[thread; closed]

Feb 23, 2009 21:14

Who: Yosuke Hanamura and [ everyone here].
Where: Hanamura residence to Terra streets.
When: Early evening to past curfew.
Summary: The shadow awakens.
Rating: R. Violence and language.
Other: End of the insanity.

The true me. )

shijima, shikamaru nara, deidara, shiro, william flemming, matamune, yosuke hanamura, light yagami, kazama souji, nill, hidan

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holyish February 28 2009, 14:09:49 UTC
After the whole deal with Shika being fucking propelled through a goddamn window, Hidan made his way around the streets of Terra. His lips tensed into a straight line and eyes narrowed with dangerous and intensely violent ambition to make that punk’s face be ripped from his ugly-ass skull and rammed up his ass. It was noticeable that the hate and rage and whatever the fuck he was feeling right now manifested within himself that each movement he made was none other than destructive arrogance.

The military were already scattering along the streets. Rattling with guns or whatever. Goddamnit, this really wasn’t the best fucking time for those assholes to try and protect their retarded citizens ( ... )


waitingfora March 1 2009, 19:31:33 UTC
"God. So many people are just pissing me off." The shadow's breathing was harsh as he now had to avoid the military as he tried to find a place to hide until morning. Then the whole mess could just start all over again, until everything that bored him was gone, until he was satisfied. His hand went back to rubbing his forehead, feeling a headache starting. This only made him smear more red on his face, but he hardly cared at this point. Maybe the growing darkness would hide it?He had bee more or less looking down at to his knife, wondering if he could hide it in his sleeve again, before running into someone. "Jesus, do you know how to fucking walk?" Drawing himself up, he glared at the white-haired asshole. He was slightly confused about why this person had blood on his face as well. "Look, we're twins." A bitchy remark but he was not in the mood, regardless of how pissed this person looked. Like he could actually stand up to him ( ... )


holyish March 1 2009, 20:51:11 UTC
Yeah, that was probably Yosuke, scrawny faggot that Shikamaru hanged out with. Hidan stopped in his tracks and rolled his head to see the other. Fuck he reeked like shit. A hand ran through the older’s hair, and his breath was much deeper, heavier and a groan emerged from his mouth - fucking disappointment. This was going to end so damn quickly, and Hidan thought he had a challenge. Tough shit for him.

"Man...you gotta be kidding me." He murmured more to himself. "A weak piece of shit like you hurt Shika? God damnit, why is it always the retarded ones..." A deep inhale and Hidan fully turned to Yosuke. His lips straight but expression still marked with murderous intent. With a shrug he continued to talk, "All right shithead. Let’s get this over and done with, seriously ( ... )


waitingfora March 1 2009, 21:12:56 UTC
Is he talking to himself? His head turned slightly to look at him before another shrug of the shoulders as he decided that he didn't give enough of a damn to make fun or ask him to speak up. Mumbling was so annoying. It was when the other spoke up that he finally responded. "Are you talking to m--" The shadow turned slightly to the voice, thinking that he had heard it before but not sure where he had. It came to him soon enough as his hair was grabbed, his left hand coming up to grab onto the wrist to try at get him off, with the right stabbing blindly behind him to help in the process ( ... )


holyish March 2 2009, 05:05:03 UTC
The satisfying crack of Yosuke’s nose made the laughter that was bottled within Hidan erupt from his mouth in spurts of fanatic crazed chuckling. His movements erratic as his hand rubbed his face. Fuck, this guy was pretty retarded wasn’t he? Fuck - this was just going to be boring. But at least it’ll be worth it seeing this bastard’s jaw hanging from his ugly-ass face. The knives were of no effect, fucking cut wounds slashing along his abdomen was nothing but a playtime and his fist coiled around the back of Yosuke’s skull released, the rising urge to squish the fucker’s face against the brick wall was immense ( ... )


