[thread; closed]

Feb 23, 2009 21:14

Who: Yosuke Hanamura and [ everyone here].
Where: Hanamura residence to Terra streets.
When: Early evening to past curfew.
Summary: The shadow awakens.
Rating: R. Violence and language.
Other: End of the insanity.

The true me. )

shijima, shikamaru nara, deidara, shiro, william flemming, matamune, yosuke hanamura, light yagami, kazama souji, nill, hidan

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Comments 106

lazyish February 24 2009, 03:39:06 UTC
Shikamaru actually hadn't noticed Yosuke's absence from school because he'd ditched too. Shaken by the execution, he'd spent most of the day in the library researching meditation techniques until he got hungry, realized it was way past lunchtime and but not time for dinner at home, and decided instead that he'd pick up some Chinese and bring it over to Yosuke's place. What were the chances his dad would be home for dinner anyway, the city being in the state that it was in? Better to eat with his friend.

Pass or not, he didn't want to be out after curfew unnecessarily so he hurried by foot to Yosuke's house with a bag of sweet and sour and General Tso's and egg rolls and anything else that sounded good to munch on with a side of marijuana.

His hands were full, so he knocked on the door with the toe of his shoe.


waitingfora February 24 2009, 03:48:25 UTC
Yosuke had been in the kitchen when the knock on the door came. In both hands was a knife that he just pulled from the open drawer. He didn't really know what he was going to do with it; just knew that he needed it to activate his Branch of Sin. Something else that had been keeping the shadow quiet until now. Knowing everything there was to know about the weaker him while finding out what else was wrong with their -- his -- body.

Walking to the door, he put one knife into his other hand so that one was free to open. Who was it? Kiku? Yosuke was sure that his other had told the boy to leave just for a little bit -- afraid of what would happen otherwise. "Tch." More or less flinging the door open, he stared at his visitor. "Shika." Spoken almost like a curse, he began laughing.

"Who knew you'd be the first to see me now, too?" Cryptic comment as he waved his friend in -- the hand that held the knives hidden behind the door.


lazyish February 24 2009, 04:02:44 UTC
Okay... If that wasn't a little creepy...

Shikamaru stood there for a moment, one eyebrow arched. Was it a joke? It was a pretty... not funny joke. Although medication would do that to people. Illegal drugs too. And for that, Shikamaru could only blame himself. "Uh, right," he mumbled uneasily. He shrugged and held up the delivery bag, moving on, "Brought food for you."

Frowning to himself, he directed his gaze awkwardly down to the floor as he walked through the threshold.


waitingfora February 24 2009, 04:11:40 UTC
Swinging the door shut, it wasn't done in a manner to slam it though it did shake the handle a little as it closed. Yosuke shrugged as he more or less tossed the other knife into his now free hand. "Food, huh? That's great." He drew the word out as the sarcasm came naturally now.

"Shika, I have a question for you." He gestured about with the knife as he walked into the living room. "You can put that anyway." Not really hungry even if his counterpart hadn't eaten since whenever. Too sensitive for the shit that happened on the television, while all the while thinking that people like that deserved to be killed. What a hypocrite.

"You'll answer honestly, right?"


silencedbird February 24 2009, 06:24:02 UTC
Nill hadn’t thought very much of it when Yosuke hadn’t walked her to school for so many days awhile back, if she were being perfectly honest with herself. Perhaps a bit lonely, yes, but she had never once suspected that something might be wrong with her senpai. What fun could there really be in carting around a mute little girl that couldn’t entirely understand big words, like hyperventilate or unobstructed? (well, she was learning and did understand those a little, but not very much.) While Nill was a naïve child she had come to realize by going to school and being around more talkative people that being unable to speak could really be such a hindrance, and she wasn’t that surprised when Yosuke didn’t show up. She never would have thought that he’d been in the hospital during that time, or that he’d been hurt. (she wished that Shika had told her, to be honest, but she had only ever seen him with Yosuke. So it made sense that he hadn’t ( ... )


waitingfora February 24 2009, 06:49:04 UTC
His left arm was bleeding profusely as he walked down the sidewalk, dripping small bits of blood onto the cement as he went. Yosuke hid it underneath his sleeve as best he could along with the knives. Like he wanted the military or police to come and end his fun. He finally understood what it was that he should do. Get rid of everyone that liked that fake. Not the most sound or logical thought process, but that was because he was getting more agitated now that he had been released in the first place. Something that was supposed to remain hidden forever. Isn't that what he was ( ... )


