Title: Remarkable - The Same Difference
Pairing: Ohmiya | Sakuraiba
Rating: R
Genre: alternative, angst, mystery
Summary: Ohno Satoshi - newly hired host in a men's club - was slowly losing his hopes for a better life. Then one day he met a mysterious customer and his whole being suddenly hoped that his life would take a turn for the better. But Ohno couldn't even imagine the consequences this no doubt important meeting would have.
Warning: AU (Alternative Universe), RPS (Real Person Slash)
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28 Chapter 29
The sun rose silently over Ninomiya’s apartment, bringing warmth and light with it, slowly illuminating the vampire’s bedroom and caressing it with its rays. One of these rays passed the open curtains and landed on Ohno’s face, making him scrunch up his eyes. A low, tired sound formed in his throat and was almost muffled by his closed mouth as Ohno slowly moved his heavy limbs. His eyes were still closed tightly.
He didn’t really want to wake up.
But he did anyway; his mind became more and more alert and life returned to his limp body. But along with wakefulness came the headache.
“Uhh…,” he groaned a little louder before the sound morphed into a yawn. His head was pounding, and while the feeling wasn't unbearable, it wasn't pleasant either; and it was highly unusual. What had happened the night before?
Suddenly Ohno Satoshi's eyes flew open - he couldn't remember a thing.
But this shoking revelation was quickly followed by another as he found himself staring straight into Ninomiya's soft brown eyes.
He closed his eyes again quickly, hoping against hope that Ninomiya hadn’t seen his eyes open. And deep inside he also hoped that he himself had imagined, Ninomiya staring at him.
But wait.
‘Huh… I… I’m lying… but why… how can he be directly in front of me… huh…?’
And with growing trepidation Ohno realized exactly where he was lying. Or rather, on whom.
‘Nino-san… I’m… lying on top of him!’
At once his heart started racing. He felt as if it would burst any moment, there was no way the little organ could keep up beating at this rate for very long. But it just kept racing, and even increased its rate slightly, when he suddenly heard Ninomiya's voice:
“Stop pretending, silly. I know you’re awake,” he said playfully and Ohno couldn’t fight the heat that rose in his cheeks. Damn. He knew.
When Ohno opened his eyes again slowly and shyly looked Nino in the eyes again, he couldn’t help but feel as if he had been caught doing something wrong. He rolled off of the warm body, risking a quick glance at his body underneath the blanket and was relieved to see that he was fully-clothed.
Then he did a double-take.
‘What…? Nino-san’s clothes?’
He looked back at Ninomiya right away, feeling out of his depth, but knowing that he had to say something.
“Erm... good morning…? Sorry?” was all he could manage, the thousands of questions flitting through his mind were too fast for him to catch quite so soon after waking up. There had to be a simple, logical explanation fort his situation. There had to!
Peals of laughter fell from Ninomiya's lips at his words, making Ohno feel even more nervous. The young man shook his head lightly, then smiled at him.
“You didn’t do anything that you have to apologize for, Satoshi-kun."
Ohno could only nod, calmed by the customer’s soft voice, but he bowed quickly anyway.
“Did I… sleep like that the entire night...?" he asked carefully, when he was looking back up at Nino. He hoped the answer was 'no', that he hadn't forced himself on his customer.
‘Even though I have to admit… that I slept really well…’
Then he heard Ninomiya giggle.
“Yes, you did,” he answered, a strange grin on his lips, as he leaned back into the soft pillows and closed his eyes. Ohno couldn’t stop his gaze from roaming over the customer’s relaxed face, all the while asking himself what had happened the night before.
Judging by his headache, he had drunk too much. He remembered Masaki-san and Sho coming over to visit them, but after that everything was a hazy, blurred mess. He couldn’t make out any clear pictures, no matter how hard he tried.
But with the way Ninomiya was acting right now, it might be better for him not to remember. Ohno became more and more nervous.
But no matter what had happened, no matter what they had or hadn't done, Nino didn't seem to be angry with him. And that was what was most important; as long as his customer was happy, everything was fine.
“Did you have a nice time with me last night?” he asked, the words tumbling from his lips before he could even think about how they would sound. When Ninomiya only started to laugh again, Ohno pulled the blanket up to his nose, looking at him shyly, ashamed that he didn't know what to do.
“You're a funny one!” Nino got out in between bouts of laughter, "We didn't do anything untoward, if that's what you mean." While speaking, Nino had turned the rest of the way to face Ohno completely and moved a tad closer to him. Still lying down, he lifted his arm and, calmly yet decisively, pulled the blanket from the host’s face.
“You were just a little drunk, cutie.”
Sho was sitting on a light green sofa in Aiba’s living room. He was sitting there, feeling as if he had left his body, as if he was looking down on himself from above. Watching himself stare at the table, his head empty.
And while he was sitting there he lost all hope of ever waking up from this nightmare.
“Damn, he isn’t answering his phone!” Aiba exclaimed close by and Sho turned to look at him. Aiba was pacing and pressing the same buttons on his phone over and over again.
Sho’s gaze slowly wandered back to the coffee table, but he could feel Aiba come closer.
“Sho… I can’t get a hold of Nino! But… but we need to warn him. Who knows what Matsumoto is up to…“ Aiba had sat down next to him and he felt his hand on his shoulder, his frightened eyes on his skin.
On the way to his apartment, Aiba had explained that Matsumoto was the pure vampire they had met that night. At the same time he had said that it was high time for them to leave not only the house, but the city, maybe even Japan.
