The Return 8: Fight (Ensemble) PG-13

Apr 27, 2009 00:21

The Return 8: Fight (Ensemble) PG-13
Title: The Return 8-Fight
Rating: PG-13 (for some profanity and mentions of sexual situations)
Characters/Pairings:Logan, Veronica, Lilly, Duncan, Wallace (mentions of: Lilly the second and Dick)
Word Count: 2,196
Spoilers: All episodes (from 1.01: Pilot to 3.20: The Bitch Is Back. Just to be sure) Although this is obviously AU and there are obviously going to be some alterations to events and especially some in the last couple of episodes.
Disclaimer: I own nothing. Literally, nothing. So don’t sue me over his, because you won’t get anything. It all belongs to Rob Thomas and if I had owned it when it was still on the last season would have been way different.
A/N: This story was also no originally mine, and I’d really like to stress that in the first two chapters. The original story can be found here) And this is my first attempt at anything AU, so… enjoy

Chapter 1: Awake/ Chapter 2: Homecoming/ Chapter 3: Forgive/ Chapter 4: Arrival/ Chapter 5: Reconnect/ Chapter 6: Belong/ Chapter 7: Bets

The Return

Did she really just say that? Out loud? Logan stared at Lilly in angered disbelief. There was no way she was making a joke out of the horror that was the last four years of their lives. Of course she’s able to joke about it, she slept through the worst of it.

“Lilly…” Veronica started meekly, her voice soft and timid, almost cowering in the face of Lilly’s near indifference to their troubles.

“Fuck, the three of you are so uptight. Is this what growing up is? Losing your sense of humor and walking on eggshells? What happened to you? You used to be fun.” Lilly’s voice was callous, and meant to start a fight.

“You were almost killed, that’s what happened. You were in a coma the last four years, that’s what happened.” Logan gritted out through his teeth, his fists were clenched at his sides. He was barely keeping his anger in check.

“Lilly, come on.” Veronica’s voice was still soft, still meek. His nightmare. Lilly was back and Veronica was suddenly her old self, the weak one who took abuse. The one who let Lilly walk all over her when she was in a mood.

“Lilly, come on.” Lilly said mockingly, obviously looking for a fight. “I thought the new Veronica wasn’t such a whiney baby. I thought the new Veronica broke up with one boy, only to start dating his best friend.”

Lilly’s words were harsh, and meant to hit their mark. Logan could see by Veronica’s flinch that they had.

“I… you… I-I…” Veronica stuttered, speechless at Lilly’s callousness over what their situation had been senior year of high school. Logan himself was shocked that Lilly chose that particular barb and that particular person. Usually Lilly left Veronica alone, didn’t force fights with her.

“I, I, I… I thought you grew a backbone in the last four years. It only takes four days for you to lose it? Hmmm… Duncan told me all about your little flip-flop your senior year. Then of course, when he was gone you ran straight back to Logan. While I, of all people, can understand Logan’s appeal, I can’t understand how you can be so… flippant with your relationships.”

Logan’s mouth dropped open, Veronica flippant with her relationships. Didn’t that describe Lilly? Logan looked on in disappointment as Veronica seemed almost ashamed. Where’s my Veronica? Why isn’t she fighting back?

Veronica merely nodded, her gaze on the floor as Lilly stood up to continue chastising her.

“What were you thinking dating Logan in the first place? Duncan’s best friend? My boyfriend?” Lilly asked, correcting herself as Logan made the motion to do so. “Ex-boyfriend, but still. I thought you knew better. Logan and I would have gotten back together eventually, you knew how it was between us. You knew that he was mine.”

Logan was shocked at Lilly’s words. She still expects to get back together. Logan realized, astonished that she could think such a thing. That she would think there was a chance for them after what she’d done.

“Excuse me?” Veronica’s voice had gone from weak to steel in a matter of moments. There was something in Lilly’s tirade that had set her off. Something that Lilly had said had finally pissed her off and now she was back. Logan felt a sense of relief at the pissed-off look in her eyes. The look that always meant that there would be a showdown, the one that he always knew led up to victory.