silencedbird February 24 2009, 08:36:08 UTC
Nill wondered what she should really do tomorrow if Yosuke didn’t come to see her again. If he was hurt, then she wanted to be able to visit him this time and see if he was alright, and maybe get something for him if he needed it; she wanted to be able to help but didn’t know how or what she would do if that was the case, or if she’d even be able to go to the hospital (if it was that bad) to see him. But, if that wasn’t the case and there was nothing wrong with the orangey-haired boy and he just wanted to not be around her, then how could she go and see him without being a nuisance? Ahh, it was so confusing ( ... )


waitingfora February 24 2009, 16:32:32 UTC
It was an immediate response to slap her hand away when she reached out for him. He already decided that he wasn't going to be nice to people, anymore, hadn't he? His hand moved to push his bangs out of the way, which only caused him to smear some of that blood through his hair and forehead. A pause as he did look down to his hand. It was feeling cold, but nothing to be worried about yet. He knew what it felt like now to bleed to death. All thanks to that asshole. His stare at his bloodied hand was something close to seething hate before it faded to the smile of before. "Like I said, it's pretty important ( ... )


vigilancy February 27 2009, 21:00:46 UTC
Light had been working longer and longer hours in the days since martial rule had been declared - patrol work, mostly, which was, quite frankly, a waste of his talents. But Light recognized that his job with the NGPD involved certain sacrifices from time to time, in the name of justice, and this just so happened to be one of those instances.

He didn't complain, of course. In fact, Light had volunteered for patrol work, most simply because it needed to be done. Who else would do the job? Who else could do the job? Even if his skills could be put to better use elsewhere, Light knew he was more than capable.

Light had been assigned certain sectors of Terra for today's patrol shift. He scanned the streets carefully from behind the wheel of the patrol car for signs of movement or possible trouble. It was now after curfew; there was a good chance movement from anyone out on the streets and possible trouble were one and the same.


waitingfora February 28 2009, 01:19:49 UTC
The shadow caught sight of himself in the reflection of a store window. He had been trying to appear semi-normal, but that seemed to have more or less flown out the window. His forehead and area about his left eye were smeared with blood -- some of which had flattened down his hair. Bottom of his shirt was red, from when he tried to clean the blade off with it. Left arm looked akin to minced meat while his right just red with a knife in it ( ... )


vigilancy March 1 2009, 11:47:09 UTC
Light spotted a moving figure near one of the shop windows on this street - trouble already. He let a small sigh escape as he gently braked, and the police car crawled to a halt. This was surely a bad start to the night; curfew had only just begun. He flipped on the car's lights and hit the siren once, briefly, to capture the boy's attention, making a note of his appearance in the dim light of the street lamps and nearby neon shop signs - height, build, what looked like bloodstains. Something in his hand, possibly a weapon. Light figured there was a good chance he was probably on drugs, too. Drugs were a factor all too often in these kinds of situations ( ... )


waitingfora March 1 2009, 19:11:32 UTC
"Piss off." The shadow started to say at first, not wanting to deal with the police officer. He had flinched just slightly when the sirens were turned on -- not happy that his location was now officially given away. Why not just have the military come out? A pause. That's right. I'm a mutant now. I'm a freak. What will happen to me? What--

His head turned towards the voice. He knew that voice. Only heard it once, but given how his fake's emotions were running at the time, it was recognizable now. Yosuke had called this person to ask for help in finding the Man in Red. Nothing came of it, it seemed. Everyone really was just so fucking useless in this city. It should all just disappear. A bitter tone to his thoughts, not so much amused with everything now. Possibly because he was being reminded of something unpleasant ( ... )


holyish February 28 2009, 14:09:49 UTC
After the whole deal with Shika being fucking propelled through a goddamn window, Hidan made his way around the streets of Terra. His lips tensed into a straight line and eyes narrowed with dangerous and intensely violent ambition to make that punk’s face be ripped from his ugly-ass skull and rammed up his ass. It was noticeable that the hate and rage and whatever the fuck he was feeling right now manifested within himself that each movement he made was none other than destructive arrogance.

