католической вере: "Ken Auletta's latest piece on Murdoch in the New Yorker starts off with the aside that both Murdoch and Robert Thompson, managing editor of the WSJ, are raising their kids Catholic. Friggin' Murdoch baptized his kids in Jordan where John the Baptist baptized Jesus." На что Палмиери заметила: "I imagine they think it is the most socially acceptable politically conservative religion. Their rich friends wouldn't understand if they became evangelicals."
https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/4364 Первым этот емайл высветил по свежим следам канал RT
https://www.rt.com/usa/362358-wikileaks-third-podesta-emails/ На трампинге во Флориде Трамп и его спичрайтеры воспользовались шпаргалкой. В своей речи в этот день Трамп упомянул Викиликс 13 раз. Австралиец Руперт Мердок, обладатель состояния в $20 миллиардов, превратился у него в "everyday Americans".
"The Hillary Clinton documents released today by WikiLeaks make more clear than ever just how much is at stake in this election, so much corruption. This election will determine whether we remain a free country in the truest sense of the word or we become a corrupt banana republic controlled by large donors and foreign governments. <...> Тhese WikiLeaks e-mails confirm what those of us here today have known all along. Hillary Clinton is the vessel, a corrupt global establishment that's raiding our country and surrendering the sovereignty of our nation. <...> WikiLeaks has given us a window into the secret corridors of government power where we see a former secretary of state announcing her desire to end forever the American independence that our Founders gave to us and wanted us to have. <...> Not only have the Clintons ripped off Haiti, but the new e-mails show members of the Clinton team attacking Catholics. While this is offensive, it's just the latest evidence of the hatred that the Clinton campaign has really for everyday Americans. And you see it and you see so much from these WikiLeaks. You see so much, there's so much."
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Карл Роув, руководитель избирательной кампании Буша, пришел на Fox News. Он говорил о важности голосов католических избирателей (четверти электората) и что кампании Трампа необходимо воспользоваться моментом, чтобы изобразить Клинтон врагом католиков и всех верующих вообще.
Very little pick-up by the dishonest media of incredible information provided by WikiLeaks. So dishonest! Rigged system!
- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
October 12, 2016 На следующий день, 12 октября 2016, Викилис (Джулиан Ассанж)
пишет Дональду Трампу-младшему "Hey Donald, great to see you and your dad talking about our publications."
deeply upsetting
pic.twitter.com/WGaNdWVzc2- Ashley Feinberg (@ashleyfeinberg)
January 6, 2019 Кампания Трампа проводит специальный брифинг для прессы, с участием дежурных католиков -
Келлиэнн Конуэй, руководителя избирательной кампании, и
Ньюта Гингрича с его третьей женой (ныне послом в Ватикан).
Speaking in a conference call along with Trump’s campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway and several practicing Catholic officials, Gingrich and his wife Callista both expressed dismay over the comments, with Gingrich saying a Clinton Supreme Court would be the “most anti-liberty, most anti-free speech” in history.
Gingrich alluded to Clinton’s statement last month that half of Trump’s supporters are “deplorables” who are either racist, xenophobic, sexist, Islamophobic or homophobic.
“Callista and I both feel assault not just on Catholicism but on people of faith, the callousness, the contempt,” Gingrich said. “Now we know what Hillary meant by deplorables. It’s people of faith.” <...>
Our Catholic engagement strategy is a great example of the bottom-up, grassroots-centric nature of our campaign,” Conway said. “You’re not gonna see tens of millions of dollars in trying to reach Catholics.”
She also said Trump’s pro-life stance, which he adopted shortly before his presidential run, is an important issues “to tens of millions of Catholics regardless of what they tell pollsters and what their beliefs are.”
“Our ticket is pro-life and that’s incredibly important to Catholics across the country, including in the swing states,” Conway continued, noting that there is a major concentration of Catholics in some swing states.
В тот же день мобилизованный Майк Пенс выступает в Liberty University
Джерри Фалуэлла-младшего.
Pence said a President Trump would ban late-term abortions, defund Planned Parenthood and appoint conservative Supreme Court justices, adding that he longed to see the day when Roe v. Wade was in “the ash heap of history.”
Pence also slammed Clinton’s campaign for “anti-Catholic, anti-evangelical remarks” made by an aide in an email hacked by WikiLeaks. <...>
“Hillary Clinton should renounce those anti-Catholic, anti-evangelical remarks, and her campaign staff should apologize to people of faith and do it now,” Pence said.
https://www.politico.com/story/2016/10/mike-pence-liberty-university-trump-videotape-229681 Дополнительно кампания Трампа организует коллективное письмо религиозных пастырей, включая католиков и евангелистов, в том числе руководителей крупнейших церквей.
