Glee | Pillsbury Ponders Past & Present | Emma, W/E (One Shot)

Feb 20, 2011 10:05

Started my daily ficlets to make the hiatus pass, then decided to keep going with a 2nd cycle and then a 3rd, all through to a 23rd. Now cycle 24!

if you have things you would like to see get written, pleeease drop by the suggestion box. The link is further down!

ALPHABET 2.0 - So nearly a year ago (HA!) I had done a set of stories taking inspiration by words, three for each letter of the alphabet. Well now I wanted to do something like that, but using the alphabet another way. Instead of random words, I made sentences, all with those same letters (you'll see). The first half was in cycle 22, now here's the second half, over cycle 24!
TODAY: P is for... (16 of 26)

Emma, Will/Emma

Maybe it was the guidance counsellor part in her that had her so worried… maybe it was everything else, with the two of them… But for the last few weeks, she’d become concerned for Will.

She remembered the man she’d met, just barely three years ago… Prince Charming… Even without the Glee Club there to fill that dream of his, he had this spirit about him. It was so many little things… things that had made her go and fall for him. She’d never met anyone like him and, even if he was married, and everything was impossible for them because of that, he made her feel so special by being who he was, exactly who he was…

She’d had these issues of hers for a good part of her life, and even if she was perfectly fine with who she was, it didn’t mean everyone else was. They all probably thought she couldn’t see them staring sometimes, but she did. And, sure, Will sort of gave her some of those himself, but it wasn’t the same.

And they’d become friends. Some of it was hard; every time the topic of Terri came up, her head would turn, eyes would veer in any other direction but wherever Will was. Maybe she was feeling a little stupid for having these feelings, holding on to him when she knew it wouldn’t happen… But he was who she was, and she couldn’t forget about that even if she tried.

But then when things had started to change, it was just… it was like she’d betrayed herself, holding on for so long. She tried to hand on, keep on smiling, do her best to keep on going, because it was… it was just one moment in time, and maybe things would change, get better, and if she gave up now then she would have felt worse.

So she stuck it out, even if she felt more and more like she had lost him. Their failed attempt at a relationship wasn’t going to make any of it easier, but she just couldn’t put a line in between them… and then… Carl…

Now there she was, with this great guy who loved her to pieces, who treated her with such care, to the point where he just changed her life for the better, and meanwhile she was left with some thoughts, of how things were… and what went on in her mind…

Her concerns for Will were not the easiest to address knowing the kind of doors it could and would open. But even then she couldn’t help but see him and just miss that guy who’d caught her when she fell on that first day. She knew the whole situation with Terri had really hit him hard; she wasn’t going to fault him for that. She just couldn’t understand how the guy had gone from what he was to what he’d become… that made him sound like a monster, which was by no means what she was saying, no… not at all…

That was the other thought, the one she tried not to listen to, now that she was with Carl… It wasn’t going away, the feelings she’d had for Will… and it wasn’t like she hadn’t tried, it was only that… It had supported her for so long, maintained a place in her heart, and asking her to live without it… She feared her heart would collapse.



[Cycle 01] [Cycle 02] [Cycle 03] [Cycle 04] [Cycle 05]
[Cycle 06] [Cycle 07] [Cycle 08] [Cycle 09] [Cycle 10]
[Cycle 11] [Cycle 12] [Cycle 13] [Cycle 14] [Cycle 15]
[Cycle 16] [Cycle 17] [Cycle 18] [Cycle 19] [Cycle 20]
Started my daily ficlets to make the hiatus pass, then decided to keep going with a 2nd cycle and then a 3rd, all through to a 23rd. Now cycle 24!
[Cycle 24]
[484] [485] [486]

Suggestion Drop Off

Title: "Pillsbury Ponders Past & Present"
Pairing: Emma, Will/Emma
Rating: G
Summary: Emma's always cared for him, and nowadays that care means worry.
Spoilers: Season 2.. sort of...

couple: will and emma, show: glee, grouping: gleekathon cycle 24, character: emma pillsbury, gleekathon: abc2, gleekathon

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