Sho didn’t point out that that was the opposite of what he had promised him earlier. He knew it would be impossible for the vampire to stay by his side forever.
“Maybe Satoshi is still at his house…,” Sho whispered, his gaze still locked on the coffee table.
“Hai, maybe! Oh no, if he is, we really have to warn Nino! Who knows what… God, I have to get through to him!” Aiba jumped to his feet, grabbed his cell phone and called the same number he had been trying to reach before. But his pained sigh showed Sho that there was no answer, again.
“What if he…? No, that can’t be! It’s still daylight! Matsumoto won’t go outside right now…,“ Aiba sounded as if his attempt at calming himself was failing miserably.
“Go to him, then," Sho said curtly, looking back at Aiba in time to see his eyes widening.
“Yes! Yes, that’s what I’ll do, Sho!” And Sho could only watch the vampire rush down the hall and put on his shoes.
A little peace and quiet would be good for him.
“Ah! But I won’t leave you here!" the host suddenly heard the familiar voice say close to his ear. He looked Aiba in the eyes, eyes that were full of emotion. Nervousness, worry, a smidge of despair, mixed in with another emotion he had never seen in Aiba’s eyes before: Affection.
“Masaki-san, I don’t think it’s a good idea for me to come with you…,” Sho began when he was finally able to look away from Aiba's eyes, "Ninomiya... doesn't..." But then the host hesitated, not sure how to say this.
He was like Ninomiya now. And he had the feeling that the smaller vampire wouldn’t like it one bit, that it would only complicate things further. And he never wanted to see Ninomiya again, anyway.
Not to mention that Satoshi was most likely with him. And Sho didn’t dare see him, not when he had no idea how to control the monster within himself.
But Aiba didn’t give him a chance to back out. He grabbed Sho's hand, pulled him close and wrapped his arms around his body.
“I told you I’d take care of you. And that’s why you won’t stay here alone. I’ll take care of you, Sho, even when we’re with Nino. I feel your fear, fear for what will happen when you see Satoshi, right? But even during that I will be at your side and keep an eye on you. Noone will be hurt, I promise!”
Soon they had left Aiba's apartment.
It took a while for Ohno to calm down after Nino’s words. Especially the word ‘cutie’ had made his cheeks redden again. At the same time it made his belly tingle and, on top of his red cheeks, he now had to hide a wide smile, as well.
“But you tried to convince me that you weren’t drunk.”
Upon hearing Nino’s bemused voice, Ohno looked up again, hoping against hope that his embarrassment would be over soon. But it only grew stronger with every sentence Ninomiya uttered.
“Did I really…? You… shouldn’t believe everything I say… when I’m drunk…” Ohno tried to hide his embarrassment by shrugging his shoulders, but the traitorous heat wouldn’t leave his cheeks.
“Apparently not,” Nino answered curtly, but at the same time the host felt two hands reach for him and draw him closer to Nino’s body. A second later he found himself in the customer’s strong arms, his cheeks still red, but now accompanied by a wide, happy smile. And a racing heart.
But the sound of the doorbell suddenly interrupted their moment.
He had sat right here, in Aiba’s car, a few times before, but he had never felt as much while doing it as he did now. The connection he had with him now was incredible. He couldn’t decide whether it was good or bad yet, but their connection felt real, alive.
Was it because Aiba’s blood was flowing through his veins now?
“I just hope nothing has happened…,” Aiba whispered, apparently thinking aloud. Sho didn’t answer; he rather looked out the window and watched the streets and houses passing them by, clearer than ever before. He would definitely need some time to get used to this, just like he needed time to get used to other things.
But Sho had nearly reached the point where he was ok with what had happened. He still hadn’t fully realized that he was a vampire now, but he had reached a kind of indifference. He wasn’t indifferent to his status, but to the situation he found himself in. It couldn’t be taken back. This monster was within him now and it couldn’t be destroyed unless he was destroyed, too. And even though he was still deathly afraid of the monster, he tried his best to accept it. It would definitely break free again, most likely as soon as the thirst came back. And in order to prepare for it, in order not to lose control completely, he tried to accept the monster.
Because Sho had been in the horrible blackness once before in his life and he knew what it felt like to bet hat close to giving himself up. And the experience had molded him, strenghthened him, and now he would not allow the situation to deteriorate this far. The circumstances were totally different, of course. But it felt the same.
“We’re here! Finally!” Aiba exclaimed, bringing him back to the present. He parked the car in front of Nino’s apartment and jumped out. Sho hurried to catch up to him, but stopped slightly behind the older vampire in front of Ninomiya’s door.
‘Hopefully Masaki-san won’t say anything… hopefully… we’re just here because of Matsumoto…’ Sho thought. He still wasn’t sure how Ninomiya would take the news or how he himself would react to Ninomiya, if it came to telling him that he was a vampire now, too.
Why did it take so long for Ninomiya to open the door?
Sho felt Aiba tense more with every minute that passed. He could feel his nervousness and worry.
“They are here…,” he whispered, trying to calm both Aiba and himself. If Matsumoto knew where Ninomiya lived, it wasn’t only Ninomiya that was in danger. Satoshi would be dragged into it, too, just like he himself had been dragged deep into the other vampires’ problems.
“What… What if Matsumoto beat us here after all…? If he… oh God, if he was here already… I have to get in there, Sho! I have-” But Aiba couldn’t finish his sentence.
Because suddenly the door was opened.
next chapter