shadow plot update

Feb 14, 2009 02:40

Next Tuesday (Feb. 17) - Yosuke is completely healed from the Tetora incident. Toly sent him to Elysium where he was completely fixed up. The shadow is still lingering in his thoughts, however. Meaning, despite he is healed, he still is being vicious towards people without understanding why.

Between Tuesday - Wednesday - Cross-dressing plot between Yosuke and Kiku. [Courtesy of Felix's sick mind.]

Next-Next Wednesday (Feb. 25) - Shadow completely takes over Yosuke's personality. Which means it will run rampant in the streets. Now, the only difference between the Elysium and Terra situations is that Shadow!Yosuke is actually focused on a set group of people rather than just rampaging around like a loon.

What this finally means for your characters -- you have the choice to fight Shadow!Yosuke who has a Persona that he calls from his Branch of Sin or exempted. So those of you that are listed as Yosuke's friends or acquaintances, you can sign up to be listed as people who he is going to visit and try to Persona your face in.

I suppose I should give the ending idea to this plot? Well, of course, he will eventually become tired from lack of blood. But that will not necessarily make the Shadow disappear. The shadow is present because Yosuke continues to deny that that part of him exists -- and fear that the dark part of his personality would never, ever be accepted by other people. Which is why it is so violent and crazy (crazier thanks to Tetora and Yosuke now trying to deny all the negative emotions of that incident).

Once the shadow is weakened to where it won't be able to fight any more, someone can actually try to talk sense into it. If you want to? A character can always do it later when he's recuperating -- and I'd just say that the shadow has turned completely into his Persona and now all is well in the world. Or if no one wants to go down that route, after the shadow is weakened, Yosuke returns completely to normal. With new angst to deal with. *laughs*

Sound good everyone?

Well, sign up if you want to be part of this insanity.

Maimed [or otherwise beaten?]
- Shika
- Nill
- Light
- William Flemmings
- Shiro

- Kazama
- Hidan

End plot
- Shijima
- Matamune

[CLOSED -- no one else can sign up for this plot, sorry. @-@;]

Ilu, hubby. ♥


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