To Traci (and anyone who's interested)

Sep 20, 2006 22:26

A small explanation in advance for the friends of mine who have no idea what I'm typing about::
Traci (
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Comments 33

eveiya September 20 2006, 21:17:34 UTC
Heh. From her website - big and very clear difference between the original dress and her version. In fact, she does herself no favours by showing pictures of both together on the same page, unless of course people are confused. And again, on the web page, no clear labelling of the photo of the original gown...


eveiya September 20 2006, 21:19:16 UTC
P.S. Perhaps she should friends-lock her website too?


naergilien September 20 2006, 21:29:36 UTC
Well, the basic pattern of the dress is correct, it's just that the fabric is not stiff enough and the pleating. As I've already said, it's still better than many other reproductions I have seen; this one here for example ( ... )


naergilien September 20 2006, 21:31:21 UTC
Oops, got the link to the reproduction wrong. Here it is again, this time correct:
That's what comes from people using frames on their websites, *sigh*...

BTW: EVEIYA! Long time no see! *hugs* ;-)


shonao September 20 2006, 22:41:11 UTC
Actually, none of those pictures do the dress justice, and the dress is sooooooo _VERY_ close to accurate.
And for your information, the hits are not due to Traci, but other people you have obviously alienated and/or just really pissed off.

What it all came down to from a 3rd party point of view is that you just have to learn how to be tactful instead of basically never having a positive comment for anyone. And if you have constructive critisism, do so in a tactful manner, not the condescending manner of which you have succeeded in using.

I do not know you, do not pretend to do so. However, when there are more of the same exact examples offered of these comments on lots of other pages, you kind of have to reevaluate how you interact with people, you know?


fieryredhead September 20 2006, 23:07:37 UTC
1) You do not know the original fabric of evrey gown ever made. Did you see the original gown? Funny because I took my information from people who actually did. Regardless; silk crepe comes in varying weights and stiffness. I chose the fabric I liked best. My opinion is silk taffeta is way too shiny for this gown. I agree it is not identical to the movie; the buds are too big because the flowiness of the crepe refused to pleat small enough. But you know what? I'm very proud of my gown ( ... )


naergilien September 21 2006, 07:16:18 UTC
1) You do not know the original fabric of evrey gown ever made. Did you see the original gown? Funny because I took my information from people who actually did.

No, I have not seen the gown in person; but I *do* have a vast knowledge about fabrics and how they drape and 'behave'.
I actually have a sample of that heavy indian taffeta here and could send it to you so that you can judge whether it would have been an extremely good choice or not. It's not shiny at all, just like all silk taffeta it has a certain subtile sheen, but it's not shiny.
Just out of curiosity: The 'people you got your information from' do not include a certain someone who puts a tremendous amount of work into her gowns just to have an outcome that looks beautiful but still as if it's been made about 2-3 sizes too large for her? (I'm fully aware that this question will practically invite further people to bashing my journal, thank you.)

if I ask for advice or thoughts on how something is made that is one thing; unsolicited critisism is another.Uhm, hello? My ( ... )


Little clarification... tagancalera September 21 2006, 13:36:45 UTC
I don't know you. I barely know fieryredhead. I don't have any reason to get in between the two of you on this and I'm suprised, based on the obvious content this was leading to, that I even chose to read this post ( ... )


puzzleoflight September 21 2006, 13:38:06 UTC
I think you are completely missing the point as to why she unfriended you. It has to do more with the way you told her the picture was confusing in the auction rather than the fact that you told her. Several people have considered that it might have something to do with the language barrier, but there is a tactful way of commenting on the picture and your comment was not at all tactful or polite. Instead of pointing out what was wrong with the costume to make the picture inaccurate, all you had to say was this:

The picture of the original gown is not clearly labeled in the auction, which can be confusing to buyers who might think that is the exact gown they are getting.

