The Return 1: Awake (Ensemble) PG

Apr 26, 2009 23:55

Title: The Return 1-Awake
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Veronica, Lilly Kane (the first), Logan, Weevil, Parker, Piz, Dick, Mac, Wallace (mentions of Jake and Celeste Kane)
Word Count: 1,368
Spoilers: All episodes (from 1.01: Pilot to 3.20: The Bitch Is Back. Just to be sure) Although this is obviously AU and there are obviously going to be some alterations to events and especially some in the last couple of episodes.
Disclaimer: I own nothing. Literally, nothing. So don’t sue me over his, because you won’t get anything. It all belongs to Rob Thomas and if I had owned it when it was still on the last season would have been way different.

A/N: This story was also no originally mine, and I’d really liekt to stress that in the first two chapters. The original story can be found here) And this is my first attempt at anything AU, so… enjoy

The Return

I miss Lilly. She’s been in a coma these last four years, basically dead to us. Duncan, Logan and I used to sneak into her hospital room every October third. We’d stay the whole night and day, we’d fill her in on our lives and what was going in town and in the world. But now Duncan is off somewhere, playing dad. Logan and I have decided that it’s time to move on, put this whole thing behind us. Lilly’s been out of the game for four full years now, and it’s unlikely she’ll ever wake up. So Logan and I have decided to pack up, invite all our friends, and vacation up at the Echolls’ mountain cabin. If you can call the mansion with a screening room, a pool, ten bedrooms and six and a half bathrooms a cabin. We’re planning on there being nine of us total, but only seven I know are going for sure. Dick, Parker, Piz, Wallace, Mac, Logan and I are going for sure. We’ll leave in two days, but tonight Logan and I are heading to the hospital to stay with Lilly.

Grabbing a small duffel containing a couple pillows and blankets, a slew of fashion magazines and a speaker set for her iPod. Comfort and entertainment, for both her and Logan, since she was sure that Logan wouldn’t think to bring anything but himself. Veronica walked swiftly out her bedroom door and towards the front door to the apartment, scooping up her keys and a light jacket as she went.

“Sweetie?” Veronica heard her father call her name, a moment later he was exiting his own bedroom. “I just got a call from a source at the hospital. Lilly is a awake.”

Veronica stared at him for a moment, mouth dropped open in shock. Keith looked at her, waiting patiently for her to come out of it.

Dropping the duffel and jacket, Veronica rushed out the front door. She took the steps two at a time, nearly tumbling down a few times. Running to the parking lot, Veronica dropped her keys and had to get down on her knees to retrieve them from underneath a car. It took her only moments but the frustration of not being able to leave immediately mad her angry and clumsy.

Veronica jumped to her feet, keys in hand, practically tripping over them in her hurry to get to her car. Unlocking her car with the remote device, she climbed in. Taking a deep and hopeful breath, she calmed herself. Putting her face in her hands Veronica took a moment, and noticed her face was wet with tears she hadn’t realized had fallen.

Lilly was awake.


Veronica arrived at the hospital in record time, surprised that she hadn’t been pulled over. Apparently today was her lucky day. Vinnie Van Lowe’s regime seemed to focus more on pulling people over than getting drug dealers and the like off the street.

She ran quickly through the halls, taking the stairs instead of the overly slow elevator. Veronica knew exactly where Lilly’s room was, had always been. Third floor, second hall to the right and third door on the left. Room 326.

Finally making it there she burst into the hallway and ran down it, skidding to a close outside what had always been Lilly’s door. She entered the room cautiously, scared that her father might have gotten false information.

Lilly sat upright in bed, flipping through a fashion magazine with an arched eyebrow and a skeptical look on her face. Veronica smirked, of course the first thing Lilly would want to brush up on is the current styles. And of course she’d find them wanting.

“God Lilly. It took you long enough.” Veronica breathed out, overwhelmed by the sight of her best friend finally awake.

“Veronica Mars. You look awesome. Tell me Madison didn’t take my place, that you took over and rule with an iron fist. Well manicured, but still, an iron fist.” Lilly said dramatically.

“No. There really was no replacing you. Although both Caitlyn Ford and Madison tried, neither could succeed as well as you.” Veronica told her as she lowered herself to the end of Lilly’s bed.

“And what about you? You didn’t rule? You didn’t punish Caitlyn and Madison for even attempting?” Lilly asked, her face finally transforming from calm and nonchalant to confused.

“Me? No I didn’t rule, not even close.” Veronica whispered, hanging her head low.

“So tell me.”

So Veronica told Lilly the story of what had happened to her. She recounted her year and a half of hell at the hands of Logan. She told Lilly of her short relationship with Logan during that summer, her relationship with Duncan and it’s sad demise. Lilly listened as Veronica recounted details of solved mysteries and how she had solved Lilly’s own attack, the bus crash and her own rape. Finally Lilly listened to Veronica explain her relationship with Logan during her first year at Hearst. Veronica explained her life for hours, explaining the way she had become the person she was now, the people Duncan and Logan were. The three people that had to go on living without her.

It would be another day before Lilly was released. Veronica learned that even though she had just learned of Lilly waking up, Lilly had actually been awake for nearly six months. Jake and Celeste had kept it quiet, hoping that Lilly would be able to regain her health and a bit of her life in privacy. Celeste had been hoping that Lilly could regain the look and composure she needed to handle the media circus that was sure to come once the press got wind of it.

Kane Heiress Finally Awakens!

Lilly begged Veronica to call Logan, tell him that Celeste had set up camp in the hospital room and they wouldn’t be able to visit like they had planned. Veronica called, and lied to Logan as she sat and stared at her best friend.

Finally Veronica agreed to leave. Lilly was tired and made the point that she wasn’t going anywhere. Veronica agreed to keep it a secret that she was awake, and that she would return the next day. Celeste would be displeased to learn that Veronica knew, but it just made Lilly want her to come even more.


Eighteen hours later Veronica found herself standing in front of the door to Logan’s suite. Looking behind her, she raised her hand and knocked lightly on the door.

“You’re late.” Logan announced as he swung the door openly widely. Logan’s focus shifted to behind her and his mouth dropped open.

“Lilly? Whe… how… when?” he stuttered out, his hand fumbling the door knob and causing it swing back, hitting him in the shoulder and causing him to stumble a bit to the side.

“Yesterday. Well actually I’ve been awake for about six months days. But Veronica has known since yesterday.” Lilly answered, seeing Logan glare at Veronica for keeping the information from him for even that long. Lilly rolled her eyes and pushed her way into the suite, pushing past Logan. “So, you want to explain Shelly’s party?”

“Who’s Shelly?” Lilly turned around towards the voice, seeing four people she’d never seen before. And Dick.

“Hello mystery people. Dick, how’re you?” She asked with a cheery smile, gazing at the stranger curiously before looking to Logan and Veronica for introductions.

“Lilly, this is Wallace, my step-brother. His roommate Piz, who is also my ex. My friend Mac and her roommate Parker, who is also Logan’s ex.” Veronica replied, pointing to each person as she went down the line of people sitting on the couch. When she reached the end she realized that someone was missing. She had called Logan and asked him to call him earlier. “Where is he? Logan you called him right? I specifically asked you to-”

“Chill V, I’m here.” Weevil interrupted as he entered the room from the direction of the bathroom. “Lilly?”

“Eli?” Lilly asked, astonished to see him in what was currently Logan’s home.

Veronica looked between the two of them and waited for the outburst.

“Veronica!” They shouted in unison.

Chapter 2: Homecoming

fic: the return, ensemble, post-series, au

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