“You do not get to tell me who I can and cannot date. You do not get to lay claim to Logan after fucking his father. We’ve all seen the tapes Lilly. Aaron didn’t seduce you or force you, you were there on your own freewill and you didn’t seem to mind.” Veronica stood, so she was nose to nose with Lilly. Well, as close to nose to nose she could get with anyone. “Sure, you were a little pissed that he had recorded you, but that was about it.”

“What are you saying, Veronica Mars?” Lilly asked, the smirk back in her voice, but her face seemed paler. “Go on, say it.”

“I don’t need to.” Veronica dropped the game pieces she had been clutching in her hands.

Logan suddenly feared that this little fight might escalate. Lilly could verbally wound with the best of them, but Veronica had turned pro in the last couple years and had a bit of an unfair advantage over her. Especially if it came down to a physical showdown, not that Veronica usually resorted to violence. Usually.

“Veronica, come on. Lets go for a walk, calm down a bit before things go too far.” Logan had very little experience with being the voice of reason, and being the one holding Veronica back didn’t sit well with him. She was supposed to be the stable one, not him. But this whole situation with Lilly had thrown her and she couldn’t seem to get a grasp on things.

Logan tugged on Veronica’s arm, trying to pull her towards the door. It took three tries. The first time she had pulled her arm out of his grip to continue her staring contest with Lilly. The second time she had let his hand stay on her wrist, but had stood her ground, refusing to break eye-contact. The third time she let him lead her away, only to stop and turn at the doorway, one last withering look at their friends before walking out the door with him.

“I thought you said you were fine with the whole Logan/Veronica thing.” Duncan said, seeming to come out of the passive stupor he’d been throughout the fight.

“I am.” Lilly’s voice was weaker now, upset that the fight had gone so far. It wasn’t meant to be an outright attack on Veronica, just something to push her. She had gotten comfortable, like things were perfect and back to the way they were. Like things were normal.

“Then why the sudden tantrum over her and Logan?” Poor Duncan seemed so confused. He had gotten pretty comfortable with the way things were too. It was a shame that she had to upset his world too, he’d been through so much and she really just wanted to let him settle. Believe it or not, she just wanted to protect her baby brother.

“It was more a tantrum over her behavior. To remind her of who she is now, not who she was.” Lilly knew Duncan wasn’t going to understand. Her brother had a habit of being delusional and ignoring certain facts. Like how much pink and yellow Veronica had been coordinating into her wardrobe and how she had actually let Lilly talk down to her for a while.

Lilly loved the old Veronica, but she had a feeling she’d love the new one too. And everyone was always telling her that life is change, that you can’t stop it. Why would she want to got back to how things used to be, when the way things are seemed so much more fun.

Lilly just hoped that Veronica would forgive her for the things she said.

“I’ve got to go get Lilly up… the other Lilly. She’s been down too long, it won’t be pleasant tonight, when she won’t go to bed because she’s not tired. And I don’t know when Logan will be back to help with her. He really is pretty good with kids.”

“I’d say it’s because he’s a kid himself, but that’s the old Logan, I don’t know if the new one is all grown up or not.” Lilly was saddened by the fact that she didn’t know who the most important people had become. Score one more for Aaron.

“Yeah, I don’t really know the answer to that one either. I haven’t seen him in almost two years, he seems to have grown up a bit since then, though.” Duncan slipped out the door and up the stairs, leaving Lilly alone to ponder her thoughts.

This was a punishment crueler than if she’d had to sit and listen to Dick talk about surfing and chicks

It taken a few days, but he had finally spotted Lilly Kane alone. She was without her usual bodyguards.

Logan had taken Veronica out to calm down, to get some air and time away from the enclosed spaces she was forced to inhabit with nine other people.

