Title: all the seeds in our garden fight Fandom: LOST Characters: Mother/Jack Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 108 Summary: Even in death he is like her. (prompt - path, written for lost_in_108)
Title: Anesthesia Fandom: LOST Characters: Jack/Ilana Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 108 Summary: He is his own worst patient. (sideways verse; prompt - run, written for lost_in_108 )
Title: Like Daughter, Like Mother Fandom: LOST Characters: Sun/Jack Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 108 Summary: She'd like to say this has never happened before. (prompt - remix, written for lost_in_108 , prequel to Beneath Withered Branches)
Title: Symphony Fandom: LOST Characters: David Shephard Rating: PG Word Count: 546 Summary: Practice makes perfect. (written for the lostsquee ficlet challenge)
Title: Playing House Fandom: LOST Characters: Juliet/Jack, David Rating: PG Word Count: 108 Summary: Maybe, if we pretend it's okay, maybe, it'll all go away. (for lost_in_108 , prompt - reflection, and 12_stories , leaving)
Title: microcomputer, spoke, razor Fandom: LOST Characters: Locke, Aaron, Jack Rating: PG Word Count: 324 Summary: Three drabbles written for lostsquee
Title: upstairs, closer, commons Fandom: LOST Characters: Eloise/Charles, Ana/Jack, Esau & Jacob Rating: PG, PG-13, PG Word Count: 324 Summary: Three drabbles written for lostsquee