
Feb 07, 2019 18:53

Каким образом различным людям у власти, включая членов администрации и республиканцев в Конгрессе, удается верно служить Трампу, сознавая при этом его полную некомпетентность?

Over 3500 people. 120 Nations. All coming together in one place for prayer at the National Prayer Breakfast. pic.twitter.com/bo0a4JgUTz
- Badge of Hope Ministries (@badge_of) February 7, 2019

Частичный ответ на это дает идеология хорошо законспирированной организации, которая известна под названием Fellowship Foundation или International Foundation, а сама себя называет "Семья" ("The Family"). Публичной акцией этой организации является организация ежегодного Молитвенного завтрака в Вашингтоне, в котором по традиции принимают участие все американские президенты, начиная с Эйзенхауэра.

Идеологию "The Family" удалось приоткрыть журналисту Джеффу Шарлету в книгах The Family: The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power (2008) и C Street: The Fundamentalist Threat to American Democracy (2010).

Это идеология связана с интерпретацией христианства, как безусловного тоталитарного поклонения Христу, с планом построения на Земле его царства. Люди, наделенные властью, интерпретируются в этой идеологии, как попавшие туда по божьей воле. Их личные качества не имеют значения, подобно качествам библейского царя Давида, совершавшего множество прегрешений, но избранного богом для осуществления важной миссии.

Из интервью Шарлета в 2009:

Mr. SHARLET: And some of the, really the core rhetoric of The Family is this idea that most of us misread the New Testament, that Christ's message - the bottom line of Christ's message wasn't really about love or mercy or justice or forgiveness. It was about power. So Doug Coe, the leader of the group, tries to illustrate this, for instance, by saying, sort of posing a puzzle: name three men in the 20th century who best understood that message of The New Testament. And most people are going to say someone like Martin Luther King, or Bonhoeffer; or maybe they're more conservative, they're going to say Billy Graham. And Coe likes to give in answer: Hitler, Stalin and Mao, which just makes your jaw drop. And he will say - he's quick to say these are evil men, but they understood power. And that message recurs again, and again, and again in The Family. <...>
GROSS: So The Family is into the cultivation of powerful people. They call them key men. What is key men?
Mr. SHARLET: A key man is someone that they identify as chosen for his position of power or affluence by God. And they like to emphasize that the leaders that they work with are not so much elected to their positions or work their way up the corporate ladder, as they are selected by God, used as tools.
The kind of the comparison that they like to use is King David, who they note is a sort of guy who, as a leader, actually does all sorts of terrible things -seduces another man's wife, has the man killed and so on - and yet he's still in power. It's because God has chosen to use this imperfect tool. And so they see the politicians that they work with as tools of God.

Вспоминается разговор между Стивон Бэннон и Джефом Сешнсом (членом "Семьи").

Bannon said he called Sessions into a meeting. He knew Sessions had already tried to resign once. “Look, I have a question for you,” Bannon said. “Is there any doubt in your mind that it was Divine Providence, the Hand of God that got us this victory?”
“No doubt,” Sessions replied.
“You’re sure?” Bannon continued.
“There’s no doubt.”
“Then where’s your commitment here?”
“I will never leave,” Sessions assured him. “I may get fired, but I’ll never leave.”

Другими идентифицированными членами "Семьи" являются сенаторы Чак Грассли и Линдси Грэм. В этом году Грэм сменил Грассли на посту председателя юридической комиссии, чтобы продолжить борьбу за назначение (одобренных "Семьей") консервативных судей.

Членом "Семьи" является также бывший сенатор, а ныне руководитель национальной разведки Дэн Коутс, а также, по всей видимости, бывшие конгрессмены Майк Пенс и Майк Помпео.

Тайная структура "Семьи" зародилась в антикоммунистическом 1948 и огранизована по принципу ячеек.

The Family’s use of the term “cell” long predates the word’s current association with terrorism. Its roots are in the Cold War, when leaders of the Family deliberately emulated the organizing techniques of communism. In 1948, a group of Senate staffers met to discuss ways that the Family’s “cell and leadership groups” could recruit elites unwilling to participate in the “mass meeting approach” of populist fundamentalism. Two years later, the Family declared that with democracy inadequate to the fight against godlessness, such cells should function to produce political “atomic energy”; that is, deals and alliances that could not be achieved through the clumsy machinations of legislative debate would instead radiate quietly out of political cells. More recently, Senator Sam Brownback told me that the privacy of Family cells makes them safe spaces for men of power-an appropriation of another term borrowed from an enemy, feminism.5 “In this closer relationship,” a document for members reads, “God will give you more insight into your own geographical area and your sphere of influence.” One’s cell should become “an invisible ‘believing group’ ” out of which “agreements reached in faith and in prayer around the person of Jesus Christ” lead to action that will appear to the world to be unrelated to any centralized organization.

