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caterfree10 October 12 2012, 00:49:05 UTC
I'm generally out as bi and polyamorous on the internet (which leads to "OMG FUCK YOU FOR BEING A WALKING STEREOTYPE" shit from fellow bis as well on top of regular ol' monosexism *SIGH*), but only my sister knows in my family and that was because she found my tumblr and saw the little bisexual scarf on my sidebar. Though she's safe simply out of the fact that, well, we've had a LOT of secrets between us that we keep from our parents, to avoid long-ass cool story brosis time so. I think the only one I really officially came out to was an old friend I bumped into at work who I hadn't seen in a good 6+ years. We were talking and then "oh btw I'm bi, jsyk" and they were cool with it so. xD ( ... )


roseofjuly October 12 2012, 04:13:35 UTC
No, fuck all those people who either make up stereotypes about bisexual people, or assume that "polyamorous" means "fucks everyone". From a fellow bi. We can't attack each other, we have to attack the folks who perpetuate the stereotypes. It's their fault.


caterfree10 October 12 2012, 04:34:36 UTC
Fucking seriously. Some bi people are poly and that's okay and I just fucking can't with some sections of the bi community, ugh. DX But then there are also sections of the LGBTQ community that refuse to acknowledge anything past the LGB parts so there's also that lovely bullshit. God, the infighting in the LGBTQ overall community pisses me off some days, it really does.


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caterfree10 October 12 2012, 04:45:05 UTC
lol that's cool. Just like monogamy isn't for everyone, polyamory isn't for everyone either. And I like that point about more people potentially recognizing abusive behavior bc I hadn't really thought of that. I was mostly thinking along the lines of the way a poly fic I read once where the one person was all "I love too damn much to stay with only one person so let me love all of you okay, okay". x3 But yeah, that's a great point and one to add to my arsenal of "this is why polyamory is awesome" pile. <3

Well, they got the restraining order on sis's friend, not my sis. Either way, it really scares me and makes me kind of want to stay in my half closet thing I've got going on for fear of disowning or whatever. DX srsly, wtf did I do in a previous life to warrant being the black sheep of the family in all the worst possible ways? *headdesk*


perthro October 12 2012, 05:23:12 UTC
The infighting sucks. That's part of why I've stayed out of lgbtqi community-related stuff, aside from the fact that I still don't feel "bi-enough". I'll support local gay safehouses, like the coffee shop I try to get to, stuff like that, but I'm not really part of any societies or anything. I don't need more people telling me that I'm doing sexuality 'wrong'. heh ( ... )


elialshadowpine October 12 2012, 12:35:18 UTC
Oh lord, the infighting. It's to the point I am very cautious and do a lot of lurking in groups before I participate. Being poly and pansexual and have certainly had more involvement with women than men -- somehow it is all negated because I am married to somebody that they perceive as male (even though my partner IDs as genderqueer, apparently that doesn't matter even to the people who know about it). I mention my girlfriends a lot but somehow they do not matter, only the male-perceived or male-identified ones matter, and I am just as bad as a straight chick making out with a girl to get attention. And don't get me started on the "sleeping with the enemy" thing that I have heard WAY too many times from groups that also have a large feminist contingent. (Just to be clear: I ID as a feminist. I'm in a lot of queer feminist groups where this doesn't happen. I HAVE had it happen enough though that it is really fucking upsetting, especially since some are transphobic and qualify my trans women partners as male ( ... )


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