"The WikiLeaks emails reveal a contempt for all traditional Christians, and we are - Catholic and Evangelical - united in our outrage and united in our call for Mrs. Clinton to immediately apologize for the Christophobic behavior of her associates."
https://web.archive.org/web/20161018022437/https://www.donaldjtrump.com/press-releases/christian-leaders-alarmed-by-overt-anti-christian-bigotry-within-the-clinto a response for the ages:
@HillaryClinton on recent Donald Trump accusations:"It makes you want to turn off the news...just look at cat GIFs"
pic.twitter.com/VBZBSKhsS2- Tamara Gitt (@tamaragitt)
October 13, 2016 На следующий день, 13 октября 2016, выступая в Огайо, Трамп снова вовсю педалит Викиликс.
"They want to distract us from WikiLeaks -- it's been amazing what's coming out on WikiLeaks. <...> The new e-mails also show members of the Clinton team, viciously attacking Catholics and evangelicals. [Booing] True. [Applause] It's just the latest evidence of the hatred that the Clinton campaign has for faithful people in our country. Faithful Americans."
https://factba.se/transcript/donald-trump-speech-cincinnati-oh-october-13-2016 Сливы Викиликс пришлись в это время как нельзя кстати, потому что приходилось отбиваться от обвинений в сексуальных домогательствах, с которыми выступили многие женщины.
"It's not coincidence that these attacks come at the exact same moment, and all together at the same time as WikiLeaks releases documents exposing the massive international corruption of the Clinton machine, including 2,000 more e-mails just this morning.
These vicious claims about me of inappropriate conduct with women are totally and absolutely false.
And the Clintons know it, and they know it very well. These claims are all fabricated. They're pure fiction and they're outright lies. These events never, ever happened and the people said them meekly fully understand. You take a look at these people, you study these people, and you'll understand also.
The claims are preposterous, ludicrous, and defy truth, common sense and logic. We already have substantial evidence to dispute these lies, and it will be made public in an appropriate way and at an appropriate time very soon."
https://www.npr.org/2016/10/13/497857068/transcript-donald-trumps-speech-responding-to-assault-accusations WHAT THEY ARE SAYING ABOUT THE CLINTON CAMPAIGN’S ANTI-CATHOLIC BIGOTRY:
https://t.co/oRUlaT4zbn- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
October 14, 2016 Кампания Трампа публикует подборку высказываний "WHAT THEY ARE SAYING ABOUT THE CLINTON CAMPAIGN’S ANTI-CATHOLIC BIGOTRY"
https://web.archive.org/web/20161103091532/https://www.donaldjtrump.com/press-releases/what-they-are-saying-about-the-clinton-campaigns-anti-catholic-bigotry Майк Пенс приходит на телевидение и, когда его спрашивают про Трампа и женщин, сливается в заготовленный вотэбаутизм:
PENCE: Well, Donald Trump has made it clear that he categorically denies the allegations that have been made against him this week.
DICKERSON: But what about the treatment of these people coming forward, sir?
PENCE: Well, but, John, what about calling half of our -- half of our supporters a basket of deplorables?
DICKERSON: So, it’s OK if Hillary Clinton does it? Is it -- two wrongs make a right?
PENCE: What about this week that came out with the most anti-Catholic, anti-evangelical rhetoric that I have ever seen by anybody in a high position in public life?
Выступая в католической телепрограмме за 10 дней до выборов, Трамп дал себе волю. Уже не просто Руперт Мердок превратился в олицетворение обычных верующих американцев, но и вместо отдельных членов кампании Клинтон, к которым предъявлялись претензии раннее, можно было тупо валить все на Клинтон.
You mentioned emails. These WikiLeak revelations have offended a lot of evangelicals and Catholics.
Right. <...>
Now, that’s her staff.
It’s her.
Is she guilty of that? Should she apologize?
It’s her. It’s her. She should apologize. I think she has to do more than apologize. You know, that’s her thinking. That’s her staff. Frankly, if any Catholic votes for Hillary Clinton, you know, I would say, if I were a Catholic, I wouldn’t be talking to them anymore. She’s been terrible in what she said and her thoughts towards Catholics and to evangelicals. She was mocking evangelicals, also. So, you’d say, why would an evangelical or a Catholic - and almost, you could say, anybody of faith, but in particular, because they were mentioned, evangelicals and Catholics - why would they vote for Hillary Clinton? And how could they vote for Hillary Clinton? But that’s her speaking, believe me.