waitingfora March 2 2009, 05:33:51 UTC
He held his arm to his face to deal with his nose, bleeding over his sleeve with the pain just between his eyes growing. His head shook from left to right in order to see if that would help him much before he finally pulled away from the brick wall. "Asshole." The Persona formed at his side after the attack, not yet called away for the time being. It was smaller than it was before -- either to conserve energy or his thinking was becoming little more erratic that it was hard to keep his mind straight on holding the Persona's form ( ... )


holyish March 2 2009, 06:13:34 UTC
Hidan slicked his wet bloodied hair back with a blackened hand. Shit...shit. So it wasn’t really Shikamaru that had this demonic crap in him, it was Hidan himself. Well that was just fucking awesome, and the corners of his mouth cracked into a vulgar grin as he heard the other mutter bullshit. a hand went into his pant pocket to take out the compact scythe that was personally made for his, a constant sound of deep dark chuckles emitted from his mouth and with a flick of a wrist the scythe expanded to revel three large blades attached to a long handle.

"Whoa - wait a sec! A fucking retard?!" He exclaimed with hideous humor that emerged in a raspy unbalanced tune from the hollow of the neck before deep half-insane laughter left his mouth, tossing his head upwards with the cackle and scythe swung over his shoulder. "Oh man, you’re gonna make me bust a fucking gut if you keep dribbling shit like that!!" Fingers tipped the weapon in hand so it was pointed to Yosuke. "So don’t compare me to a sack of crap like you ( ... )


waitingfora March 2 2009, 07:04:41 UTC
"A scythe?" He straightened slightly as he saw it. His head tilted just slightly in confusion as to what he was seeing. "Do you think you're the Grim-fucking-Reaper?" Hand over his face, he started to laugh -- difficult to do with a broken nose and blood still rushing a bit down his face from it, but it was such an odd sight. Just what were they? Just ( ... )


holyish March 2 2009, 21:23:45 UTC
What the fuck was with this idiot?! Looking at Hidan as though he had never seen a fucking mutant before! Well, hah! This guy was just asking for it and Hidan was sure as hell going to deliver it - half for his own amusement and other half for his brother’s sake. What could Hidan say? Most of the fun was ripping assholes like Yosuke to shreds.

The wound inflicted by the scythe formerly dodged and Hidan swung his occupied hand back over his shoulder - moving to make a downing gesture of just splitting this fucker into two; until he felt a mass of thick sticky blood that emerged from his throat, the side of his cheek and eyeball. "Shit..." He muttered inaudibly before jerking up a leg and literally shoving Yosuke back. Fucking hell - that fucking hurt! His eye had better grow the fuck back or Hidan was going to be pissed! He stumbled back and reached up to take the knife handle from his skull and yanked on it, releasing a stream of murky eyeball liquid and blood that formed a pool at his feet ( ... )


waitingfora March 2 2009, 21:46:37 UTC
A bit more blood was spit on Hidan's face as the shadow was kicked backwards, landing on his side. It took him a few seconds to realize that the knife was missing, still sticking out from the other's eye. He laid there for a moment, not sure what to expect. He should be dead, he should be dead, he should be-- His thoughts were becoming a little hysterical from fear that Hidan was still standing. Why? The word was mouthed on his lips as he started to stand up in a hesitant manner. It was like before. Like it hurt but, but it didn't do anything. It doesn't...

