THE RETURN 28: Wallace [Wallace/OFC] PG

Dec 23, 2010 03:33

Title: The Return 28-Wallace [The Run]
Rating: PG
Word Count: 2,143
Characters/Pairings: Wallace, Parker, OFC
Spoilers: All episodes (from 1.01: Pilot to 3.20: The Bitch Is Back. Just to be sure) Although this is obviously AU and there are obviously going to be some alterations to events and especially some in the last couple of episodes. Specific references to episode 1.16 though, if you want to brush up.
Disclaimer: I own nothing. Literally, nothing. So don’t sue me over this, because you won’t get anything. It all belongs to Rob Thomas and if I had owned it when it was still on the last season would have been way different.

Chapter 1: Awake/ Chapter 2: Homecoming/ Chapter 3: Forgive/ Chapter 4: Arrival/ Chapter 5: Reconnect/ Chapter 6: Belong/ Chapter 7: Bets/ Chapter 8: Fight/ Chapter 9: Battle/ Chapter 10: Retreat/ Chapter 11: Push/ Chapter 12: Sound/ Chapter 13: Potential/ Chapter 14: More/ Chapter 15: Storytime/ Chapter 16: Understanding/ Chapter 17: Piggyback/ Chapter 18: Sinners/ Chapter 19: Drama/ Chapter 20: Dinner/ Chapter 21: Armor/ Chapter 22:Mingle/ 23:Bubbly/ 24:Awkward/ 25:Closing/ 26: Drunks/ 27: Logan

A/N: Okay, this is just a fun one with Wallace. There’s a bit of info in it, but it was mostly a Wallace puff piece. Giving him a little one-on-one story. Also, the phone number later on, the area code is California but the rest of it is nonsense (actually bonus points to anyone that can figure out what it means/says)

The Return

~The Run~

Wallace was up earlier than everyone else. Well, almost. Parker was already up, cleaning the various debris around the living room. She’d caught him before he’d snuck out the front door, marching him into the kitchen and forcing a bottle of water on him.

“It’ll help your hangover.” She’d insisted, pulling a blue plastic sports bottle from the cupboard and filling it with tap water.

“No ice?” He asked, reaching out for the bottle.

“No, room temp is better on the stomach.” Even while she was talking she started cleaning up different things around the kitchen. Putting a baggie of cheesy curls in the cupboard, throwing several empty plastic water bottles into the recycling bin, wiping orange fingerprints off the steel refrigerator door and counter tops.

“Okay, thanks. I’ll see you later.” He said turning to the sliding glass door on the opposite side of the kitchen, pushing his black wraparound sport sunglasses over his eyes.

“Where are you going? Don’t you want any breakfast?” She asked, scrubbing at a stubborn spot on the counter.

“For a run, hands down the best cure for a hangover. I’ll eat when I get back. I shouldn’t be gone long.” He slid the door open and slipped out before she could force a meal on him. She had, for some reason, made it her priority to make sure everyone was fed in the morning.

He took a few swallows of water, it settled his stomach the way ice water never would have. Damn girls know everything, he thought as he tucked the bottle into the pocket of his hoodie, walking around toward the front of the house.

His head pounded. The light, though muted through his sunglasses, made his eyes hurt, causing him to squint. His stomach, calmed a bit by the water, still churned viciously, threatening to heave. Still, as he reached the front, he because to pick up speed.

In moments he’d be speed-walking, pushing himself more until it was a light jog. There’d be more effort, urging his body into a run. Afterwards his legs would burn and his breath would come in harsh pants, but his headache would recede and his stomach would behave. His body would focus on different things than expelling the evil alcohol that he had, apparently, insisted on poisoning it with.


He was twenty minutes and two miles into his run when he saw her. A petite blonde kneeling at the side of the road, tying her shoe. Veronica? She didn’t run, but also didn’t drink and have loud sex in a house full of people either. Vacation Veronica was a new and strange creature.

“Veronica?” He called out.

The girl turned her face to him, eyebrows raised inquisitively. It wasn’t Veronica, didn’t even really look like her really. Like V is the only tiny blonde in the world.

