Author: feliciacraft Title: Those Words Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Character(s)/Pairing: Buffy/Spike Rating: PG Warning(s): None Prompt: “what if?” Length: 100 words
Author: verucasalt123 Title: No Second Chance Rating: General Pairing/s: N/A Character/s: Buffy, Spike Warnings: reference to temporary character death
Author: verucasalt123 Title: Missing Pieces Rating: PG-13 Pairing/s: Buffy/Spike Character/s: Buffy, Spike Warnings: reference to sexual activity, cursing A/N: OMG I wrote het.
Title: Not Forgotten Rating: PG Pairing/s: none Character/s: Spike, Buffy, Dawn Summary: Spike kept his word Warnings: reference to Buffy’s death/ressurection Word Count: 100
Working Title: A New Me Author: Kat Lee Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Character/Pairing: Buffy, Faith Rating: PG/K+ Challenge: Dye/Die Warning(s): None Word Count: 100 Summary: ( Buffy starts a new night on the town. Faith watches. )
Title: Eternity Character: Buffy Pairing: Buffy/Angel Rating: PG Length: Drabble- 100 words Disclaimer: Characters belong to Joss, Mutant Enemy etc Summary: Buffy is more than aware we can't always have what we want.
Working Title: Chicken Soup for the Soul Author: Kat Lee Character/Pairing: Buffy, Willow Rating: G/K Challenge: Bed Warning(s): None Word Count: 100 Summary: ( It's more than a cold that's kept the Slayer in bed. )