Duncan was upstairs, getting his daughter up from a nap. Parker had followed him up there, cooing over the beautiful little baby. Wallace had a feeling that Parker was flirting with Duncan, but he’d yet to point it out to anyone.

“Lilly Kane.” Wallace said, announcing her name as if she was a mythical creature. To him, she kind of was. “It’s taken a few days but here we are, alone. Together.”

“Wallace, if I’d known you wanted to seduce me, I would have found myself alone sooner.” She tried for a sexy pose on the couch, but her pale complexion and the listlessness of her apparently tired body did little to aide her.

“Don’t try that with me, I’m impervious to your charms.” Wallace said it lightly, but meant it as a warning. He wasn’t willing to dally here, risking friendships and his own heart. He’d heard nothing good about falling for the illustrious Lilly Kane, just heartache and sorrow.

“Ouch. It seems my reputation has proceeded me a bit.” Lilly let her body relax into the couch visibly as Wallace took a seat next to her. He kept a decent amount of space between them, he didn’t know this girl and he didn’t want to get or give the wrong impression.

“You were a little harsh on my best friend earlier. Care to explain?” Wallace’s voice was harder than he meant it to be, but the anger he’d felt over hearing the earlier fight was still fresh.

“She needed a push. They all did.” Lilly said, her voice sounding regretful.

“Then why do you seem so sad about it? If they needed it?”

“Because I may have gone about it the wrong way. I may have pushed a little too hard.” Lilly sighed, but continued. “It’s the way I’ve always done things, pushed as hard as I could. But I don’t know these people they’ve turned into. I don’t know how far I can push them before they’re over the edge and ready to walk out. I don’t know them.”

“Veronica doesn’t walk out on her friends. She walks out, but she always comes back and she always pushes back. She doesn’t hold back often, so when she does it’s because she really values the friend. Eventually she forgives, but without a full explanation it’s doubtful she’ll forget. So you might want to get on that as soon as you get whatever reaction you were looking for.” Wallace looked seriously at Lilly, hoping to get his point across.

“Logan on the other hand, you’re lucky he didn’t take your head off. He doesn’t hold back, ever. He lashes out when he feels threatened, I’ve learned that from Veronica. Usually it’s a verbal lashing, because he doesn’t hit girls. But there’s been a few unlucky recipients of his physical lash outs. Piz included.

“Another reason he’d attack is you were attacking Veronica. He doesn’t handle that well, ever. He’s got this whole white knight thing going on when it comes to her. He can’t stand to see her hurt or being hurt, not since…” Wallace trailed off, not wanting to bring up their relationship to the girl who had just had such a fit about it. “He has very little tolerance when it comes to people abusing Veronica. That’s something he and I have in common.”

Wallace’s words were meant as a warning, and by Lilly’s nod he could see they were taken as such.

“So, what’s your favorite movie?” Wallace questioned, laughing at Lilly’s confused look.


“I figure we better find something in common, or Veronica is going to have to keep us separate forever. That means half the BFF time, so I figure if we get along, it’s one less thing, right?”

“My favorite movie… Wild Things.” Lilly let her eyebrow arch with the announcement, looking seductive even with her eyes half-closed out of exhaustion.

“Yeah, I figured. Now what’s your real favorite movie?” Wallace wasn’t falling for the act, he’d heard too much about her to take that at face value.

“Breakfast at Tiffany’s. Yours?” Lilly looked surprised that he’d called her out, but then again, she was a surprised by a lot of things.

“Varsity Blues.” Wallace cringed as he said that out loud. It was a small mark of faith, giving this information over to her, nobody knew that embarrassing piece of information besides Veronica.

“I thought you were a basketball player, isn’t that a football movie?” Lilly looked amused, like she was trying not to giggle.

“Yeah, well, I like Hoosiers too, but who can resist a movie where the sex ed teacher is a stripper?”

“Good point. Favorite band?”

They sat there, trading information back and forth, getting to know each other and hopefully find something they could build a friendship on. Besides Veronica.


fic: the return, ensemble, post-series, au

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