The Return 21: Armor(PG-13) Ensemble

Apr 27, 2009 01:10

Title: The Return 21-Armor
Rating: PG-13 (mentions of sexual situations)
Word Count: 3,472
Characters/Pairings: Lilly the first, Veronica, Lilly the second, Logan, Mac, Duncan, Parker (mentions of: Weevil, Wallace, Piz, and Dick) Logan/Veronica and Mac/Dick
Spoilers: All episodes (from 1.01: Pilot to 3.20: The Bitch Is Back. Just to be sure) Although this is obviously AU and there are obviously going to be some alterations to events and especially some in the last couple of episodes.
Disclaimer: I own nothing. Literally, nothing. So don’t sue me over this, because you won’t get anything. It all belongs to Rob Thomas and if I had owned it when it was still on the last season would have been way different.

Chapter 1: Awake/ Chapter 2: Homecoming/ Chapter 3: Forgive/ Chapter 4: Arrival/ Chapter 5: Reconnect/ Chapter 6: Belong/ Chapter 7: Bets/ Chapter 8: Fight/ Chapter 9: Battle/ Chapter 10: Retreat/ Chapter 11: Push/ Chapter 12: Sound/ Chapter 13: Potential/ Chapter 14: More/ Chapter 15: Storytime/ Chapter 16: Understanding/ Chapter 17: Piggyback/ Chapter 18: Sinners/ Chapter 19: Drama/ Chapter 20: Dinner

The Return

“This is kind of hard.” Lilly said to the room, holding a dress up in front of her in the mirror.

“What is?” Veronica asked distractedly while making funny faces at the baby Lilly on the bed.

“Picking out clothes. Especially when my best friend won’t even pay attention. How is a girl supposed to get a girl’s opinion when you can’t even tear your attention away for a second?” Lilly asked, petulantly. She knew she was being slightly immature-or maybe really immature-but this was a big step for her and Veronica couldn’t seem to care less.

“The pink dress is too loud for this little excursion, says that you are heading right back into your partying ways and that you’re still sixteen and stupid. The gold dress is too much for a small town bar, unless you’re trying for the spoiled brat angle and alienating yourself from everyone else. Which I hope isn’t actually your goal tonight. That denim skirt is too short and will invite all kinds of unwanted advances from the toothless bar rat to the over-weight, over-mustached truck driver. I really hope that isn’t your goal.” Veronica took a deep breath before continuing, never taking her eyes off the baby or stopping the silly faces. “My suggestion is the designer jeans, they’re not as pretentious because they’re virtually label-less on the outside, and the low-key camisole. But since you’re you and that’s what I’ll probably wear, my next thought would be that very sexy red halter that still leaves quite a bit to imagination in the cleavage department and isn’t registered under the national guidelines of trashy.”

Lilly turned from the mirror and stared at her best friend with her mouth open in shock.

“Oh, and the strappy black sandals with the wedge heel and the little red bead detailing. Those are cute.” With this last suggestion she looked up from the baby and at Lilly. “See? I pay attention.”

“That is the most perfectest outfit ever, Veronica Mars.” Lilly said as she ran across the room and jumped onto the bed with her ‘sister’ and her niece.

“Okay, I’m going to run and get my clothes on. Then we’ll do makeup, okay?” Veronica said as she slipped off the bed and towards the door.

When the door swung open it reveal a rather amused Duncan with his hand raised up into a fist, ready to knock.

“Can we help you?” Lilly asked in her snotty older sister voice. It felt like old times, like all this past stuff had never happened and they were all fifteen and sixteen years old again. The were in high school and getting ready to go to another weekend party, the four of them.

“Yeah, I came to get Little Lilly so she can have her bath and go to b-e-d. I figure I’ll have enough time while you’re all getting ready.” And just like that, with the mention of his daughter and his responsibilities, the bubble of nostalgia popped. The were all in their early twenties and there were four people she didn’t know here that knew Veronica and Logan and Duncan better than she did. And the past four years had happened and she’d missed them.

“Well, hurry up, I’m going to change in a moment and I’d feel better if you weren’t here when that happened.” Lilly said dismissively, trying not to let the rush of emotions enter her voice. She felt like crying all of a sudden. For the years she’d lost with her friends. For the many times she could have been doing this with Veronica.

Suddenly she realized that Veronica hadn’t been able to do this with anyone else since Lilly. That all those times she would have gotten ready to go out with Logan she would have done it alone and giggle free. That she had to get ready for their first date all by herself. Lilly should have been there. And she would have been if it weren’t for her own stupidity and rash behavior.