See? The comments you made about the pleating being incorrect were completely uncessary and in fact a little rude. Why can you not seem to realize this? Every comment I've seen you make on Traci's journal has been negative in some way. Are you really that negative of a person or do you simply not realize that what you are doing is not courteous?


raveness1072 September 21 2006, 02:56:22 UTC
The fact that you've demonstrated bizarre behavior for years does not have much to do with Traci's gown, you're right. Since you asked, my point was and is that the list of people you've upset, hurt, angered or frustrated is long and distinguished. People who have otherwise admired some of your work, and liked your previous website, ended up a fascinated audience to your total break with reality. Fascinated like you would be at ... well ... a car wreck ( ... )


naergilien September 21 2006, 06:46:07 UTC
Since you asked, my point was and is that the list of people you've upset, hurt, angered or frustrated is long and distinguished.

The list of people who learned one or two things or improved their way of working because of what I ever said is longer. That's what counts to me.

Here's a scenario for you. Say someone posts a photo of a gown that they just finished because people have asked to see it, and they're really excited about it. Do you: (...)Depends on the costume. If the costume is said to be a screen accurate version, and if it asks for synthetic blend fabric then I'll probably say it's very well done. If the costume is *not* labeled to be 'as accurate as possible' and does the same if it originally yels for silk velvet instead of acetate velvet, I'll still say it's beautiful ( ... )


babydolgrl September 21 2006, 05:17:19 UTC
When I looked at the dress on ebay and other pics i've seen bfore, it was beautiful! It is definitely what someone who is a Mina fan will be looking for, I think Traci is very talented. No one is ever perfect at what they do and she has never claimed to be perfect, and trying to correct others is not right. She made the dress for herself and it was her right to make it the way she wanted to, not how you or anyone else wanted her to make it, because it was her's. Especially when you claim you are her supposed "friend". She was your friend when alot of other people wouldn;t be and this is how you respond to her. That wasn't contructive criticism you left, that was intentionally insulting your "friend". It seems like everything you ever write is negative in effect. I'm not a backpatter, i'm very opionated when it comes to things, but sometimes you should think before you speak/write and ask yourself is this appropriate before you start shooting posts off. She left a simple post and you turned it into drama. Obviously that is all you ( ... )


pinque September 21 2006, 06:52:05 UTC
That would be me. I did it because so much ugliness was coming from people sharing half stories without the other half having a chance to be told. I can't say what the other side is as I wasn't there, so I don't think it's fair for me to then say "no no you're all wrong it really went like this ( ... )


naergilien September 21 2006, 07:27:31 UTC
That would be me.

No, I think that comment was directed to Eveiya, who commented earlier than you... ;-)

but rather that the original photo was misleading because it was on a dummy not the actress? I think if you'd left it at that it would have been fine, it was the word disappointed that I think people have seen and are responding to.

That's what I actually meant and said (concerning the dummy)! And *if* someone does *not* know that this dummy picture shows the original gown, would buy the gown because of the dummy photo and receive it, *then* they would be disappointed because Tracis gown does not look like the original gown on that dummy.

But I think this all here is about something else. It's demonstrating the power of a longgg friends list over a short one, if I'm not too wrong. It's also about people who will constantly lie just to have 'friends'. I never wanted nor needed that.

I would never suggest anyone change their personality simply to conform, but I've found myself that I needed to either very carefully phrase a ( ... )


pinque September 21 2006, 08:56:09 UTC
I thought it was in reference elsewhere, not over here:)

It's very easy to take it personally, in much the same way there is great debate about the art in recreation costumes or not. I personally feel there is very little art in recreating someone else's work, and I do it(!) but that doesn't mean that great beauty and skill aren't present or possible. Art is ephemeral and because of that so easy for it to be seen as more important than skill.
So costuming like the stage is very personal (at least I have foudn this in myself and in the online world and amongst people I have had personal interactions with.) You put your ideas out there and your skills for the public to see. And discuss. And usually long after you have finished it and can't make any changes;)


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