In front of thousands of people at the event and many more watching at home, I prayed that God would grant President Trump wisdom, grace, and peace
- Senator Chris Coons (@ChrisCoons) February 7, 2019

Но республиканцами дело не ограничивается. "Семья" целенаправленно втягивает в свою орбиту приближенных к власти членов обеих партий, в том числе Хиллари Клинтон, которую удалось охмурить, когда она была Первой Леди. Клинтон, насколько известно, не стала членом "Семьи", но оставалась ее другом и не пропускала национальных молитвенных завтраков. Она выступала на таком завтраке, вслед за Обамой, в 2010.

"After my very first prayer breakfast, a bipartisan group of women asked me to join them for lunch and told me that they were forming a prayer group. And these prayer partners prayed for me. They prayed for me during some very challenging times. They came to see me in the White House. They kept in touch with me and some still do today. And they gave me a handmade book with messages, quotes, and scripture, to sustain me. And of all the thousands of gifts that I received in the White House, I have a special affection for this one. Because in addition to the tangible gift of the book, it contained 12 intangible gifts, 12 gifts of discernment, peace, compassion, faith, fellowship, vision, forgiveness, grace, wisdom, love, joy, and courage. And I have had many occasions to pull out that book and to look at it and to try, Chairman Mullen, to figure out how to close the gap of what I am feeling and doing with what I know I should be feeling and doing. As a person of faith, it is a constant struggle, particularly in the political arena, to close that gap that each of us faces."

In the Butina aftermath, the Fellowship last month changed its rules for the National Prayer Breakfast and sent us a copy on Friday.

The Fellowship said the new rules are in the interest of transparency...but wouldn't say who approved them or why. pic.twitter.com/1rCMChvOLF
- Jonathan Larsen (@jtlarsen) February 5, 2019

В своей миссии утвердить царство Христа на земле, представители "Семьи" активно контактируют с иностранцами, выполняя роль теневого Госдепа. Так завсегдатаями молитвенного завтраке стали Торшин и Бутина.

Репортаж в New Yorker 2010 года, хвалебный по отношению к "Семье", упоминает другого завсегдатая - Владимира Гусинского.

In the early nineteen-nineties, a Russian media entrepreneur named Vladimir Gusinsky, who’d had a falling-out with Vladimir Putin, was looking West for new opportunities. He hired the public-relations firm APCO, which specializes in crisis management, to help introduce him in the United States. One of the APCO executives handling Gusinsky was Don Bonker, the former Democratic congressman, and an established figure within the Fellowship. Bonker brought Gusinsky, a secular Jew, to the Cedars to meet Doug Coe. “We emerged from that meeting, and we were walking to the limo, and Gusinsky stopped me,” Bonker recalls. “He said, ‘That is an amazing man. I want to come back here and see him again.’ ”
Gusinsky attended the Prayer Breakfast the next year, and has missed only one of the events in the years since. In 1998, when Coe and a group of his close associates made a whirlwind trip through the former republics of the Soviet Union, meeting with leaders introduced by friends in the international network, Gusinsky provided a 727 with a full crew to transport them. It is impossible, ultimately, to know the motivation of someone like Gusinsky, who comes from a political culture in which proximity to power is everything. The Fellowship meant entrée to a rarefied circle, and the prospect of shaking hands with a President. “There’s this whole Washington phenomenon, related to access to power and the aphrodisiac of power,” Michael Cromartie, of the Ethics and Public Policy Center, says. “You bring an oligarch over to the Cedars and he says, ‘Ah, these are my kind of people. They have pictures on the wall of all these Presidents, they seem to be in touch with power, they know people with money, this will help my business.’ ”

3. Birshtein was a close friend of a now-deceased Doug Coe, a founder and a former head of the National Prayer Breakfast. The National Prayer Breakfast is held by Fellowship, also known as The Family, and the International Foundation. The current leader is Coe's son-in-law--> pic.twitter.com/6NLbBivvJZ
- Zarina Zabrisky (@ZarinaZabrisky) December 30, 2018

Это демонстрирует всеядность "Семьи" - они развивают отношения не только с представителями разных партий, но и с представителями разных конфессий. Знакомого нам Бориса Бирштейна - звено цепочки между КГБ, российской организованной преступностью и Трампом - пытались недавно расследовать в канадской прессе, но запутались в лабиринте его связей.