“Yeah, well me too.” Duncan hurried into the room to retrieve his daughter and quickly exited. Veronica left as well, closing the door behind her as she went back to her own room to grab the aforementioned jeans and camisole.

Lilly sank into the bed and took deep, calming breaths as she stared blindly ahead of her. All those moments, lost. Forever.

The full weight of what she had lost over the last four years really began to sink in. she’d lost so much. Prom. Graduation. Turning eighteen and twenty-one. Dates and dating and kissing and sex. Veronica and Logan and Duncan. Meg. Lilly didn’t really remember much of Meg Manning, nothing in fact, but she wished that she could have gotten to know the girl that mothered Duncan’s baby girl. This Wallace guy seemed fun. And Dick didn’t seem like so much of an idiot anymore and she had a feeling that this Mac girl was the cause of it. And that made her pretty damn cool, because Dick had always reveled in his idiocy.

With a new sense of determination Lilly walked to her closet and pulled out her label-less jeans and the red halter, she found her strappy, beaded sandals and began dressing for the night.

She’d make up for all those missed opportunities.

“I helped load the dishwasher. You proud?” Logan asked as he pulled out a green cotton t-shirt from his closet.

“Very.” Veronica replied as she stepped closer to him, pulling off her top as she did so.

“So much so that you intend reward me in the dirtiest way possible?” Logan asked, a smirk finding its way onto his face.

“And by ‘dirtiest way possible’ do you mean putting on my light pink cami or my blue one?” Veronica asked as she reached around him and into the closet, pulling out two silky tank tops with thin straps and lace edging.

“That was just mean.” Logan replied, but pointed to the pink one. She replaced the blue one in the closet and took the other of it’s hanger. As she pulled the pink silk top on Logan frowned as all of that lovely skin was covered up. “Couldn’t we just stay in tonight? Take that bubble bath?”

“No. Lilly is excited about going out and I don’t want her to be there alone.”

“She won’t be. There will be seven other people with her.” Logan pointed out as he pulled his dirty shirt off and threw it in the corner of the closet and pulled the clean one on.

“I meant without me. And you. She needs us for support. Plus I don’t want to Mac and Dick as the only ‘couple’ in the group.” Veronica explained as she pulled one pair of jeans off and another pair on, giving Logan a quick glimpse of the thong that matched her lacy white bra as she turned her back to him, zipping up the jeans.

Coming up behind her, Logan wrapped his arms around her. “Okay, just as long as you remember one thing.”

“What’s that?”

“That you’re fully allowed to take advantage of my drunken self.” Logan said.

And with that Veronica burst out into laughter, pushing Logan down onto the bed before joining him.

She could hear the laughter as she walked past Logan and Veronica’s door, along with Veronica’s pleading with Logan to ‘stop tickling her’. It made Mac smile to think of badass Veronica Mars being brought down by a simple act of tickling.

She knocked softly on Lilly’s door and was a little surprised when Lilly called for her to ‘come in’ rather than asking who it was.

“I was wondering. Well… this is a little awkward, especially because I don’t usually care and its not like anything has really changed with me dating Dick. But I’ve never, you know, especially with you guys and I remember how the four of you used to be. I just wanted to know-” Mac stammered and stuttered out, trying to avoid the actual reason she was in here, only to be cut off by Lilly.

“You’re outfit is cute, the best part about it is that you own it. Not the other way around. You’re outfit should fit you and your personality, any other way is just posing. A lot of people don’t get that. Like Madison Sinclair. She dresses expensively to impress, and you can tell that she’s uncomfortable and playing a part. That’s why she’ll always be the poor man’s queen bee.” Lilly explained, sounding amused that Mac was so nervous about asking.

“So it’s okay? I mean you won’t be embarrassed to be seen with the computer nerd?” Mac asked, only this time she didn’t feel nervous or ridiculous. This was a question asked in jest, and Lilly’s responding laugh made her feel comfortable enough to take a step or two into the room.

“No. I’m pretty much unembarrassable. It’s one of my defining qualities. You can come on in if you want, I don’t bite, much.” Lilly said, waving vaguely at the rumpled bed behind her and refocusing her attention on the full-length mirror in front of her.

“But when she does bite, it’s usually pretty hard.” Mac heard Duncan say as he passed by the open door at exactly the right moment.

“And shut the door because the Donut is and always has been a world class eavesdropper.” Lilly instructed with more sentimentality in her voice than annoyance.

