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Comments 107

curseangel October 11 2012, 23:21:51 UTC
I'm out to the most important people in my life (my aunt, online friends, etc.), which was awkward, but.. you know, what're you going to do? It worked out. My aunt loves my girlfriend and considers her a second niece, and everybody gets along and I love it ( ... )


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curseangel October 11 2012, 23:56:23 UTC
That's awesome. :) My school is.. not so much on that, but it's in NYC so I guess most people aren't that bothered?

Ugh, seriously. The worst part is that my aunt and I (and my girlfriend!) are moving down to Kentucky next year for my aunt's work, and my mom wants to come get a house with my aunt there, and.. yeah, if that happens I'm going to have to tell my mom, otherwise things will be even more weird and awkward than usual. :\ idk what to do with that, but it's a few years away so for now I'm ignoring it.


mycenaes October 11 2012, 23:31:32 UTC
Wrt my immediate family, I'm out to my mom, but she told me that she'd rather I date a man (I'm bi, fyi) and that I should choose to be straight. :( Idk how my dad would react.

At least my friends are more supportive. I just wish I could hang out with them in the city more, as opposed to living with my parents in Bumbletown, Suburbia. I get a lot of negative messages from my mom and dad about LGBTQI folk, bleh.

...I swear I didn't want to be a downer, but that's pretty much my story, lol.


ellonwye October 11 2012, 23:31:55 UTC
Maybe when I'm feeling a little braver. Good luck all you folks that do it!


redstar826 October 11 2012, 23:45:31 UTC
I always feel a bit weird because my coming out story isn't all that cheerful and happy and I feel like people want happy stuff for coming out day (things are much better for me now though)


mycenaes October 11 2012, 23:49:45 UTC
glad that things are better for you now <3


crossfire October 11 2012, 23:51:39 UTC
Most of my friends' coming out stories are very traumatic. I recognize how lucky I was.


sparkindarkness October 12 2012, 00:07:18 UTC
Same... everyone's celebrating and I think "yeaaaaah I'm going to bring everyone down"

Glad everything is shinier now :)


crossfire October 11 2012, 23:48:14 UTC
Yay posted ( ... )


lanwut October 12 2012, 04:18:24 UTC
Your paragraph about the toxicity of being in the closet and thinking/knowing that if you came out to your family then you might not really have them as a family anymore really hits home for me. It's the reason I haven't come out yet to them, even though my friends know.


crossfire October 12 2012, 17:12:35 UTC
I think it's okay to not be out to ALL THE PEOPLE, just beware that it has its dangers, and that toxicity is one of them. If I'd known about it I probably could have mitigated it but I didn't even know.


romp October 12 2012, 06:46:45 UTC
I can relate to all that. I let my family figure it out which worked well for me. Except my mother had to protect my father from the news--when he learned I was with a woman, he was hurt that it had been a secret and truly did not give a fuck about any stigma.

It is a great relief to just be open and immediate. It felt like I took off a time delay filter I had in my brain and no longer had to worry about passing as "normal" all the time. And, yeah, when you're that careful, the emotionally cautious, it's a lot harder to get close to anyone. IME :)


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