The Return 12: Sound (Ensemble, LoVe) NC-17

Apr 27, 2009 00:35

Title: The Return 12-Sound
Rating: NC-17 (for sexual situations)
Characters/Pairings: Logan, Veronica, Lilly the first, Duncan (mentions of: Lilly the second, Dick, Mac, Parker, Wallace, Weevil, Piz) LoVe and hints of MaDi
Word Count: 1,929
Spoilers: All episodes (from 1.01: Pilot to 3.20: The Bitch Is Back. Just to be sure) Although this is obviously AU and there are obviously going to be some alterations to events and especially some in the last couple of episodes.
Disclaimer: I own nothing. Literally, nothing. So don’t sue me over his, because you won’t get anything. It all belongs to Rob Thomas and if I had owned it when it was still on the last season would have been way different.
A/N: This story was also no originally mine, and I’d really like to stress that in the first two chapters. The original story can be found here) And this is my first attempt at anything AU, so… enjoy

Chapter 1: Awake/ Chapter 2: Homecoming/ Chapter 3: Forgive/ Chapter 4: Arrival/ Chapter 5: Reconnect/ Chapter 6: Belong/ Chapter 7: Bets/ Chapter 8: Fight/ Chapter 9: Battle/ Chapter 10: Retreat/ Chapter 11: Push

The Return

“What did you just say?” Logan asked again, standing frozen and stock still from Veronica’s hasty confession.

“I-I mean…” Veronica stuttered along, trying to explain away her admission. “Oh, hell with it. I love you. Always have, always will.”

Logan’s mouth hung open in shock, stunned that she was finally admitting her true feelings. Finally saying what he had always wanted her to say. Finally.

“What?” Logan cursed himself at the ridiculousness of his question, any more of this and she was going to take it back and kick him out of her bedroom.

Veronica looked at Logan, obviously amused by his reluctance to accept her words.

“I. Love. You.” She punctuated each word crisply, going slowly, as if she were speaking to a child.

Logan’s mouth stretched into a grin, and he rushed across the room to wrap his arms around her waist and trap her against his body.

“Don’t take it back, okay?” Logan whispered into her ear, just before he pressed his mouth against hers. His hands dropped to Veronica’s hips, gripping lightly, as he danced her backwards to the bed. He separated his lips from hers and leaned back.

Veronica was now standing at the foot of the bed, she eyes at half-mast and her lips were already swollen from the kisses. He let the right corner of his mouth pull up into a smile, she looked so cute. Logan gave her a gentle push on the shoulder, causing her to topple to the mattress, amusingly.

They stripped silently and quickly, staring at each other during the process. It’d been eight months since they’d last been together, eight months since either of them had been with anyone. He started on her hips, pressing his mouth to them.

Logan’s bottom lip trailed along Veronica’s skin as his mouth traveled up her body, pressing wet, open mouthed kisses to her skin every couple of inches. He lingered on her hip, her breasts and her neck, finally coming to settle directly on top of her, his face gazing down into hers.

He smiled down at her, a small and shy smile that he always gave her when they were in their most intimate of moments.

“Hi,” Logan whispered, pulling his bottom lip into mouth as he watch her eyes flutter a little and her lips form a small smile of her own.

“Hi,” Veronica whispered back to him, feeling herself overwhelmed by the look in his chocolaty brown eyes.

Biting into his lip, Logan stared into her eyes as he thrust into her. In that moment of complete intimacy he forced his eyes to stay open. The near painful burst of pleasure threatened to take him under and make him lose control. He fought it as he watched her face, and saw her own eyes flutter to a close as she inhaled sharply. His hands cupped her shoulders, pressing her down towards his pelvis.

Logan pulled out slightly and thrust back into her, causing Veronica to gasp. He ground his hips into hers, turning the gasp into a low moan. “Again.” She breathed out, her small hands gripping his shoulders and pulling his upper body closer to her.

Logan duplicated the action and was pleased by the sharp cry it achieved. He did it again, causing her back to arch, pressing her breasts harder into his chest. Veronica’s nails dug into his shoulders as he repeated the action again and again. She drug her nails down his back, not releasing any pressure. There would be marks tomorrow, red scratch marks serving as both a brand and a declaration.

Feeling Veronica begin to tighten around him, Logan reached down between them to help her along in her quest for release, swiping his thumb swiftly over her clit.

“Logan!” Veronica cried out, breaking apart in Logan’s arms as she rode the wave of pleasure.

Logan finally let go, tumbling into his own orgasm at the feel of Veronica reaching hers. He shouted her name as he pushed into her one last time, before he collapsed on top of her out of exhaustion.

Lilly lay in bed on the other side of the wall that supported both the headboard to Veronica’s bed and her own. A tear rolled out over her eye and down onto her pillow.

She wasn’t jealous, and she didn’t begrudge Veronica for jumping in bed with the sex god that was Logan Echolls. But listening to their happy little reunion, after hearing him declare his undying love for her best friend she wished she had been that girl for him. True, Logan Echolls had been absolutely infatuated with Lilly Kane once upon a time. He had claimed love-true and everlasting love-that had made quick work of any and all hesitation she had toward sex. Love had been something that got her panties off at the beginning of their relationship. Lilly hadn’t ever really believed that he loved her like he said he did, and that was why she had dallied so often with so many. But he had cared very deeply for her, of that much she was sure. And right now she missed the adoring looks from her brother’s best friend. Because believe it or not, she was lonely.