There are photographs of Mr. Birshtein - who first emigrated from the USSR to Israel, before settling in Canada in 1982 under a fast-track program for wealthy investors - alongside former Canadian prime ministers Brian Mulroney and Jean Chrétien. He’s also been photographed in meetings with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, with Mr. Netanyahu’s predecessor Ehud Olmert, and with half a dozen other world leaders. He even seems to have had some kind of relationship with an ex-KGB agent who went on to become President of Russia, Vladimir Putin.

image Click to view

Упомянутый Doug Coe, влиятельный закулисный глава "Семьи", умер в феврале 2017.

В случайно слитой в прессу и печально прославленной речи, Даг Кое приводил в пример Гитлера, Гиммлера и Геббельса, как людей, показавших силу братства и убеждения, которые он хотел бы видеть в последователях "семьи".

"All through these last forty years,” Coe preaches to a small group of leaders gathered at the Glen Eyrie Castle, a Christian conservative retreat in the Rocky Mountains, “I’ve had the privilege of traveling to countries, I’ve been in China, in Vietnam with the Vietnamese, the Vietcong, Communists in Panama, Communists in Russia, the Red Guard in China, Nazis in Germany. And you know, I discovered that the same things that they make people give vows to keep, are the same things that Jesus said. . . . The only thing that was changed was the goal, the only thing that changed was the purpose. In essence, it was all the things that Jesus taught in private to the disciples. I began to realize why they were so successful in human terms.” It was, he explains, the secret of Matthew 18:20, which reads “When two or three are gathered together in my name, there I am in the midst of them.” “Hitler, Goebbels, and Himmler were three men,” Coe continues. “Think of the immense power these three men had, these nobodies from nowhere. Actually, emotional and mental problems. Prisoners. From the street. But they bound themselves together in an agreement, and they died together. Two years before they moved into Poland, these three men had a study done, systematically a plan drawn out and put on paper to annihilate the entire Polish population and destroy by numbers every single house and every single building in Warsaw and then to start on the rest of Poland.” Their unity of mind allowed them to kill 6 ½ million “Polish people,” Coe says. “These three men by their decision alone.”

"Burleigh" is Doug Burleigh, son-in-law of Doug Coe, the patriarch of the Fellowship Foundation who died in 2017.

Burleigh works with and even got housing from the Fellowship, which has an Arlington estate called The Cedars.

His focus is the former Soviet Union. Watch: pic.twitter.com/7fzyOxCx1P
- Jonathan Larsen (@jtlarsen) January 11, 2019

Новой главой семьи стал Даг Берли (Doug Burleigh), который имеет особый интерес к России и неоднократно туда ездил. В 2017 российская "ячейка" семьи организовала "первый Молодежный молитвенный бизнес-завтрак" в Москве, на котором Берли был почетным гостем.

Почетными спикерами бизнес-завтрака выступили советник президента России Сергей Глазьев, вице-президент Центрального Банка РФ Александр Торшин, организатор Национального молитвенного завтрака в США Даг Берли, управляющий партнер KPMG в России и СНГ Роберт Уоллингфорд, легендарный спортсмен, обладатель уникального ордена ЮНЕСКО «FairPlay» Шаварш Карапетян, вице-президент ПАО «Лукойл» Андрей Гайдамака, олимпийский чемпион Юрий Постригай.
Главной темой мероприятия стала дискуссия о том, что духовность и бизнес-цели не противопоставляются друг другу, а являются частью единого целого: понимания своей роли в социальной жизни, проявления ответственности по отношению к своим сотрудникам, партнерам, всему обществу в целом.
В рамках бизнес-завтрака советник президента России Сергей Глазьев рассказал о существующих препонах для развития бизнеса и экономики: «Та степень огосударствления экономики, которая сегодня имеет место быть, является негативной тенденцией. Она связана с усилением бюрократического гнета на бизнес. Эта тенденция поддерживается влиятельными могущественн­ыми госкорпорациями и государственными банками, у которых тоже появились свои ин­тересы, не во всем адекватные и соответствующие интересам развития экономики».
В свою очередь организатор Национального молитвенного завтрака в США Даг Берли поделился своим мнением о будущем международных отношений: «Прорыв в отношениях между Россией и США скоро придет. Самая большая надежда для наших двух стран - это дружба. Я верю, что Владимир Путин и Дональд Трамп будут друзьями».

республиканцы, идеология, Конгресс

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