“Sorry,” She stood and faced him completely. She was taller than Veronica, not much, but it was noticeable. Her eyes were brown and her face rounder than Veronica’s. She was beautiful, dressed in slouchy blue runners pants and a matching sweatshirt. “Not, what was it, Veronica?”

“No, I thought…“ he reached back and rubbed the back of his neck. “I’m Wallace.”

“Hi Wallace.”

“And what, if I may, is your non-Veronica name?” He extended a hand to the girl.

“Sorry, so rude. I’m Tamsin.” She shook his hand, smiling and tilting her head to the side. “We actually met last night.”

“We did?” He swallowed, trying to think if he’d gotten her number and if you could figure out which one it was. She looked like a girl who wrote in big bubbly letters. Not the kind that put a heart over the ‘I’ but the bubbly kind that looked so soft and feminine that you couldn’t help but admire it.

“Yeah, you and your friends were collecting phone numbers.” She shifted form foot to foot, shielding her eyes with her hand.

“Oh, yeah…” he trailed off in embarrassment. How many knew? he wondered.

“Who won? You or the guy with the floppy hair.” She smiled at him, digging her sunglasses out of the pocket of her sweatshirt.

“He did, actually.” Wallace looked down, shaking his head. “I’m sorry, neither of us would usually do something like that, it’s just that-”

“It’s fine, you didn’t get my number, and neither did he.” She interrupted, beginning to walk slowly. He took the cue to walk with her when she tilted her head and kept talking. “I was a little disappointed, though. I would’ve given you my number otherwise.”

“Like I said, we don’t normally bet like that. We were out with friends, and being stupid. Usually we’re pretty decent guys.” He explained, picking up speed as she did.

“Pretty decent guys don’t usually take bets on how many phone numbers they can get.” She pointed out. “But you were out with a bunch of people, and it didn’t seem mean spirited, so you can take a pass this time.”

“Did everyone there know?” They were jogging now, but not pushing into a run like he usually would.

“No, just me. I happened to have walked past your table as the bet was being made.” She smiled at him for a moment before turning her attention back to the road in front of her.

“Well then…” He trailed off, at a loss.

The jogged together in a companionable silence. It was a little strange, the only other person he could enjoy being with without the constant need for chatter was Veronica. They were comfortable enough not to have to talk constantly the way Piz did. Or Dick. Or Logan. Or Parker. Mac didn’t really talk overly much, but they didn’t hang out one on one very often and the silence was usually filled by someone else. And Weevil, well he didn’t talk all that much, period, but the only person he really ever hung out with was Veronica and, back before he knew them, Lilly.

“So, the little blonde girl. The tiny one that you were hanging out with last night, at least before you guys made that bet. How do you know her?” Tamsin asked, her voice hesitant but curious.

“That is actually Veronica. She’s my best friend, I’ve known her for years. She was my first friend when I moved to Neptune.” He explained, glancing at her out of the corner of his eye.

“Oh. Really? I thought her name was Betty, she looks just like this girl I met in high school.” Surprised, Tamsin slowed her pace down a bit, causing him to jog past her. He pulled up short and waited for her to catch up before matching his pace to hers again.

“Really? That’s weird, Veronica and Betty look-a-likes?” His brow furrowed, this struck a memory. Something about a goat.

“Yeah, my sophomore year this girl transferred in, Betty. She was a junior, but she hung out with our group and Richie really liked her. She was only there for a few days, I think her parents sent her to boarding school or something.” Tamsin explained, picking up speed again.

“No, she didn’t go to boarding school. She went to Neptune High, she was just pretending to go to Pan to find out who took our mascot.”

“That’s right, then Billy disappeared and someone said something about Betty showing up at the game with a parrot, Billy and talking to the Neptune principal.” They were jogging into town now. There wasn’t much going on this morning, but most people were probably either at church or still in bed. “You want to take a break? I see a bench.” She pointed toward the iron and wood bench a little further down the street.

“Sure, I could rest.” They slowed and walked to the bench, collapsing when the finally reached it. It was three miles into town from the house, and checking his watch. He’d been gone about 40 minutes, that last mile taking longer than he normally would.