Well, if it’s her staff. Do you think it reveals a mindset in the administration?
Well, it’s her staff, but I think it’s her.
Помогло ли разыгрывание мяча с подачи ГРУ/Викиликс набрать драгоценные голоса католиков? В точности на этот вопрос невозможно ответить, но вероятность такая есть.
Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, two states Trump was aggressively contesting, are among the top 10 states in the US in terms of Catholic population at 29 percent and 32 percent respectively, according to a Gallup survey from 2014.
That means there are about 3.7 million Catholics in Pennsylvania, a state that Trump won by fewer than 50,000 votes. There are about 1.8 million Catholics in Wisconsin, a state he won by about 20,000 votes. Both states were critical to his narrow Electoral College victory.
“It was absolutely part of the strategy to focus on blue-collar Catholics in the Rust Belt; it was a major initiative of the Trump campaign,” Stephen Schneck, a professor at the Institute for Policy Research and Catholic Studies, told me. “WikiLeaks was clearly a piece of all that.”
https://www.vox.com/2018/4/25/17214724/trump-russia-wikileaks-catholic-clinton Свои обязательства перед католиками Трамп частично выполнил, назначив двух консервативных католиков в Верховный суд и подготовив тем самым время, когда, по выражению Майка Пенса, Row v. Wade (решение Верховного суда о легализации абортов) можно будет отправить "на свалку истории".
Что касается (белых) евангелистов, то их духовные наставники склонились к теории о том, что хотя Трамп сам может быть и грешен, его следует принимать, как
As a result of the relentless “Trump was anointed” propagandizing on Christian media, millions of Americans do in fact believe that Trump’s election was the fulfillment of prophesy and the result of God’s supernatural intervention in the 2016 election. Which helps explain why conservative evangelicals remain Trump’s most intensely and stubbornly loyal supporters. And it explains why Sarah Huckabee Sanders, a conservative evangelical Christian herself, could comfortably say on camera that God wanted Trump to be president.
Стивен Стрэнг, автор книжки "God and Donald Trump":
I know it seems crazy, but somehow, some way, God intervened in that election and saved us from "corrupt Hillary" becoming president.
When I was interviewed about the book, secular television reporters asked me how evangelicals could bring themselves to vote for a man so flawed. I found myself saying that millions of Christians were praying that somehow God would shift the direction in which this nation is headed. I said God answered our prayers in a way we didn't expect with a person we didn't necessarily like. But once Trump began to implement his policies, we were sure we had made the right choice.
As I've already mentioned, I didn't support Trump initially for the same reason some evangelicals still don't support him: His lifestyle and brash behavior were not what Christians want from their national leaders. As I've said on many occasions, I publicly endorsed Ted Cruz and supported him until the day he dropped out. By then, I had become aware of the comparisons between Donald Trump and the pagan Persian king Cyrus the Great, who let the Israelites return from captivity to Jerusalem. If God could use Cyrus (and many other imperfect leaders in the Bible), why should I question him using someone as imperfect as Donald Trump?
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Церемония о начале кампании по переизбранию богомозанника предварялась массовой молитвой под руководством
Полы Уайт, в котором о божьем выборе говорилось прямым текстом.
White thanked God for Trump, and asked that his “favor causes his horn, his power, to be exalted,” then cited a scripture that posed Trump as God’s “anointed” asking, “Why do the nations conspire and the peoples plot in vain, the kings of the Earth rise up and the rulers band together against the Lord and against his anointed, saying ‘Let us break their chains and throw out their shackles.’ The one enthroned in heaven laughs. The Lord scoffs at them.”
White stopped short of quoting the next verses, which quote God as saying, “I have installed my king on Zion, my holy mountain.”
“Father, you have raised President Trump up for such a time as this,” White continued, and asked God to “reveal the secret and the deep things to President Trump.”
White then demanded that “every evil veil of deception of the enemy be removed from people’s eyes,” and that “every demonic network that has aligned itself against the purpose, against the calling of President Trump, let it be broken, let it be torn down in the name of Jesus.”
“I declare that President Trump will overcome every strategy from hell, and every strategy of the enemy, every strategy, and he will fulfill his calling and his destiny,” White declared, and asked God to “destroy and divide their tongues,” to “give President Trump strength to bring forth his destiny,” and to “let the secret counsel of wickedness be turned to foolishness right now.”
White concluded by deploying the hand of God, saying, “I deploy the hand of God to work for him in the name of Jesus, I secure his calling, I secure his purpose, I secure his family, and we secure victory in the name which is above every name, the name that has never failed for this nation, and for my life, the name of Jesus Christ, and everybody said Amen.”