Mac slid the door shut than ventured over to the extremely comfy looking bed and sat on the edge.

“If you’re going to sit on it, really sit on it. Like you mean it, because if you’re going to get ready like one of the girls that means really messing up the bed. Besides, Veronica has done most of that work for you.” Lilly turned to Mac now, fully dressed. “How do I look?”

Lilly wore a pair of lightly faded jeans-probably designer-that looked like they had seen better days, but somehow she could pull the look off and still look pretty classy. The red halter top wasn’t cut so low in front as some of the tops Mac remembered the older girl wearing at school over four years ago. There was a lot of back exposed but it was dusted lightly with a gold shimmer that made her tan skin glow. Mac felt a little envious of that effortlessness that came to Lilly. The ability to pull off any look and still look amazing and mysterious and perfect.

“You look great.” Mac finally said as Lilly moved from the full length mirror to the smaller vanity mirror of the dresser.

“The trick is to automatically assume you look fabulous. It’s a confidence thing, if you know you look great than you do, it shines through. It’s like armor.” Lilly said as she began applying make up. Within a few minutes she’d finished. Batting her eyelashes she finished the subtly smoky eye make up and smacked her lips. Peach and überglossy.

“Can I do your make up?” Lilly asked, whirling around to face Mac.

The idea of someone else putting make up on her made her want to run from the room. But this was Lilly Kane, queen of their high school and town princess. The girl look flawless all the time. What could it hurt? If she hated it she could wash it off and reapply.

“Sure. But nothing too crazy.”

Lilly’s face spread into a rather satisfied looking grin. “No problem.”

Finally, his daughter was bathed and tucked in, her bedtime story read. She was asleep and had been asleep for a good thirty minutes. Duncan headed down to the kitchen to prepare another sippy-cup of very watered down apple juice in case Lilly were to wake up while he was gone.

“Hey.” Parker greeted as he walked into the kitchen.

“Hey.” Duncan glanced at the dish washer, still off, and wondered if he should ask Parker to start it. Then again, that would just prove his spoiled little rich boy image. He decided to leave it, and if anyone asked why he never started it he’d blame it on Logan.

“You guys leaving soon? Because I can’t have my party if you’re all still here.” She was joking. He knew she was joking, but for a split second an image of his daughter being passed around a sea of party goers-crowd surfing-flashed in his head and he felt himself pale.

“I’m kidding Duncan. It’s just watered down apple juice and old Freddie Prinze Jr. movies for me tonight.” Parker picked up her glass of water and started to head into the kitchen.

“I knew that. I mean, who do you know up here to have a party with? And besides, you wouldn’t have one with the baby in the house. Much less let her crowd surf.” That last part just seemed to slip out and Duncan silently prayed she wouldn’t notice.

“Crowd surfing?” Parker asked, giving him a weird look. One he deserved.

“Nevermind.” Duncan waved it off, hoping she’d think it was some weird inside joke between him and Logan or Veronica. Or Lilly. Duncan shook his head and got back to the point. “I trust you.”

“No you don’t. Not really.” Parker corrected, and Duncan had to admire her inability to take the lie at face value, not ignore the truth.

“You’re right, I don’t. But I’m starting to. And if I live through this experience, maybe I’ll be able to start to let go a little.”

“You know, if I understand this correctly, you’re biggest issue with me as a babysitter is that Lilly doesn’t know me. But to my understanding she’s known Lilly, your sister, for the same amount of time as she’s known me. Same with Veronica and Logan, but you let them watch her while you sleep and stuff. You don’t have any problem if they take her.” Parker sat down at the counter on one of the tall stools and looked at him expectantly.

Duncan was trying to go easy on her, but she was making it hard. He had to agree with her point, even if it did sound slightly accusatory. The only reason his defenses didn’t kick in was the honest curiosity in her voice and the innocent look on her face.

“Because they’re family and on some level I feel like Lilly has always known them. Always will. It’s natural for me to trust them with her.” Duncan replied, felling guilty for making her feel like he didn’t trust her. Truth was, he had a hard time trusting in anything or anyone after being on the run for so long. And after having to protect his daughter from so many different things it was hard to trust her being with anyone but his two friends and big sister. The three of them had always had Duncan’s back and in the end he always trusted in them without fail, to continue to do so.

Parker smiled at him. Not an accusatory smile or a sad one. She was simpler than that. She didn’t read something into everything like Lilly. She didn’t automatically assume that it was some sort of personal attack like Logan. And she certainly was suspicious and defensive like Veronica. It was just a smile that seemed to end the conversation as she got up and stepped closer to him.