The military were already scattering along the streets. Rattling with guns or whatever. Goddamnit, this really wasn’t the best fucking time for those assholes to try and protect their retarded citizens ( ... )


waitingfora March 1 2009, 19:31:33 UTC
"God. So many people are just pissing me off." The shadow's breathing was harsh as he now had to avoid the military as he tried to find a place to hide until morning. Then the whole mess could just start all over again, until everything that bored him was gone, until he was satisfied. His hand went back to rubbing his forehead, feeling a headache starting. This only made him smear more red on his face, but he hardly cared at this point. Maybe the growing darkness would hide it?He had bee more or less looking down at to his knife, wondering if he could hide it in his sleeve again, before running into someone. "Jesus, do you know how to fucking walk?" Drawing himself up, he glared at the white-haired asshole. He was slightly confused about why this person had blood on his face as well. "Look, we're twins." A bitchy remark but he was not in the mood, regardless of how pissed this person looked. Like he could actually stand up to him ( ... )


holyish March 1 2009, 20:51:11 UTC
Yeah, that was probably Yosuke, scrawny faggot that Shikamaru hanged out with. Hidan stopped in his tracks and rolled his head to see the other. Fuck he reeked like shit. A hand ran through the older’s hair, and his breath was much deeper, heavier and a groan emerged from his mouth - fucking disappointment. This was going to end so damn quickly, and Hidan thought he had a challenge. Tough shit for him.

"Man...you gotta be kidding me." He murmured more to himself. "A weak piece of shit like you hurt Shika? God damnit, why is it always the retarded ones..." A deep inhale and Hidan fully turned to Yosuke. His lips straight but expression still marked with murderous intent. With a shrug he continued to talk, "All right shithead. Let’s get this over and done with, seriously ( ... )


waitingfora March 1 2009, 21:12:56 UTC
Is he talking to himself? His head turned slightly to look at him before another shrug of the shoulders as he decided that he didn't give enough of a damn to make fun or ask him to speak up. Mumbling was so annoying. It was when the other spoke up that he finally responded. "Are you talking to m--" The shadow turned slightly to the voice, thinking that he had heard it before but not sure where he had. It came to him soon enough as his hair was grabbed, his left hand coming up to grab onto the wrist to try at get him off, with the right stabbing blindly behind him to help in the process ( ... )


waitingfora March 8 2009, 03:07:32 UTC
Looks like he didn't even have to worry about Shiro being his distraction. Seemed like Hidan would draw most of their fire. He already was crawling away on his hands and knees, trying to get as far as he could away from them. The shadow would have screamed something that they were mutants that they deserved to be caught, but it seemed like he would not even have to worry about that. Shiro seemed to think these people were dangerous or whatever the hell was going on in her head and started a fight with the military. Figured that from hearing her scream in the background some loud saying that was meant to be an attack. Or maybe from her being overpowered ( ... )


blackhillcat March 8 2009, 05:00:04 UTC
It was an interesting night to be out. Shijima had been prowling the streets in her cat form out of pure boredome and she found a very interesting scene. Yosuke was up and about well after the curfew. It was... interesting to watch. She had decided that she would not interfere in the fights, like how she decided to watch the world change. She was merely an observer, after all.

But then... But then, she was still only human. Or was she a cat with a human heart? She wasn't sure anymore. The fact was, she had changed back at some point and she was now presenting herself to Yosuke Hanamura. She wondered why she did. Was it pity? Curiosity? Worry? He was injured, after all. Still... Still.

"Have you found your answers, Yosuke Hanamura?" The girl in the shadows asked. She stood there, looking up at Yosuke on the wall, her head cocked to one side.


waitingfora March 8 2009, 05:17:42 UTC
"Shijima." His words were slightly slurred and heavy, what with his tongue having been cut just moments before. Not to mention that he still sounded as a shadow. Words even more distorted as he was so weakened. No knife in his hand, no way to kill the girl in front of him. Even with all his injuries and blood, he did not have much strength left to summon his Persona. His skin had turned slightly pale but his arms remained over his stomach. He'd live. Maybe he'd lie again to get free, not knowing that she'd seen everything.

"What answers?" He tried to pretend for a moment to be Yosuke, but was beginning to find that he barely knew what it was to be that fake anymore. Did Yosuke know how to be Yosuke? "You have to help me. The military ... we could go to your ..." No. Shika would just alert the authorities of what had happened and then I'd end up being caught. His eyes shifted around. What did it matter now?"What does it matter? The only place I could hide now is that shrine with that fucking cat." The shadow spit on the sidewalk, ( ... )


blackhillcat March 8 2009, 09:39:27 UTC
Shijima looked at the spot Yosuke had spat on. It splattered on the sidewalk, but got on her shoe. Probably what he was aiming for anyway. Still, she did not move away. Even if he did try to kill her, and let's say he succeeds, she would still be able to wake up and go to school in the morning, as if nothing had happened to her the night before. If it happened, anyway. She still didn't understand why she couldn't-- no, not the time to think about that. There were more pressing matters ( ... )


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