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Comments 107

martydressler October 12 2012, 00:49:54 UTC
I want to come out, but I'm not sure what to come out as just yet. I'm still figuring myself out.


cuterabbit33 October 12 2012, 02:38:36 UTC
Honestly, I'm thinking I'm in the same boat.


seishin October 12 2012, 05:07:25 UTC


wrestlingdog October 12 2012, 04:46:58 UTC
Same here. I don't know what I am.


poisoncity October 12 2012, 00:53:10 UTC
I kinda came out publicly last month? My girlfriend and I added our relationship status/who we're with on Facebook. It scared the hell out of me 'cause, despite 90% of my friends knowing already, my mother's super Catholic family (who are FB friended) didn't know (actually, no one but my mom/dad/brothers/friends know).

And I'm pretty sure my dad's sister knows, when she not-so-subtly told me I should be with someone who makes me happy, be they man or woman.

:/ It saddens me that I'll never come out at work, 'cause I work with pretty conservative people, and I'm scared of homophobic reactions, and I really like most of the people I work with.


masakochan October 12 2012, 00:58:56 UTC
Almost, if not all, of my friends know I'm bi.

When it comes to my family though, only my youngest sister knows- and is generally cool with it. But I'm not coming out to the rest of them until I've moved somewhere else- in fear of how they would react due to a couple of them believing in 'ex-gay' camps. D:


tinylegacies October 12 2012, 02:20:04 UTC
Happy Coming Out Day!

I officially came out two years ago today. It was a surprise to pretty much no one who knows me though so it was relatively anti-climactic. I know I'm very lucky to have such supportive family and friends.

Good luck to all of you who are planning to come out, congratulations to all who have, and I hope those of you aren't able to yet will be able to in the future.


perthro October 12 2012, 02:23:55 UTC
I keep switching back and forth as to whether or not to come out as bi (or technically, pan-, since I'm pretty much into bodies, not just defined sets of features). Most of the time, I'm attracted to guys, but then I'm all *dokidoki* for ambiguously-gendered people or femgirls. What qualifies as "bi enough ( ... )


gloraelin October 12 2012, 02:30:49 UTC
I joke that the best part about being pansexual is that I get to flirt with everybody. Generally I get laughs, like today. Sometimes people don't understand though, especially with regard to "but isn't pansexual just some fancy PC word for bisexual?!" and ugh, the headdesking.

I also totally feel you on the threesome-with-me-and-my-bf, or let's-all-have-an-orgy bullshit. Just because I could be happy in a 2+ person relationship doesn't mean a] I want to do it with YOU, and b] doesn't mean I necessarily want a threesome. The really weird association of "bisexual" with "easy" certainly doesn't help, and that's one of the things I had in mind when I first came out, actually. I knew I'd probably get some reactions like that, but I figured that I'm in a better place to fight them than others, so I might as well. You certainly don't have to, that's not something anyone can tell you to do, but it's what helped me.



roseofjuly October 12 2012, 04:19:22 UTC
I am also bi and also married to a man and UGH I hate that. Even my gay supervisor was like "...but you're married to a man!" before he caught himself. And people use it as an excuse to get all into my business and sexual history. I call it the "Are You Really Bi" Test. "So you've been with girls before? Really? How many? What kind of girl do you like?" Um, none of your fucking business, yo.


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