
Jul 05, 2019 13:02

A special message from @RepAdamSchiff & @HouseDemocrats as Americans celebrate the birth of our democracy. #ProtectOurDemocracy pic.twitter.com/GtKc9QNOIy
- Nancy Pelosi (@SpeakerPelosi) July 4, 2019

Демократы пользуется Днем Независимости, чтобы напомнить избирателям об отчете Мюллера и необходимости защиты от иностранного вмешательства.

Конгрессмен Джастин Амаш из Мичигана - единственный из республиканцев, который, внимательно прочитав отчет Мюллера, призвал к процедуре импичмента, в День Независимости вышел из партии. В своем заявлении Амаш цитирует Джорджа Вашингтона:

“The disorders and miseries which result gradually incline the minds of men to seek security and repose in the absolute power of an individual; and sooner or later the chief of some prevailing faction, more able or more fortunate than his competitors, turns this disposition to the purposes of his own elevation, on the ruins of public liberty. <…> It serves always to distract the public councils and enfeeble the public administration. It agitates the community with ill-founded jealousies and false alarms, kindles the animosity of one part against another, foments occasionally riot and insurrection. It opens the door to foreign influence and corruption, which finds a facilitated access to the government itself through the channels of party passions. Thus the policy and the will of one country are subjected to the policy and will of another.”

“…he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed…”
-Constitution, Art. II, §3

Five threads on Mueller’s report & Pres. Trump’s impeachable conduct:https://t.co/J0LSZoWVtmhttps://t.co/804a1yA8RChttps://t.co/FLaFfpFUprhttps://t.co/kTFu9iOxIXhttps://t.co/dy2GTF3tZK
- Justin Amash (@justinamash) June 11, 2019

What do Republicans tell their kids? https://t.co/c50CmBpJLY
- Joyce Alene (@JoyceWhiteVance) July 4, 2019

Для того, чтобы оценить, насколько далеко зашла республиканская партия по пути от Линкольна к Трампу, можно по случаю послушать речи республиканских кандидатов в президенты.

1964: Барри Голдуотер

Rather than useful jobs in our country, people have been offered bureaucratic "make work," rather than moral leadership, they have been given bread and circuses, spectacles, and, yes, they have even been given scandals. Tonight there is violence in our streets, corruption in our highest offices, aimlessness among our youth, anxiety among our elders and there is a virtual despair among the many who look beyond material success for the inner meaning of their lives. Where examples of morality should be set, the opposite is seen. Small men, seeking great wealth or power, have too often and too long turned even the highest levels of public service into mere personal opportunity. <...>
Now, certainly, simple honesty is not too much to demand of men in government. We find it in most. Republicans demand it from everyone. They demand it from everyone no matter how exalted or protected his position might be. <...>
It is further the cause of Republicanism to restore a clear understanding of the tyranny of man over man in the world at large. It is our cause to dispel the foggy thinking which avoids hard decisions in the illusion that a world of conflict will somehow mysteriously resolve itself into a world of harmony, if we just don't rock the boat or irritate the forces of aggression - and this is hogwash.

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1984: Рональд Рейган.

We don't lump people by groups or special interests. And, let me add, in the party of Lincoln, there is no room for intolerance and, not even a small corner for anti-Semitism or bigotry of any kind. Many people - many people are welcome in our house, but not the bigots. <...> We don't celebrate dependence day on the Fourth of July, we celebrate Independence Day. We celebrate the right of each individual to be recognized as unique, possessed of dignity and the sacred right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. At the same time, with our independence goes a generosity of spirit more evident here than in almost any other part of the world. Recognizing the equality of all men and women, we are willing and able to lift the weak, cradle those who hurt and nurture the bonds that tie us together as one nation under God.

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2004: Джордж Буш.

This young century will be liberty's century. By promoting liberty abroad, we will build a safer world. By encouraging liberty at home, we will build a more hopeful America. Like generations before us, we have a calling from beyond the stars to stand for freedom.

This is the landing page on the WH site the morning after July 4, lending every ounce of credibility the U.S. govt has left to a brutal dictator. I may be missing it (website's badly organized), but I don't see his speech - so there's no way to know if "airports" was in the text. pic.twitter.com/FrlJTjS3ye
- Walter Shaub (@waltshaub) July 5, 2019

Нынешняя республиканская партия готовит своих самых тупых представителей в Конгрессе в качестве цепных псов для клоунады с нападками на Роберта Мюллера, республиканца со стажем.

Republican lawmakers, as well as prominent allies and legal advisers to this president, want to turn it into a hostile referendum on the nexus of the “deep state” and sexual dalliance and infidelity - which is to say that they want to use Mueller’s testimony to zero in on the duo that President Trump has repeatedly slammed as “the FBI lovers.”
“I think the American people would kinda like to know,” said Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), “when [Department of Justice Inspector General] Mr. Horowitz told [Mueller] about Peter Strzok, and Peter Strzok was on his team, and Lisa Page had been on his team, how’d he handle all that? Did he really check into how biased Mr. Strzok was and how that impacted his work?”
Jordan sits on the House Judiciary Committee and is poised to be one of Mueller’s most adversarial inquisitors when the former special counsel comes before that panel on July 17. The president has called the arch-conservative Ohio congressman “a brave, tough cookie,” sky-high praise from Trump.

Mueller’s intensely anticipated July 17 testimony will bring him face to face with the Republican lawmakers who have savaged his reputation and called him the ringleader of a “coup” against Trump. While Democrats attempt to squeeze morsels of new information out of the notoriously tight-lipped investigator, these Trump defenders are signaling that they’ll use the historic moment to try to undercut his credibility and paint him as a political pawn in Democrats’ efforts to undermine the president.
“He’s done some irreparable damage to some things and he’s got to answer for them,” said Rep. Louie Gohmert, one of 25 Republicans on the House Intelligence and Judiciary Committees who get to grill Mueller during the back-to-back hearings. The Texas congressman added that his reading of the special counsel’s report did little to temper his long history of animosity for the former FBI director: “It reinforced the anal opening that I believe Mueller to be.”

Среди разных категорий глупости конгрессмен Луи Гомерт занимает особое место.

During the Helsinki press conference, Putin made the outlandish claim that business associates of American-born businessman and Putin foe Bill Browder provided $400 million to the Clinton campaign-a claim that PolitiFact rated “Pants on Fire.”
Not to be outdone, Gohmert took that $400 million and moved it into another column - an imagined fifth column, you might say.
“I think the biggest blockbuster out of [Trump’s] press conference with Putin,” Gohmert said, “was Putin disclosing that they have evidence that the U.S. intelligence community provided over $400 million to Hillary Clinton for her campaign.”
Gohmert then suggested, “So, that’s something that we probably need to follow up on, and find out more about.”

Стивен Колбер в роли карикатурного республиканца в 2014: "People have said to me, Stephen, you've got to understand, you don't even know your history. You're dumb. You're dense. You're a mental midget with the IQ of a butter dish whose mind is a black hole that sucks all surrounding thought into it in an infinite singularity of sheer stupidity. Stephen, I'm surprised you can even dress yourself. I bet you have to rub peanut butter inside your lips to remember to open your mouth to breath. I have never met, and I hope to never meet again a man so pervasively, astoundingly unyieldingly ignorant. To which I say, well then, you haven't met Louie Gohmert."

республиканцы, #protectourdemocracy, Мюллер, Конгресс

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