“You look nice, Duncan. All dressed up.”

“Thanks. It’s been a while since I’ve had to dress to go out, but it’s still the same. It’s still like putting on a mask.” Duncan looked down at his dark jeans and brilliant blue button down shirt. An old standard.

“Why is that?” Parker’s head tilted a little to the side, making Duncan smile. He wondered if it was a natural instinct of her to do the head tilt or if she’d learned it from Veronica.

“Going out was like doing battle at Neptune High. You went out to show you belong and to dominate the social scene. You didn’t just go out to have fun because someone always had an agenda. And you certainly didn’t go out and let loose and let everyone see who you were. Because at Neptune High, letting people see who you really were would only destroy you.” Duncan explained before turning and walking out of the kitchen.

“Should we establish designated drivers now?” Veronica asked, looking around at the many faces of her friends-and Dick-gathered in the foyer of the Echolls Cabin. No matter how nice Dick had been to her lately and how cute he was with Mac, Veronica still couldn’t bring herself to think of him as a friend. So for now he had his own category. The Dick category.

“And how, pray tell, do we establish that my dear?” Lilly asked from her place on the stairs, she was leaning back on her elbows and her feet sprawled in front of her. Two steps down and to her right was Mac, dressed in a black t-shirt and jeans. Her hair was loose and her make similar to Lilly’s, only just a hint more subtle.

“Draw straws?” Duncan asked, hopefully. Veronica could tell he really hoped that this didn’t turn out like every single other time they’d gone out with Logan and Lilly. Where either he or Veronica automatically ended up being the designated drivers.

“How about we do it like we used to?” Logan suggested, looking at her. She remembered how they used to choose. Last one to get their drink lost and forfeited said to drink to one of the other three and then spent the better part of the night tracking one or all of them down. She’d been on the losing end of that arrangement more times than she’d like to admit.

“Actually, I have a better idea.” Veronica started. “Lilly, Duncan and Wallace are all exempt from this.”

“Why them?” Logan asked indignantly.

“Because Wallace has been traumatized. This is Duncan’s one night to relax. And been four years for Lilly, and even if it hadn’t there’s no way in hell she’d ever stay sober.” Veronica explained as she went into the kitchen and came out with a hand full of sticks.

“Are you kidding? We’re actually going to draw straws?” Dick asked, staring at her.

“No. We don’t have any straws, Dick. These are sticks. And since we’re taking two cars there are two short ones for two drivers.” Veronica arranged five straws and held them out. “Who wants to go first?”

“I will.” Logan volunteered, stepping closer until he was directly in front of her, blocking her face from everyone else. He stared into her eyes and let his index finger hover over one stick, and then another, waiting for her to give him a sign. Finally, with a slight raise of her eyebrow, he landed on one and plucked it out of her hand.

“Remember, keep it to yourself until the end.” Veronica said, just in time to stop him from revealing his stick to everyone.

Mac was next, and then Dick. Piz was the last to pick, leaving Veronica with the last stick.

“Okay everyone, lets see it.” Veronica commanded and everyone held their stick out for inspection. “Looks like Dick and Piz will be drinking Pepsi all night.”

With that Logan swiped up his keys and announced that since he wasn’t drunk yet he’d drive there.

As everyone shuffled out of the house, Dick trying desperately to persuade Logan to take his place, Mac grabbed a hold of Veronica’s hand and pulled her back.

Logan looked back at Veronica as her hand slipped out of his, his eyes momentarily wide in shock, as if he was scared she’d changed her mind.

“I’ll be right there.” Veronica assured him and lightly shut the front door to afford Mac the privacy she’d so obviously wanted for this. “What’s up?”

“I let Lilly do my make up.” Mac blurted out.

“I know. I recognize the style.” Veronica said, amused at the fact that Mac seemed a little nervous about it.

“It was kind of fun, and I like I just don’t know if I can pull it off the way she can. Does it look okay? Or do I look silly?” Mac asked, and Veronica remembered that feeling. The feeling that what looked good on Lilly wouldn’t look good on her.

“It looks great Mac. Lilly wouldn’t have done it if it didn’t. She’s one of those girls with a natural talent for perfectly applying make up. It’s her skill. You look hot.” With that last assurance Veronica pulled open the front door and stepped outside, pulling Mac out with her. “And you look like you, which is what matters.”

Chapter 22:Mingle

fic: the return, ensemble, logan/veronica, post-series, au, mac/dick

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