Glee | The Home Wall: 4. Homeroom | Brittany (4 of 6)

Jun 15, 2011 10:39

Started my daily ficlets to make the hiatus pass, then decided to keep going with a 2nd cycle, and then a 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th , 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th, and 25th, 26th, 27th, and 28th cycle. Now cycle 29!

if you have things you would like to see get written, pleeease drop by the suggestion box. The link is further down!

TOP 16, TAKE 2: Okay so a couple cycles back, I did my second 'top of Glee at the moment' cycle. Now since I was still in university and such at the time, those were planned a while back, before the second half of the season every started. This made it that by the time that cycle rolled around I realized that some things had changed... Things were added, removed, bumped up... Point is it didn't really reflect where I was anymore. So I decided 'what the heck, I'll do another one ASAP!' And so here we are :) This is my revised Top 16 (of course I HAD to plan before the finale, so there are still a couple things missing like Samcedes, Unholy Trinity, etc, but let's assume they're there ;) They'll get some love in coming cycles ;)) So off we go!
Coming in at number one... (continuing the number one story, as I explained last week :))


(Part of this chapter is inspired by something
we caught in the performance of "Don't Stop"
in ep 2x19 "Rumours" :))

Brittany woke up on Monday morning and she didn’t know what made her so warm now, if it was the time she’d spent in New York with Alexis and her family, the blanket covering her up, or the sun coming through the window… Maybe it was all of it. She hadn’t felt this good in so long, for a second she thought maybe she was still dreaming.

She didn’t hear anything, which was to say she couldn’t hear Tessa or Aimee. Normally she’d hear them getting ready for the day, or still snoring, or whispering at each other from their respective beds because they thought she was still asleep… But there was nothing. She sat up in her bed, looked around… No, they weren’t there, they…

It was ten… Ten in the morning… Monday, ten…

She practically leapt off the top bunk and somehow managed not to break her neck on the way down. She was late for class. It was a good thing she’d showered before she left New York. She hurried up and changed, grabbing whatever food she could find before dashing off, eating and running. Maybe she’d end up regretting it later, she wasn’t sure.

She got a good stare down from her teacher, but she was allowed to join the others, and so her day started. With the boost she’d gotten from her trip, and the immediate launch into her classes, she hardly had time to think about sadness, or concerns, or that not forty-eight hours earlier she had said she wanted to go home and she had meant it.

At lunch time, she had met up with Tessa and Aimee in the cafeteria… This was probably the first time the three of them had some kind of proper conversation. They wanted to know what had happened, why she’d left so suddenly. Tessa told her how seeing the note on her bed had made Aimee think the worst for a moment, but then they’d read it. She also told her how that morning they hadn’t woken her because they figured she’d need to the rest; she did, and those few hours more had really helped. Brittany told them she needed to get away from school for a while, and they said they understood. If she’d stayed a little longer she might have heard from them how they had once felt the same way, but then she saw someone pass by with envelopes in hand, and she remembered: there would be mail on that day… maybe mail for her, too.

She excused herself from her roommates and headed to the mailboxes. She didn’t think twice, put in the little key, twisted it, opened the door… and then she stopped. Lima postage. She stared at the envelope for a while, not even touching it… What would this letter do to her? What if all these good feelings went away and she started feeling sad again? She couldn’t keep driving to New York and back every time it happened… Maybe it was Santana; maybe she’d finally written, she…

When she pulled out the envelope, already she could tell it wasn’t from her; the handwriting wasn’t hers. Actually, it wasn’t anyone’s that she could recognize, it… She blinked when she read the name on the return label…

After closing the mailbox, she’d gone back to her room, climbed up on her bed before she could open the letter; at least she imagined that was what it was… When she started reading it, she realized she was smiling, actually smiling…

Dear Brittany,
I heard around the Glee room that everyone was writing you letters, so I thought I’d give it a go. I’ve started to realize how your not being there has changed things, even for me. Not many of your classmates took the care the way you did to say hello to me from time to time, for more than to tell me which song to play, of course. But we can keep that between us, alright?

Now I don’t know what they’ll be telling you in their letters, but you should know they’re all very proud of you. They talk about you, before practice, even during practice, and even if a lot of times they mention how much they miss you, what I hear even more often is how they’re so happy that this could happen to you and how much you deserved it.

I don’t know if you’ll have been able to keep up with what I already taught you. I’m sure there has to have a piano somewhere in that school of yours for you practice, but I’m sure you’re very busy with your classes. Don’t worry though, it’ll still be in there somewhere. Those first few weeks were so difficult on both of us, I don’t think you could forget, and neither could I. You were getting better on the end though, and I have to say it’s a shame we didn’t get to go on, but if it had to be for this then I can deal with it. You just keep on dancing and we’ll be good.

Take care of yourself,

She took in a breath, let it out… It hadn’t been as hard as she’d thought it would be, hearing about home right then… It hurt, still; she hadn’t thought it would just magically go away, but at least she wasn’t crawling in a ball with all her souvenirs or anything like that.

She had taken up those piano lessons with him at the start of the previous year, after he’d come in to find her with her forehead almost pressed into the keys. He’d joked in saying she might as well learn how to play them, if she was going to watch from so close. She hadn’t realized he was just saying like that, and she’d said ‘okay.’ At first he wasn’t sure, and she couldn’t say she blamed him. It was like he’d said, the start of it was no fun for either of them. But she’d stuck with it and then…

Oh, was that why he’d brought it up? Like he was trying to remind her about that? Maybe… But she still couldn’t get herself out of that dark hole just yet… She missed them all so much that it did physically ache. And then to add that there was the fact that there were some people she really did want to hear from so much, have something to add to her wall, so she could turn and see them there when she was upset… That was what it was, she got it now… her wall… It was to make her think of home, yes, but it was also a source of comfort. Like no matter how bad things got, she could just look to that wall, read the words, look at the images, and she’d remember everything that was good… She stared at that wall all through the rest of the hour and if she hadn’t had to leave for class, maybe she would have stared at it all day and night.



[Cycle 01] [Cycle 02] [Cycle 03] [Cycle 04] [Cycle 05]
[Cycle 06] [Cycle 07] [Cycle 08] [Cycle 09] [Cycle 10]
[Cycle 11] [Cycle 12] [Cycle 13] [Cycle 14] [Cycle 15]
[Cycle 16] [Cycle 17] [Cycle 18] [Cycle 19] [Cycle 20]
[Cycle 21] [Cycle 22] [Cycle 23] [Cycle 24] [Cycle 25]
[Cycle 26] [Cycle 27] [Cycle 28]
[Cycle 29]
[589] [590] [591] [592] [593]
[594] [595] [596] [597] [598]
[599] [600] [601]

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Title: "The Home Wall: 4. Homeroom"
Pairing: None; Brittany, Brad
Rating: G
Summary: Now that she's in Boston, she can't wait to get letters from home and reply to them.
Spoilers: AU, X-Over... so no, not really ;)

character: brad the pianist, character: brittany, show: glee, gleekathon: dancing shoes, gleekathon: top 16 take 2, gleekathon

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