Под конец
слушаний в Конгрессе председательствующий вдруг вбросил имя Келлиэнн Конуэй.
NUNES: Mr. Comey, this is my final list of questions here. I just want to make sure we get this on the record. Do you have any evidence that any current Trump White House or administration official coordinated with the Russian intelligence services?
COMEY: Not a question I can answer.
NUNES: I figured you were going to say that, but I just wanted to make sure we got it on the record. How about counselor to the president, Kellyanne Conway?
COMEY: It's the same answer. And as I said earlier, I constantly want to ask people, don't over interpret the fact that I say I can't comment. I'm not going to comment on anybody.
И до, и после выборов Конуэй была частым гостем на телеканалах. После последних одиозных интервью ее перестали туда приглашать, кроме как на Fox News. На CNN свое последнее интервью она давала 11 января, после появления досье Стила. Вскоре Трамп стал называть CNN "fake news" и перестал посылать туда своих представителей. Интервью доставляет мучительные ощущения при просмотре:
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Команде Трампа не только не удалось найти ничего ложного в сообщении CNN о досье Стила, но и ссылки на это досье постепенно утрачивают прилагательные "бездоказательное" или "неподтвержденное". На слушаниях на досье ссылались несколько конгрессменов, особенно преуспел Joaquín Castro из Техаса (Сан Антонио).
CASTRO: An entry from July 19, 2016, in the dossier states that a Trump associate knew that the Kremlin was using WikiLeaks in order to maintain quote, "plausible deniability of its involvement." Three days after this entry, WikiLeaks carries out the Kremlin's wishes and publishes upwards of 20,000 stolen DNC e-mails, and 8,000 associated e-mail attachments, and the rest, as they say, is history.
Another entry dated August 17th has Carter Page and a Russian associate discussing WikiLeaks publishing e-mails in order to swing Sanders' supporters away from Clinton and to Trump. And again, from a September 14th entry in the dossier, quote, "Kremlin has further compromising material on Clinton in form of e-mails and considers disseminating after parliamentary elections in late September." And on October 7th, WikiLeaks publishes John Podesta's hacked e-mails. So the coincidences keep piling up.
Let's turn, in the few minutes that I have remaining, again to Paul Manafort, as a follow-up to Mr. Himes' questioning. Suffice it to say, Paul Manafort was a major part of the Trump campaign, including serving as its chairman, convention manager, and chief strategist, before departing the campaign in disgrace in August 2016. It's also established the fact that Paul Manafort was a long-time official adviser to pro-Russian Ukrainian political leadership.
Is Paul Manafort -- Manafort a subject in your investigation?
COMEY: I'm not going to comment on that.
CASTRO: All right. Director, can you describe to the American people the Russian concept of kompromat?
COMEY: It's a technique that they use to gather information on people that may be embarrassing or humiliating, and using it to coerce cooperation.
CASTRO: In your career, have you known instances where that has been successfully leveraged?
COMEY: Yes, I believe our counter-intelligence division has encountered it a number of times.
CASTRO: Does that include private places, including places such as hotels that are wired for audio and video?
COMEY: I don't think I remember enough about the particulars to say, but in theory, sure.
http://theslot.jezebel.com/security-moms-on-fox-news-we-shouldnt-talk-about-russi-1793436954 Но вернемся к Келлиэнн Конуэй. Стереотип "блондинка - значит дурочка" уже
сыграл злую шутку с создателем и бывшим руководителем Fox News Роджером Эйлсом. Подобный же стереотип не позволил публике, глядя на Келлиэнн Конуэй, не разглядеть в упор, что они имеют дело не с пешкой, а с ферзем.
Когда Келлиэнн Конуэй заняла место Пола Манафорта, некоторые комментаторы стали рассуждать о том, что ее роль - просто быть "spokesperson" в телевизоре, а на самом деле всем закулисно заправляет Стив Бэннон. Пародийный ролик Saturday Night Life "Kellyanne Conway's Day Off" показывал мифическую Конуэй, которая увлечена своей семьей и своей внешностью, а за Трампа отдувается неохотно.
Ослепленная мизогинией публика жестоко промахнулась.Статья в Altantic раскрывает ключевую роль Конуэй в качестве "архитектора трампизма". Проведенный ей в 2014 году опрос подсказал основную тему избирательной кампании.
There was, she wrote, “strong consensus on many populist immigration policies,” including enforcing current immigration law, limiting illegal immigrants’ access to welfare and work, and reducing legal immigrants’ ability to bring family members to the United States. The issue, she wrote, should be framed in terms of “America First,” and as a matter of “fairness … to blue-collar workers.” Three-quarters of likely voters, she pointed out, wanted more enforcement of current immigration laws.
Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) сумел в мае 2016 раздобыть список членов
Council for National Policy (CNP), секретной организации республиканских заговорщиков расистского замеса, Келлиэнн Конуэй числилась там в числе руководства (executive committee). Бэннон был рядовым членом.