“So you’re all from Neptune?” She was sprawled across the opposite end of the bench, completely comfortable.

“Yeah, we all went to high school together. Well, most of us. Lilly and I didn’t go to high school together seeing as… I met Parker and Piz last year at college. Piz is my roommate and Parker was my friend Mac’s. Is. She is Mac’s roommate, at least for a little while longer.” He explained. “It’s all very complicated.”

“Complicated? You guys are all, what, 19? 20? How complicated can it be?” She raised her eyebrows, disbelief coloring both her words and her face.


“You’re right, it is all very complicated. I mean, you need flow charts, and graphs and a Venn diagram to keep it all straight. I mean, none of it’s really normal high school to college stuff is it?” He and Tamsin were walking back now, no longer interested in jogging.

“Well, that’s Neptune for you.” He shrugged it off, used to the shock that this stuff sometimes got.

“Nope, uh-uh. You don’t get to use that excuse. I get that a lot of Neptune is run by the rich and that you probably see that running rampant at NHS, but I’m from Neptune too. Things weren’t like that at Pan.” She laughed, pushing at his shoulder.

“Okay, so maybe that’s the Neptune I live in for you.” He conceded. “So do you go to Hearst too? Or the less scandalous version of Hearst that I’m, obviously, not privy to?”

“Nope. At least not yet, anyway. I’m currently at UCLA, but I’m transferring to Hearst next semester.”

“Transferring? Why is that?” He glanced at her out of the corner of his eye, smiling. “Don’t like the big city?”

“Not really. I mean, Neptune isn’t exactly Podunk, but it’s smaller. And UCLA is super expensive and Hearst has a great photography and journalism department, too. And I’m going to be staying in the apartment over my parents garage next semester, which isn’t exactly ideal, but it’s cheaper than my dorm at this point.” She rambled on, her reasons coming out quickly. “I like the friends I’ve made there, but my roommate is an idiot and while I like my classes and the school in general, I just feel like I get lost in the shuffle of all the other students. Hearst is a much smaller school, more intimate in the sense that the professors actually get to know the students and stuff.”

“Okay, you don’t have to sell me on it. I already go there.” Wallace laughed as she jokingly too a deep breath.

“I actually wanted to go to Hearst to begin with, my parents are the ones that insisted I go to UCLA. I’ll be happier back in the hometown.” She glanced at him, smiling flirtatiously. “For more reasons than the smaller classes and cheaper tuition.”

Wallace grinned, understanding where this was going. He hadn’t really flirted with anyone in a while, dated someone. All last year was spent in a mash up of basketball and engineering classes that nearly killed him. The drama that had been both the beginning of the year with the serial rapist and the end of the year with the Logan and Piz drama.

“Getting away from your idiot roommate?” He asked, expecting the shove. She didn’t disappoint, giving him a hard shove to his upper arm that nearly knocked him off balance.

“No, you jerk.” She laughed as he made a show of rubbing his arm and scowling at her.

“So if I ask for your number this time, will you give it to me?” He’s sincere when he asks, looking at her earnestly.

“Can you remember it?” She has stopped completely, since they’re standing outside the lane for the house that she’s staying at. Her aunt’s house, she’s heading back to the city in a couple hours because, unlike him, she doesn’t have a best friend that can fake death certificates and doctor’s notes.

“What do you mean?” He’s confused now, brow furrowed.

“I don’t normally bring pen and paper when I go for a run, do you?” She’s grinning as she starts to slowly back up the lane. “If I tell you, will you remember it?”

“Yeah, give it to me.” Wallace squared himself, ready for the numbers. Tamsin starting laughing.

“You look like you’re getting ready to take a punch.” She laughed out, her hand gripping her side.

“Yeah, okay. Now tell me your number. Slowly, and then repeat it once.” He didn’t change his posture, but focused on her. “I’ll get to the house and call you.”

“Okay, here it is: 619-826-7467.” She paused, waited a beat before repeating it. “619-826-7467.”

Wallace turned and ran, full force, the last mile to the house. Leaving Tamsin laughing hysterically behind him.

29: Mac

parker, fic: the return, wallace, post-series, au

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