Lilly smiled, suddenly amused by her current circumstances. Here she was, lying in bed, alone, listening to her more now more worldly and more jaded best friend having sex with her boyfriend. Lilly Kane had somehow become Veronica Mars. She was by no means sweet and innocent, but compared to the Veronica her best friend was now, she was. Badass Veronica Mars that chased down bad guys, caught murderers and rapists, and didn’t need a guy, but had them all panting after her anyway.

While she had none.

Lilly was suddenly depressed again, the tears starting to flow more freely. A sob escaped her as she turned to lay on her right side. She wiped at her eyes before shutting them and trying to hold the tears in. She refused to cry herself to sleep.

The house is quite literally full of noise, and full of life. He’s sitting here in the center of the large King bed with Lilly the younger. His daughter tossed toys carelessly around the bed and crawled after them, pushing the buttons on them to make the music start and stop. Between the bursts of Mary Had A Little Lamb and silence he could hear the life that went on around him. And he was stuck in bed with a twenty-two month old little girl who had spent the day terrorizing all four girls and five of the six guys in the house. The only one she was sweet to was Logan, it seemed she was enamored with him, which proved his earlier point. All Lilly Kanes love him.

Of course that had been between fights and screaming matches and naps and meals. Now he was keeping her quiet with toys, but if she decided to rebel and become the little monster that she had been all day he’d be out of luck. Out of luck and stuck with a cranky almost-two-year-old because by the sound of things, Logan was busy.

The sounds of Veronica’s moans and Logan’s grunts traveled the two doors to Duncan’s bedroom. If she was getting loud he could only imagine that they were nearing the end of their activities and would be done soon. Hopefully she wouldn’t yell out anything too obscene for the innocent ears of his daughter.

Then he remembered. The only reason it was two doors down and not one was because Lilly had claimed the room right next to Veronica’s. They shared a wall, and if memory served that wall supported both of their headboards. Lilly Senior had gone to bed hours ago, drained from her earlier fights with the couple and could probably hear everything. Actually, she more than likely could hear it loud and clear after being awoken by the sound of them fighting nearly twenty minutes prior to this.

Little Lilly continued to push buttons, nursery rhymes blaring randomly throughout the room and making the sounds of Logan and Veronica bizarrely stuttered. But when she failed to end the song by pressing the button, Duncan realized that while he had drifted off in his own thoughts she had fallen asleep in the awkward position of being hunched over her toy.

The singing stopped and with it silence. There was no noise coming in from outside the bedroom’s open door for a few moments and Duncan thought that he might have imagined it But he could hear the low rumble of Logan’s voice followed by Veronica’s airy giggle. And mixed in with it was the low and subtle pitch of Lilly crying from her room sandwiched in between them and Duncan.

Duncan listened as Logan’s talking got quieter and then stopped. Veronica didn’t giggle anymore and he assumed that they had gone to sleep. Duncan thanked god and whoever else for that, for them not going for a second round. Out of all the things he wanted to hear in his life, the sound of his best friend having sex with his ex-girlfriend wasn’t among them.

Neither was the sound of his sister crying over it, so thankfully after a few more minutes that faded too. Duncan could only assume that she had fallen asleep as well, probably cried herself to sleep. She’d be pissed in the morning if that was the case, and Duncan hoped that she focused her wrath on the parties responsible.

Duncan slid off the bed and lifted his daughter, placing her gently in the sleeper crib that Logan had had set up in the room. After making sure she was still sound asleep he shuffled to the door to close out the other sounds of the house. But he paused at the sound of laughter.

Piz, Parker and Wallace were down in the kitchen playing a game in the kitchen, loudly. Parker was squealing and yelling about kicking one of their asses. It was possible they had found the old Monopoly board game that Logan and him had hid years ago to prevent Lilly and Veronica from forcing them to play it. During their stay here one summer Lilly had decided that red and green were too boring for the hotels and houses. So the game had pink houses and violet hotels, and instead of the regular game pieces it had been fashion charms that Lilly had gotten from the jewelry store. Logan refused to play a tube of lipstick, so he and Duncan had hidden the game then spent the rest of the trip listening to the girls whine about it.

Apparently Parker was winning, but Wallace sounded like he was gaining on her. The low rumbles from Piz sounded like he was losing, and pretty badly at that. Most of the noise was coming from Wallace and Parker, they were shouting and laughing and overly vocal about their game.

There were quieter noises coming from the living room. Dick and Madison were still down there, talking about summer and surfing. Duncan couldn’t even begin to imagine where their friendship had started, or why. Mac was giggling softly, and from what he had heard from Veronica about Mac, she didn’t giggle. Dick’s laugh was loud and boisterous in comparison, marking the contrast in their personalities. Somehow the two of them fit, though. The both seemed lost and broken in a way that he didn’t understand.

Like Logan and Veronica.


fic: the return, ensemble, logan/veronica, post-series, au, mac/dick

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