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Comments 107

sparkindarkness October 11 2012, 23:50:04 UTC
My coming out story isn't very encouraging.

I came out to my best friend and he broke my jaw and spread it around school. Several years of hell followed that I still have some nasty physical and mental scars from it.

But, eventually I was able to be open and not trying to take it back and it was amazingly freeing and empowering. Just being me was a joy beyond compare, beyond words, beyond description. coming out, being out and refusing to crawl back in was the most powerful thing I've ever done

So I will say do not come out until you are ready to do so - don't be pressured into it and don't assume you have to come out. But when you do come out, we'll be there to celebrate with you - and there's a special kind of freedom that only can come with the closet door knocked down.

Edited to be less depressing Now I am OUT to everyone and I will smash any closets they try to push me back in and have done for years, with my husband beside me.


perthro October 12 2012, 04:59:44 UTC
OMG. o_o ::hugs if you want them::

I'm glad it didn't break you. And that you were eventually able to be honest with the world on your own terms. <3


romp October 12 2012, 06:47:49 UTC
Aww! I love the image at the end. Congrats!


quicksilvermad October 11 2012, 23:52:03 UTC
I'm bisexual, I came out to my best friend (I've known her since we were in the second grade together) in August, and she was cool about it all. I still haven't come out to my parents or my sister, but I think that might call for more courage than I have at the moment.


atheistkathleen October 12 2012, 00:24:28 UTC

... )


farting_nora October 12 2012, 00:36:04 UTC
I recently came out as a lesbian and left my husband. I still feel like a total idiot (and a bit of an asshole) for marrying a man in the first place. I just couldn't keep faking anymore. For now we are continuing to live together but in different bedrooms for financial reasons, which is awkward but could really be a lot worse. We hope that in the long run we can be friends for the kids.

I tried doing this about a year ago, but I didn't really have anywhere to go so I ran back into the closet in fear.


romp October 12 2012, 06:50:41 UTC
FWIW, I've known several women who went through that exact experience. Down to needing to stay in the same house with the ex-husband.

That's crazy brave. Congrats! The women I know who've done this say that, looking back, they had no idea how happy they could and would be. :)


caterfree10 October 12 2012, 00:49:05 UTC
I'm generally out as bi and polyamorous on the internet (which leads to "OMG FUCK YOU FOR BEING A WALKING STEREOTYPE" shit from fellow bis as well on top of regular ol' monosexism *SIGH*), but only my sister knows in my family and that was because she found my tumblr and saw the little bisexual scarf on my sidebar. Though she's safe simply out of the fact that, well, we've had a LOT of secrets between us that we keep from our parents, to avoid long-ass cool story brosis time so. I think the only one I really officially came out to was an old friend I bumped into at work who I hadn't seen in a good 6+ years. We were talking and then "oh btw I'm bi, jsyk" and they were cool with it so. xD ( ... )


roseofjuly October 12 2012, 04:13:35 UTC
No, fuck all those people who either make up stereotypes about bisexual people, or assume that "polyamorous" means "fucks everyone". From a fellow bi. We can't attack each other, we have to attack the folks who perpetuate the stereotypes. It's their fault.


caterfree10 October 12 2012, 04:34:36 UTC
Fucking seriously. Some bi people are poly and that's okay and I just fucking can't with some sections of the bi community, ugh. DX But then there are also sections of the LGBTQ community that refuse to acknowledge anything past the LGB parts so there's also that lovely bullshit. God, the infighting in the LGBTQ overall community pisses me off some days, it really does.


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