"Ah..." A high-pitched noise as he saw the scythe dig into Hidan's own body. Was that just to intimidate me? That I can't do anything to you! Why was he just standing there? He didn't understand anything that was going on at this point. Looking around, he wondered if he should run or not. Just like he had when he realized that Kazama would be just a little too much trouble to fight. His head shook violently as his hands pressed on either side; the injuries he had taken were ( ... )


holyish March 2 2009, 23:10:48 UTC
That’s right: a blood-drawn circle with an inverted triangle, right? Fucking satanic bullshit or something, like Hidan cared. He renounced that motherfucker called God only not so long ago - and Yosuke can rot with the big man. His own lips twitched into a hysterically excited sneer. And not without any realization and total ignorance to Yosuke and himself connection by this known curse, Hidan withdrew the knife that penetration his hand - a wince placed itself along his lips as a small oddly feral moan emerged from his mouth. This pain...unlike anything he experienced before ( ... )


waitingfora March 3 2009, 02:23:38 UTC
His hand remained over his bloodied shoulder, rocking slightly in the street, not understanding why his powers were not working for him. It doesn't make any sense. It doesn't. A high yelp as the knife sunk into Hidan's shoulder, having the same pain and injury reflect on his own body. But his fingers still dipped into the wound on his shoulder, the blood pooling down his arm. It wasn't the same as when he hurt himself to make his Persona appear; it wasn't the same which meant that he had to be aware that it hurt. "Just the start?" The tone of his voice sounded smaller than before as he looked up nervously ( ... )


holyish March 4 2009, 03:02:44 UTC
Hidan’s head tilted, his lips pursed, the tip of his tongue glided over the top row of teeth to lap up his own and Yosuke’s blood before letting the fleshy organ in his mouth emit a soft clacking sound - a eyebrow quirked up and, wait a second? Why the fuck was Yosuke bleeding from the shoulder? The same shoulder that Hidan stabbed himself with? Fucking weirdo. Or maybe - tch, bullshit. That would have been weird as fuck; Hidan didn’t even think that it was possible. Then again, the deep slash embedded on Yosuke’s abdomen? - Hidan’s lips cracked into a grin, reveling all gory and messy yellow-white teeth and bloodied gums ( ... )


coooooookies March 4 2009, 16:09:01 UTC
The minute Hidan's leg lifted in order to land a blow at Yosuke's jaw, there was a blur of white streaked with red. A small, lithe figure crouched down, leg swinging upward in a bare-footed kick directed at Hidan's torso - hitting with enough power to send the black-and-white monstrosity staggering backwards at the very least. Most men would be knocked flat on their back entirely.

"Ultra deluxe extreme powerful side-side super kick hakuden kame-hame-ha kick!!"

The girl rose up to her feet, bouncing once before placing herself defensively before Yosuke, arms stretched out in an obvious sign of protection over him. "Never fear! Aceman is here!!"


waitingfora March 5 2009, 03:30:25 UTC
His eyes widened as he felt his tongue be cut by the knife just as beofre when the scythe cut Hidan's torso, appearing on his own body. Or rather, the aftermath of the injury, feeling it break and bleed into a thin line, filling his mouth with blood. He began to cough and spit in order to get the taste out of his mouth -- wanting to call his Persona but knowing that that would only make matters worse for him at this point. This is-- The shadow was unsure how to finish the thought, still trying to get the taste of blood out of his mouth. He only ended it running down the side of his face, having not yet gotten up from the injury of before.

He began trembling. There was really no way that he could get out of this. If he tried to run at this point, he had no way to escape. The bastard could just kill him even if he was present. Right? He had no idea how the other's powers worked. The most he could do was anger this person enough to kill him fast -- just like that other bastard. It wasn't fair. It wasn't fair. Everyone was just getting ( ... )


holyish March 6 2009, 19:25:35 UTC
What. The. Fuck!? Seriously, having some little bitch suddenly ram the sole of her foot in your gut is really not the best way to go, or landing on your ass, which Hidan so ungracefully as the wound in his stomach slightly opened and a bit of intestine just peeked from the self-inflicted slit. He rubbed a bloodied palmed against his face and groaned with frustration, "Fuuuuck -- what the shit?! Give me a goddamn break...man, seriously." With a coiled fist tucking away at the leaking gut, Hidan went to stand with wavering unbalanced movements, raising an eyebrow at the bitch in white in a moronic gesture ( ... )


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